The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1467: Enemy Appears

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid they would have to find another place to live after hearing about the strange things about the Molten Altar.

But Greem's thinking was obviously different from others.

Immediately, he decided to place his residence here and study this strange and dangerous molten altar nearby.

However, after having this idea, it is difficult to turn it into reality.

There is absolutely no shortage of laborers in the fire elemental plane. They are more than ten meters tall, and there are even more coolies who can lift several tons of weight at a time. But there is a distinct lack of architects with architectural abilities and aesthetic perspectives.

Different from the various professional differentiation and refinement in the material plane, there are no professionals in the fire element plane at all, and naturally there are no corresponding skilled talents.

There seems to be only one profession in the fire elemental plane, and that is 'nomad'!

All fire elements have been wandering and wandering around since the moment they were born from the flames. Once you find a suitable place to live, you will stay there for the rest of your life. If you can't find it, you will wander forever, until the consciousness in the core collapses again and returns to disordered flame energy.

Therefore, the fire elemental plane is still in a primitive state of chaos and ignorance. There is no big and broad national concept, and there is no business philosophy of group cooperation. It's amazing that fire elemental creatures of the same family will live together in groups to form a loose and regional small fire family.

And those strong flames will spontaneously gather a group of subordinates to act as flame slaves. Those with a little bit of ability become Fire Lords, those with more strength become Flame Lords, and the one who stands at the top of the fire elemental plane is the Flame Lord.

But no matter which one, their ruling form is the structural model of lords and slaves. It's just that the territory occupied by the Flame King and Flame Lord is larger, and there are more slaves under restraint.

But in essence, it is still the same as the Flame Lord!

There is no concept of country or region, and elemental creatures do not need division of labor and cooperation to meet daily needs. They wander around and survive by absorbing some fire elements, so naturally there is no professional differentiation.

The direct result of this is that if Greem wants to build a wizard tower here, the materials and architects needed can only be brought in from the outside world. The local fire elemental creatures can only serve as coolies at most, the kind of low-level coolies without any technical content and only a handful of brute force!

After making up his mind, Greem dispatched Lacebeth to start encircling and suppressing the surrounding flame lords.

With the strength of the Ember Web Spider Mother, Fire Lords below level 3 can definitely be captured without any deviation. As for the overly powerful level 3 and 4 flame lords, you can ignore them for the time being and wait for Greem to free up his hands and feet before dealing with them one by one.

After finishing these tasks, Greem left a flame mark on the edge of the lava lake, then casually tore apart the plane space and returned to the Exodar camp.

The location where Greem appeared across the distant space was still the remote teleportation array hidden deep inside the Steel City.

Stepping out of the iron-walled teleportation room, Brainbrain Sok was already waiting here.

"What, is there something wrong?" Greem was alert and immediately noticed something unusual about Sok.

"Yes, Master!" Although Brainbrain Sok is arrogant and his character is as bad as when he took office, facing the increasingly powerful legendary fire wizard in front of him, he did not dare to slack off or be rude at all: "In recent days, the camp has been There are many people here asking about your whereabouts!"

"Oh, who are they?" Greem suddenly stopped and asked in a deep voice.

"They are not the old people in the camp, most of them are foreign strong men from all over the star sea. They are not very strong, there are all 1, 2, and 3 levels, but as soon as they come to the camp, they go everywhere to ask for your information, and they are especially concerned about your A place to stay…”

"Can we know their identities?" Greem sneered, and he probably had some guesses in his mind.

"They come from all directions and are found in all alien planes. They are very messy. However, they all have one common characteristic..."

"Vulcan believer?!" Greem asked in surprise.

"Absolutely. Even if there are a few who are not Vulcan believers, they still have identities similar to astral mercenaries..."

Greem thought for a moment and suddenly asked: "Outside the territory, what is the relationship between the wizard camp and the world of gods?"

"It's very confusing! As you know, the wizard camp is never monolithic, and the strategic direction displayed to the outside world is always affected by the preferences of the higher-ranking wizards. Some wizards like to target the world of the gods, attacking and plundering the protection of the gods everywhere. The plane world; some wizards are secretly connected with the world of gods, and join forces to fight against the evil eyes, elves or dragons... They may even join forces with a certain god to deal with another wizard! "

As he walked, Brainbrain Sok introduced the situation outside the territory to Grim.

After two hundred years of development in the Exodar camp, the Iron City has served as a private trading point and has some sources of intelligence of its own. These trivial and mixed pieces of information, which were difficult to distinguish between true and false, were intertwined with the information that Greem had obtained through public channels, and they gave him an outline of the general development trend of the entire wizard camp.

On the whole, the wizard camp does not belong to builders, but to destroyers!

Almost at the same time, the wizard camp went to war with the Magic Eye Empire, the Dragon Clan, the Elf Empire, the World of Gods, the Elemental World, the Abyss World, and the Shadow World. Of course, this war was not the overall behavior of the wizard camp, but the personal behavior of a small wizard organization or a powerful wizard.

Just like an octopus with tentacles extending everywhere, the wizard camp completely chooses its enemies according to the preferences of a certain upper wizard.

For example, if a certain upper wizard is in urgent need of dragon card resources or materials, he will encourage and guide the lower wizards to concentrate their firepower to attack the dragon territory. Invade their planes, hunt low-level dragons, and rob the corresponding plane resources...

In this process, the upper wizards got the resources and materials they wanted, and the lower wizards also got the benefits and the blessing of the upper. Both sides get what they need, and naturally everything is happy.

But the anger of the dragon clan caused by this can only be borne by the entire wizard camp!

The upper wizards who want to study the demon bloodline will gather a group of wizards to break into the abyss world, and fight with the abyss lords there. As for whether the wizard camp can match the powerful power of the abyss world, no one cares.

Yes, it must be said that the cognition of the split brain Sok is still very accurate.

The external attack strategy of the entire wizard camp is like a multi-headed snake, biting wherever there is an advantage, but rarely showing a clear and clear strategic thinking!

To be honest, if the enemy is not also chaotic and disorderly, I am afraid that the wizard camp would have been in big trouble long ago.

Vulcan believers...

Hehe, it seems that I have been targeted by the fire god Sinai again!

Grimm shook his head and smiled bitterly.

There is no way, the fire god bead is a fire treasure that he will never give up. Therefore, there is no room for him and the fire god Sinai's feud.

The god of fire Sinai is a 7th-level god, and he is also well-known in the world of gods, with many subordinate gods. Once targeted by such a guy, even Grimm would feel his scalp tingling and his heart pounding.

In the past, he hid inside the plane of the wizard world, and the opponent could do nothing to him no matter how capable he was. But now that he has stepped out of the plane and entered the outer domain, the opponent can calculate many things about him.

Directly attacking the Exoda camp is naturally a joke.

The Exoda camp is also guarded by a 7th-level great wizard, and the camp is not weak. If the fire god Sinai really went crazy and came to seek revenge, Grimm would definitely wake up laughing in his dreams.

Directly attacking the Exoda camp does not work, so the opponent's most effective means is to find out Grimm's whereabouts or traces, and then set an ambush to kill him.

This also requires Grimm to be cautious when entering and leaving in the future, and never give the enemy a chance to catch him alone. Otherwise, the opponent can send a 6th-level subordinate god or clone to take his life!

It was for this reason that Grimm gave up the Exodar camp and chose to settle in the Fire Elemental Plane.

It was because there were too many people here and it was difficult to guard against hidden arrows from behind. The Fire Elemental Plane was a good temporary residence where he could attack or defend.

As for whether the Fire God Sinai would go to the Fire Elemental Plane to cause trouble for him, that was a bit of a worry.

You know, a fire god is the Tang Monk meat that all high-level fire creatures covet. If he really dared to go into the tiger's mouth and send his subordinates or clones into the Fire Elemental Plane, it would definitely cause a riot among the fire lords.

What made the fire gods the target of many fire lords was the godhood in their bodies. That was a highest-level flame power converter, and it was applicable to any fire creature.

A complete fire godhood could directly upgrade any 4th-level fire creature to 5th-level. And the godhood fragments formed after the fission of the fire godhood could also increase the power of the fire creatures according to the number.

The fragment of the flame godhead that Grimm seized before was enough to directly promote a newborn apprentice-level flame creature to the peak of the 4th level, that is, the demigod level. Its terrifying power can be imagined.

It is precisely because of the power and rarity of the godhead fragment that Grimm was reluctant to use it to enhance his own strength. Instead, he kept it in the light-transformed body and hid it in the wizard world.

He is not so stupid as to travel around the world with the godhead fragment and bring it into the fire elemental plane. If he really did that, I am afraid that the flame king Groms would attack him the moment he sensed the breath of the godhead fragment.

Friendship... affection...

These empty and hypocritical words are worthless in the face of huge interests!

Before the 5th level, he was not qualified to study the godhead fragment. Now that he has become a 5th-level wizard, he must find a safe and hidden residence for himself as soon as possible, and then start the research on those long-stagnant topics as soon as possible.

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