The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1181 Shadow Demon sneaks in

Wizard World, Throne of Fire.

Still in that completely independent and strange space, Grimm sat silently at the table reading the Holy Book of Wisdom.

Now he has turned to the seventh page.

And every page he read brought him indescribable benefits and huge gains.

It's a pity that the Holy Book of Wisdom belongs to someone after all!

Before killing the God of Wisdom, Jero, he couldn't completely conquer and analyze the mysteries contained in the Holy Book of Wisdom. Therefore, every reading is actually a process of him using his mental power to fight wits and courage with this artifact.

If he wins, he can analyze a lot of high-level knowledge fragments about the mysteries of the plane and the world from the pages he reads. Of course, there may also be some divine knowledge that he can't use for the time being.

If he wants to get more, he needs to constantly fight with the Holy Book of Wisdom, constantly separate and analyze the corresponding knowledge fragments from it, and then try to piece them together into a complete knowledge puzzle.

If he fails, he will have to bear the counterattack of the Holy Book of Wisdom and suffer a certain degree of mental blow.

Fortunately, this is a completely independent space, which cuts off the original connection between the Holy Book of Wisdom and the God of Wisdom, so the mental backlash he endured has not reached the point where he cannot bear it.

Even better, he has the help of the chip.

Even if only some knowledge fragments are separated, by comparing with the witchcraft system, he can still analyze a lot of high-level mystical knowledge that is useful to him.

Therefore, these days, Grimm's mental fluctuations are very frequent.

Either his mental power surges because of a lot of gains, or he becomes abnormally weak due to mental backlash... and he wanders between the peaks and valleys every day, suffering mentally.

However, stimulated by this, his mental power grows rapidly.

It is precisely because of the ups and downs of his mental power every day that he dares not leave the Flame Throne easily, let alone come out to fight with others.

Even if Mary is in danger in the alien world, even if the Iron City is attacked outside the domain, Grimm only sent some reinforcements, but he cannot take risks himself. After all, with his broken mental power now, it would be difficult to fully recover without decades of careful care.

Before that, he really shouldn't fight any 4th-level enemy!

After reading the seventh page of the Holy Book of Wisdom carefully and meticulously, Grimm's heart moved slightly, and he hurriedly closed the book and left the alien space in a hurry. As soon as he left the alien space, Grimm's body rolled over with a flash of fire, and the whole person appeared in another witchcraft secret room.

The furnishings here are simpler, with only a gray-white stone chair.

And under the stone chair, on the floor of the secret room, there are dense and complex witchcraft runes.

Grimm sat on the stone chair without hesitation, and then activated the witch array under his feet.

The whole secret room quickly dimmed, and with the projection and change of light and shadow in the rune array, it presented a strange scene of another region.

This is a majestic city standing tall.

Relying on the high mountains, it is built on the mountains, layered and clearly layered.

All the buildings are stone houses built with rocks. Although simple and crude, they have a kind of rugged and majestic momentum. On the top of the tall stone platforms, a taller and more magnificent mysterious palace is located on the top of the mountain, overlooking the majestic city below and the undulating green forest around it.

The shadow demon that Grimm's spiritual power is attached to is hiding in the crown of a tall ancient tree in the dense forest. With the help of the shade of the trees, he looked at the troll city in the distance.

"Master, the trace of Lady Mary has been found. Should we rush to meet her now?" The shadow demon passed on a spiritual consciousness.

The two sides are in two different planes, and only with the help of the power of the Wuta Rune Array can they barely achieve the same flow rate of time and space and conduct simple consciousness communication.

"No need to meet her, go directly to that Quetzalcoatl!" Grimm said decisively.

Mary is actually a very narrow-minded guy. Even though she knew that Grimm sent the Shadow Demon to care for her and protect her, as a blood lord with many vampires, she needed Grimm's help to take down a "small" totem god, and she must have resisted it in her heart!

It was precisely because of his understanding of Mary that Grimm had no intention of letting the Shadow Demon join him.

He must help, but how to help, Grimm planned to do it completely according to his own ideas and rhythm!

Under Grimm's command, the Shadow Demon escaped into the darkness without hesitation, and quickly sneaked towards the Troll City with the help of shadows.

The battle outside the Troll City was still in full swing.

Mary brought a large number of vampires and the blood slaves she had just conquered, and fought fiercely with the troll warriors and troll hunters who came out in full force in the depths of the jungle. Every day, a large number of wounded were carried out of the jungle and sent back to the Troll City for treatment.

The terrible plague was still spreading in the Troll City, and had even infected nearly half of the Troll civilians in the middle and lower levels.

Grimm was attached to the Shadow Demon's spiritual consciousness. Through its eyes, he saw the Troll infected people lying in the stone houses, wailing in pain and crying.

Regardless of gender, age, strength or weakness, once infected with the plague, they could only be thrown into the stone chamber alone, waiting for death to come. It was precisely because of the trolls' strong physique and tenacity of vitality that they endured more pain and more terrible torture.

Grimm even commanded the shadow demon to sneak into several stone chambers, closely inspected and examined some trolls infected with the plague, and then silently gave Mary a thumbs up.

Although Mary was usually careless, seemed a little rough, and had a bad temper, her talent in war was not bad. Because Grimm found a tendency to mutate in several plague infected people, and the time was almost synchronized.

This means that Mary's struggle with the trolls on the periphery was actually just a delaying tactic, and she was actually waiting for the plague to bloom in full. In order to avoid alerting the enemy too early, she even asked the poison spirit Remi to delay the onset of the early plague infected people.

According to the epidemic situation observed by Grimm, the plague will break out in the entire Troll City in 3 days!

By that time, most of the trolls will be knocked down by the plague, and half of them will be transformed into terrible servants, setting off a bloody massacre in the Troll City.

At that time, Mary will lead the blood clan and drive the servant army to attack the Quetzalcoatl's lair in one fell swoop.

Such tactics can indeed push the chance of winning to the maximum extent!

In this regard, Mary has arranged it very well, and there is nothing to improve even if Grimm comes here in person. Therefore, he plans to find ways to weaken the strength of the Quetzalcoatl with his own strength.

This can be regarded as helping Mary from the side!

The shadow demon lurks in the darkness, jumping from one shadow to another, quietly passing through the interior of the Troll City. As the platform it is on becomes higher and higher, the trolls it sees are much better than those at the bottom in terms of clothing and equipment.

The higher you go, the fewer trolls infected with the plague there are.

In many places, Grimm even found strange cauldrons of green soup, which exuded a pungent and pungent herbal smell.

Although this primitive and crude herbal soup cannot completely kill the plague bacteria, it can effectively curb their activity. This also reduces the infectiousness and explosiveness of the plague in disguise!

Humph, I didn't expect these witch doctors to have some tricks... It seems necessary to reduce their population!

While silently complaining, Grimm guided the shadow demon to quickly jump and shuttle between shadows, quietly looking for the leader among the witch doctors.

Sure enough, in a mushroom hut on the highest platform, Grimm found an old witch doctor with a hunched body and a strange wooden staff.

The small, dim hut was filled with a strong smell of blood and pungent herbs. A dozen troll women were retreating quietly. The heads of the monsters that had been chopped off had all their blood drained out and were piled up together, looking extremely hideous and terrifying.

Next to the blood and flesh sacrifice, there were five apes with twisted and crooked bodies, their throats cut open, and a huge bloody hole in their chests. Their blood and hearts had been placed on the blood skulls, becoming tributes to the great Quetzalcoatl.

In the center of these piles of sacrifices, a blood-dripping spear was enshrined there, flashing with strange colorful light that only high-level weapons can have.

The old witch doctor Yeke had just held a blood sacrifice ceremony for a day and a night, and was now exhausted and collapsed on the side of the hut, constantly taking out some pungent grass cakes and poisonous scorpions covered with strange patterns from the rough pottery jars beside him, chewing a few mouthfuls, and then swallowing them straight with his neck straight.

As soon as the shadow demon possessed by Grim sneaked into the hut, the blood-dripping spear vibrated without wind, making a crisp sound.

The old witch doctor Yeke was stunned, and his dim and turbid eyes quickly scanned the house, but he did not find any intruders or abnormalities.

Could it be a false alarm from the holy weapon? This possibility is not great!

After all, the blood-dripping spear is a 4th-level holy weapon given by Quetzalcoatl himself, with all kinds of strange powers that outsiders can hardly imagine. Therefore, Yeke never dared to ignore its sudden warning.

It is said that those invaders can transform into a tiny red bat and spy on intelligence everywhere. Could it be that there are enemies sneaking in here too?

The old witch doctor Yeke snorted coldly, pulled a palm-sized puppet from his belt and threw it to the ground. As the black smoke flashed, a giant mosquito with strange patterns flew up from the ground.

It was as big as a human head, and its pointed snout and thin legs flashed with the sharp light unique to metal sharp weapons.

"Go, kill all the alien life in this hut..."

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