The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0115 Return

2 months later.

As the flying ship slowly landed on the square, this forced trial mission in the Dark Crypt was finally coming to an end.

Just like when they came, the person responsible for escorting them was still the muscular man wearing golden armor.

When he saw Greem and the others, an unexplainable smile appeared on the muscular man's face.

"Hahaha, you guys, are you doing well in the underground? Let me check... Not bad, there are seven of ten people left. It seems that those guys in the underground are quite polite to you. Hey, Why is there an additional quasi-witch? It seems that someone is really good at it! Haha, is that junior guy the first one to die? If a junior guy dares to mess around here, he is looking for death! …”

Listening to the muscular man's sermon for his own entertainment, several people in the venue looked a little embarrassed.

During the trial team's last underground inspection, they were attacked by a premeditated ambush by a fallen apprentice. Senior apprentice Bruce also died underground, while the rest of the group escaped with injuries. So when they heard the muscular man's teasing, they all lowered their heads to hide the angry fire in their eyes.

Greem bowed with a bitter look on his face and said, "Sir Samir, I am the junior apprentice you mentioned!"

The heroic laughter of Samir, a muscular man, stopped abruptly.

His leopard eyes as big as copper bells stared at Greem, and then he vaguely saw a hint of the past in Greem's hugely changing figure.

"You're a senior apprentice! Boy, it seems that you are the best among this group of people! Okay, okay, no matter how you have been in the past, get on the boat now. I have to rush to finish it. It’s time to return to the mission!”

Everyone boarded the flying ship without saying a word, and Goblin Kirby, as Grim's contracted servant, also boarded the ship after symbolically handing over 1 magic crystal.

When the flying ship took off after a slight shock, everyone clung to the side of the ship, looking at the increasingly smaller crowds and buildings under their feet, feeling very complicated in their hearts. Like a bird that suddenly escaped from its cage, its mood suddenly relaxed, and a few familiar people gathered together to chat and laugh happily.

However, the huge deep ravine between the teams still existed, and the team of seven people was divided into two distinct groups.

In the last period of time when he was about to leave the Dark Crypt Wizard Tower, Grim ordered Kirby to sell off all the magic gems and materials that were temporarily unused, and worked hard to acquire a large amount of Warcraft ingredients and all the witchcraft knowledge that could be collected. Elemental crystal nucleus.

He knew very well that compared with here, the conditions in the Swamp Tower were so primitive that they could be called a barbaric place. Once you return, there will be no magic package, no apprentice market, and many chambers of commerce with abundant resources. At that time, you have to rely on yourself to have enough food and clothing!

The large amount of supplies and resources purchased filled the storage belt to the brim. In order to bring all these things back, Greem even bought five or six waist bags in one go. But even so, there were still a lot of materials that couldn't be loaded, so Kirby simply put them in a big bag and carried them on his back, not wanting to throw them away wherever he went.

The flying ship is flying in the sky, and it is inside a mature human settlement, so it flies extremely fast. When they came, the Dark Crypt was the last stop, but when they went back, they became the first stop. Therefore, as the flying ship passed one mission point after another in different areas, more and more apprentices boarded the ship one after another.

Compared with the high-spirited spirit when they arrived, it can be seen that the apprentices who have gone through hardships have worn away their edges and become much more deep and restrained. However, when the number of people on the boat exceeded a hundred, it inevitably became lively.

Of course, the senior apprentices are the ones who make the most noise when walking around on the deck of the flying ship, calling for friends. Although the intermediate apprentices are the most numerous, most of the time they can only serve as foils. But the real stars in the apprenticeship circle are still those quasi-witches.

After this experience, these quasi-witches will definitely become the future hopes that their families will strive to cultivate when they return, so taking advantage of this rare opportunity to get together, they also want to get in touch with their competitors at the same level.

A would-be witch only has eyes for another would-be witch!

When the flying ship passed through the Dagon and Brakada areas, the number of quasi-witches gathered on the flying ship had reached 10, including Mary, a new bloodline quasi-witch, and... the evil insect Entik.

Yes, unfortunately, that evil insect Entik was successfully promoted to a quasi-witch in this trial!

Perhaps because he was satisfied with his progress, when he boarded the flying ship at the Brakada mission point, he did not cover his face with a hood as usual. His face became uglier than before. The entire facial muscles were dark, and a circle of strange little eyes appeared around the purple pupils. When all the eyes blinked together, they were so densely packed that it was quite scary.

His mouth has now been replaced by the mouthparts of a beetle-like lotus petal. When the dark lips bloom and squirm, you can even see the scarlet flesh cavity and green saliva inside.

It can be seen that the evil insect Entik has gone deeper and deeper into the transformation of his body. Now he can be called a "half-insect man"! Although he is not interested in this kind of behavior that completely abandons the human body, Grim still has to admit that this evil insect Entik is the most ruthless and cruel to him among the apprentices he has ever seen!

The strong strength also gave Entik strong confidence, so he didn't have to care about the eyes of outsiders. This can be seen from the way he stepped on the airship with a proud look. However, when his purple compound eyes swept across the lively crowd and fell on Mary and Grimm, the senior apprentices following him actually felt a trace of solemnity and anger in their fearless boss.

When they followed the boss's gaze and saw Mary, who was proudly isolated in a red skirt, red armor and a red bow, everyone's face showed a look of surprise and intoxication. However, when they sensed the deep and restrained powerful mental fluctuations in Mary, they were shocked at the same time, and quickly put away their lecherous looks and bowed slightly to Mary to show respect.

Such a beautiful and arrogant beauty is actually a quasi-witch. Everyone couldn't help but secretly sigh at the bias of the world's will.

Entik stared at Mary coldly for a long time, then pulled up the hood to cover his face again, and walked to the side silently. During the whole process, his eyes never lingered on Grimm.

"It seems that there will be a fight after we go back! This Entik seems to have gained a lot." Grimm didn't care about the evil insect's contempt, but joked with a smile.

"Humph, no matter how deep he hides, he can't hide it as deep as you. You are the most pretentious person I have ever seen! You obviously have such powerful means, but you pretend to be harmless, just waiting for some idiots to crash into you and die. Are you addicted to self-abuse?" Mary retorted dissatisfiedly.

She couldn't be completely sure now! This damn bastard pushed himself to the position of quasi-witch. Was it really for his own good, or did he habitually want to push himself to the front to cover up his evil taste of stalking people from behind.

At the last mission point in the Bracada area, the crazy woman also boarded the airship.

The sudden meeting of several people not only did not have the slightest joy of gathering, but made the atmosphere more solemn and weird.

The madwoman is still at the level of a senior apprentice. Although she has also gained a lot of strength in the mission trial, compared with the evil insect and Mary, she obviously lacks some opportunities.

When they came, in order to fight against Mary, the suddenly rising "outsider", the relationship between the madwoman and the evil insect Entik was quite harmonious. But now that the evil insect has become a quasi-witch, the madwoman has suddenly become alienated from him. She walked to the side alone to find a place to rest, and did not talk to him to congratulate him.

This made Grimm curious and began to think about the real relationship between them.

Soon, when the airship turned into the Erathia area, there were more than 260 wizard apprentices on board. And those guys who did not board the airship probably died in the mission.

There were a total of 11 quasi-witches when they came, but the number of quasi-witches on the ship had reached 14 when they returned. This also means that in the trial mission, 3 lucky senior apprentices also became the pride of heaven. Everyone's eyes fell on them, full of inexplicable envy and deep hidden hatred.

After more than ten days of long-distance flight, when they entered the central area of ​​Sandy Tower Forest, these apprentices left the airship one after another, and Grimm and others also arrived at the Swamp Tower smoothly.

Since their group went to the Dagon area at the edge of Sandy Tower Forest, they were also the last batch of apprentices to return to the tower. Therefore, the apprentices standing in front of the gate to welcome them almost represented all the current official apprentices of the Swamp Tower.

Still on the airship, Grimm took a glance, and the chip counted the number of people below, 37 people. If the 9 people on the airship are added, there are only 46 people in total, compared with the previous 62 people, a reduction of 1/3.

This reduction ratio is estimated to be the highest among all wizard towers. And the reason for this is obviously related to the inaction of Anderson wizard in the Swamp Tower. In the past, Grimm and his companions were trapped in this magical swamp, where supplies were scarce and resources were scarce. Even to do a witchcraft experiment, they had to collect materials and exchange resources by themselves.

The most direct consequence of this is that the apprentices of the Swamp Tower are so weak and poor compared to other wizard towers. With such strength, participating in the apprentice trials with certain risks, almost any accident would be a life-and-death disaster for them!

Even those apprentices who successfully survived the task trials mostly completed the tasks with the worst results, so they did not improve much. On the contrary, the ten apprentices who stayed behind, led by Allen, all had smug smiles on their faces. Facing those apprentices who risked their lives but gained little, they felt more and more that their choice at the time was far-sighted and wise.

However, as the last batch of 9 apprentices on the flying ship came down, the faces of the people in the field finally changed drastically, which was difficult to hide! chapter;

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