The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1233: Killing Witches

Grimm and Bilis, who came from afar, soon settled down in this steel castle.

The Steel Castle is a large base of the Goblin Chamber of Commerce here.

In line with the goblins' usual business style, there is a row of shops in front of the castle, while the main body of the castle is used as a warehouse and living area.

The security of the castle is handled by a team of 20 magic machines.

In addition to these magic machines with steel bodies and metal heads, there are also 5 goblin mechanical wizards stationed inside the castle. These goblin mechanical wizards are the real guardians of the castle, responsible for protecting several high-level members of the Goblin Chamber of Commerce.

Over the years, the Goblin Chamber of Commerce has finally extended its tentacles into the territory of the Wizard Association through unremitting efforts and infiltration. Eleven goblin shops of all sizes, plus this metal castle as the headquarters, are all the achievements of the goblins.

The Crimson Family's brand may be well-known in the central part of the continent, but in the eastern part of the continent where the emperor is far away, the Goblin Chamber of Commerce can only survive and develop as hard as many human businesses. Fortunately, there is a stable family to rely on, and coupled with the enthusiastic and outstanding business methods of the goblins, the Goblin Chamber of Commerce has finally taken root here and is expanding and growing step by step.

Some time ago, Thor even proposed to the family headquarters to dispatch one or more high-level wizards to garrison.

After all, the wizard world is a powerful region dominated by human wizards. If the Chamber of Commerce is full of goblins, and there are no high-level human wizards, then they will be suppressed and discriminated against in various ways in the transaction of goods and the acquisition of resources.

Over the years, the goblins have suffered a lot in this regard!

Therefore, when the goblin Thor suddenly heard that the famous 3rd-level insect wizard Bilis in the family had come here, he was happy and excited from the bottom of his heart.

After entering the secret room, the goblin Thor realized that the mysterious wizard who had been following Bilis was actually his own patriarch. The sudden enthusiasm was even difficult for Grimm to bear.

After sending him away with difficulty, Grimm had time to carefully study the operating structure of the Wizard Association.

The Wizard Association, one of the three major wizard organizations in the wizard world, occupies a vast land of nearly seven million square kilometers in the eastern part of the wizard continent, with 370 million people under its jurisdiction, more than 30,000 wizards, and thousands of secondary planes ruled and occupied.

To measure whether a wizard organization is strong or not, it mainly depends on several key data indicators: wealth, strength, resources, power, and the number of wizards!

Among the three major wizard organizations, the Silver Alliance has always been famous for its wealth and power, occupying two major items of wealth and resources. The Wizard Association has been recognized and supported by the majority of wizards, has a large number of wizards, has the most complete wizard development system, and also has the top wizards in the wizard world.

Therefore, in terms of comprehensive strength, the Wizard Association ranks first among the three major wizard organizations.

As for the witches in the North, their overall strength is the weakest, but they are extremely united and extremely fierce in fighting. Therefore, they can defend the North and unite to compete with the Wizard Association and the Silver Alliance.

Grimm came from Sandi Tallin, which is famous for its loose sand. The development of the entire wizard group is based on the family as the model and axis, and the interests and development of the clan are above everything else!

The Wizard Association is a typical academic style. The power of the wizard family has been compressed to the extreme. The wizards who can really promote the development of the association are wizards with strong strength and distinctive personalities, not the wizard families behind them.

In the central part of the continent, wizards are appendages of the family. It is extremely difficult to develop without the support of the family. But in the Wizard Association, those numerous wizard families have become attached organizations of some genius wizards. Only when the wizards who rely on themselves and sponsor them climb to a high position within the association can the family have a more relaxed and bright future.

The status of both parties suddenly reversed!

In Sanditalin, no matter how powerful a wizard is, as long as he has not advanced to the 4th level, he is destined to become a slave or stepping stone of the family and endure hundreds of years of labor exploitation. Such an atmosphere is undoubtedly very depressing, and it has also excluded many elite wizards without family background from the mainstream.

The Wizard Association obviously does not have so many prejudices and rules. The selection and training of wizards only look at personal qualifications and development potential, and there is an extremely complete wizard training system inside. Therefore, it has become the first choice of many wizards who have no power and no family background.

However, Grimm also knows that what really determines the status of a wizard organization is the number of top-level wizards in it!

In this regard, the Wizard Association is even more dominant.

According to incomplete statistics, the number of 4th-level wizards in the Wizard Association has reached more than 40, almost three times the number of Sanditalin. As for whether there is a top power hidden behind it, that is the top secret of the Wizard Association, and outsiders don’t know it at all.

Compared with the huge Wizard Association, Sanditalin is like a little brother next to a giant. If the three major wizard organizations were not involved with each other and confronted each other, I am afraid that Sanditalin would not have the strength to resist the attack of the Wizard Association.

As for Greem and the Crimson Family he founded, they have no means to be arrogant and arrogant in front of the behemoth Wizards Association. If Greem hadn't been absolutely confident in himself, he wouldn't have dared to rashly come to the territory of the 'enemy' to look for opportunities for 'cooperation'!

Olivia is the powerful witch who possesses the Flame Divine Stone, and Greem basically knows her information.

Olivia, level 4, elemental wizard, gender: female, age unknown, is the eldest daughter of the Armstrong family, has a younger brother, and is currently only a level 1 wizard.

Since she was a child, she has possessed wizard talent that is unmatched by ordinary people. It only took her more than three hundred years to successfully advance to the level 4 wizard. Such a terrifying promotion speed also made her the fastest-promoting and most promising young witch in the Wizarding Association in the past thousand years.

A piece of information that is eloquent and dense, but the introduction to the ability of Olivia Witch is only four words: gravity control.

It seems... what this Olivia Witch is best at is actually the relatively unorthodox control of gravity.

The ability to control gravity is also a special type of elemental witchcraft, which is under the cold branch of magnetic witchcraft. The wizard who practices this witchcraft must have a special elemental constitution. Therefore, the number of wizards who practice this kind of witchcraft in the wizarding world is extremely rare, and those who can achieve level 4 are even rarer.

I am afraid that in the entire wizarding world, she is the only wizard who can push gravity control to the fourth level!

All level 4 wizards are the treasures of their respective forces, and they are the top combat power supporting that force. What's more, young wizards like Olivia with amazing talent and potential are the heart and soul of the Wizards Association, enjoying all kinds of resources and knowledge.

And this Olivia is also extremely powerful, and her combat prowess is even more astonishing. She has personally presided over more than ten conquests against alien civilizations. Therefore, she is also a powerful combat wizard with extremely rich killing and combat experience.

After reading Olivia's intelligence information, Greem couldn't help but frown.

Powerful... It would be very difficult for such a powerful witch to deal with such a person. If you can't come up with anything that can calm the scene, the other party will simply ignore it. In this way, it will be even more difficult to obtain the Flame Divine Stone in the opponent's hand!

Therefore, not even half an hour after driving Thor out, Grim called him back again.

"Since you have been stationed in the east for 17 years, have you ever heard of a fourth-level witch named Olivia?"

Upon hearing Greem's inquiry, Goblin Thor immediately showed a grimace.

"The Killing Witch - Olivia, I'm afraid there are very few people in the East who have never heard of this name..."

"Slaying Witch... This title is quite new. Why was she given such a title? Is she very powerful?"

"One of the main reasons why she is called a murderer witch is that most of the enemies she kills will be crushed by the terrible witchcraft and turned into a puddle of meat. Not even their whole bodies can be found. . It is precisely because her methods are extremely cruel and terrifying that everyone is very afraid of her..." At this point, Thor couldn't help but look up and glanced at Greem: "Sir, you don't want to find this torture witch. Is it troublesome?"

"What are you thinking about..." Grim scolded angrily: "This is the territory of the Wizards Association. I came here to cause trouble for Olivia. Do you think I can return to the central part alive?"

"As long as you understand!" Thor secretly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"But I have some things that may require me to contact this Olivia. Do there any way for me to see her?"

Hearing Greem's words, Thor couldn't help but shudder and grinned: "Sir, our Goblin Chamber of Commerce has only been stationed in the east for more than sixty years. Our foundation here is still very shallow. How can we possibly come into contact with a fourth-level witch?" This level..."

"Then what do you know about Olivia? Tell me everything..."

"Yes!" Thor swallowed and spoke slowly.

Everything else is basically consistent with the information obtained by Greem. The only special thing is that, according to Thor's understanding, Olivia is really resolute, fierce and ruthless towards her enemies. However, she still has a relative whom she cares about a lot, that is, her younger brother Wales, who is only an intermediate level 1 and shares the same mother.

Although Olivia's talent and potential are amazing, her brother's wizard talent is a mess. If Olivia hadn't poured a lot of resources into him, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to qualify as a first-level wizard.

If Olivia has any weaknesses, her biological brother is probably one of them!

Upon hearing this information, Greem's expression moved slightly, and he couldn't help but have some vague thoughts.

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