The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1113 The war situation is bad

The defense line has been breached!

This brings not only loopholes in the defense line to the floating city, but also the loss of control of the entire battle situation.

Today's battle is not a real offensive and defensive battle, and the victory standard is to destroy the opponent's living forces, but a killing battle.

The alien beasts eager to break through the defense line are like a group of hungry wolves. They don't have so much time and energy to fight with the sheepdogs. Once they find a loophole in the sheepfold, they will swarm in and vent their ferocity and cruelty to the shivering lambs.

Who are the lambs?

Naturally, those arcane apprentices who are numerous and lack sufficient power to protect themselves!

The alien beasts that penetrated the defense line still have to break through the numerous arcane towers.

If it were a group of slightly more rational attackers, they would naturally remove these arcane towers that are scattered along their route one by one to reduce the casualties of the team. But this group of alien beasts obviously cannot be estimated by normal common sense.

They had no intention of attacking cities, seizing strongholds and seizing flags. Their minds were filled with only bloody killings and the delicious and sweet souls. Therefore, the alien beasts swarmed in and paved a bloody road from the narrow and rugged arcane towers, extending all the way to the inner ring of the floating city.

Here, the alien beasts no longer had the heart to fight the cold and hard arcane towers, but rushed into one arcane facility after another, using their terrifying numbers and strong individual strength to crush bloody roads, madly slaughtering and harvesting the lives and souls of low-level arcane masters and apprentices.

Grimm and the other three were not interested in helping Xieti continue to fight, so they followed this "torrent" into the inner ring and began to enter a crazy looting mode.

At this time, no one would gather together to affect their time to loot resources and knowledge.

Therefore, the three wizards naturally separated!

Grimm exited the flame giant form and returned to human form. Wrapped in a layer of golden flames, he hid his body and followed a group of alien beasts leisurely, continuing to move towards the inner ring of the floating city.

Along the way, he also saw many strangely shaped arcane facilities, and a large number of arcane masters could be detected in them. But Grimm seemed to have not seen them, and ignored them at all, moving straight towards the particularly tall arcane palace in the inner ring of the floating city.

Since he came to this arcane world, if he didn't search for some necessary knowledge and resources, he would be sorry for his previous life and death. And in the floating city, where is the most likely place to store those profound arcane knowledge?

Of course, it is the most core and eye-catching arcane palace!

Therefore, relying on the invisibility ability of the law flame, Grimm broke through the tight blockade formed by the arcane towers and passed by arcane facilities that looked like libraries and laboratories. He even had time to stop at some places and watch a group of arcane masters commanding a large number of arcane puppets to rush to the front line.

These arcane puppets are very new...

On them, Grimm even saw traces of shoddy workmanship and rushing.

It can be seen that the defense force of the floating city where he is located has been squeezed to a certain limit and is operating at an overload. This is undoubtedly good news for Grimm.

The floating city's power is so obvious that it does not seem like a disguise, which means that it is unlikely to encounter the opponent's fatal trap in the next battle and breakthrough.

And this is the only problem Grimm is worried about!


Buildings were knocked down one after another.

The sky was full of strange monsters with black wings and crocodile heads.

They screamed and shuttled back and forth between the bright energy rays of the arcane tower.

Whenever they saw the figure of an arcane master or an apprentice, they would swoop down with a scream, grab the enemy one by one into the sky with a violent explosion, and then tear them into pieces of bloody meat in a scramble, and eat them alive.

On the ground, all kinds of strange black and red alien beasts wandered around, and there were large groups of monsters gathered outside almost every arcane building. After they tore the arcane puppets used for defense, they broke into them, and soon all kinds of heart-wrenching screams of fear were heard from inside.

However, these screams would soon stop abruptly, and then all kinds of terrible sounds of gnawing and swallowing could be heard.

Grimm strolled leisurely between battlefields and slaughterhouses.

He saw clearly that transparent blue light spots floated out from all over the floating city, circling in the air for a while, and then slowly floated to the location where the evil hoof's breath was.

I don't know what means the evil hoof used to cut off the way for these souls to return to the Mother River of Souls. But I can guess that it must be related to the use of rule power. Otherwise, Grimm really couldn't imagine what kind of witchcraft or magic had such a powerful power to interfere with the operation of the plane laws of such a large area.

According to the agreement, these harvested life energies and souls belonged to the evil hoof. Therefore, Grimm just observed silently for a moment and did not try to intercept any arcane master's soul.

Holi Wizard and Qiu Lisha have already run away!

Anyone who doesn't rush to plunder resources and treasures here is a fool.

Although the three of them formed a team, in this floating city full of treasures, no one was willing to follow another strong man to eat some leftovers. Therefore, Grimm was not surprised at their departure.

However, Grimm knew that their behavior was undoubtedly unwise.

After all, in addition to those ordinary arcanists, there was also a five-ring great arcanist in the floating city at this time. However, what really made Grimm feel wary was not the great arcanist named Furela, but another terrible enemy, the little lord of disaster, Xieti!

After working together to rush into the floating city, the position relationship of the two sides changed drastically.

What Xieti said about working together to deal with the five-ring great arcanist was true or false.

Perhaps in the eyes of Xieti, several scattered 4th-level wizards were easier to hunt than the five-ring great arcanist!

Therefore, after breaking up with Wizard Holly and Qiu Lisha, Grimm remained invisible, wandering around the battlefield, and did not steal any resources and treasures. The purpose is to prevent the evil hoof from knowing their position, so as not to arouse some unnecessary covetousness.

A cross pass leading to the inner ring arcane hall.

Three 4th-ring arcane masters stood in a finished shape, and a circle of arcane puppets of various shapes stood outside, silently guarding this place. On the other side of them, hundreds of alien beasts were launching waves of swift attacks.

The thick layers of corpses on the periphery of the battlefield have fully demonstrated the fierceness and bloodiness of the battle here.

The three arcane masters surrounded a magic pool with a diameter of ten meters square. The pool wall was made of white gray granite piled up and polished, and the purest arcane energy was poured inside. The walls of the magic pool were painted with various strange patterns and arcane runes, which reflected and vibrated with the arcane energy in the pool from time to time, and overflowed with brilliant and dazzling arcane brilliance.

It must be said that the magic pool is also one of the greatest arcane inventions of the Arcane Empire!

Although this magic pool looks inconspicuous, it is one of the most secure centers in the entire floating city.

Usually, thousands of arcanists and apprentices in the floating city come to this magic pool to meditate in their spare time, and store the arcane models condensed by part of their mental power in the magic pool. In this way, as long as they are still in the arcane network, they can use their authority to call up the arcane models they usually store from the magic pool at any time and anywhere.

Moreover, within a certain limit, the arcane network also allows the borrowing or overdraft of some arcane models!

This means that once they step onto the battlefield, the arcanists can call up high-level arcane models with the least mental power consumption, and they are instantaneous.

Therefore, the three arcanists leaned against the magic pool, and every swing of the arcane scepter in their hands could stimulate a series of terrifying and fast-casting high-level arcane. It was with their continuous high-level arcane support that the arcane puppets on the periphery could resist the crazy siege of hundreds of mutant beasts with such a small number.

However, at the most intense and fierce moment of the battle, the floating city suddenly trembled, and the arcane barriers that appeared on the major arcane towers and facilities disappeared inexplicably after shaking several times.

And the magic pool guarded by the three 4th-ring arcane masters also burst into a huge crack on the pool wall with a strange cracking sound. A large amount of arcane energy gushed out from the crack, forming a beautiful magic rainbow above the magic pool.

Looking around the entire floating city, the area where the accident occurred was not only theirs, but all the arcane towers and spell pools collapsed at the same time.

Such a terrible scene immediately made the faces of the 4th-ring arcane masters change suddenly, and one of them even exclaimed.

"Damn... Something went wrong with the energy core!"

The energy core is the energy center of the floating city. Once something unexpected happens there, the arcane energy supply of the entire floating city will be in big trouble.

At the least, like now, the arcane buildings everywhere lose their energy supply and thus lose their basic functions. At the worst, like those floating cities that were knocked down from the sky, they lose their ability to float and eventually fall to the ground.

So when they sensed the disappearance of the arcane barrier, the several arcane masters present couldn't help but panic.

Without the arcane barrier, the mana pool, and the spell pool, what can they use to resist the endless enemies from afar?

Just when they were a little distracted, several fierce ground spikes suddenly rose from under them and attacked them like a storm.

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