The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1241: Overlooking the Tower

Like several other regions, the Wizard Association also owns a vast expanse of land.

However, judging from the area and population resources, this land is obviously not as rich and vibrant as the central part of the continent.

Flying high in the sky, overlooking the earth, everything on the ground becomes small and blurred.

Inside the territory of the association, there are still large tracts of primeval forests, where wolves and tigers are running and howling. Although it is not as terrifying as the Black Forest, it is also full of unpredictable risks.

From this height, the human settlements are as small as a fingernail, scattered around the white towers. The towers are slender and tall, and from a distance they look like wooden sticks inserted straight into the ground, still overflowing with dazzling and strange colors.

When Grimm stood on the side of the ship and looked at the ground below from a distance, the body-refining wizard named Horner came to his side.

"That's the northern territory, and it's also the coldest area in the entire association's territory..." Horner pointed to the north and described it in a tone full of sighs.

Grimm looked north and could clearly see that the dark green forest below him was getting darker and darker as it extended to the north. In the far north, you could vaguely see the snow-covered mountains and forests.

"Going east, about 13,000 miles away, is the turbulent Black Reef Sea... and to the south, there is a terrible black forest that stretches for tens of thousands of miles." Horner said calmly: "Tens of thousands of years ago, a dozen wizards came from the central part and set up the first human camp here. After all these years of hard work and life-and-death struggles, our association wizards have conquered this land and made it a cradle and paradise for the wizard community. For this, every wizard in our association is proud of it!"

Grimm is naturally familiar with the development history of the Wizard Association.

But at this moment, after hearing a wizard from the association retell the story in a sacred and solemn tone, Grimm could still realize the ups and downs of the process and the hard-won results.

"Your Excellency, look around! Any wizard tower belongs to the Wizard Association." A female voice came from the side, and Olivia also stepped out of the cabin and came to the side of the two: "Here, wizard families are not allowed to build wizard towers. All wizard towers can only be private property of the association. Any wizard family that violates the rules will be expelled from the association's territory!"

"In this regard, the association is completely opposite to your Sandi Tallin!"

Hearing Olivia's contemptuous comments, Grimm showed a helpless bitter smile on his face.

Any system and survival model has its reason for existence.

The central part of the continent is the earliest human territory opened up and built in the wizard world.

The land there is fertile, the materials are abundant, and it has a large population. In addition, the area is vast, so it is easy to give birth to small wizard families that can support themselves. In the absence of powerful wizards, ordinary wizard families can also rely on wizard towers to fight against high-level wizards, which also makes the integration of the central part of the continent extremely difficult!

Therefore, for tens of thousands of years, the scattered tower forest area in the central part of the continent has always been a mess, and no one has ever been able to unify all the wizard families and condense them into a real force.

The three major wizard organizations located in the west, north and east are large forces established by some of the central wizards who have migrated out after experiencing some ups and downs.

Due to the difficulties at the beginning, they also made them extremely united, relying on their overall strength to compete with the terrifying monsters in the Black Forest for the land of survival.

Such hard training also trained their physique and mentality.

In terms of combat power alone, the quality of wizards cultivated by the three wizard organizations is far superior to that of wizards in the central part of the continent. This is also one of the main reasons why the wizards of the association have always looked down on wizards in the central part!

In the past few thousand years, the territories of the three wizard organizations have expanded. Only the central part of the continent has remained the same, without too obvious territorial expansion.

From these aspects, it can be seen that the life of wizards in the central part of the continent is indeed comfortable, and they have become somewhat complacent.

The territory in the central part of the continent is too huge, and it has been divided into more than 30 regions with different styles, geographical advantages and people. The territory of the Wizard Association is only about 1/5 of the central part of the continent, and the territory is divided into more than a dozen different areas, but the actual control of these areas is still firmly in the hands of the association.

And the way the association controls the place is through tall and majestic wizard towers!

All wizard towers belong to the association. Any wizard or apprentice of the association who chooses to travel in the association territory can freely visit each wizard tower and obtain necessary supplies and support there.

It is precisely because of this "selfless" learning and training atmosphere that many apprentices and wizards have a strong sense of trust and belonging to the association.

When they travel and study in this vast land, they represent the Wizard Association and the will of all the towers. At this time, the existence of wizard families seemed extremely insignificant, and had even degenerated to the point where they were comparable to the human aristocracy.

Therefore, wizards in the eastern part of the continent were first identified as wizards of the association, and then as members of a certain family. And what they were proud of was often only the former, and the latter was only used to identify their origins.

At this moment, facing the two proud wizards of the association, Greem could only smile helplessly.

After all, when it comes to the sense of honor and belonging, Sandi Tallinn cannot keep up with the Wizards Association!


Seven days later.

After a long journey, spanning tens of thousands of miles of land, the aerostat finally entered the core of the association's territory - Izar Province.

As the general headquarters of the Wizards Association, Izar Province is also the largest and most abundant region among the eleven territories. However, this place is densely populated and has many settlements, and it is far less cold and solemn than the cold and solemn atmosphere in the fringe areas.

After the aerospace craft emerged from the forest sea, what they saw face to face were towers of wizards towering over the sky. These wizard towers stand in a ring, wrapping the main human living area in Izar Province, making it extremely safe and peaceful.

In the center of all towns and settlements, a particularly tall wizard tower penetrates the sky and stands straight there, giving every creature who witnesses its existence a special sense of insignificance.

The ‘Observation Tower’ at the core of the Wizards Association!

Even though Greem has never visited this place in person, he has read descriptions and praises of this ‘overlook tower’ in numerous witchcraft books.

This is a witchcraft palace that brings together the wisdom and skills of all wizards...

This is a mysterious tower that carries the dreams and ideas of thousands of wizards...

This is the backbone of a wizard that supports the majestic world...

Compared with the Sky City of the Silver Alliance, the Overlook Tower is not only not inferior in the slightest, but also inspires and inspires many association wizards with a strange feeling.

Many wizards have spread rumors that there is a magical light door on the top floor of the overlooking tower. After all the wizards of the association cross the 4th level threshold, they will reluctantly cross the light door and go to the outside world to find their new territory and shelter.

Therefore, that light gate has also been given a mysterious and mysterious color by many wizards.

It's as if any wizard who is lucky enough to pass through that light door can successfully cross level 4 and become a member of the great wizard!

Of course, such rumors cannot be believed, but when Greem saw the huge tower towering from the sky with his own eyes, he couldn't help but look through the thick clouds to the upper level of the tower, secretly wondering about the appearance and appearance of the light door. Style.

Most of the aerostats can only land near the outer witch tower and cannot penetrate deep into the core area. Among the many aerostats, only a few can pass through the blockade of the outer witch tower and fly directly to the majestic tower in the central area.

Faced with Greem's questioning look, Horner smiled and explained: "There is a no-fly zone near the association's headquarters. Ordinary airships or flying mounts are not allowed to fly here. However, the elders of the association have special privileges. We can fly directly to the observation tower, so we save some trouble of changing rides..."

After hearing this, Grim nodded in understanding.

The aeroboat floated leisurely in the sky, leaving large tracts of farmland, human towns and villages behind like molds engraved on the black earth.

Soon, the majestic tower was close at hand!

The closer you get, the more you can feel the majesty and oppression of the giant tower.

Finally, the aerostat slowly lowered into the sky at an airport thirty miles away from the observation tower.

After a while, several people transferred to black carriages and rushed to the entrance of the tower amidst the noise of wheels.

The insect witch Bliss also rides with Grim.

Suddenly arriving in a new area, the insect witch Bliss seemed particularly excited and restless.

His body curled up in the seat kept squirming and twisting under the black robe, feeling quite as excited as a new toy.

Bliss turned his head and looked at the reddish fluorescence surrounding the carriage. Knowing that this place was already within the scope of Greem's flame barrier, he asked with confidence: "Sir, how will your battle with that witch end?" Who's winning?"

"I didn't lose or win, I was interrupted by someone else!" Greem said calmly.

"Then... you should have an estimate! Who can win..." Since Bliss advanced to level 3, his worship and admiration for Greem has reached an unprecedented level. Therefore, they are particularly concerned and decisive about this issue of victory and defeat.

"Let's split it 50/50!" Greem's attitude didn't matter: "If it's just a matter of winning or losing, our strength will be 50/50. But if it's a matter of life and death, my chance of winning is slightly higher, accounting for 70%. However, the opponent must have some tricks up his sleeve, and I can’t escape being seriously injured..."

After listening to Greem's client's comments, Bliss finally licked his lips with satisfaction.

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