The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1471 Seeing an old friend again

Leave the platform, pass through a stone path half suspended in the air, and in front of you is a wooden door that leads to the interior of the Giant Rock Castle.

In front of the wooden door, two shield and sword golems stand side by side, standing there quietly.

Sensing Grimm's approach, a thin red line is projected from the dark hole in the middle of the two golems' heads, hitting Grimm's body.

"Ding, detection witchcraft fluctuations are detected, do you need to counter it?"

"No need!"

Grimm stood there calmly, and the red ray swept over him.

Immediately, the two shield and sword golems split to the left and right, and a strange mechanical sound came from their bodies.

"Detection passed, please enter!"

Inside the door is a long stone corridor with a width of three meters and a height of five meters, extending in two directions to the left and right, and you can see staggered wooden doors along the way.

As soon as Grimm stepped into the wooden door, a young witch who had been waiting here hurriedly bowed and said crisply: "Welcome, Lord Grimm!"

Grimm's dark red eyes swept over and instantly "saw" the details of the witch in front of him.

Level 3... Elemental system... Wind element affinity...

However, although the other party looked like a human female, her internal structure was completely different from that of ordinary humans. And her appearance also had a strong taste of witchcraft transformation.

Humanoid creatures... Secondary planes... Foreign wizards...

A series of mysterious words floated in Grimm's mind, and he seemed to understand it a little.

The young witch trembled a little under Grimson's cold gaze. She could sense that in just a short moment, almost all of her secrets from inside to outside were seen by the mysterious Level 5 wizard in front of her.

The huge gap in rank made her like a little white rabbit in front of a 5th-level wizard. She could only rely on her tenacious mental perseverance to resist the fear and shrinking from the soul's instinct.

Fortunately, Grimm's chip scan was also released and retracted, otherwise the external mental pressure and energy radiation alone would cause her real mental damage.

"My lord, please follow me! You just arrived here, and you need to say hello to the wizard Grissom who is in charge of the recruitment affairs." The young witch was obviously well trained. Even though her body was still trembling, the smile on her face was still so sweet.

"Grissom?" Grimm hesitated.

"He is a 6th-level wizard who is responsible for receiving wizards like you who are summoned. Moreover, he is also responsible for the subsequent task assignment..." When saying the latter sentence, the young witch emphasized her tone, as if reminding something.

Grimm nodded and said nothing more.

The two of them quickly shuttled through the winding and ever-changing stone corridors in the Giant Rock Castle, passing many guard posts guarded by elite wizards along the way. However, when they saw the young witch who led Grimm, the eyes of these elite wizards looked at Grimm with awe and envy.

Walking all the way, passing through the outer guard corridor, they once again stepped onto a two-mile long stone road in the air. This stone road is the only passage connecting the outer and inner areas of the castle, so the number of warning runes and detection runes on it is also staggering.

Walking slowly on the stone road, Grimm still had time to appreciate the spectacular scenery around and below him.

This is an aerial suspension road.

The huge and deep space is densely covered with stone platforms floating in the air. Each platform is several miles in radius, and it is densely packed with various powerful and ferocious witch beasts or tall and mighty war golems.

In the darkness, they stood quietly. Even the most ferocious witch beasts remained silent, with only their open eyes emitting scarlet and fierce red light.

At first glance, the entire huge space, up and down, left and right, was almost a sea of ​​red.

There are no so-called weaklings who can stand here!

Based on the energy reaction emitted by witch beasts or golems, the chip has estimated their basic strength. Most of them are magical creatures of level 1 and 2, and the rare level 3 can account for 10% of the total.

This number may not sound impressive at first, but considering the huge total number of hundreds of thousands on the scene, 10% of it is already very terrifying.

"Is this the cannon fodder prepared for this war?" Grimm asked curiously.

"No, this is Lord Irenwald's private army. The real cannon fodder is stationed in other giant rock castles, mainly vassal armies and foreign legions recruited from various secondary planes. And their number is more than a hundred times that here!" The young witch answered tenderly.

Although the words were not very detailed, the information revealed in her words and deeds was enough to shake Grimm's heart.

In Grimm's past cognition, the so-called plane conquest was to sneak in with scouts, establish a small outpost camp, and then use it as a base to attract subsequent reinforcements. The way to control the plane is also mainly based on cooperation and infiltration. The focus is to bring the original plane ruler class into the hands, and then use its original ruling order to control the entire plane world.

Occasionally, when there is a surplus of troops, a large-scale plane invasion can be launched, and a real fight with the plane natives can be fought. If you win, you will get the resources and population of a world. If you lose, you will return to your nest to lick your wounds and prepare for the next invasion.

But most of these past experiences were faced with those low-level planes whose overall strength was not as good as the wizard world. If faced with a plane of the same level as the wizard world, how to fight the war and how to carry out the invasion, even Grimm was a little confused.

However, the glimpse he saw now made Grimm vaguely realize that the depth, breadth and intensity of the real large-scale plane war seemed to have exceeded his expectations.

What exactly is the war like, even he is a little worried!

In small and medium-sized plane wars, the existence of a 5th-level great wizard is already a decisive and terrifying force. And for large-scale plane wars, a 5th-level great wizard like him seems to be just a small part of the huge war machinery.

Looks very noble, but in fact, the role it can play is not as great as imagined, at least not decisive!

After passing through the aerial suspension road and several tightly guarded pass checkpoints, Grimm entered the inner area under the leadership of the young witch.

And the flow of people here is obviously much more than that of the outer area.

People were coming and going in the spacious and bright hallway. Some were elemental spellcasters wearing wizard robes and holding walking sticks; some were tall and strong body-refining wizards wearing sword armor; some were summoners with contracted beasts on their shoulders; some were bloodline wizards with a strong bloodline aura...

The whole huge hall was crowded with people, shoulder to shoulder, and it was so lively that it was surprising. However, Grimm looked around and found that less than half of the wizards he saw in his field of vision were human. The rest were foreign wizards with strange shapes or eye-catching racial symbols.

There were also many who simply covered their bodies, making it difficult to distinguish their gender and race.

And the worst who could appear here was a level 3 wizard, and the proportion of level 4 wizards was quite high.

However, with the appearance of Grimm, the lively crowd in the hall suddenly became silent. All the guys who saw the young witch and Grimm behind her couldn't help but show surprise on their faces, and hurriedly hid on both sides of the road, leaving the position in the center.

"It's the great wizard..."

"There is a great wizard, be careful not to offend the lord..."

Behind the scenes, the whispers never stopped.

"Lord, please follow me!" The young witch who led the way raised her head proudly, leading Grimm through the crowd, through the hall, and turned into a spiral stone staircase.

Until Grimm disappeared from the horizon, the passage hall, as if the pause button was pressed, resumed its flow. However, many 3rd and 4th level wizards who witnessed Grimm in person could not help but gather together and discuss.

"Is it a new lord? I haven't seen him before, he looks very unfamiliar..."

"Yes, I have never seen him in the crystal hall, he should have just arrived today!"

"He looks like he came out of the main plane..."

"By the way, Sanaza, didn't you come out of the main plane too! haven't seen this lord?"

The one who was asked was a tall woman hidden in the misty purple fog. The purple mist was so thin that it could only block the breath, but could not completely cover his figure.

Judging from his appearance, figure, and demeanor, it was Sanaza, the 3rd-level bloodline wizard who had disappeared in Sanditalin for a long time.

Hearing the questions of several companions, Sanaza, who was about to break through to the 4th level, was embarrassed and struggling. Being questioned anxiously, she gritted her teeth and said angrily: "I don't know him! There are so many 4th-level old monsters in the continent, I know a few... Don't ask."

After saying all this, she turned around and ran quickly along the passage towards the residence without paying attention to the stunned eyes of several companions.

As she ran, she was panicked in her heart, and her face covered by the purple mist was even more confused.

At that moment, Grimm's huge mental power instantly enveloped the whole scene. Although she hid behind her companions, she had no confidence in avoiding the other party's mental perception.

The other party has been promoted to a great wizard...

The other party has been promoted to a great wizard...

The other party has been promoted to a great wizard...

This heavy news kept circling in her mind, making her panic and at a loss.

Originally, she thought that she was struggling on the verge of death without caring about the danger, and was desperately honing her abilities. When she was promoted to the 4th level, she would be on par with the other party. Who would have thought that the other party had taken that more critical step and left her further behind...

When she thought of this, Sanaza felt sincere despair, and even roared angrily in her heart.

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