The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1214: Strong Men Fight

Where did the attack come from?

For a moment, the magic pod was almost confused by this red flame storm.

It has blocked all the attacks of the legendary fire wizard, so where did this sudden red flame storm come from.

While the magic pod shook its body violently, it sprayed thick smoke-like poisonous mist from its stems, and screamed strangely, urging its slaves to attack the enemy. And its focus is more on finding the hidden enemy.

Facing the many spore people, swamp creatures, and Faunson who was driving the fourth-level fungal giant, Greem once again used flame jumping to escape from their attack range.

The moment he emerged from another area, Greem quickly cast a spell again, guiding a series of red fireballs to smash towards the magic pod crazily.

The magic pod could only wave its branches and vines to fiercely welcome the baptism of the fireball. But it was still exactly the same as last time. Even though it knocked out all the fireballs, there was still a terrifying flame witchcraft that suddenly burst on its stem, igniting half of its body.

Although the magic pod does not have as cunning a mind as a human, it is not stupid either.

With just these two attacks, it quickly determined that the enemy must have some ability to make the spell invisible. Only when the spell is detonated does it know whether it has been attacked.

Make the formed spell invisible?

Such an ability is simply unheard of, but the threat it brings to yourself is also extremely terrifying!

The magic pod could only drive Greem away with all its strength, and then used the poisonous mist to extinguish the flames on its body again. In just this short time, there were many black scorch marks on the magic pod's torso that almost filled nearly half of the hall space that could not be eliminated for the time being.

From some damaged stems, viscous juice shining with green fluorescence slowly flowed out, filling the entire hall with a fishy and pungent smell.

The intense pain from the flames tortured the magic pod to death, and the long green vine whips and green mouths shattered the hall floor and stone walls. But that guy, who was as small as a mouse in front of a giant elephant, relied on the elusive flames to jump around in the hall, causing all its attacks to fall into the air.

As for its slaves, except for Farnsen who was able to withstand the aftermath of the violent flames, the rest of them turned into a pile of charcoal and could no longer stand up.

The power of the magic pod is powerful enough, but its weakness is also so obvious!

Unable to move...Afraid of fire...

As a powerful level 4 advanced monster, the magic pod cannot be afraid of ordinary flames like other swamp creatures. Its strange body shimmering with metallic luster has a solid defense that is no weaker than hundred-refined steel, but it cannot protect itself at all from the opponent's terrifying golden flames.

Spell penetration... There is definitely a rule of spell penetration in the law of fire mastered by that damn legendary fire wizard. Otherwise, how could this mere flame damage its body?

By the way, that fire witch also mastered the ability to make flame witchcraft invisible... This is also a headache for the magic pod!

Whenever the fire wizard appears in a certain area, there must be a number of blazing fireballs and one or two powerful 'invisibility' spells.

This also forced the magic pod to twist its body desperately when it saw Greem attacking, and use rattan and green branches to form an airtight defense network around its torso. If you are lucky, the random vines and branches will detonate the invisible witchcraft in advance. In this way, the fire damage caused to the main trunk will be much smaller.

After several unsuccessful attacks, Farnson couldn't help but become furious.

It roared angrily, and the fungus giant's legs suddenly plunged into the stone floor, and then its forward right tentacle grew crazily forward like a soaring vine.

Greem was unable to dodge before his legs were entangled by it.

With one move of Grim's witch staff, more than a dozen exploding fireballs blocked the attack of the magic pod, and he quickly transformed into a flame giant, his entire body wrapped in a layer of explosive golden flames.

Farnson's tentacles wrapped around Greem, which was equivalent to wrapping around a thick pillar of fire that was more than ten meters high.

While the two sides are constantly competing, they are also hurting each other crazily.

As soon as the old vine tentacles withered and turned to dust, new vine tentacles grew crazily and wrapped around Greem's flaming body again. While being entangled, the front end of the rattan tentacles couldn't help digging and tearing at Greem's body, as if looking for a gap to get into his body.

Raging golden flames spurted out from Greem's body. If Farnson didn't possess the powerful regeneration ability, its right arm would have turned into a pile of ashes.

While Greem was attacking Farnson with flames, his body was also infected with many green spots. This is the result of the enemy's terrible poison!

A Level 4 creature is worthy of being a Level 4 creature. The toxins it drives can infect even elemental flames... If Greem's physiological structure and elemental composition were not completely different from humans at this time, I am afraid he would not be able to escape the poison and die. The inevitable outcome!

However, at this moment, the forces of both sides are entangled together. The power of fire and the power of poison are constantly impacting each other, devouring and annihilating... The elemental damage caused to both parties is also very terrifying.

If it were another level 4, he would never easily engage in such a mutually beneficial magic attack with the enemy.

However, as a senior servant of the magic pod, Farnson had obviously put the other party's life safety above his own safety!

Taking advantage of the opportunity that Grimm was entangled by Farnson and could not get away, the magic pod shook its body, and several times the green branches condensed into a terrifying big hand and slapped it, but Grimm barely avoided it.

In the end, there was really no place to hide, so Grimm could only explode his body, leaving behind the part of his flame body entangled by Farnson, and the rest flew out and re-condensed his body in another area.

Although he got rid of Farnson's entanglement, Grimm also lost nearly 7% of his flame body.

If this 7% of power was used in normal times, with the help of the Heart of Rules, Grimm only needed half a quarter of an hour to make up for it. But now, in the fierce and dangerous battle, where can Grimm make up for this 7% of power loss!

A muffled sound.

The giant palm of the demon pod slapped down, turning the remaining part of Grimm's body and Farnson's right arm into a pool of sticky blood sauce. Under the sweep of its powerful force, the 7% of the flame power was instantly destroyed and no longer existed.

Grimm emerged from another place again, and after re-condensing his body, it can be clearly seen that the thickness of the golden flame around him has lost a thin layer.

With Farnson's efforts to achieve such a result, the demon pod is undoubtedly the happiest one.

But how could it know that at the moment when Grimm just broke off his tail and escaped, his small back projected on the floor did not disappear with him, but quietly merged into Farnson's shadow.

The violent forces of the three parties stirred and swirled in that small area, and also initially affected Farnson's spiritual perception. Otherwise, with the mental power of a 4th-level warrior, all the tiny energy changes within a hundred meters around him could not be hidden from his perfect mental perception.

After all, Farnson was only a 3rd-level magic spore, but he forcibly controlled a 4th-level fungus giant.

Although such a parasitic combination gave it a powerful physical regeneration ability and terrible racial superpowers, it was obviously not comparable to a genuine 4th-level warrior.

At least, in terms of mental power perception, Farnson was undoubtedly only at the 3rd-level level!

Grimm, who had lost some of his strength, obviously could no longer attack as recklessly as before.

Grimm wandered desperately, avoiding both the full-area attack of the magic pod and the entanglement of Farnson's weird vines. Therefore, every time he appeared, the time left for him to attack would be pitifully short.

If he hesitated or paused for a moment, he might be left in place by Farnson, who rushed over frantically, thus incurring a terrifying blow from the magic pod.

In addition to this physical attack, the magic pod is actually constantly trying to separate and spread some parasitic spores that are difficult to identify with the naked eye. Unfortunately, such an attack method obviously cannot hide from the perception and scanning of the chip. Only a small flame protection can keep all the parasitic spores out of the body.

All spores are afraid of fire... As long as they get close to Grimm's side, they will be burned by the invisible flame protection and cannot touch his body at all.

It is precisely because this parasitic attack that is always effective is completely ineffective that the magic pod can only grit its teeth and fight Grimm in such a clumsy way.

The two sides fought fiercely in the "small" hall, not caring about how terrible damage their attacks would cause to the surroundings. Such unscrupulous behavior eventually brought a terrible disaster to this magic spore holy land that outsiders could hardly imagine!

The earth was shaking, and the rocks were crumbling...

Layers of underground palaces were cracking and collapsing in the violent shaking, stone beams were collapsing one after another, and corridors and secret rooms were swallowed up by the collapsed boulders... The entire Magic Spore Holy Land gradually became a ruin in the fierce battle, swallowing up hundreds of Magic Spore clan lives.

However, they didn't care about all the changes outside. The three 4th-level warriors were still fighting in the Magic Spore Hall, trying their best to cause more damage to the enemy.

Finally, taking advantage of the delay of avoiding the falling boulders, Grimm's flaming body was once again imprisoned in place by Farsen's wildly growing vine tentacles.

Seeing such a great opportunity to attack, the magic pod didn't care whether it would accidentally hurt Farsen, and immediately swung its thick torso, wrapped in the whistling wind, and attacked Grimm frantically.

Grimm, who was entangled on the ground, suddenly raised his head and looked at the huge hand that was whistling towards him. A strange smile suddenly appeared on his face...

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