The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1489 The Doom of Winterhold

Seeing the orcs blocking the way, Grimm finally attacked without hesitation!

He didn't hold back at all, and it was impossible to hold back.

The people in front of him were all top-level warriors among the Kor orcs, and now he was in the main temple of the beast god Ah... Grimm had no doubt that if they were given a few seconds, they would definitely be able to summon violent divine power from the distant kingdom of the beast god and transform into the invincible god-level orcs again.

Therefore, taking advantage of the fact that the other party had not figured out the whole story, he brought the trouble to them. This is what a qualified wizard with a brain should do.

For the first time, without reservation, Grimm showed his most violent and ferocious side!

The fire god bead in his heart was like tearing open a space channel leading directly to the depths of the fire element plane. The violent and unparalleled flame energy was pumped to his limbs and bones with the strong pulsation of the heart.

The flame energy in Grimm's body instantly increased by two or three levels, from red to deep red, then from deep red to dark red, and then became colorless and transparent...

He did not cast any fire magic, but directly turned the flame into a rolling torrent and sprayed it towards the orc in front of him. The extremely high temperature flame instantly turned the area within a kilometer radius into a furnace of the God of Fire, and all the life and matter exposed to it were reduced to basic particles under the destruction of the violent flame particles.

All the life within the range of the flames disappeared one after another...

Even several orc warriors changed their faces and quickly burst out violent power from their bodies to protect their bodies.

At least two of the five orc warriors were able to crush Grimm with their basic strength. But in this unprepared situation, when they encountered such a guy who did not play by the rules, no matter how strong they were, they would be embarrassed and embarrassed for a while.

Although Grimm's attack was extremely fierce, it was only difficult for these orc warriors who were already at the top of the plane, not fatal. However, such an attack was like a world-destroying natural disaster for ordinary orcs near the temple.

Where the violent flames raged, the orc believers who had no time to escape were instantly turned into ashes. Even if there were a few powerful guys who could run away against the flames, they were burned into human-shaped torches before they could escape a thousand meters away.

For a time, within a thousand meters of the main temple of the Beast God, the orcs died heavily, and many buildings began to melt and soften under the destruction of the violent flames, and then twisted and collapsed.


"You are looking for death..."

Various angry shouts and curses with different emphasis sounded one after another, and the five orc warriors, including the temple chief priest, burst out their strongest power and hit this hateful enemy who didn't know whether to live or die.

At the same time, the 6th-level evil dragon Sinkra, who had already chased Grimm within a thousand meters behind him, also opened his mouth and sprayed another fierce black smoke dragon breath at this bastard who made her extremely angry.

Two extremely fierce attacks came from the front and back, leaving no room for Grimm to dodge or escape. However, Grimm, who was in a desperate situation, not only did not show any fear, but instead showed a smile of success on his face. He still had time to wave his hand at everyone, and the whole person suddenly exploded.

Flame mirror!


Outside Winterburg, three miles away.

Grimm and Sinkra passed by here one after another, and the sky fire and dragon power caused by this also killed all the orcs along the way.

In the center of a sea of ​​fire that was still burning violently, a strange mental wave suddenly came out. Then the flames shrank and gathered, and the bulge formed a humanoid creature with a height of 2 meters.

The flames on the surface of the flame figure solidified quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a tall man wearing a tight leather jacket and a purple-black robe.

When the man stood up and looked at Winterburg with his hood slightly raised, it was the moment when a blow that shook the earth and the sky exploded!

Two violent blows that far exceeded the power limit of this plane collided with each other, instantly tearing the plane barrier there, and engulfing the entire Winterburg and the main temple of the beast god A in a violent energy vortex.

While the power was erupting, Grimm could even hear the extremely angry shouts and roars of the orcs in the distance.

Visibly, a violent power wave rushed out from the city, and wherever it passed, the orcs evaporated instantly, and the orc buildings that had always been known for their solidity and heaviness were destroyed beyond recognition.

Grimm didn't know what was going on in the distance. He only knew that the wall he was facing was like a piece of cheese that was crushed and collapsed by the power ripples, and turned into a bunch of rotten debris that was swept away.

At the point of the power explosion, a condensed and powerful will suddenly shifted over and locked Grimm's position again.

It was still Sinkra!

Using the flame mirror, Grimm transferred his body out of the battlefield, leaving only a flame clone there. But the distance of the transfer was obviously not far enough, and it did not escape the spiritual perception range of the evil little female dragon.

Therefore, after the attack, the little female dragon realized that something was wrong and searched for Grimm's trace again.

Grimm knew that his tracks had been exposed, and he didn't dare to stay any longer. He turned around and fled away from Winterburg.

The main temple of the Beast God A was blown up. Although it was unknown how much damage was done, even if only a brick fell, it would be a great insult to the lofty Beast God A.

If he could endure this, he would not be worthy of calling himself the Lord of the Beast God!

As expected, when the main temple of the Beast God was attacked by the aftermath of the power, the towering statue of the Beast God in the temple, which was about 100 meters tall, suddenly rose with a bright golden light.

And as the light flowed, the appearance of the 100-meter statue was also changing rapidly.

A rough face, a wide mouth with fangs, wearing a heavy and crude black full body armor, carrying a huge double-sided axe on his back... It turned out to be the God of Killing of the Beast God, Garon Akadas.

As soon as this God of Killing came, before he could fully adapt to this slightly fragile body, he sensed the overwhelming wailing of believers outside the temple.

Those who could gain a foothold in Winterburg and pray day and night near the main temple were all devout believers of the Beast God. Now they were killed by the enemy, and tens of thousands of Beast God believers turned into pitiful dead souls in an instant. Under the flood of their resentful and desperate emotions, even the 7th-level God of Killing in front of them felt a little sympathetic.

A trace of ferocity appeared on Garlon's fierce face. He pulled out the huge double-sided axe from his back and walked out of the Beast God Temple with earth-shaking steps.

"Sinkra, I think you are looking for death... You dare to run to Lord A's temple to make trouble. I think you should stay here!"

As soon as he stepped out of the temple, Garlon's fierce eyes locked on the huge dragon that was quickly escaping out of the city. While speaking harshly, he raised the huge double-sided axe, tilted it back slightly, and then suddenly threw it out with force.

The huge double-sided axe instantly turned into a golden light and hit Sinkra.

At this moment, how could Sinkra not know that she had been fooled by the cunning wizard.

Although she was reckless, she was not stupid!

As a 7th-order god, Garlon was able to appear inside the plane because of the support of the huge faith power of the main temple, which isolated the suppression of the plane power. Once away from the main temple, Garlon would no longer be able to move freely and attack as he did now.

Therefore, Sinkra, who knew the strengths and weaknesses of these gods very well, turned around and fled away from the main temple without hesitation when he sensed the violent breath of Garlon, the god of killing.

However, as a 7th-order god, the power and means he possessed were not something a 6th-order evil dragon could fully control. Before Sinkra could escape far, a golden light instantly caught up with her flying figure and hit her right wing.


With a shrill dragon roar that shook the sky, Sinkra's entire right wing turned into flesh and blood powder and exploded into blood foam all over the sky. But he didn't even dare to turn his head back, and still struggled to fly away.

Garlon stretched out his hand and grabbed the double-sided axe that was circling back. He took heavy steps that shook the earth and mountains and crossed more than ten miles in an instant, chasing after the embarrassed figure who was flapping his wings wildly.

With the departure of several strong men, the Winter Castle, which had been ravaged by the foot, finally calmed down again. However, first there was the explosion of Grimm's flames, and then there was the collision of the terrifying combined attack. The two consecutive explosions of super-class power also made the Winter Castle unable to bear the burden and became dying.

With a crisp sound, rubble and gravel slid down from the ruins, and the orc swordsman shook off the dust on his body and climbed out of the deep pit with difficulty. At the same time, several orc strong men who were swept away by the power shock wave also came back one after another.

The five orc warriors were all more or less entangled with the strange black smoke of Sinkra. Even with their strength, it would take a lot of strength and time to get rid of this strange rule power.

Calculated in this way, it can be said that the loss was heavy!

However, what made them furious was the orcs who died and were injured in Winterburg.

Because the power of the attacking alien warriors was too terrifying, they would die if they were touched, so the number of orcs lost in the city was as high as more than 30,000, almost half of the population of Winterburg.

The number of orc elites lost this time was so large that the orc warriors couldn't help crying.

"Check! Find out who the wizard who led the evil dragon Sinkra to Winterburg is right now? We will definitely cut that bastard into pieces next time we go to war..."

The angry roar of the orc chief priest resounded throughout the sky of Winterburg!

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