The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1480 The Secrets of the Gods

Just when Grimm couldn't help but want to get mad, the rumbling sound from afar finally eased his embarrassment.

The orc warriors are coming!

Several great wizards looked at each other, stepped out of the city hall together, slowly floated into the sky and flew towards the north wall.

The orc warriors who came from afar finally met several great wizards three miles outside the city of Dunmozhu.

The rolling dust dragon finally stopped.

When the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, five strange orc warriors with different shapes and professions were revealed.

Two beast soul warriors, a shaman, a sword master, a beast tamer...

The professional combination is reasonable, but there are still too many melee blades, and too few elemental ranged attackers. However, this is not their fault, but the orc race originally lacks the brain to play elemental spells.

In the plane of Koer, whether it is orcs or wizards, the upper limit of the power they can exert is the peak of level 4. However, the orcs can call on the beast god for protection and gain supreme power, and the wizards also have special means to break through the upper limit of the plane power.

So, if they really fight, the two sides are evenly matched, and victory or defeat depends on the strength of each other's individual combat power!

Grimm floated in the air, fighting against the ubiquitous plane laws with the power of rules, while silently looking at the five orcs opposite.

They are indeed mortal bodies, and have not yet reached the level of transcendence.

However, deep in their souls, there is a golden light ball that cannot be looked at directly, and there is a faint and undetectable strange consciousness fluctuation.

Descendant... Consciousness projection...

In a flash, these two familiar words slowly flowed through Grimm's heart.

The five orcs in front of him are no longer "themselves"!

After a special descent ceremony, the orc gods in the distant kingdom of God have projected a trace of their soul consciousness into the depths of their souls, so that they can sense everything they see and hear from afar.

Therefore, the battle with the wizards will not only be against the five orc warriors in front of them, but also the five consciousness projections that are eager to try in their souls.

To be honest, when they found that the orcs were hiding only consciousness projections, not the real beast god clones, the desire of several great wizards to fight was instantly dissipated by half.

There is no way, fighting with such consciousness projections is really not worth the loss. Even if you win by chance, you can't get the precious fragments of the godhood. Therefore, when they found that the other party used the descent of the gods, several great wizards were a little bit discouraged to fight.

You know, most of the gods hide their bodies in the kingdom of God to avoid being besieged by the enemy. And they have many means to extend their power. If they want to project their power into the plane, the most commonly used is the descent of the gods or the clone.

Both are a means of consciousness projection, but the matrix they carry is completely different!

The art of descending the gods uses the actual body of the believer as a carrier, projects part of the power of the soul over, and controls the body of the other party by fusion or occupation. In this way, the gods also obtain a consciousness carrier that can walk freely in the plane.

In addition, the gods can also descend their will without relying on the body of the believer. However, such a descent requires fragments of the godhead as a power carrier, so it is also called the god's clone.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and it doesn't matter who is good or bad!

Although the art of descending the gods can cast power, it is seriously restricted by the quality and basic combat power of the individual who descended. If the basic power of the descending individual is insufficient, it is impossible to exert the full power of the beast god's consciousness projection.

Although the god's clone does not have this problem, it gives the enemy an opportunity to steal its own godhead fragments!

You know, the world of gods and the wizard camp have been fighting each other for so long, and they have known each other for a long time, and they also have a lot of means to destroy each other's power.

The crystallization of the purest world rule power, such as the fragment of the godhead, is an irresistible temptation for both wizards and gods.

Even the smallest fragment of the godhead can save wizards nearly a thousand years of time to comprehend the rules. For the wizard camp that has always respected strength, it is simply a dream gift from heaven.

For the world of gods, a fragment of the godhead can make the most humble mortal immediately leap to the top of the world. The demigod, that is, the peak of the fourth level. And ten fragments of the godhead merged into one to become a true godhead, which can make it transcend the world and become a truly immortal god.

The subsequent god ranks are similar.

Those who have 1 complete godhood are weak gods (5th level), those who have 2 complete godhoods are medium gods (6th level), those who have 4 complete godhoods are high gods (7th level), those who have 8 complete godhoods are powerful gods (8th level), and those who have 16 complete godhoods are main gods (9th level)...

This is an important indicator for the classification of gods in the world of gods.

However, gods are often very hypocritical and vain!

Those who have created a huge pantheon and have many subordinate gods, even though their godhood level has not reached 9th level, will also call themselves the main gods of the pantheon. And such things are not uncommon in the world of gods.

Even many gods who have monopolized the power of faith of a large plane and never communicated and contacted with the outside world dare to call themselves the main gods of the pantheon with a 6th level. And the Faen plane that Grimm once "visited" is like this.

It would be fine if these small pantheons in remote areas had been hiding all the time, but once the planes were opened and integrated into the world of gods, their arrogant behavior of exceeding the limits of divine power would be attacked by other powerful pantheons.

Therefore, the reason why the elven pantheon in the Farn plane did not seek help from the outside world for so long after being invaded by the pale witches was because of this reason.

Such a complex knowledge of the plane pantheon quickly flowed through Grimm's heart, and he lost hope in the subsequent battles, and made him feel extremely fortunate that he could so "easily" obtain a fragment of the godhead in the wizard world.

However, the mentality of several great wizards was not understood by the orc warriors on the opposite side.

From the moment they saw the great wizards, the orc warriors were already excited.

They saw clearly that the bodies and souls of several great wizards were still entangled with a large number of plane law chains, and the energy level in their bodies was also suppressed to an extremely low level.

Kill it while it is sick!

The five orc warriors immediately rushed forward with a roar.

These ignorant things...

Grimm and others cursed in their hearts. They didn't want to fight these poor people who had nothing. But the enemy had already rushed over, so they had to fight even if they didn't want to.

So, with a lot of resentment in their hearts, the great wizards also went forward.

The enemy that Grimm chose for himself was the tamer.

Compared with the unstoppable swordsman, the violent beast soul warrior, and the multiple spellcasting ability of the shaman, the tamer should be considered a relatively mediocre combat profession!

However, Grimm's idea was beautiful, but the development of things often did not match the imagination.

The green orc, who was 2 meters tall and not too strong, drew out the dark green vine whip at his waist the moment he saw Grimm.

Pah pah pah…

As he swung his long whip vigorously, the plane void crackled, and he was still mumbling, fiddling with some mysterious and obscure spells that Grimm couldn't understand.

The next second, a dense space ripple appeared in the plane void, followed by a silver light flash, and suddenly a huge behemoth beast with a body height of more than ten meters emerged.

This is a powerful war monster specially raised by the orc kingdom.

Every time its huge one-meter-long paw landed on the ground, it would cause the earth to tremble violently; every part of its body was so thick, especially the pair of fierce red eyes full of bloodthirsty light...

The shoulders were five meters wide, and the bulging deltoid muscles on both sides bulged high like small hills. The muscles covered by hair could only be described as terrifying. At the end of its sturdy arms, there are terrifying claws a hundred inches long, each of which can rival the dragon lances of the human country's dragon cavalry...

The terrifying thing about Behemoths is their ferocity and fearlessness!

The Behemoths, which are known as invincible in land warfare, can be so powerful when they grow up that they can hunt dragons of the same level.

Grimm couldn't help but feel a little dizzy.

He really couldn't imagine that the first Behemoth summoned by this inconspicuous orc trainer was such a violent and domineering Behemoth. And looking at the silver light that overflowed from its body, it seemed to be a different species among the Behemoths, and it must have some strange powers that outsiders could not know.

As soon as the Behemoth was summoned, it stood up, let out a violent roar that shocked the whole audience, and then leaned down and rushed towards Grimm like a moving giant mountain.

Before it got close, the rumbling heavy footsteps and the earthquake waves that seemed to collapse the world swept across, making the city of Dunmozhu not far behind Grimm tremble.

Grimm soared into the sky without hesitation and quickly flew to a height of 100 meters.

However, just when he was already safe, the huge behemoth beast that was more than ten meters tall actually leaped up and waved its sharp claws that were a hundred inches long to grab him.

Damn, such a clumsy guy can actually jump so high!

Grimm jumped into the air at a height of 200 meters with a flame jump, and only then did he barely avoid the finger blade that the behemoth beast swung wildly.


The air exploded and the void trembled.

Ten criss-crossing air scratches appeared at Grimm's original position, and they did not dissipate for a long time.


A loud sound of the sky collapsing and the earth cracking.

The Behemoth smashed a huge pit on the ground, which was 100 meters wide and 10 meters deep. It just shook its head slightly, and then crawled out of the deep pit as if nothing had happened. It half stood up and waved at Grimm, looking unruly and provocative.

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