The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1203 Civil War Breaks Out

The entire wetland swamp is vast and rich in species.

And because of the special plane environment, various strange creatures and plants have been born.

But when it comes to the largest number, they are undoubtedly those strange spores flying all over the sky.

According to the results of chip scanning and testing, spore gene fragments can be detected in all organisms in wetlands and swamps. To put it bluntly, the ecosystem of wetlands and swamps is formed by the infection and combination of a large number of spores and various animals and plants.

The source of this spore comes from the mushroom jungles that are ubiquitous in wetlands and swamps.

Mushrooms are growing and becoming home and food for various swamp creatures. Mature mushrooms will release thousands of strange spores, spreading their genetic attributes everywhere.

Too many types of mushrooms and too many genetically different spores have parasitized and infected all the animals and plants in the swamp, giving birth to all kinds of strange magical creatures and plants.

Originally, this was an unusually slow and peaceful mutation process, but with the intervention of the Demon Spore Clan, this process seemed to be gradually accelerating.

The magic spore race is small. They have no strong bodies, no majestic divine power, and no magical abilities. They were originally just an inconspicuous and inferior race in the swamp.

The magic spore family is also very powerful. They use the sporogenous forest to breed an astonishing number of parasitic spores, and then mix them into the unique mushroom spore system of the wetland swamp, infecting the surrounding powerful races bit by bit.

During the three hundred years that the magic spores settled in the swamps, they infected a large number of fungal giants, many swamp lords, and by the way, a powerful ogre tribe.

These tribes that were infected by mutated spores have become servants of the magic spore clan, loyally protecting them. Therefore, even if something is wrong, it will be difficult for the strong men in the swamp to pass through these servant territories to find trouble with the Demon Spore Clan!

Because the relationships and situations here were too complicated and tortuous, even with Greem's mind it took a lot of effort to sort out the current situation of the wetland swamp.

Of course, some inside information secretly passed on by Amelia is also indispensable!

After all, half of Amelia's soul memories come from the magic spore princess. Although this guy lost the internal fight among the Demon Spore clan and left his hometown, many top secrets within the family still remain in his memory.

Among them, the topographic map of the Demon Pod Cave and the information about the powerful members of the Demon Spore clan were the focus of special attention for Greem.

The leader of the magic spore clan who was against Amelia, her uncle Farnson, was just a third-level nobody. But the fungus giant Muragesh it chose to fuse with is actually a real level 4 monster. Therefore, once he starts fighting, he should still be treated as a terrifying level 4 strongman.

In addition to the fungus giant, Farnson also half-cooped, half-enslaved a powerful swamp lord, Cratchit.

This is also a terrifying swamp lord with a level 4 advanced level of strength, possessing terrifying power and despairingly strong vitality.

In addition, Farnson can also mobilize the chief of the Angrosh Ogre Tribe, Gorface, who is also a terrifying guy at the fourth level.

Judging from the strength comparison, there are a total of eight level 4 creatures in the wetland swamp, and currently there are three belonging to the magic spore clan. Although the remaining five can still form a certain numerical advantage, they are like a pile of loose sand that is difficult to truly gather together.

But fortunately, the swamp wise man Moat was in the middle to communicate, and this anti-magic spore alliance had a reluctant core. As for Greem, because of Emelia's attitude and the Origin Water, he naturally gravitated towards the Anti-Magic Spore Alliance.

In the following period, Greem went to several areas where the blight was rampant, where he captured the spore people one after another who went out to feed. And as the evidence became more and more conclusive, the leaders and strong men of other ethnic groups who got the news finally became angry!

On the 17th day after Greem and his party entered the swamp, a terrible swamp civil war finally broke out!

The once peaceful and peaceful wetland swamp has now become a battlefield. Every moment, you can see and hear swamp creatures of different races and shapes roaring and fighting in the dark and eerie mushroom forest.

Greem and Remy were walking under a dimly lit giant mushroom tree. As soon as they turned around a small mound, they ran into a group of swamp creatures that were fighting and killing like crazy.

On one side are three tall and burly swamp giants with staggering movements. They are all over seven meters tall, with a stout body like a large bear, except that the sharp claws on the upper limbs are replaced by thick tentacle whips, and the body surface is covered with blue-gray moss and lichen, and occasionally Many white cysts can be seen.

They obviously belong to the Anti-Magic Spore Alliance.

On the other side were more than twenty Angrosh ogres who were equally tall and strong.

Ogres are generally only three or four meters tall, barely reaching the waist of a swamp giant. But they are numerous and well-trained, and are not as stupid and dull as the ogres in other worlds.

The ogres seemed to have a reasonable professional mix. There were seven or eight ogre warriors holding wooden shields in front of them, who withstood the charges and attacks of the three swamp giants, and there were more than a dozen ogre barbarians in the middle. Holding stone hammers or maces, they beat the opponent crazily.

Behind the ogre team, there were two tall shaman priests.

They either threw a ball of red mist at the ogre warriors or barbarians to make them more eager to fight; or threw red fireballs at the swamp giants, which made them roar and burn.

The two level 2 and one level 1 swamp giant team were forced to retreat again and again by a group of level 1 ogres, looking like they were about to lose.

Grimm stood not far away with his witch staff in his hand, silently looking at the battlefield, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart. And beside him, Remi, wearing a Peppa Pig costume, looked at both sides on the battlefield with ill intentions.

Seeing an outsider approaching the battlefield rashly, an ogre barbarian closest to Grimm roared and rushed over with a huge stone hammer with a diameter of one meter.

With that huge body and heavy stone hammer, the ground would tremble slightly every time the opponent stepped on the ground. The dull footsteps of "dong dong dong" sounded just like the low drums of war beaten by humans.

Due to the advantage in the battle, the two ogre shamans standing at the back of the team cast their eyes over inadvertently. When they saw clearly that the target of their companions' charge was a skinny guy less than 2 meters tall, they couldn't help but grin and giggle.

Although they have a strong intelligence, they are still a long way from forming real wisdom. Knowledge needs to be accumulated, and wisdom can be passed on. This is definitely not a wise creature just because it has a big head!

However, the next moment, the two ogre shamans couldn't help but exclaimed at the same time.

In the distance, the inconspicuous little human raised his wooden stick and shot out five blazing fireballs with amazing flame energy fluctuations in one breath. The first ogre soldier was hit by a fireball when he rushed halfway, and then his whole body was blown up by the fireballs that followed, turning into a ball of blood mist that fell all over the ground.

The whole battlefield was suddenly quiet, and both sides of the battle could not help but stop their actions and turn their heads to look at the ogre's body that was nearly half engulfed by the flames.

"He is a level 4" an ogre shaman at the back of the battlefield screamed.

But before it could finish its words, the short human in the distance suddenly disappeared. Then it was horrified to find that the other party had come to its side.

He didn't care about chanting spells. Although the shaman was not as strong as the ogre warrior and the barbarian, he was not a good person. He picked up the wooden stick in his hand that was as thick as a stone pillar and smashed it at the other party.

Listen to the sharp sound of the wind. Even though the wooden stick is not as good as a stone stick or a stone hammer, it can still break bones and tendons if it is swung and hit on an ordinary swamp creature.

But unfortunately, the one it wants to deal with is a terrible legendary fire witch!

Grimm didn't even need to use fire magic. He just touched the shaman priest with his staff and the fire energy in his body was instantly ignited.

The next second, the shaman priest who was still waving the wooden stick majestically the moment before, his whole body burst into flames instantly. The flames sprayed out from its big mouth, from its nostrils, from its ears and even from all its skin pores, making it burn into a huge human-shaped torch in the shortest time.

It howled in pain, its eyes were burned blind, and it ran around helplessly and dazedly.

When the fire energy in its body was exhausted and the open fire on its body was extinguished instantly, its whole body was charred and withered like a piece of charcoal, and it fell to the ground with a thud, without any breath.

It was alive when the flames burned, but it died when the flames went out.

Things in the world are so strange sometimes!

The remaining shaman looked at Grimm with horror, and when he found that the other party had shifted his gaze to himself, he immediately ran away in fear. But before he could run two steps, a red ray shot out from Grimm's eyes and passed through his legs.

Wherever the red ray passed, the earth was cut into a deep scorch mark, and the shaman's legs were broken at the knees. The whole person fell to the ground and also fell into painful howling.

The two shamans with advanced strength of level 1 were not Grimm's opponents. They were killed so easily by him, and the remaining ogres dared not move forward.

They shouted with fear and immediately scattered like birds and beasts, fleeing in all directions.

Grimm only knocked down five with the blazing fireball, and the rest had already fled into the distant fog and disappeared.

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