The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1148: Showing off one's strength

Wizard World, Skettis Region.

Molten Fire City.

In the secret room of the wizard tower.

Lord Alfred, dressed in a purple robe, sat in a stone chair, silently staring at the proud young wizard in front of him, and asked curiously: "Sir Grimm, we don't seem to have any friendship, right? Why did you come here so rashly?"

Grimm, dressed in a fiery red wizard robe, holding the fire coral wizard staff that was taller than him, looked at the other party with a smile on his face, and said calmly: "I came here mainly to eliminate some contradictions and misunderstandings between each other. To show my sincerity, this is a gift specially prepared for the Lord of the City!"

After speaking, Grimm took out an object from the storage ring, gently pushed it, and slowly floated towards the other party.

Alfred hesitated for a moment, and finally reached out to take the object and played with it casually.

A crystal of knowledge...

Alfred glanced at Grimm, probed a trace of spiritual consciousness into the crystal of knowledge, and sat up straight after a slight perception.

What is this?

"Basic Principles of Arcane", "Discussion and Application of Anti-Gravity Barrier", "Guide to Creating Floating Rings"...

A series of complete and self-consistent arcane theories, systematically introducing the entire process of floating rings from design to creation, as well as many issues that require caution and attention... With this, it is possible to directly apply it to your own wizard tower with just a slight modification.

As a 4th-level wizard, how could Alfred not estimate the importance of this crystal of knowledge in his hand!

Since ancient times, there have been many talented people in the wizard world who want to create magical devices that can fly and help wizard towers move. Unfortunately, too many wizard problems plague them.

First of all, the source of energy for the wizard tower comes from the elemental altar, which needs to continuously draw an astonishing amount of elemental energy from the elemental plane. Once the wizard tower is displaced, the space signpost of the elemental altar will change with it. At that time, the spatial connection between the Wu Tower and the elemental plane will naturally close.

Therefore, when the Wu Tower moves, how can the plane conversion of the spatial beacon always be anchored on the elemental plane. This is also a big problem that countless talented wizards have exhausted their brainpower and cannot solve!

Secondly, in order to make the Wu Tower fly, the Wu Tower must be reduced in weight.

Then, maintaining a balance between the Wu Tower's defense and weight, and finding a new tower building material has become the key among the keys!

So many problems have been constantly troubling those wizards who are determined to transform the Wu Tower. Now with the support of this mature and complete new system, it is no longer wishful thinking to complete similar transformations.

"What do you mean? The content of this knowledge crystal can be regarded as a priceless treasure. How can you be willing to hand it over so easily?" Alfred looked up at Grimm again, and his eyes were no longer so cold, but with a hint of kindness and curiosity.

"I know that due to my reckless behavior in the past, there was a little grudge and 'misunderstanding' between me and the city lord. This time I came here specifically to resolve the 'misunderstanding'. I hope the city lord is satisfied..." Grimm explained with a smile on his face.

During the conversation, he emphasized the word 'misunderstanding'.

Alfred looked at Grimm quietly, and finally smiled after a long time.

"Since it is a misunderstanding, let it go! From now on, Lord Grimm will also become a distinguished guest of my Molten Fire City. I, Alfred, welcome your arrival at any time!"

Grimm breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and the smile on his face became even stronger.

With this stepping stone, the two people who turned enemies into friends shook hands again and began to discuss the follow-up cooperation between the two forces in detail.

The Crimson Family needs the rare mineral resources underground in Molten Fire City, and Molten Fire City is also very interested in the dragon resources and combat magic machinery controlled by the Crimson Family.

The two sides hit it off, and the two leaders of the forces immediately reached an intention of strategic cooperation.

As for the specific details of the transaction, they will be handed over to their respective subordinates to slowly negotiate and consult.

After handling all this, the flame clone projected by Grimm instantly turned into a scattered flame and slowly dissipated in the secret room. And the Molten City Lord Alfred, while rubbing and playing with the knowledge crystal, stared at the place where Grimm disappeared, with a complex light flashing in his eyes that was difficult for outsiders to understand.

Well, how many years have passed... A little guy who used to be trembling before even speaking in front of him, now can be on an equal footing with him. And the items that the other party took out casually can make this old wizard feel amazing, which fully demonstrates the other party's wealth and high-end quality.

Therefore, even though Grimm has left, Alfred is still full of emotion, and is immersed in an absurd time and space confusion!

This boy should not be underestimated...

Perhaps taking this opportunity to make peace with the other party is the only way for Molten City to continue to develop steadily...

Alfred thought carefully and finally made up his mind.


It can be said without hesitation that Grimm is the soul and pillar of the Crimson Family!

When Grimm went to another world, the entire Crimson Family could only choose to lie dormant and silently wait for his return. When Grimm returned, the entire Crimson Family seemed to have changed its appearance, becoming active and aggressive, and began to expand and extend its power again.

Mary led a large number of vampire subordinates to the Heisen plane.

Although the Sanditalin Association had been briefly developed in the early stage, the ruling order and plane environment inside were still chaotic. In order to establish a solid and stable ruling structure there and continuously develop the plane resources inside, the vampire camp needs to make outstanding efforts for this.

Re-establish outposts, build cross-plane teleportation arrays, investigate and understand the plane environment and resource distribution, try to contact the plane natives, show and deter those ambitious slaves, and try to establish an effective resource collection system...

There are so many complicated and tedious tasks, and every step needs to be carefully calculated and repeatedly considered, otherwise it will lead to extremely serious consequences.

However, the overall strength of the vampires led by Mary is obviously superior to that of the troll kingdom in the Heisen plane. Whether it is force or soft and hard tactics, it is only a matter of time before they surrender.

Therefore, Grimm did not interfere too much with Mary's actions, but let her do whatever she wants.

As for the other mountain plane, the goblin Kirby has sent a 300-man goblin advance team into it, and is conducting primary geological exploration and topographic mapping. It is estimated that the overall resource distribution map of that secondary plane will be obtained within a month.

By then, the goblin mining equipment and personnel will be deployed in place one after another, and the actual development stage will soon begin.

However, although there are fewer creatures in the mountain plane, there are also many earth element creatures with a strong sense of territory. It is still very necessary for the goblin team to be equipped with a certain amount of force!


Heisen plane.

This is a primeval forest that has not yet been developed.

The dense forest covered the earth, and the whole world was lush green.

In a clearing somewhere in the forest, a strange black dot slowly drifted in the air.

Finally, with the continuous vibration of the space energy, this space singularity slowly expanded and stretched, and finally turned into a three-meter-sized, constantly twisted and deformed space crack.

Puff puff puff...

Then, light and shadow flashed in the space crack, and more than a dozen black and red figures with neat and agile figures slowly emerged, and finally stabilized their existence.

When they successfully got rid of the shackles of the space barrier, they were able to move their bodies at will and began their adventure in this strange plane.

As a peak of level 3, Mary was naturally the first traverser to get rid of the shackles of the plane.

But for the same reason, the suppression of the plane law she endured was undoubtedly the greatest!

While moving her body, Mary flapped the bat wings behind her and slowly rose to the top of the forest.

Unfortunately, looking around, the entire vision is almost invisible except for the green.

Those trolls are different from humans.

Humans like to cut down trees, cultivate farmland, and create a closed living area. The trolls still adhere to the primitive and simple natural life state, wearing leaves and animal skins, eating wild fruits and game, living in tree villages or valleys, and it is difficult to find their activities without careful and detailed search.

It seems that the first thing to do after crossing over is to spread the ears and eyes widely and find the areas where the trolls live and reproduce.

To develop this Heisen plane, a large number of cheap slaves are undoubtedly needed.

If all are transported from the outside world, the huge transmission fee will be enough to devour the few resources of this plane. Therefore, in order to save money, it is more cost-effective to find ways to capture the natives of this plane.

After a simple calculation, Mary turned around and slowly descended to the ground.

At this time, the vampire subordinates she brought with her have also gradually got rid of the shackles of the plane, and are moving their hands and feet to slowly adapt to the plane rules here.

"Wenlier, you take a few men to set up a small camp here, stabilize this space rift for me, and receive the follow-up reinforcements."


"Soros, you go over there; Wensal, you go over there; Lelia, you go over there; Spala, you go over there... Within three days, explore as far as possible for me. If you find the traces of the trolls, come back and report immediately. Okay, go!"

"Yes!" "Yes!" "Yes!" "Yes!"

Several vampire men accepted the order and did not delay. Each of them took one or two men and flew rapidly towards the distance in the directions pointed by Mary.

Whether it is the blood knights or the blood elves, they generally have the powerful strength of level 2 and 3. Although they are suppressed by some planes, their basic strength is still there. With such strength, it is not dangerous to explore in such a secondary plane.

Three days, at the usual speed of the vampires, it is enough to explore a thousand miles away.

In such a wide hunting area, it shouldn't be a problem to find the traces of the trolls!

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