The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1099 Shadow Diamond

The corridor is quiet and dark.

Some old wooden floors squeaked strangely underfoot.

And the air was filled with a thick, almost suffocating atmosphere of shadow.

Here, getting closer and closer to the core of darkness, the flame aura around Greem was also greatly suppressed, and could only barely extend half a meter outside his body, barely able to protect his body and clothes.

And in Greem's strange pair of eyes, one real and one empty, the corridor in front of him was comparable to a haunted house. Wisps of shadow energy that seemed to have substance emitted from the second room on the left, slowly and realistically. Swimming and dancing in the corridor.

Because the shadow aura is too strong, these strange shadows seem to have signs of activation.

They were floating and squirming in the narrow corridor in groups, constantly twisting and deforming into various weird and bizarre shapes. Looking from a distance, it looks like terrifying demons waiting for their prey to come to them.

As soon as Greem stepped into the corridor and stepped into the clear darkness, a group of nearest shadow suddenly activated into a strange big mouth full of fangs, biting at him viciously.

Greem snorted lightly, and the lightning in his right hand wrapped in flames reached out and pierced into the mouth of the strange mouth. No matter how hard the opponent bit and grinded it, it was unable to penetrate the flame barrier and injure his arm at all. Greem's big hand explored the inside of the strange mouth for a moment, and when he suddenly pulled it back, there was already a dark and shiny black crystal in his palm.

Without the black crystal, the strange big mouth roared wildly for a moment and then disappeared.

Greem held the black crystal in front of his eyes and looked at it. The chip quickly projected its basic information.

Substance name: Shadow Shard

Material classification: dark energy crystal

Item Level: Level 1

Material uses: enchantment (can be used to add shadow damage to weapons), alchemy (the basic material for dark witchcraft), alchemy (the necessary material for witchcraft to defend against shadow damage), summoning (the basic material for summoning shadow creatures)

Special purpose: can synthesize shadow crystals (every hundred shadow fragments can be converted into one shadow crystal through alchemical rituals)

There were also dense projections of the broader uses of shadow fragments, but Greem had no intention of paying attention to them. It's just a level 1 wizard material, and it's not worth the effort he puts into it.

Greem threw the shadow fragments into the storage ring and prepared to move on.

Perhaps sensing the power of the intruder, these large groups of naturally catalyzed shadows quickly gathered together, condensing into a strange shadow creature that was only the size of a dwarf, and was so dark that its facial features and body shape could not be seen clearly.

And the moment it condensed, a strange and unpredictable terrifying aura overflowed from it.

The urgent alarm of the chip immediately sounded in Greem's mind.

"Hey, level 4 shadow biological fluctuations have been detected... Preliminary analysis is that it is a shadow assassin, and the harm to the subject has reached a dangerous level... Please stay vigilant!"

So fast?

Greem was slightly startled, and his eyes couldn't help but fall on the door behind the shadow creature.

Even if the dark witch Shani came to the world as a witch god, it would be impossible for her to catalyze a shadow creature with a level up to level 4 in such a short period of time. Unless...there is some kind of extremely powerful shadow treasure in that dark core, human power alone cannot do this.

If the opponent really has a treasure or witchcraft of this level in his hand, why not use it directly against him? Could it be that...that thing has any usage restrictions or is it a purely auxiliary item?

While Greem glanced at the strange creatures that were rapidly forming in front of him, he quickly analyzed and judged the secrets in the room deep in his heart.

We are about to face the level 4 dark witch. How to take advantage of the battlefield before the war begins and see clearly the opponent's trump card through everything in front of us. This is what a high-level wizard should do at the beginning of a battle!

However, there was not much time left for Grim to think and analyze.

In the room, the strange fluctuations in the dark core became stronger and stronger, and became clearer and clearer.

No matter what kind of terrorist attack the other party is planning, or what kind of powerful creature he is summoning, Greem has no obligation to wait for the other party to complete it like a gentleman. Therefore, at this moment, no matter what kind of enemy is in front of him, Greem must use the power of thunder to wipe them out and interrupt the actions of the dark witch.

Thinking of this, Greem took a step forward without hesitation. The fire dragon pendant around his neck flashed red, and an unbearable stream of terrifying flames spurted out from his mouth, covering the entire dark corridor in a fan shape.

Of course, this also includes the level 4 shadow assassin who was just catalyzed.

When the front end of the terrifying flame stream broke through the dark barrier and swept around the shadow assassin, the opponent disappeared in a strange instant.

Yes, it disappears, not moves.

The battle just now brought Greem into contact with various types of shadow creatures. Although they are proficient in dark spells and master some strange shadow abilities, they still have weak to almost imperceptible elemental fluctuations between actions and movements.

If it weren't for the chip's assistance, I'm afraid it would be difficult for Greem to capture this level of shadow jumping or shadow shuttle.

However, when the shadow assassin in front of him disappeared, Grimm could not sense or detect any trace of element fluctuations even if he opened his eyes. It seemed to blend into the background of the environment in an instant, and people could no longer track its figure through the trajectory of element changes.

The fire dragon's breath penetrated the dark afterimage left by the shadow assassin and completely ignited the entire dark corridor.

But the shadow assassin disappeared without a trace, and his breath disappeared.

Just as Grimm's fire dragon breath ended and his spirit was slightly shaken, a short black figure silently slid out of the void behind him, and the two black daggers in his hands stabbed Grimm's back without any wind sound or breath fluctuations.

With Grimm's spiritual perception as a 4th-level fire wizard, how could he not notice the strange changes happening behind him?

It's just that the other party's movements seem light and careless, but in the eyes of outsiders, they are as fast as thunder and lightning. Moreover, the two dark daggers were dull and gloomy. Although no elemental aura could be sensed on them, they gave people a sense of ruthlessness like a peerless weapon.

Facing the shadow assassin rushing towards him, Grimm's mind raced. The fire coral witch staff held high in his hand did not choose defensive witchcraft, but chose... attack.

The two dark and gloomy daggers penetrated the flame barrier, pierced the lava armor, and directly inserted into Grimm's vest. They shuttled between the lava flesh and blood, moved between the torrent of flames, quickly cut and stirred, and tried their best to cause the greatest damage to Grimm.

Grimm endured the terrible pain and instantly shot a red light on the dark body of the shadow assassin.

The next second, the rich fire element condensed into a series of flame shackles that seemed to have substance in the void, tightly binding the shadow assassin and Grimm together.

Flame shackles!

A kind of imprisoned flame witchcraft.

It can lock the enemy together with itself. If the opponent wants to escape, he will have to bear three times the fire damage of the witchcraft.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the shadow assassin did not care about hurting Grimm anymore, and wanted to escape from Grimm's side in a flash. Unfortunately, before the dark body could merge into the darkness, it was pulled out by the fire shackles linked to the body.

After flashing twice, unable to escape, the shadow assassin could only wave the black dagger to frantically cut and chop the fire shackles.

But with this buffer time, it was enough for Grimm to completely lock its soul fluctuations and elemental breath.

Grimm opened his left hand and grabbed the neck of the shadow assassin who could not escape. The violent golden flames instantly extended from his arm to the opponent's body. The next second, the shadow assassin screamed and danced wildly, cutting Grimm's arm into a bloody mess, and the flames flew.

However, no matter how serious the damage was, Grimm did not loosen his hand at all, and the golden flames were continuously injected into the opponent's body.

Finally, after eleven snaps, the shadow assassin could no longer withstand the burning of the flame of the law, and exploded into a black mist. In the black mist, a dark and deep black gem fell down and was caught by Grimm.

Shadow diamond... Level 4 shadow diamond!

Now I can't ignore it calmly like before.

After all, level 4 shadow diamonds are hard to find even in the wizard world.

If shadow fragments are only level 1 wizard materials, then a hundred shadow fragments can be synthesized into a level 2 shadow crystal, and a hundred level 2 shadow crystals can be synthesized into a level 3 shadow stone, and a hundred level 3 shadow stones can be synthesized into the level 4 shadow diamond in front of me.

Legend has it that shadow diamonds are the top wizard materials of the dark system!

If the shadow diamond falls into the hands of the wizard Holly, maybe he can create a shadow puppet that can freely shuttle through the shadow world. This is a level 4 dark metal puppet that can hide behind the master and protect him closely at all times.

If the shadow diamond falls into the hands of a certain summoner, it can be used to summon a shadow dragon with a strength of up to level 4. This is a strange species that is black all over, has sharp claws and shadow wings, can spit shadow flames, and is between dragons and shadow creatures.

If the shadow diamond falls into the hands of a certain high-level alchemist, it is not a problem to create a shadow scepter that can summon an entire shadow army. Of course, the strength of the summoned shadow army is also directly related to the alchemist's alchemy attainments.

Speaking of the shadow diamond, the chip can give Grimm hundreds of suggestions for reasonable use and value maximization in one breath. But now is not the time to discuss this, after all, there is still a terrifying dark witch who has not been dealt with.

Grimm put away the shadow diamond with satisfaction, and took out a bottle of purple healing potion from his arms, flicked off the cork and swallowed it in one gulp. After the huge blood hole behind him quickly closed under the dual effects of the witch medicine and super physique, he stepped forward and gently pushed open the wooden door in front of him.

All I could see was endless darkness!

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