The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1173: Muliwal, the Troll Capital

Haisen plane, the capital of trolls.


As the capital of the troll country that rules the Haisen plane, the grandeur and size of Muliwal are unimaginable to outsiders.

The entire Muliwal is built on the mountain.

Seriously speaking, this troll capital is almost carved out of the mountain.

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, at a certain height, a gentle slope is dug out from the belly of the mountain, and solid stone buildings are built on it. The gentle slopes are connected by the carved stone steps. The sides of the stone steps are densely covered with stone totems more than two meters high, and stone braziers are placed at the entrance of each stone step.

From bottom to top, looking up, there are more than a hundred stone platforms with clear levels and available for living.

From a distance, this huge stone mountain is densely packed with stone houses, but it does not give people a feeling of crowding and disorder.

Opposite the stone corridor is a magnificent stone staircase that leads from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, which seems almost unattainable. At the end of the nearly 10,000 stone steps, stands an extremely magnificent and tall temple.

Every sunrise or sunset, all the trolls living in Muliwal will gather near this stone staircase, kneel down and pray to the temple, praying that the great Quetzalcoatl can continue to bless the trolls, give them powerful power, and make the Degu Jungle prosperous and abundant.

However, in recent days, with the arrival of invaders from other worlds, the trolls have added one more thing to pray for, that is, they hope that Quetzalcoatl can show his power and protect the trolls from the plague.

Some time ago, the troll expeditionary force sent to the jungle to search for the invaders retreated all the way back in panic. And what came back with them, in addition to the many wounded, was the terrible plague!

The trolls, whose daily lives were still in a primitive state, had not established an effective medical system. In addition, the trolls were all strong and healthy, and were rarely attacked by diseases. Therefore, the entire troll city could only gather thirty or forty witch doctors, and most of them were already level 1 or 2.

Although the troll leaders and witch doctors also realized the horror of the plague, and ordered those infected to stay in the temporary camp at the foot of the mountain, not to return home, and not to enter the city. But it is obvious that this order was not resolutely and thoroughly implemented!

I don’t know how, the plague still spread to the city.

Almost overnight, half of the 23,000 residents in Muriwal were infected with this terrible plague.

For a time, the entire city was full of poor trolls with yellow-green poisonous clouds all over their bodies, coughing violently, and weak bodies that could hardly get up.

This is actually because their bodies are strong enough!

If such a plague were placed in a human city, I am afraid that thousands of plague creatures would be born overnight. The same plague fell on the trolls, but it only made them lose their ability to move and lie there in agony.

On a tall stone platform in the temple on the top of the mountain, several sturdy and violent troll leaders gathered together, angrily questioning a hunched and skinny troll witch doctor who was leaning on a wooden stick.

"Yeke, are your people capable? When can this plague be driven away?"

"I can't stand it anymore... more than half of my good guys have already lain down, and you guys who are sitting back and enjoying the fruits of your labor have done nothing..."

"Hurry up... hurry up and come up with a solution. My little Xinluo is still suffering from the plague at home! If she has an accident, we, the Zangu tribe, will not take a penny of your witch doctor's offerings this year..."

Those who can gather here are the chiefs of each tribe, and they are also powerful level 3 troll warriors. But faced with the sudden plague, they were helpless and could only roar wildly at the witch doctor leader in front of them.

Yeke, a level 3 witch doctor, is also the only level 3 witch doctor in the entire troll kingdom!

It is more than 700 years old this year.

Its long life has allowed it to experience countless twists and turns and risks. Therefore, in the face of the terrible epidemic, it did not lose its composure like other trolls, but instead showed a calm and composed demeanor.

"Shut up! You bastards, all shut up..."

Looking at the leaders who were surrounded by him and were extremely irritable, Yeke the witch doctor suddenly stopped the wooden stick in his hand, and a violent airflow swept them all over the place, staggering a few steps back. While shouting, a huge feathered serpent suddenly appeared behind Yeke.

This is a powerful creature with strange wings and golden scales. On the flat and wide snake head, two emerald-like shining snake pupils burst out with a fierce gaze that slowly swept over the bodies of everyone.

The scene immediately became quiet.

All the trolls knelt on one leg, pressed their hands on their chests, and respectfully offered their admiration and piety to the manifested Quetzalcoatl.

"The enemy is approaching..."

"Due to Kano's incompetence, a trace of my power source has also fallen into their hands..."

"I need you to take it back..."

The Quetzalcoatl hissed and screamed, and the strange sound kept circling between heaven and earth, so sharp that it could almost tear a person's eardrum.

Hearing the order of the Quetzalcoatl, several troll leaders looked at each other in surprise.

Finally, a troll spoke with courage.

"Great Quetzalcoatl, I wonder where those enemies are?"

"To the west... the location is very close, I can almost smell the stench coming from them... the plague that spread in Muliwal was driven by them... if I don't take back the source of my power, the plague can't be completely eradicated..."

The order of Quetzalcoatl was so clear that there was naturally no room for the troll leaders to bargain.

The trolls responded one after another, hurriedly left the witch doctor's hut, and rushed back to their tribes to mobilize manpower.

When the troll leaders left one after another, the phantom of Quetzalcoatl did not disappear directly, but communicated silently with the Yeke witch doctor for a while, and then slowly dissipated.


This is a small and strange space independent of the Heisen plane.

Its area is less than 100,000 square meters.

However, the layout of the city is similar to that of the Troll City. There are huge gray-white square rocks everywhere, magnificent statues everywhere, and lush jungles everywhere...

In the center of this strange space, through a passage covered with mosses and small swamps, there is a huge nest built of huge rocks.

The air here is hot and humid, similar to the common tropical rainforest.

On a small stone platform, in a thick layer of pale bones, there is a huge eggshell more than one meter high. The feathered serpent god lies quietly beside the giant egg, sweeping it up with its long and thin tail, and then gently spewing golden lightning at it.

The violent lightning that was full of destruction in the past now seems gentle and peaceful, constantly splashing around the giant egg and splitting into countless tiny scattered currents, and then being swallowed up by the giant egg bit by bit.

Every time a certain amount of golden lightning is swallowed, a strange and satisfied mental fluctuation will come out of the eggshell. At this time, the small life in the giant egg will stop devouring and fall asleep to digest these golden lightnings with a trace of the origin of the plane.

Only when the giant egg is asleep can the huge female feathered serpent take a short rest, close her eyes and open her mouth, waiting for several male feathered serpents who serve as slaves and guards to put food into her mouth.

In the entire feathered serpent kingdom, in addition to some wild beasts that serve as food, the rest are feathered serpents worshipped by the trolls.

There are only twelve feathered serpent guards, all of whom are males, and they all have the basic strength of level 2 or 3. The only female is the female feathered serpent god Zuka, who has become more powerful and majestic under the power of faith, and it is also the tribal totem god worshipped by the jungle trolls.

After thousands of years of being influenced by the power of faith, Zuka has mastered some divine power without a teacher. And its basic strength has also jumped to the primary level of level 5.

However, due to the instinct of the demon beast, it still consumed a huge amount of faith power and many divinities to give birth to an offspring. During the entire incubation period, its basic strength also fell from the 5th level to the 4th level, and it had to face a three-hundred-year-long weak period.

Zuka, the feathered serpent god, spit out golden lightning for three days and three nights before feeding the little life in the giant egg. Therefore, when it fell asleep, Zuka let out a long breath, lay down beside the giant egg and began to close his eyes and take a nap.

However, every time it wanted to meditate deeply to restore the lost power, a strange energy fluctuation overflowed from its spiritual sea, disturbing it.

"Asshole... these damn invaders, I will tear you into pieces and grind your bones to ashes!"

Zuka, the feathered serpent god, became furious and violent after his sleep was disturbed by this strange external fluctuation.

Its grand and sharp roar instantly resounded throughout this strange world, making the entire space tremble.

All the monsters that heard the roar were so frightened that their limbs went limp and they fell to the ground unable to move.

Even the feathered serpent guards were frightened and knelt on the ground, spreading their wings, not knowing what they had done wrong to anger their master.

The little life in the giant egg was obviously disturbed, and it even hissed and emitted angry mental fluctuations.

The feathered serpent god Zuka, who was still violent and abnormal the moment before, quickly restrained his anger the next moment, and coaxed the giant egg to sleep again with gentle golden lightning and gentle caresses.

The feathered serpent god Zuka stood up, his eyes looking through this strange space, through the temple standing high on the top of the troll city, and looking far to the west.

"Those damn invaders have already mastered part of my original power and are using some special way to attack me there. Humph, when I free up my hands and feet, I will definitely make you look good!"

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