The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1456 Plane Suppression

This is a golden flame giant with a height of ten meters!

Although the ten-meter height is much smaller than the thousand-meter body in the past, the strange flames lingering around the flame giant are constantly overflowing with golden ripples.

These golden ripples are invisible to ordinary people, and they only exist in the void. Just like those specially blessed witchcraft halos, wherever the golden ripples go, the plane void laws are changed.

It is no longer the high plane consciousness that controls this plane space, but another burning will that replaces it, that is, the soul consciousness of the golden flame giant.

In a way, this golden flame giant has actually become a source of rule power. The rule power in its body is constantly interacting and communicating with the rule system of the wizard world, thus causing tremors and ripples in the rule system.

However, how can the plane consciousness lose control of this plane space?

Therefore, around the golden flame giant, chains of laws suddenly stretched out from the plane void, wrapping around the giant's body like octopus tentacles that choose people to devour.

The golden flame giant was obviously unwilling to endure the constraints of the law chains. He roared and waved his hand, and the huge space was instantly overturned by the golden flame. In the blazing sea of ​​fire, the law chains were broken, and even the plane void was burned and twisted.

However, how could the plane consciousness be easily repelled...

The next moment, the plane void opened up, and more and denser chains of laws were waving all over the sky and rolling towards the golden giant. Where the law chains shuttled and rolled, the sky-high sea of ​​fire ignited by the golden giant was gradually suppressed.

The golden flame giant roared in pain, and wanted to continue to burst out power to fight against the law chains. At this time, a golden halo of destiny fell on the giant's body, which also temporarily delayed its confrontation with the plane consciousness for a moment.

"Grimm, don't fight against the plane consciousness! If you want to stay in the plane for a while longer, you must endure the suppression of the plane consciousness... Believe me, you will be fine!" Alice's soft and sweet voice sounded in the golden flame giant's mind at the right time, which made him stop the meaningless resistance and grit his teeth to endure the restraint of the law chain.

After the giant gave up the resistance, the rioting law chain immediately wrapped around its body, and then continued to tighten the noose. The golden flame giant also groaned in pain under the entanglement of the law chains, and his body shrank little by little, and the flames on his body began to gradually go out.

After a quarter of an hour, the golden flame giant completely disappeared, and a tall and strong man with a height of two meters and naked body appeared in the original place.

Grimm shook his head and gritted his teeth, and then struggled to get up from the ground.

The surface of his strong and upright male body is densely covered with mysterious golden fire patterns, and the surface of the pattern is overturned and entangled by a layer of dark green vertical and horizontal lines, which makes most of his power in a very strange seal.

Of course, this seal cannot completely cover his power.

As long as he wants, the power that bursts out of his body can break the seal at any time, allowing the rule power represented by the golden ripples to rule this space again. However, in that case, his confrontation with the plane consciousness will never end.

Unless he is forced out of the plane world, the plane consciousness will never give up!

After all, if such a powerful rule wizard is allowed to wander inside the plane, wherever he goes, the plane laws will be rewritten by his rule power.

This is also something that the plane consciousness will never allow!

From the body of fire to the current human body, most of Grimm's power has been sealed. And the upper limit of the power he can exert now is also confined to the peak of the fourth level, which only accounts for a small part of his real power.

It is no wonder that the great wizards could not stand such a painful thing.

In the previous battle, he had killed two level 5 creatures with his own hands. This made his heart swell a little, and he felt that he was really very powerful.

But when he really became a level 5 great wizard, he personally experienced how "brutal" the suppression of the plane law on the super-level wizards was!

This is simply all-round, from the physical to the mental, and then to the soul level, a comprehensive and thorough suppression!

It is no wonder that those level 5 disaster lords became so "fragile" after entering the wizard world. It is not Grimm who is powerful, but the omnipresent and pervasive plane consciousness, and the rule power that he accidentally mastered in advance.

It was the coincidence of the latter two that caused those level 5 disaster lords to capsize in the gutter and created Grimm's glory for a while.

"Hmph, what do you mean, you're naked as soon as we meet..." The sharp-tongued Mary flapped her bat wings and couldn't help but admire him as soon as she landed in the sky.

Alice, who was beside her, blushed and smiled.

Grimm smiled awkwardly, waved his hand and condensed a red soft robe for himself to cover his body.

However, the place where the golden flame vibrated caused ripples in the surrounding void, which took a long time to calm down.

"This is inside the plane, you... If it's not necessary, don't use the power of rules recklessly. Otherwise, the backlash of the plane will make you very uncomfortable!" Alice walked to Grimm's side, tiptoed, and gently brushed a strand of dark red hair behind him.

"Wuwuwu... It's so uncomfortable! It's like most of my nostrils are blocked, and most of my vision is blocked. I'm also wrapped in chains weighing hundreds of pounds... It's so difficult to even breathe!" Grimm complained frantically, looking like he was dying.

After all, his physique could not be compared with those little lords of disasters. The latter were under more terrifying plane suppression, but they could still exert strong combat power inside the plane. But he was struggling to maintain the fourth-level strength.

"This is because you have just been promoted and have not yet adapted to the plane suppression. After you stay in the plane for a long time and run-in, the combat power you can exert will gradually increase..." Alice explained to him simply and clearly.

Of course, Grimm already knew these reasons, but when there was no part of his body that was not uncomfortable, he still couldn't help but want to complain, wanting to get rid of this torture and torment as soon as possible.

"Have you been promoted? That... golden fire giant is your body?" Mary had circled Grimm three times, asking curiously. She even came close to Grimm, gently sniffing the sweet smell of blood in his body, intoxicated: "It smells so good! It smells so good, take a big bite..."

Grimm's handsome face showed a helpless expression, and he stretched out his finger and gently tapped Mary's forehead. Then he put his arm around her waist and turned to ask Alice: "How long can I stay in the plane?"

Alice smiled indifferently and said: "It depends on how much plane favor you have left! If the plane favor is used up and you haven't left the wizard world, the plane consciousness will find you sooner or later and force you out!"

Grimm looked inward and immediately communicated with the chip.

The next second, a big countdown alarm clock was projected in his mind.

"123 hours, 43 minutes, 57 seconds..."

Time was ticking away...

This was the last time he could stay in the wizard world, and as he used power beyond the upper limit of this world's plane, time would be shortened sharply.

Therefore, there is really not much time left for him to tell his "afterlife"!

"Chip, how is my current self-examination..."

"Ding, start the first self-examination after the level jump..."

Soon, the basic data of Grimm's body filled the light screen like a digital waterfall.

"Grimm, male, 5th level rule wizard (fire expertise), star beast bloodline 1 (devouring magic fish), star beast bloodline 2 (4%), chaotic constitution (excellent magic resistance), rule heart (fire rule 217%), basic body data: strength 26 constitution 35 agility 18 spirit 51+5, bloodline talent: energy black hole, fire rule (eternal flame, fire mirror)..."

After nearly a hundred years of precipitation, plus Grimm swallowed part of the flame of the fire god Sinai, this allowed him to analyze the fire rule to the level of 217%, and successfully unlocked the second fire rule skill: fire mirror.

When Grimm is fighting, he can summon three flame mirror images in the sea of ​​fire he casts, copying most of his original flame abilities and possessing powerful flame casting abilities.

More importantly, Grimm's original body can move freely in these three flame mirror images, without being affected by plane confinement or space interference.

Hehe, this means that Grimm's enemies will have to face the bombardment of four powerful flame rule wizards at the same time. And if you want to attack Grimm's original body, you must first destroy the three flame mirror images.

Just thinking about that scene makes people excited!

In addition to the changes in the flame rules, Grimm has also started the analysis of the second star beast bloodline on the basis of the original magic fish transformation. It can be imagined that once the second bloodline analysis is completed, Grimm will have the second bloodline transformation ability.

At that time, he can reasonably choose to match the bloodline transformation ability according to different battle situations, making his tactical combination more dangerous and changeable!

However, it would take a long time to observe and adapt to the influence of multiple bloodline transformation abilities on his wizard development. Therefore, he didn't need to worry about such illusory things now.

"I still have some time, what do you think we should do next?" Grimm took Alice's waist with ill intentions and whispered in her ear.

Alice's face immediately turned red, while Mary, who was eavesdropping on her, immediately jumped up.

"Okay, okay, I've been holding it back for almost a hundred years! I will definitely not let you go this time..."

Grimm laughed loudly when he heard this, put his hands around the waists of the two women, and jumped back into the ground.

After a while, the whole earth began to tremble slightly again...

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