The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1166 Mary's Obsession

Hessen plane.

After only half a day's delay, Mary and her party, who were far away in another world, learned about Alice's advancement.

Immediately, the team stopped, silently waiting for Mary's order.

Mary stood on the top of an ancient tree, looking at the lush and endless forest sea, her eyes shining with a cruel and violent look that could not be concealed.

For a long time, her personal strength has been tightly suppressed by Greem, which has made Mary feel indescribably depressed. If the other person was not her lover, Mary might have been unable to bear it and would explode.

But now, even Alice has advanced to level 4 ahead of her.

This... made her feel so embarrassed!

For Greem's sake, although she accepted Alice's existence intellectually, the desire to win was never extinguished deep in her heart. Now that she suddenly heard the news, although Mary looked calm on the outside, deep inside she was as angry as the sea.

"Master, do you think we should rush back to attend Lady Alice's celebration first, or..."

As soon as Thoros, who was covered in blood armor and filled with terrifying murderous aura, opened his mouth, the old fox Wenlir next to him closed his eyes in pain.

This mute bastard...

Sure enough, as soon as Soros spoke his words, Mary's crystal clear ruby-like blood pupils started to shine.

"Keep going! Huh, what's the point of participating in a useless celebration... This time, we won't look back until we kill that damn feathered serpent!"

After saying this, the bloody bat wings behind Mary flickered, and her whole body turned into a terrifying bloody light and flew forward rapidly. And those vampires who were waiting for news in the dense forest looked at me and I looked at you. They shrugged helplessly and turned into black and red bats one after another, rushing into the distance after Mary.

As vampires, their mobility is undoubtedly terrifying!

All vampires can transform into bat demons and glide quickly close to the forest tops, so the rugged and difficult terrain of deep mountains and dense forests simply does not exist for them.

Moreover, as vampires, they do not need to carry a large amount of supplies with them.

The jungle beasts that are everywhere in the dense forest are their food.

In an emergency, with the help of blood extraction, they can even travel crazily without sleep for seven days and seven nights. When they are hungry or sleepy, as long as they find a beast to suck some blood, they can continue to maintain strong energy and inexhaustible physical strength.

Relying on this powerful mobility, this vampire team of less than 30 people slaughtered the troll tribes everywhere in the Degu Jungle. So far, five troll tribes with more than 200 people have become food for the Vampires.

Inspired by the powerful first embrace ability, more than a hundred trolls were transformed into elementary blood slaves, and they also became cheap cannon fodder for the vampire team.

Every time they arrived at a troll camp, most of the troll warriors were slaughtered, and only those elites with astonishing combat power were first embraced as blood slaves by the blood elves. As for the weak, old, weak, women and children, they were all slaughtered, not for the joy of killing, but to undermine the foundation of faith of the Quetzalcoatl.

For a totem god like Quetzalcoatl, the divine power it possesses is directly linked to the number of its followers. The harder Mary and others killed and the more they killed, the weaker the opponent became when they finally faced the Quetzalcoatl.

This is also the most common method used by wizards to deal with those who believe in gods!

And in order to deal with Quetzalcoatl, Mary also specially transferred a helper from the family, the poisonous spirit Remy who also has level 3 strength. With the poisonous spirit Remy's plague, Mary deliberately let go of more trolls in the next few attacks.

In this way, the escaped trolls invisibly spread the deadly plague to more troll camps.

With the troll country's crude and inferior witch doctor system, it is almost wishful thinking to dispel and rescue so many infected people on a large scale. Therefore, in just over twenty days, nearly 1/3 of the troll kingdom was shrouded in the terrible cloud of plague.

The crazy killings by Mary and others finally alerted the upper echelons of the troll kingdom, and a troll team of up to 2,000 people was sent out to search for traces of the intruders in the nearby jungle.

Unfortunately, the primitive and backward investigation system exposed their every move to Mary.

Therefore, a terrible conspiracy against the troll team came into being!


The light in the quiet and dark jungle is not bright.

Horizontal branches and wildly growing vines, thorns and shrubs can be seen everywhere. It is extremely difficult to walk through such an environment.

But none of this is a problem in front of Troll Hunter!

Their dexterous and strong bodies can travel freely in dense forests without being blocked by any bushes. Their rough, fleshy skin is covered with a thin layer of moss, making their skin color the same as that of the surrounding jungle.

Coupled with their flexible and silent figures and their straight and sensitive proboscis, they have become the most terrifying trackers and hunters in the Degu Jungle.

Gang De pushed aside an obstructing vine and slowly walked through a bush covered with dense thorns. The shrubs grew chaotically, and their wrist-thick branches were pale golden in color, and were densely covered with sharp and poisonous wood thorns. Ordinary creatures would be scratched and bruised if they passed through them.

But relying on his thick skin and flesh, Steelde went straight through the densest part of the bush with his upper body naked. The wood thorns scratched and whipped his strong and sturdy body, but could not do anything to him.

Steelde stopped in a clearing in the forest.

He raised his nose and sniffed a few times, and smelled a smell that did not belong to the jungle from the rotten and humid air.


Steelde pulled out a wooden spear from his back, held it in his left hand, and took out two poisoned darts made of strange metal from his waist, carefully and cautiously following the direction of the smell and groping forward little by little.

There were no footprints on the ground, and there were no signs of slashing on the intertwined branches and vines. The special smell left in the forest was so thin that it was shocking... From these situations, it can be judged that the invaders it was tracking were also some guys who were extremely good at jungle warfare.

However, as a troll hunter, it was the master of this jungle. Therefore, it was not afraid of the upcoming battle at all, but rather eager to try.

Steelde was moving slowly in the jungle.

His vigilant eyes kept scanning all the hidden places where enemies might hide, but he found nothing. However, his slightly tingling skin clearly showed that there were some enemies around him who were spying on him in a hidden and mysterious way, but it was difficult to identify their positions.

Steelde narrowed his eyes and became more cautious.

The jungle became quiet from some time ago. The birdsong and insects that were used to singing disappeared without a trace, and the whole world was dead silent.

However, just when Steelde was at a loss, there was a sudden beeping sound in the depths of the jungle, and a strange creature riding on a strange mount suddenly appeared in front of him.

Steelde glanced at it and was horrified.

What a terrifying monster!

The person who came was a human boy with dark green skin and strange patterns all over his body. He was sitting on the body of a strange beast that looked like a skinned toad, staring at him coldly with a pair of pale green eyes.

Behind the other party, on the back of the toad beast, stood an ugly woman with a thin body and little flesh, staring at him with green eyes.

Although he could not identify the other party's true identity, the gloomy and terrifying aura of the other party made Gangde feel 1.2 million points of hostility!

Therefore, Gangde attacked without hesitation.

The two metal darts turned into two cold lights and pierced the two people on the back of the toad beast, and Gangde held a wooden spear more than 3 meters long in both hands and launched a swift charge.

Facing Gangde's attack, the ugly woman took a step forward and actually grabbed the two metal darts with both hands. The dense spikes on the metal darts pierced into her palms, and even infected her with a strange toxin.

The ugly woman seemed to be unaware of the slight physical damage, and was not afraid of the so-called toxins.

She raised her hands and held the dart tightly. The light green poisonous smoke lingered in it, and it corroded the all-metal dart. In just a few seconds, the metal dart was corroded and riddled with holes. As the woman clenched her hands, it broke into powder and debris all over the sky.

The attack of the troll hunter Gunde was also blocked by the strange toad under the two of them.

The opponent opened his mouth wide, and a sticky and flexible long tongue kept popping out, which actually blocked Gunde five steps away.

Taking this opportunity, the ugly woman waved her hands, and a large group of yellow-green poisonous clouds swept towards Gunde.

Gunde hurriedly retreated and escaped from the poisonous cloud.

Unfortunately, the poisonous cloud was like a living thing under the command of the ugly woman. It caught up with Gunde's figure and trapped it.

A moment later, Gunde stumbled out of the poisonous cloud while coughing violently.

In just a few moments, its originally grass-green moss skin had been infected and turned red, as if it had been skinned.

Breathing was rapid and difficult, and the throat and chest felt like thousands of small insects were gnawing at it. The eyes were red and swollen, and the skin of the whole body felt as if it was burned by fire...

Gangde did not dare to stay. He turned around and ran away, while holding his hands to his mouth and shouting strangely.

The ups and downs of the shouting spread quickly in the forest and soon reached somewhere far away.

Several troll hunters with the same appearance and equipment as Gangde were searching in the forest. When they heard the shouting, they immediately stood up and ran in the direction of the sound.

While attacking, they also used the same method to pass back the information of "discovering the enemy" layer by layer...

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