The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1485 Overwhelming

When Grimm arrived at the outskirts of the battlefield, the battle here had already ended.

In the vast jungle, there were many withered ancient trees and dozens of times the remains of witch beasts. Most of them were already in pieces, and many were even hammered into indistinguishable purple-black meat paste.

The entire battlefield was in a mess, with strange corpses and traces of violent witchcraft everywhere.

Grimm was wearing a tight black leather jacket, and a beautiful robe with purple and black patterns on the outside. Two strands of dark red hair fluttered out of the hood, which made him look more sturdy and agile, and his figure was heroic.

Grimm stepped on the land surrounded by black smoke and crossed the battlefield step by step.

After walking for more than five miles, he saw a huge cave hidden behind dense mountain vines and green plants under the cliff.

This is a dark and deep cave.

The passage of the ancient tomb extended diagonally downwards, and at a glance, you couldn't see the bottom at all.

The wizards who passed in front had already placed pieces of lighting stones on the rock walls on both sides of the passage. The faint milky white light dispelled the darkness in the cave and illuminated every inch of space under your feet.

Along the way, you can see the terrible traces left by the explosion of magic traps almost everywhere. The bottom of the passage made a rustling sound when you stepped on it. In addition to dust and sand, there seemed to be some gray-white bone slag powder.

Not long after walking forward, you came to a small cave.

The space here is a little more spacious, so you can see some different things. Bone dragon remains, large pieces of bone dragon remains...

The ground and stone walls here can be seen everywhere. The traces left by the tragic battle. The first-class bone dragons of no less than level 3 have been dismantled into scattered bones by wizards, and they are scattered all over the battlefield like flowers scattered by fairies.

In a corner, Grimm also saw the remains of a nearly dissolved bone dragon. The wreckage was completely soaked in a pool of sticky and smelly green liquid, slowly corroding and melting.

Judging from the appearance and the method, it was exactly the attack method of the poisonous spirit Remi!

Grimm picked up a one-meter-long thick dragon bone, and the blue light of the chip in his pupils swept through it, and detected the basic data of the dragon bone.

"Ding, the third vertebra on the right side of the back of a low-level bone dragon, hardness level 2, ductility level 1, anti-magic attribute level 2, element precipitation level 1... Preliminary judgment, the bone dragon was a level 2 white dragon before death, with low intelligence, and the dragon breath was mainly ice wind breath..."

"In addition, the bone dragon's concoction method is simple and crude, and the skill level is apprentice level... Due to the improper concoction method, the bone dragon lost all its magic skills in life, and the individual basic combat power was also reduced by 40%..."

Well, it seems that the chip's evaluation of that dragon lich is really low!

This is actually correct.

A closed and self-defensive dragon lich, in the absence of a source of knowledge, has to do everything by himself and explore from the beginning. It is normal for such a situation to occur.

Throwing the dragon bones aside, Grimm led a group of elite men to the end of the cave. There are three identical passages lined up here, and three rather strange symbols are spelled out with white bones above the passages.

There was also a young wizard waiting in front of the cave entrance. Seeing Grimm and others coming, he hurriedly bowed and saluted.

"Have they all gone in? How is the exploration going?" Grimm asked calmly.

"My lord, Lord Remi took the middle passage, Lord Gel led people to the left, and Lord Tahir led people to the right... There is no report yet!" The young wizard replied respectfully. Being able to get close to a super-class wizard, the wizard's face flushed, and he was obviously very excited.

Grimm glanced around, and a strong spiritual wave swept out of his body, instantly filling the three passages in front of him... burning, restless, and even more violent, and a faint sense of arrogance!

The spiritual wave ignored the barrier of the rock wall and the existence of the protective force field, and flowed through the entire huge ancient tomb passage like mercury, instantly passing over several teams that were struggling to move forward and rushed into the depths of the ancient tomb.

There, a huge forbidden magic was triggered, and a cold and dead spiritual wave also soared into the sky, resisting the extension of Grimm's spiritual tentacles.

"No matter where you come from, strong man from another world, please leave! This is the Dragon Tomb, the resting place of the ancient giant dragon. We will never accept any visit from anyone other than the dragon clan... No matter what your purpose is, please turn back!"

Two huge and unmatched spiritual wills collided and vibrated in the space of the ancient tomb. The powerful force that could not be vented even shook the entire cliff, causing countless dust to fall in the passage of the ancient tomb.

"Leave? Hehe, when everything here is plundered by me, I will naturally leave... However, when I leave, I still hope that you can accompany me... I am now in need of some suitable men, and I think you are very suitable..." Grimm sneered and strode through the winding underground passages.

As if angered by Grimm's arrogance, the cold and dead spiritual fluctuations suddenly roared, and actually gathered all the power of the heart and soul to pounce on him through the air.

"Hmph, you're so brave!" Grimm snorted angrily, and his violent and burning will burst out of his body without reservation, colliding head-on with the swift and deadly will.


An invisible and immaterial shock wave spread from the spiritual level, covering all wizards and creatures within the ancient tomb. No matter where they are, no matter what their individual level is, at the moment when the spiritual shock wave arrives, their bodies will suddenly shake, their mental will will be scattered, and thin blood snakes will flow from their eyes, ears, mouths and noses.

Some wizards below level 2 even fainted on the spot, unconscious!

Even the level 4 wizard commander who followed closely behind Grimm had to grin and grimace before he survived the extremely uncomfortable mental shock.

"5...5th are...5th level?" This kind of pure mental collision will naturally always be a disadvantage for the weak. Grimm's mental power has long been tough and solid to the point of materialization, how can it be compared with a level 4 peak dragon lich squatting in the corner of the world.

It was not until this moment that the careless dragon lich truly felt Grimm's true strength.

Level 5... The intruder turned out to be a level 5 great wizard!

No matter how much the dragon lich regretted at this moment, Grimm still strode towards the depths of the dragon tomb.

The hoarse voice of the dragon lich had not yet subsided, and another exclamation broke out in an instant: "Asshole, who are you? Get out of the dragon tomb..."

After a few strange crackling sounds, the dragon lich's mental fluctuations suddenly weakened, and he hissed: "Impossible... How could even your contracted servant be a level 5... I will fight you..."

The mental fluctuations stopped at this moment, and the strange and vicious mental secret language of the poisonous spirit Remi came instead.

"Master, that dragon lich has been knocked down by me, you'd better come and take a look!"

Hmm? The thing that could make the poisonous spirit Remi so surprised must not be an ordinary mortal... Grimm, with full curiosity, came to the depths of the Dragon's Tomb like lightning.

Passing through a layer of gray and strange light film, Grimm instantly came to a strange space that was almost independent of the Kor plane.

In fact, this is the real Dragon's Tomb!

In a huge space, the sky is gray and filled with a cold and cold breath of death. The earth is dark, and the soil here has been infiltrated by the rich death air, and then turned into a place of death.

If the soil here is taken out and sprinkled into any cemetery, it will subtly transform the bones there into medium and high-level undead.

On the ground, there are hundreds of dragon skeletons densely placed.

These dragon skeletons are of different sizes, the small ones are only a dozen meters long, and the large ones are like a huge mountain that you can't see the end at a glance. Although they were of different races before they died, they all buried their corpses and souls here after death.

Therefore, the dead air here is so dense and wild that it is simply astonishing!

As if sensing the appearance of the breath of living beings, the dense dead air in the dragon tomb began to vibrate and boil. From time to time, the gray-white mist transformed into the appearance of a giant dragon with angry scales and beards, and emitted a deep dragon roar that penetrated the bone marrow.

The whole cemetery seemed to become somewhat alive with the arrival of Grimm!

In the center of the cemetery, on a square dragon bone altar, a dragon lich fell to the ground in great pain. The bones on the rotten body that seemed to be eaten by insects burst, and the joints were sprayed with sticky green liquid, making it difficult to move.

In the green mist, the dragon lich was still struggling, but it was always difficult to get rid of the strange creature that stepped on it - the poisonous spirit Remi.

Is this the dragon lich that just collided with him head-on with his mental power?

Grimm couldn't help but glanced at it repeatedly with interest.

This is a pure-blooded dragon lich!

From the appearance, the dragon lich is a big lizard standing upright. The hunched and curved spine makes the vertical height of the dragon lich only 2 meters. It drags a dark bone dragon tail behind it. The narrow head is hidden in the gray mist, making it difficult to see its ugly and ferocious true face.

As a powerful spellcaster with basically degenerated melee ability, the dragon lich has its mental power multiplied.

Unlike ordinary liches, most dragon liches are built with dragon bones, so they basically retain the dragon spells in their lifetime. Although the undead body can no longer complete dragon language magic, it has mastered most of the dark spells without a teacher.

Curse spells, instant death spells, dark summoning spells... As long as it is a spell type driven by negative energy, it can easily control it, and even reach the master level!

But unfortunately, this extremely powerful high-level undead dragon has become a prisoner of Grimm at this time, and there is no hope of escape.

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