The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1192 The Clash of Civilizations

Miniaturization and simplification of floating rings

This has always been one of Grimm's main efforts.

Since such research touches on the essential difference between arcane and witchcraft, it is extremely slow and difficult to advance.

Seriously speaking, arcane and witchcraft both originated from the original magic rune science, and are both extraordinary abilities born from the ancient spellcasters imitating the natural magic runes of monsters.

It's just that in the later development, wizards still insist on the chaotic, bloody, and taboo parts of ancient witchcraft, while arcane masters promote a simplified version that has been castrated to a certain extent.

The simplified and castrated version is indeed easier to learn and understand, and effectively expands the scale of arcane masters. But unfortunately, what they simplified and castrated is precisely the mysterious part derived from the coupling of extraordinary abilities with the rules of the world.

Without them, without these mysterious and elusive contents, arcane has indeed become easier to learn, allowing apprentices with less talent to smoothly advance based on experience and skills. However, this also severed the original connection between arcane and the rules of the ethereal world, making it much more difficult for arcane masters to advance to higher levels than wizards.

Wizards still adhere to the ancient traditions. The witchcraft they use is bloody and cruel, and it is also full of chaotic and mysterious content. The same talisman, the same witchcraft, can present completely different witchcraft effects in the hands of different wizards.

Coupled with the innovation of their own sharpening and killing skills, under the same circumstances, the combat power of wizards is often 35 times that of arcane masters of the same level.

Therefore, some people have specially summarized: arcane masters focus on knowledge and equipment, while wizards focus on skills and means.

Arcanists respect knowledge, while wizards respect power!

The essential difference between the two spellcaster systems is reflected in the material, that is, the equipment of arcane masters is more delicate and exquisite, while the equipment of wizards is simple and rough, and even a little too bloody.

The floating ring is not complicated in principle, and the knowledge is also very simple. It is to use a simple force field to form an anti-gravity barrier with a fixed direction and shape, and then push the material to float in a zero-gravity state.

However, the energy used by the floating ring is arcane energy that has been purified and domesticated multiple times. Compared with the magic energy used by wizards, the energy activity is reduced by more than 67. Such arcane energy is easy to store, compress and modulate, and can even be directly infused into the body of the caster, and the energy radiation hazard to ordinary people is reduced to the minimum.

In view of the huge difference between arcane energy and witchcraft energy, if Grimm does not find a way to improve it and directly uses the witch array to power the floating ring, then at the least it will cause turbulence in the energy system, and the floating ring will not be able to work stably and effectively; at the worst it will directly cause the collapse of the energy system, and a terrible chain explosion will occur.

After all, the arcane system and the witchcraft system are two independently developed systems. Although there are similarities or overlaps in many aspects, in more areas, irreconcilable essential contradictions and conflicts are manifested.

Therefore, most wizards can only use some useful content from the looted arcane knowledge, and can only discard those parts with essential contradictions and conflicts.

After all, the difficulty of integrating two completely different spellcasting systems is not something that can be easily solved by one or two generations of wizards or one or two geniuses.

Therefore, looting arcane knowledge is more of an instinct for wizards to expand their knowledge reserves and find a similar system of knowledge for reference.

When Grimm wanted to apply his acquired arcane knowledge to runes, witchcraft and equipment, he also faced similar huge problems.

There are as many as two or three hundred runes on fire in the witchcraft system, but there are only seven origin runes, and the rest are almost all variants or combinations of origin runes.

After a period of research and experimentation, Grimm also found arcane runes corresponding to these seven fire origin runes in the arcane system. But unfortunately, the rune arrays engraved with arcane runes are either ineffective or will cause various strange phenomena.

This is particularly a headache and frustration for Grimm.

Although the chip is very powerful, it will also appear powerless when it comes to the advanced field of mysticism, and it can no longer guide Grimm to move forward rapidly like a cheater before. After all, at this level, the experience and experience brought by the secular world and past memories are completely useless.

Every step forward in the field of mysticism requires constant exploration and verification, and failure is commonplace.

The reason for this is the uncertainty of mysticism!

According to the data collected by the chip, mysticism originates from the subtle force field changes produced by the combination of magic energy and various substances. Because of different substances, different environments, and different materials, countless trace force fields resonate to form larger, newer, and more complex energy spaces.

In this case, the commonality is temporary, tiny, and local, and the dynamic changes at all times are the mystical phenomena in a broad sense!

Witchcraft itself pursues this uncertainty.

Using tiny local energy changes to leverage the power of plane laws, and thus guiding the world rules to move in the direction you expect, this is the true essence of witchcraft!

In this process, the only thing a wizard can master is the guidance part.

Using spells, gestures, spellcasting materials, witch formations and other means to complete the preliminary energy guidance work, how does the subsequent energy resonance and rendering pry the plane rules? And how does the vibration of the plane rules transmit to the world rule level?

These things are unknown to low-level wizards, and only those high-level wizards who have touched the plane rules can continue to engage in research in this area.

Take fire witchcraft as an example. When Grimm was at level 1, he studied most about how to attract more fire element particles when gathering fireballs, and trigger more resonance of a wide range of fire elements. In other words, how to make the energy in the fireball more abundant, the explosion range larger, and the power more amazing when rubbing the fireball.

When he reached level 2, Grimm studied more about the penetration and conductivity of flame energy.

As for level 3, Grimm started to study the transformation and fusion of flame energy and other magic energy.

In the final analysis, before level 4, Grimm only studied the surface phenomenon of flame witchcraft, and did not involve the magical origin of flame energy at all.

Now, after becoming a 4th-level fire wizard, he unexpectedly mastered 4 low-level fire rules. For the first time, Grimm's witchcraft research began to advance into the field of the origin of magic. In this field, there are no pioneers, no past experience, and no rules to follow. Everything must be explored little by little from scratch.

Every high-level wizard is a polymath, and has rich achievements in his own field and knowledge. However, their research is closely related to their own abilities. Once this knowledge and experience spreads, it means that everything about oneself is made public.

This will bring great danger to oneself in disguise!

It is precisely because of these considerations that the research of high-level wizards is often secretive and never public. Only some teaching or trading will be carried out in a small range, and it will never be contributed as a public theory like the arcane masters.

In contrast, the situation within the three major wizard organizations will be slightly better.

By using resources, materials and magic crystals as rewards, some secondary and less sensitive research materials and content can be exchanged from many wizards. These things can also be used as task rewards to encourage low-level wizards who are incapable of conducting research in this area but are in urgent need of relevant knowledge to gather within the organization and form a real joint force.

However, in the central part of the continent, wizard organizations and forces are too scattered, and almost all exist in the form of large and small wizard families. And the relevant witchcraft knowledge will only flow within a small range within the family, which also makes the witchcraft system in the central part of the continent worse than the three major forces.

Therefore, if Grimm wants to engage in advanced witchcraft research, on the one hand, he can only grope forward on his own, and on the other hand, he needs help from the three major wizard organizations.

Now Grimm and the Northland witches are in a stalemate, and it has become unrealistic to obtain high-level witchcraft knowledge from them. And the Wizard Association is a hard-core group. It is difficult to find a suitable introducer or a suitable entry point to buy knowledge from them.

After comparing, the Silver Alliance is the most suitable!

The Silver Alliance is indeed a huge wizard organization with the strongest business atmosphere. As long as you have enough magic crystals, there is no witchcraft and resources that you can't buy.

However, those advanced knowledge that are useful to 4th-level wizards are too expensive. Even with Grimm's current wealth, seeing the strings of magic crystals that cost almost astronomical numbers is a headache.

The reason why Grimm insisted on entering the outer domain is that he is targeting the extremely hot resource trading market outside the domain. Thousands of planes are different, and each has its own unique plane system and resource system.

An item that is extremely rare in the wizard world may be just a medium-level resource in another world!

Therefore, if you can thread the needle in this huge market where thousands of planes gather, buy high and sell low, and integrate and trade resources across planes, the huge profits brought by this are definitely not something a small family in a plane can imagine.

Grimm sent the alien brain Gazlowe to the Exodar camp outside the territory to establish a stable stronghold camp there, which was the first step taken by the Crimson Family!

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