The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1158 The female thief was captured

Wizard Tower.

Especially the private tower of a 4th-level wizard, which is a deadly place with many traps and mechanisms!

For most ordinary wizards, privately visiting the residence of a high-level wizard is no less difficult and dangerous than exploring the dragon's nest.

This little bug with unknown origins is obviously not a good person.

She easily broke through the Molten Cave, crossed the Molten Hall, and then sneaked into the Flame Throne while Grimm opened the door of the wizard tower to receive two visitors.

The other party can do this, which is not comparable to ordinary people!

However, the other party may not have thought that the layout and structure of Grimm's private wizard tower would be so weird and subversive. The first and second floors of the wizard tower are completely isolated from the upper floors, and there is no direct passage to pass through.

After sneaking into the witch tower, Karin quickly explored all the secret spaces on the first and second floors, but did not find the way to the upper floor. Karin immediately knew that she had encountered a bastard wizard with extremely abnormal personal safety requirements.

If there is no physical passage, then I will dig one myself

With a spirit of unyielding and arrogance, Karin found a secret room on the second floor, secretly set up a silent barrier, and then began to dig the stone slabs on the ceiling frantically.

The witch tower built by Grimm was just a standard small witch tower. At that time, he was naturally poor and could not use the best steel rock in a large area inside the witch tower. Therefore, these volcanic rocks made from local materials could only fall like rain under the violent demolition of this third-level witch, and a fist-sized hole was dug out in an instant.

Unfortunately, Karin not only did not sense the existence of the upper breath of the witch tower through this hole, but accidentally touched a layer of space barrier.

Only then did Karin completely understand that the damned fire witch not only blocked the upper level of the witch tower, but also separated the second and third floors of the witch tower from the spatial structure. The two floors of the witch tower seem to be connected, but in fact they belong to two completely different planes.

To enter the upper level of the witch tower, you either need to use a fixed teleportation array or use short-distance teleportation like Grimm. However, the short-distance teleportation requires obtaining the specific plane beacon of the upper space of the witch tower, and also the teleportation authority of the witch tower spirit. Otherwise, you can only sigh in despair.

This time, Karin was completely blind!

Although she was proficient in shadow jumping, she could pass through any place with shadows. But the space barrier in front of her blocked all the ways forward. If she jumped aimlessly, she might be on the second floor of the witch tower the last moment, and be thrown into the dangerous plane layer by the space turbulence the next moment.

After all, the transit station for all space-based witchcraft is the space interlayer, that is, the mysterious and terrifying area between the two membranes of the plane barrier.

Although the space environment there is much better than the outer void, it can still be regarded as a dangerous place for an unprepared 3rd-level dark witch!

Just when Karin was anxious and didn't know how to sneak to the upper level of the witch tower, her every move had been captured by the witch tower spirit.

Looking at the hateful thief who was drilling in and out of his home through the monitoring crystal, Grimm raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "Shadow Demon, go and catch her for me!"

After that, the room was still calm and no movement was sensed.

But the strange shadow of the shadow demon was no longer in the back of Grimm.

Karin shuttled quickly in the shadow.

Every time she jumped, she would pass through one or several walls and appear in a completely unfamiliar room.

Karin held her breath, hid in the shadows, and looked at the entire secret room silently.

If there was something that interested her, she would stop and sneak closer to check it out. If there was nothing strange, she would jump out again and stick her head out from another shadow in another secret room.

As dark witches, the place where shadow energy exists is their world!

As long as there is no energy barrier or witchcraft barrier, they can shuttle freely like fish in the river, bubbling and splashing water wherever they want to go.

But such leisure is obviously not sustainable!

When Karin was moving slowly in a wide witchcraft hall, she suddenly turned around and looked at another corner of the hall. There, in the large shadow left by a column, she suddenly sensed a strange shadow fluctuation.

This is not an elemental fluctuation caused by the explosion of shadow energy, but an energy ripple caused by a certain creature moving in the shadow material. As an elite among dark witches, Karin is very familiar with this kind of energy ripple.

Could there be other shadow creatures here?

Karin couldn't help but murmur.

In order to protect themselves and their property, high-level wizards often raise all kinds of strange and ferocious wizard beasts or summoned creatures in the wizard tower, so it is not impossible for some shadow creatures to appear.

Thinking of this, Karin couldn't help but get nervous, hiding in the shadows, silently observing the deep darkness.

She could feel that the shadows there were a bit strange, just like boiling water, which seemed to be more active and agitated than other places. And in the deep darkness, there was a huge shadow monster hidden, baring its fangs and claws, looking like it was going to eat someone.

Karin held her breath and cast a shadow spell silently, trying to find out the details of the other party. However, before the aftermath of the spell was over, her face suddenly changed drastically, and her figure disappeared in the darkness with a flash.

Almost at the moment she disappeared, a strange creature several times larger than her suddenly appeared in the depths of the darkness, and several metal blades flashing with shadow luster passed through the place where she was originally hiding. Where the sharp edge of the blade flashed, even the dark and deep darkness was cut into several sections, unable to be bridged again. It was not until the strange power completely disappeared that the turbulent darkness was extended again.

When Karin emerged from another darkness, her heart was still beating wildly, and she instantly identified the other party's identity with the lightning-fast glimpse just now.

Damn Shadow Steel Golem, it's Shadow Steel Golem!

Kalin is also a semi-expert in this strange life form between shadow creatures and constructs. After all, in the small country established by the dark witch in the shadow world, there are also such strange guys that look like both constructs and life.

They have powerful protective capabilities that are not inferior to metal constructs, and they also have a flexible body similar to that of shadow assassins. Therefore, if they really fight, a Shadow Steel Golem is enough to fight against two or three dark witches of the same level without losing the upper hand.

It's just that the construction of Shadow Steel Golem consumes too many resources, so dark witches usually only use them to guard those resource treasures or the entrance to the secret realm, and are reluctant to list them as cannon fodder for charging into the battlefield.

As an elite among the third-level witches of the dark series, Karin naturally has to fight these dark creatures to hone her fighting skills. Therefore, Karin is also very familiar with the shadow steel magic machine, and can fight against them with her eyes closed.

Therefore, when Karin sensed that the shadow material beside her suddenly had a slight fluctuation, she jumped out again without hesitation.

Unlike the last time, Karin did not leave the original shadow this time. And at the moment of jumping away, she also stepped on the shadow lightly, and instantly released a strange witchcraft.

After the first attack failed, the shadow demon's heart was calm, and he quickly locked the direction of the third-level witch's escape, and then pounced on it without hesitation.

It was strange that when he emerged from the strange black shadow, the surrounding darkness that was originally as calm as water suddenly became sticky and flowed. Strange dark shackles came from all directions, instantly imprisoning the body of the shadow demon, making it stagnate in place and unable to move at all.

The dark witch who had disappeared before her eyes appeared again, and chose to counterattack instead of fleeing.

A series of shadow arrows hit the metal body of the shadow demon like a skeleton like rain hitting banana leaves, making it crackle. And mixed in the shadow arrows, two unstoppable dark auras broke through the air and attacked directly at the right eye and cervical vertebrae joint of the shadow demon.

If the shadow demon was only level 3, it might not be able to escape the counterattack of this elite witch, and it would definitely suffer a huge loss. But after all, it is a powerful magic machine that Grimm spent a huge amount of resources and effort to build, how can it be compared with those ordinary shadow steel golems.

With just a slight struggle, the dark shackles bound to the body broke inch by inch and broke into countless pieces.

The pupils of the shadow demon hidden in the faint black mist suddenly shot out a dark light, turning into a shadow shock wave that hit Karin's body. And its metal hand, like a ghost claw, opened, and four sharp blades with a dull luster at the end cut through the sky, locking the opponent's tall and graceful black figure.

Damn, this is a 4th-level shadow steel golem

As soon as the lightless dagger in Karin's hand collided with the shadow demon's claw, she judged the rank by the power aura that the opponent burst out.

Unfortunately, this insight came too late!

If Karin had judged that the opponent was a 4th-level shadow steel golem at the first moment, she would not have counterattacked and assassinated in vain, and would have chosen to run away directly.

At this time, her lightless dagger collided with the opponent's ghost claw, and the violent force that burst out made her spurt blood and fall out.

She flew directly out of the shadow area and fell heavily on the hard floor.

Before she could get rid of the dizziness, another shadow shock wave had hit her head.

Karin's head suddenly became dizzy and her body fell limply.

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