The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1146 Seed of Destiny

"Then what is the conclusion of your investigation? Did Mangers bring it upon himself, or did he do this because of some conspiracy?" Speaker Royers adjusted his glasses and asked with a frown.

After hearing the Speaker's question, the wizards in the auditorium could not sit still. They all stood up and protested: "Our Lord Manges must have been plotted... Mr. Speaker, can you We must avenge him!”

Seeing the mess in the auditorium, Speaker Royers' face instantly darkened, and he let out a muffled snort, and a commanding aura that shrouded the sky and earth was instantly suppressed from the top of the hall.

"When I'm questioning the case, I don't want anyone to interrupt me! If anyone can't do this, I will kick him out personally. Hmph..."

Feeling the terrifying majesty of the fourth-level speaker, these wizards who belonged to the same family as the Manges brothers and sisters just sat down and continued to listen to the death investigation patiently.

The third-level wizard who was sent by the association to investigate the cause of the death of Wizard Manges swallowed secretly and said in a difficult voice: "We have no way of knowing everything that happened in the Morian plane. We are now applying to the upper management of the association. Direct investigation of the Grim Wizard. However, the other party has the identity of an elder of the Sand Tallinn Association. Without direct evidence, it is difficult for us to get close to him. "

"There is no direct evidence, so there is no indirect evidence?"

"This... seems to be a little bit!" At this point, the third-level wizard in charge of the investigation became even more hesitant.

"What is it?" The fourth-level speaker couldn't help but ask.

"When the 'tragedy' occurred, Lord Ihrenwald, the seventh-level wizard who was responsible for the Arcane Empire's mission, was also there. From what he said, it seemed that he knew who was behind the death of Lord Manges? But based on our level..."

Level 7 Great Wizard...

Even if the other party really knows something, I am afraid that no one in the entire Wizards Association would dare to question him! It's no wonder that the level 3 wizard responsible for the investigation was hesitant and hesitant.

"Okay, I have basically understood the whole process of the incident." Having said this, Speaker Royers raised his head, glanced at the anxiously waiting wizards of the Manges brother and sister family, and said coldly: "About what you have proposed. I will directly reject the revenge report here. I will continue to report this case to the upper management of the association and ask them to send higher-level wizards to contact the two companions. Death draws any conclusions..."

Under the cold and majestic gaze of Speaker Royers, the wizards from the Mangus family could only accept all this with their heads down.

"Okay, you all, please exit! The next case that needs to be accepted is the case of death caused by the curse of the Hanna wizard... The parties involved and the investigating wizard can come in!"

As the wizards exited and entered in an orderly manner, a group of new people and new stories filled the Judgment Hall...


Throne of Fire.

When the crimson wizards left the Witch Tower one after another, this place once again became the exclusive world of Grim, Alice and Mary.

Alice still looked calm and calm, but her slightly anxious eyes showed a hint of concern.

"How is your soul origin...? Is it seriously injured?"

Mary also became quiet and looked at Grim with the same concern.

Greem has completed the elemental energy transformation of his body and mind. Any damage can be repaired through the replacement or reorganization of elemental energy. Logically speaking, there should not be such a situation where the physical body is damaged and cannot be recovered for a long time. If it does appear, it can only mean that his damage has touched the origin of the soul, and the damage on the physical body is just the projection and refraction of the damaged soul consciousness!

Such injuries are also usually extremely difficult to recover from.

"The source of the soul was damaged by the sudden self-destruction of that wizard association guy. I'm afraid it will take a long period of rest to recover." After briefly explaining his injuries, Grim asked Alice curiously: "Compared with the injuries , Actually, I am more concerned about how the guy from the Wizards Association was controlled by the Great Witch Mesa! Could it be that...the Great Witch Mesa can control the mind of a fourth-level wizard at will? "

A look of fear and fear appeared on Mary's face.

Compared with the wizards who live inside the plane world, the great wizard is simply another strange species. Due to excessive mutation or extreme transformation, the great wizards have undergone completely different changes from ordinary wizards in terms of body, blood, soul, etc.

Therefore, whenever the great wizard is mentioned, even a person like Mary, who is not afraid of anything, is filled with awe!

A great witch who can control the life and death of a fourth-level wizard at will is terrifying to think about.

"You look up to that great witch Mesa!" Alice chuckled: "She is not so powerful that she can control the life and death of another level 4 wizard across a distant plane. The reason why she Being able to control the wizard to self-destruct depends on the seeds of destiny planted hundreds of years ago."

"Seed of Destiny? Hundreds of years ago?" Grim screamed in disbelief.

"The Fate Witch is a very peculiar wizard profession. This profession has almost lost all witchcraft attack and defense capabilities, and has concentrated all its power on divination and fate perception. However, this does not mean that the Fate Witch has no attack power, but their attack methods are too peculiar and too incredible!"

"The most common method they use is to control fate and use the power of fate to destroy their enemies."

"And the way they control fate is to implant fate seeds one by one in the long river of fate, with their own soul imprints on them, and implant them into those key figures who may affect a certain branch of fate."

"This means that the Great Witch Misa has been in a few A hundred years ago, when the Mangus wizard was still very weak, he implanted the seed of destiny with his weak soul consciousness into his mind. However, this seed of destiny did not take the opportunity to grow and devour his soul consciousness, but only lurked in the depths of his soul. "

"In this way, when she thinks it is appropriate, she can activate this seed of destiny at any time and temporarily control everything about that destiny node. However, the stronger the strength of the destiny node, the weaker this control is and the shorter the time. This is why she can only use the irreversible way of self-destruction to launch an attack! "

"There is another person's consciousness seed lurking in her soul consciousness. Can the wizard never detect it? "Mary said in horror.

"If the seed of destiny is activated and remains active, it will naturally be detected by the parasitic wizards. But Misa is so powerful that she can keep the seed of destiny in a sealed state without any conscious activity, so it will naturally not be detected by the host! Only when it is activated, the seed of destiny will instantly burst out with all its power and control everything about the host. "Alice couldn't help but sigh.

"You mean, this latent seed of destiny is not detectable at all, and even you can't tell it apart. And everyone around us may suddenly become our enemy at some terrible moment?" Grimm asked with gritted teeth.

No wonder he was so angry. During the entire Arcane Empire mission, he invested a lot of resources and effort in the Mangus brothers and sisters, and hoped to rely on them to find a perfect entry point in the Wizard Association to open the door to a huge wizard organization.

But now, I always protect the other party and support them through several difficult moments of the mission, and the final reward is... a terrible self-explosion!

If it weren't for Grimm's own strong strength, and he survived the self-explosion, I'm afraid the ending would be different.

"The seed of destiny is not completely undetectable, but it requires the other party to let go of all his mind. Do you think I have the time and power to test the mind of everyone around us?" Alice couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"So you mean, we have no means to prevent the invasion of fate by the great witch Mesa? You don't have to be on guard against the people around you all the time when doing everything in the future, right?" Grimm's expression became serious.

"Don't worry!" Alice comforted him, "Such means are very extravagant even for a great witch. If the fate node where the seed is implanted is too weak, it will naturally not threaten us at all. And if it is implanted in the body of those powerful wizards, the probability of being discovered is also quite high. The Mangus wizard who attacked you should only be half-advanced, not a pure 4th-level wizard, otherwise, the control of the fate seed cannot reach this level..."

Hearing Alice's explanation, Grimm relaxed a little.

"Okay, don't discuss such a distressing thing anymore. By the way, Grimm, what did you gain from this trip to the other plane, it should be more than just those bits and pieces and garbage, right?" Mary couldn't help but get excited when she mentioned the treasure, with an anxious and curious look on her face.

Those were all precious arcane books and weapons and equipment full of alien style. But when they came to Mary, they became fragments and garbage... Grimm was speechless.

This trip to the Arcane Empire did make Grimm a lot of money, and he also wanted to show off in front of his two "partners".

Grimm smiled and waved his hand to release the real harvest of this trip!

Dozens of dark red bubbles floated abruptly in the hall, and each bubble contained a strange item. From books to materials, from treasures to weapons, everything was available, and it was full of sight.

And the energy aura lingering around several of them emitted a hazy purple light.

This is the elemental aura unique to 4th-level items.

And above many 4th-level items, two dark red bubbles floated up and down, emitting a unique light from inside, vaguely giving people a sense of oppression of the mind.

"Artifact... This is an artifact!" Alice opened her mouth slightly and couldn't help but exclaimed.

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