The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1216 Returning victoriously


Grim shouted sharply.

"Hand over the Origin Water, and I will retreat directly. This is still your world..."

"Delusion... you intruder!" The magic pod rubbed the leaves and made a strange sound: "I will tear you into pieces and use them to water my endless well!"

"Then let's fight to the death!"

Completely irritated by the magic pod's ignorance, Greem roared and transformed into a flame giant with a height of more than ten meters. His entire body was surrounded and wrapped in golden flames that reached the sky, and he held a hand tightly in his hands. A huge fireball churning with flames.

Although the flame giant is still inferior to the three to four hundred meter long magic pod in terms of size, the terrifying power of burning the sky and boiling the sea is even worse. Especially when Greem burst into flames and roared angrily, terrifying flames that were several meters long spewed out from his eyes and mouth, making him look as if the God of Fire had descended into the world and the God of Fury had appeared.

Even with the fierceness and aloofness of the magic pod, he could not help but feel his spirit trembling and his mind awe-inspiring.

Silently, energy boiled and aura exploded in the shadow behind the magic pod. Shadow Demon's strange body slowly emerged from the darkness, its scarlet mechanical eyes staring coldly at the opponent.

It can be seen that once the war breaks out again, the three 'people' will definitely fight to the death and determine the outcome of life and death!

Being attacked from both sides by Greem who transformed into a flame giant and Shadow Demon who looked like a ghost assassin, the magic pod felt uneasy inside. Although it is 70% sure that it can deal with the two people in front of it, but... 70% is only 70% after all, and it still has a 30% chance of dying under the attack of the two people.

For a level 4 expert with a long vitality, the 30% mortality rate is already high enough...

"I extracted nearly 20% of the water from the wetlands and swamps to form this original water. It is also the guarantee for me to advance to level 5. Don't even think about getting any of it..." The magic pod shook its stem violently, stretching for several seconds. The hundred-meter-long body twisted wildly like a snake.

Although its tone is still cold and harsh, its attitude has obviously softened a bit.

"We will not take away all of your original water... only one third is enough!" Greem held up the increasingly violent flaming fireball with both hands and continued to maintain terrifying pressure: "Anyway, As long as you stay here, the guys in the swamp will never be able to drive you away. By then, you will have many ways to slowly collect the water and life in the wetland, which will be much better than fighting with us here today!"

"Huh, bastard... You have no idea how difficult it is to collect water here. I have the current situation, but it took more than four hundred years to achieve it, and yet you just want to leave 1/3 of it. Delusion...this is delusion!"

"Then we only need 1/4 of the main bank, right? You don't think that the value of the two of us at level 4 can't compare with that 1/4 of the original water, right?"

"No, it's too much! If I give you 1/4, I'll have problems increasing my own strength..."

"Then 1\\/5... we can't go any less! If you don't even agree to 1\\/5, then we have to..." At this point, the blazing fire ball in Greem's hand had changed from red to red. It's golden, and the violent flame energy contained in it is simply heart-stopping.

The magic pod did not answer, but quietly observed the changes in the expressions of the two people with its keen mental perception.

It's a pity that one has the body of a magic weapon, and the other is the cunning and cunning Greem. Both of them are experts in haggling and bargaining, and they are simply not what a 'fledgling' rookie can compare to.

Finally, under extreme force and intimidation, the three reluctantly reached some agreement.

Greem took out nearly a million magic crystals and a large number of wizard resources unique to the wizarding world, and then exchanged 1/5 of the original water from the magic pod. The initial estimate was 750 grams, but Alice only needed 500 grams to save her life.

Therefore, Greem can still have 250 grams left to do some special research!

If Greem had a small material plane at hand, then integrating these 250 grams of original water would immediately create two or three more rivers in this small plane that could stretch for thousands of kilometers and have extremely abundant water.

This is actually the true meaning of the existence of original water!


Outside the Magic Spore Holy Land.

The violent earthquake has lasted for half a day.

Under the distant gaze of everyone, the mountain range where the Magic Spore Holy Land was located collapsed with a terrible rumbling sound. The rising dust and swirling soil mist overturned the entire mountain range below.

In a mushroom forest near the sporogenous forest, eight short magic spore people were standing on tiptoes, hiding in a pile of moss and looking into the distance.

They naturally saw everything that happened in the Magic Spore Holy Land.

But with their weak strength, they are obviously not enough to participate in such a terrifying battle!

"Uncle, is our choice this time right or wrong? After all, the princess... has changed!"

"Yes, Uncle Naru, the princess has become a human wizard. She...will she still treat us like before?"

The shortest and oldest one among the magic spore people, caressing the withered fibrous roots under his jaw, said quietly: "This is the fate of our magic spore clan, we will always obey the orders of the strong! After this battle, , the Demon Spore clan will definitely face a big change, and if we continue to stay here, our fate will not be very good. "

"What about the princess? Has she established herself in the other world? Can she... can she protect us?" A slightly younger magic spore man couldn't help but mutter.

However, before the Naru could answer, a clear and sharp male voice suddenly sounded behind them.

"If you still don't believe Emilia's promise, then you should believe the words of a 4th-level wizard!"

Suddenly hearing the voice of an outsider, several magic spores turned pale with fear and looked back in fear.

They realized that at some point, a human male wizard in a red robe and holding a wizard's staff was standing behind them. And standing quietly beside the human wizard was the magic spore princess Emilia that they kept mentioning.

As for the inconspicuous Remi in the corner, no one cared at all.

"Princess, you finally escaped from the Holy Land... You, you didn't meet Farnson there, did you? Thank God, you escaped so quickly, otherwise you would definitely not escape from Farnson's clutches. Look, when Farnson got angry, even the Holy Land Mountains almost collapsed..."

Listening to Naru's nagging, Amelia interrupted it angrily.

"Naru, stop nagging there, come and meet Lord Grim! He is my current patriarch... The patriarch just came out of the Magic Spore Holy Land, and that Farnson has been killed by him! Even the Holy Land Mountains were destroyed by him..."

After hearing Amelia's words, several Magic Spore people couldn't help but take a breath, looking at Grimm with admiration and awe. Especially when their eyes fell on the withered head hanging on Grimm's belt, they looked terrified and uneasy.

Human head... That's the head of the Demon Spore leader Farnson!

Although the head has withered and deformed, the strange skin color and the ferocious eyebrows are exactly the familiar Farnson.

With this head as a witness, several Demon Spore people no longer dared to doubt it. They knelt on the ground one by one, and did not dare to look directly at Grimm's fierce magic aura.

"You stay here with them and wait for me to return. Remi will protect you!" Grimm did not cast his eyes on the Demon Spore people at all, but directly ordered Amelia.

"Master, don't we need to leave immediately? Where are you going?" Amelia asked in surprise.

"Collect the debt!" Grimm gritted his teeth and said, "I still have a batch of debts to collect here..."

After that, he left the mushroom forest without looking back.


Two days later.

Wizard world, Destiny Tower.

The white light in the teleportation array was overflowing, and it lasted for half a quarter of an hour before the ultra-long-distance inter-dimensional teleportation was completed.

When the white light slowly dissipated, Grimm, Emelia, Remi, and eight strange figures of different heights appeared in the teleportation array.

"You are finally back... By the way, did you bring back the source water?" The elf Helen, who had been waiting in front of the teleportation array with worry, flew quickly to Grimm, circling and circling, and there was a tremor in her shrill voice.

Grimm did not speak, but took out a flat wooden pot from his belt and shook it gently, and the sound of clear water came out from it.

"It's good to bring it back... It's good to bring it back..." Little Helen's words were full of tears: "Alice's life is almost exhausted. That kind of time toxin seems to be accelerating..."

"How to use this thing?" Grimm said solemnly.

"Leave it to us with confidence! The necessary ritual items have been prepared, and we are waiting for you to bring back the source water... Let's go, let's start immediately..."

After a while, the Tower of Destiny, which had been silent for a while, suddenly shone brilliantly again. Milky white strange light pillars pierced the haze above the Dragon Bone Wilderness, and brought down poetic and dreamy strange starlight from the sky.

Then, the mysterious and mysterious shadow of the Long River of Destiny loomed above the Tower of Destiny, and countless shining stars fell from it, aiming directly at the Tower of Destiny.

And at the moment when the stars fell, a tall and beautiful witch figure emerged, opened her arms, and let these stars sink into her body.

As the stars fell more and more, and more and more densely, the figure of this beautiful witch became more and more condensed and real.

Finally, when the long river of fate slowly faded away, the beautiful witch suddenly turned around, and on her thousand-meter-tall body, a pair of beautiful eyes as bright as the stars burst out with a dazzling brilliance that shocked people...

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