The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0132 Escape

The inner sea enclosed by the circular floating island is as far as 5 miles away. Nimr, standing on the edge of the island, can barely see the outline of the floating island opposite. As he scanned the floating islands one by one, he could see the busy figures of the tribesmen everywhere, and more of the little ones in the tribe were soaking in the magma of the inner sea, chasing and playing happily. Although it was a little noisy, it also made the tribe seem more vibrant.

Just as it closed its eyes to sense the direction where the danger might come, an unprecedented huge explosion suddenly occurred at the edge of the lava sea far to the southeast corner of the circular floating island. The rock wall of a hundred meters in radius was broken into pieces, and countless rubble and rocks fell into the lava sea like raindrops, splashing huge smoke and fire columns.

Nimr ran with big strides, and floating islands passed by his feet quickly. In less than a quarter of an hour, he rushed to the floating island closest to the accident site. Standing on the edge of the floating island, half of its body was submerged in the red rolling magma. The huge stone hand like a carriage lifted up a large amount of magma and poured it on its body. With a mysterious and obscure strange syllable, a huge eye of fire appeared in front of it.

"Great Fire Spirit, please let me see what happened there?" Nimr asked in his low and hoarse voice.

With the support of powerful fire energy, the eye of fire trembled, and the scene dozens of miles away was quickly projected.

"These damn outsiders! They must be destroying our homes and tainting our holy sea! Elder, let's go and drive them out now!"

Nearly a hundred powerful giant warriors saw this scene, roared angrily, greeted each other, and boarded a simple lava warship, and drove quickly towards the area where the accident occurred.

Elder Nimr controlled the eye of fire and kept patrolling the movement in the distant area. Although the place was in a turmoil, no outsiders were found. This... undoubtedly made Elder Nimr even more worried!

What exactly do these outsiders want to do? Just to cause some destruction?

Based on Nimr's understanding of those human wizards, everything they do is very targeted, and they rarely cause meaningless destruction just to vent their anger!

If their purpose is not to destroy the lava sea, then...

Elder Nimr suddenly shuddered in his heart, turned around and roared at the remaining tribesmen: "Immediately impose martial law on the entire island. All adult giants take action and..."

Before it finished speaking, a huge column of smoke suddenly rose from an island in the northwest corner of the circular floating island, as if some huge guy was making a fuss on it.

And there... is the death cemetery of their tribe!

"Damn it, these abominable humans who should be devoured by the spirit of fire actually ran to the place where the ancestors sleep to make trouble! Quick... quick... everyone go there!"

Hearing the roar of the elder, all the remaining molten core giants took big strides and ran wildly along the circular floating island. Some giants with the ability of fire transmission paused slightly and disappeared in a burst of flames that shot up into the sky. A moment later, two or three hundred meters away, in the same sky-high column of fire, the body of the giant appeared.

After pausing for four or five seconds, and waiting for the fire elements around him to be under control again, the giant once again performed fire transmission and rushed forward another three hundred meters.

Although the molten core giants have strong bodies and physiques, agility is not their strong point. The giants with fire transmission have considerable speed, and every time their tall bodies flash, they are one step closer to the target floating island. And those ordinary giants can only run through islands and houses, running all the way.

At this moment, Grimm was searching for the great spoils that he had never dared to think of in the past with his eyes shining.

This is an irregular floating island covering an area of ​​several hundred acres. The edge of the floating island is full of jagged rock peaks and stone pillars, and in the open space on the island, there are thirty or forty molten giant remains that have completely solidified into stone statues.

If Grimm had planned in advance, of course, he would "enter the village quietly, without shooting." Unfortunately, the plan was well designed, but when he swam across the sea and sneaked into this giant cemetery, he found that it was too difficult to harvest everything here quietly.

These molten giants were famous for their hard and dense bodies when they were alive. When they died, the fire elements in their bodies were all dissipated, and the consciousness core was firmly solidified in the stone statue by the terrifyingly thick rock armor. And these rocks are the strongest steel rocks or granites underground, and they are mixed with black iron, fine gold and silver that are so hard that it is unimaginable.

Such rock armor not only has terrifying physical defense, but also has excellent spell resistance. Therefore, after Grimm sneaked onto the island, he couldn't pry open a stone statue even after cutting off three enchanted swords.

Seeing the treasures all over the mountains right in front of him but not being able to eat them, Grimm almost went crazy!

Moreover, the reality did not allow him to spend a lot of time to slowly wear away the hard shell outside the giant's remains. Once the giants who went out heard the news and rushed back, I'm afraid that he, a small fire wizard, would be eaten alive by more than 300 giants.

As a last resort, Grim had no choice but to summon six rock pythons in one breath, and asked them to show their courage in brutal demolition, and staged an earth-shattering "beating, smashing, and looting" in the giant cemetery. The six rock pythons used all their methods, either using their hard bodies to hit crazily, or wrapping themselves around a stone statue and smashing it with all their strength. In short, it comes with violence and madness!

And the huge smoke and dust that Elder Nimr saw just now was the result of the crazy violence committed by the rock python demolition team!

While commanding the rock python to desperately destroy the remains of the giant stone statue, Greem nervously looked around at the movements around the floating island.

Since this is a family cemetery, there are few people living on the nearby floating island, and the huge explosion just now attracted many giants to the other side of the floating island, so it is considered safe here for a short time.

However, as the floating island became turbulent, many giant figures running wildly appeared on the circular island chain in the distance. What's even more frightening is that a dozen molten giants with a height of more than 5 meters are driving the rising flames, and are quickly approaching here step by step.

The leader among them, the huge molten giant with a height of 7 meters, contained powerful fire energy and earth element power in his body, which was so strong that it was as bright as blindness.

Damn, damn...this must be a level 2 molten giant!

While Greem estimated the enemy's speed, he nervously urged his rock pythons to hurry up and work. You must know that those who can enter the giant family cemetery are powerful beings at the lowest level of wizards, and there are also many people at the second level.

In such a treasure house, even if you stay a second longer and grab one more handful, it will be a great opportunity for your future rise!

While surveying the enemy's encirclement, Greem was frantically smashing them in a panic. Greem's heart was almost in his throat. Even with his physical condition, cold sweat broke out on his palms and back.


Hearing the danger warning from the chip in his mind, Greem did not hesitate anymore, turned over and dove into the mouth of a rock python, and led his demolition team into the lava sea at lightning speed, each of them escaping in different directions.

The rock python that Greem was riding on was of course the only one carrying trophies. As soon as it entered the lava sea, it desperately sank into the semi-molten and almost unflowable magma, swinging all the way towards the nearest escape route. The remaining five rock pythons were swimming on the surface of the lava sea and fled in other directions with great momentum.

The world of flames, which was calm and calm one moment, turned into a roiling ocean of explosive flames the next moment.

They hide in the giant cemetery, and the molten core giants do not dare to attack them with violent long-range abilities, for fear of destroying this sacred place. Once they left, the giants were no longer polite, approaching them quickly while frantically attacking them with long-range fire powers.

Flame storm!

Lava nuclear explosion!

Fire and stone fell from the sky!

Earthfire Pulse!

Powerful fire powers turned this lava sea into a churning sea of ​​fire, and violent energy explosions swept the entire world. The elemental storm visible to the naked eye rapidly expanded along the sea surface, and soon wrapped up all the escaped rock pythons.

Although the rock python is large in size, its strength and physique are considered first-class among the elemental demon puppets. However, when faced with such an extremely overbearing and saturation attack, the body condensed with rocks still melted like hot wax.

The bodies of the two rock pythons were partially broken, and they were entangled in the elemental storm like wind and clouds. Their broken bodies flew high above the sea of ​​fire. So the next moment, more violent abilities swept across them.

Although the remaining three rock pythons were severely damaged, they still persisted and fled towards the outside of the storm. However, before they could escape, there were continuous explosions of flames, and tall and powerful molten giants appeared beside them, raising stone fists as huge as millstones to bombard their bodies.

Feeling the consciousness nodes extinguishing one after another behind him, Greem's heart was beating violently. Half of the planning is done, the rest depends on how to escape!

Greem's existence was not noticed by the giants at first, but as the rock pythons were destroyed one by one, the powerful Elder Nimr finally discovered the rock python hiding in the lava sea and escaping with his flame sensing.

But at this time, Greem had already escaped 7 miles away.

The tragic situation in the family cemetery completely angered this group of molten giants. They either rode lava battleships or swam in the lava sea, desperately chasing after Greem. Moreover, each giant summoned a large number of flame creatures, forming a huge flame army, vowing to capture that hateful human being.

It's a pity that the speed disadvantage makes them resentful but helpless!

The human thief who robbed their family cemetery successfully escaped from the lava sea, and then rushed all the way to the outskirts of the volcanic world.

The angry giant no longer cared about the agreement signed with the human wizard, driving the rolling magma into the lava channel, and followed the human thief all the way to the upper level of the volcano. Along the way, there were many human apprentices who came for the trial and were working hard to find the magic gems and underground resources washed up by the magma.

As a result, they were overwhelmed and immediately suffered a big loss.

More than a dozen senior apprentices failed to escape and died tragically under the siege of the swarming fire beasts. The rest of the apprentices used their own unique skills to escape from this violent volcanic world in a miserable state.

This book was first published from, read the genuine content at the first time!


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