The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1474: Comparison is frustrating

Rock Castle, the living area of ​​the great wizard.

This is an independent living area that is completely isolated from other areas of the castle. Only the great wizard can enter here.

Greem walked alone through the spacious and bright stone corridor, turned several corners, and finally came to a wooden door.

Thump thump thump…

After knocking on the wooden door, after waiting for a long time, a middle-aged wizard with a gloomy face and a vicious green-skinned lizard on his shoulder opened the door.

He glanced at Greem with an unkind expression and said coldly: "What are you doing?"

"You are the Karon wizard from the Shanyin plane, right?"

"Yes, I am! Are you?"

"My name is Greem. I come from the wizarding world. I want to ask you for a favor today?" Greem said with a smile on his face.

" the Wizarding World...I've never heard of it..." Wizard Karon muttered, obviously not liking to be disturbed while he was resting. However, seeing that Greem was a wizard from the main plane, he still suppressed his anger and let him in.

As the top combat power of the wizard camp, the residences of the great wizards are naturally not too shabby.

With the space expansion technology, a room that was originally only one to two hundred square meters was expanded into a huge space of tens of thousands of square meters, and the interior was divided into completely different regional environments based on the personal preferences of the great wizard.

In addition to the large reception room, study room, bedroom, and bathroom, it also includes essential witchcraft facilities such as a meditation room, a sealing room, an elemental altar, and an alchemy laboratory.

Here, the great wizards can complete the witchcraft experiments they want without leaving home.

And this Karon wizard is obviously an earth rules wizard, and is naturally affinity with the earth element. Therefore, as soon as he stepped into his residence, he felt as if he had suddenly arrived in the depths of a dry and hot desert. The sky was filled with granular fine sand flying in the wind. Only a deck chair and a sunglasses were placed under a date palm tree in the middle of the desert. A parasol.

Apart from this, there is no foreign object visible in the entire desert.

Wizard Karon and Greem took only three or two steps and instantly crossed the vast desert and arrived under the date palm tree.

"Now that you're here, let's sit down and talk!"

Caron first lay down comfortably on the chair, and then with a wave of his hand, the yellow sand under Greem's feet quickly bulged and shaped into a recliner. The next second, the yellow sand peeled off, and a new, soft rattan lounge chair emerged.

This kind of elemental simulation can basically be done by a level 4 wizard.

However, level 4 wizards can only simulate and transform into the most basic elemental substances, and cannot simulate other substances with more complex and specific structures. It is obviously much more difficult to simulate a rattan chair than to simulate a wooden chair.

Grim sat down with a smile.

As he sat down, a stream of earth fire erupted from the depths of the yellow sand, instantly melting the rattan lounge chair into a black and red lava stone chair.

"It's more comfortable for me to sit in this chair..." Greem smiled calmly.

"You can sit anywhere, as long as you feel comfortable." The Karon wizard responded with a smile. He seemed not to care about Greem's actions just now, but the depths of his eyes were slowly swirling. The earth-yellow storm is not as calm as it appears.

This is his residence, and the witch formation, runes, energy, and all free magic energy inside are directly controlled by his spiritual consciousness. This Greem was able to use his own elemental rules to rigidly change the local spatial environment, and 'took' a little bit of elemental control from Charon.

This...has demonstrated its inscrutable rules skills and powerful strength from one aspect!

Although he was dissatisfied, Wizard Caron's attitude towards Greem became a little more cautious.

"Is there something special that Lord Grim came to see me for?"

"Nothing, I just heard that the Karon wizard is extremely good at biological transformation, so I came here specifically for help..."

"You want me to build a wizard beast?" Wizard Karon seemed to be extremely proud of his skills. Upon hearing this, his face was full of pride: "I'm afraid this won't work! I'm currently busy making a peak level 4 beast. The war wizard beast, I’m afraid…”

After Huahua finished speaking, Wizard Karon remained silent, looking horrified as the remains of a 7-meter-tall monster suddenly appeared in front of him.

"The multi-armed still at level 5...the body is still so completely preserved..."

Wizard Karon jumped up from the recliner and flew to the side of the remains of the multi-armed giant. He ignored the dirt and scorch marks on it and gently stroked the needle-like hair with his hand, and began to examine it carefully. .

"Level 5... It's really level 5... If I guessed correctly, this multi-armed giant should have been an advanced level 5, earth-type affinity... It's a pity... you guys didn't know how to protect the trophies when you fought. , its body was damaged by more than 35%... but fortunately, the demonized organs in the body are still there..."

"Wait a minute, where is the heart of this multi-armed giant? That is the most important demonized organ in its body! Also, where is its head? Since it has reached the fifth level, it must have condensed the petrified crystal... …Where is the petrified crystal? You won’t lose that petrified crystal, right?”

Petrified crystal?

Greem frowned slightly and casually took out the strange single eye of the multi-armed giant from the flame alien space. He tossed it lightly in his hand and asked, "Are you talking about this?"

Wizard Karon turned his head and saw the huge khaki crystal. He immediately rushed over and grabbed it in his hand to examine it over and over again. He was even worried about his eyes, so he held the petrification crystal tightly and stimulated a trace of petrification power inside.

A thin khaki ray hit the armrest of the rattan lounge chair. The next second, the strange petrification power quickly spread inside the lounge chair and even transmitted to the yellow sand below, turning the lounge chair, coconut trees, parasols, and the surrounding yellow sand within a radius of more than ten meters into gray-white stones.

"What a pure petrification power!" Wizard Karon couldn't help but admire it. It can be seen that he couldn't let go of this petrification crystal. If Grimm was not at the same level as him, I'm afraid he would have been unable to resist and snatched it.

"Wizard Karon, you haven't given me a definite answer yet! With these materials, can you help me turn them into a 5th-level wizard beast?" Grimm had to interrupt Karon's madness.

"Difficult... Difficult... Too difficult..." Karon kept muttering.

"Can't make it?" Grimm's face sank, somewhat unexpected.

"It's not that it can't be made, but the body of the multi-armed giant is seriously damaged. After it is successfully made, its combat power will also be reduced to a certain extent. If there is no petrified crystal, I can only transform it into a 5th-level primary. Now, even the 5th-level intermediate is quite likely!" Karon was still muttering to himself, his eyes full of deep regret.

Although he is already a 5th-level great wizard and has extremely sophisticated biological transformation skills, he is struggling to find suitable 5th-level biological materials, and can only use 4th-level materials to piece together.

Due to the limitation of materials, being able to transform a 4th-level peak-level wizard beast already shows that his skills are extraordinary!

"Level 5 intermediate..." Grimm pondered.

He had just been promoted to level 5 elementary, and he had a level 5 intermediate witch beast in his hand, and it was also the earth witch beast that was best at defense. This seemed to be overjoyed.

However, Grimm was not satisfied with this. Instead, he thought about it and took out a soul crystal from the flame dimension, and asked softly: "What if the soul of this multi-armed giant is added?"

"Soul? The soul of the multi-armed giant is also in your hands?" Karon was shocked, and then finally figured out a question: "The body, petrified crystal and soul are all in your hands. Did you kill this multi-armed giant alone?"

No wonder Karon had such a question.

For these level 5 great wizards, if they want to kill a level 5 advanced monster, they can never do it by their own strength. They can only work as a team and go through a life-and-death battle.

Even if they succeed by chance, the so-called spoils will be shared by the entire team. Under such circumstances, it is extremely rare for a participant to get 1/5 or 1/6 of the spoils.

And now, Grimm obviously enjoys almost all the spoils alone!

This... seems to be possible only if he kills the multi-armed giant independently.

In response to Caron's question, Grimm just explained a few words lightly.

"There is nothing strange about this. Didn't the magic tide break out before? This multi-armed giant is a little lord of disaster. He can't think it through and ran to our wizard world to make trouble... Hehe, I took advantage of its greatly reduced strength inside the plane and killed it with all my strength!"

"Hiss..." Caron couldn't help but gasp as if he had a toothache.

This wizard Grimm's luck is too good to encounter such a good thing...

Caron's face is full of envy and jealousy.

However, he didn't know that when Grimm killed this multi-armed giant, his own level had not reached the peak of level 4. If he knew this, I'm afraid his shock would be ten times or eight times greater than before!

"Okay, Wizard Karon, you haven't told me yet, with the soul of the multi-armed giant, can you create a 5th-level advanced witch beast?" Grimm finally couldn't help asking the question he was most concerned about.

"It's very likely!" Karon lowered his head and thought for a moment, gritting his teeth and said: "With the petrified crystal, plus a little bit of resources, you can make up for the missing parts of this multi-armed giant through flesh and blood regeneration. But you have to be mentally prepared. Without the key head and heart, the quality of the final product will definitely decline."

"And with the soul of the multi-armed giant, the witch beast created will have some strange skills out of thin air, and there is also a chance to become your contracted soul beast..."

"I already have a soul beast!"

"Give it up! You have to know that this may be a 5th-level advanced soul beast, which is better than you..." Before he finished speaking, Karon's face was a little distorted when he saw the 5th-level plague poison spirit released by Grimm from a book-shaped artifact.

"Fuck, fuck, are not the illegitimate child of some high-level wizard!"

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