The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1493 Mysterious Visitor

Fire Element Plane, near Molten Altar.

This is a dark red cloud floating high above the sky.

And inside the cloud stood a strange old man quietly. He was wearing a black tuxedo, straight trousers, spotless leather boots, and his white hair was still combed neatly although it showed vicissitudes of life.

He did not use any flying props, and there was no trace of magic on his body. He stood quietly in the red cloud, slightly bent over, silently looking at everything happening in the Molten Altar Valley.

From the outside, he seemed to be an ordinary human old man, and there was nothing strange about him.

However, with such a harsh environment in the Fire Element Plane, if he was really an ordinary person, how could he survive here and hide from Grimm's spiritual perception to peek at the Molten Altar up close!

The old man seemed to have been hiding in the fire cloud for a long time, and he had examined almost every special person and place on the construction site several times. He was particularly interested in the brain-splitting Sok and the small teleportation array that connected the Iron City of the extraterritorial camp.

Of course, the moment Grimm appeared, the old man withdrew his gaze and only observed his every move with passive perception.

After confirming Grimm's true rank countless times, the old man took out a ticking old pocket watch from his jacket pocket, rubbed it in his hand for a few times, and then carefully put it back.

The pocket watch was not big, golden, and seemed to be made of brass. But when the old man stroked the case of the pocket watch with his fingers, an extremely powerful but strange law fluctuation slowly dissipated.

If the old man's ability to hide and hide was too strong before, it would be understandable that Grimm did not find him. But now, such an obvious law fluctuation overflowed, like a ripple that spread to a radius of one kilometer in an instant. If Grimm could not find him again, he would really not be worthy of being called a great wizard.

While discussing with the Cinderweb Spider Mother somewhere in the valley about capturing more powerful slaves and forming a flame army that could protect the entire Molten Territory, Grimm suddenly raised his head, his eyes full of astonishment that could not be hidden.

"Ding, traces of fluctuations in the law of time are detected, and the source of the fluctuations is being traced..."

The law of time... Grimm was shocked. This is the most enviable law ability in the plane world, and it is the most powerful two plane laws together with the law of space.

However, these two abilities are difficult to master after birth, and one must have a very strong innate talent to learn them. Therefore, among all the wizards that Grimm has met so far, there are almost no wizards who have these two law abilities, except Alice.

Now, suddenly sensing this strange fluctuation in the fire element plane, Grimm's heart naturally moved, and his eyes immediately scanned the surroundings quickly, looking for the source of the fluctuation traces.

Grimm stood still, with a faint blue fluorescence in the depths of his eyes, scanning the sky again and again. There, golden ripples spread out, silently touching the invisible and intangible plane laws behind the scenes.

Where the laws collide, although slight, there are traces left...

Grimm's eyes quickly followed the law traces and condensed on the thick red cloud floating above the valley. Then he increased the frequency of the rays in his eyes, instantly penetrated the red cloud barrier, and clearly saw the old man standing in the red cloud.


No... impossible!

Others may not be able to see through the essence of the old man, but Grimm, as a great wizard, with the help of the chip, can naturally penetrate the appearance and see the source of the other party's power at a glance.

In his eyes, this old man is a human-shaped body of rules, which is densely covered with dense and intertwined lines of power. His clothes, his flesh, his bones, his skin, and even the lively and pulsating heart in his body... are all woven and intertwined by layers of impenetrable power threads.

And from the energy spectrum analysis of the power thread, his power source is the same as Grimm, belonging to the fire system. This means that he is also a native creature of this fire element plane.

However, in addition to seeing through his power source, Grimm also found three or four special energy halos around him, which are obviously some powerful magic items. Especially the energy halo on the right side of the opponent's chest, which is unprecedented, and it is the source of the law fluctuation just now.

Originally, the fluctuation of the law of time is not his own ability, but a powerful magic prop!

For no reason, Grimm couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

"Since you are here, why not come down and sit down!" Grimm said softly.

The old man was not hypocritical, he smiled, took a step forward, and appeared in front of Grimm in the next moment.

Grimm's face did not move, but his heart was full of shock, and the originally strong and powerful pulse of the heart of rules suddenly paused.

2139 meters...

From where the old man stood just now to the front of him, it was 2139 meters. But he could not sense any trace of magic, supernatural power, or magic from the other party. He appeared in front of him in just a moment, crossing more than 2,000 meters...

If it weren't for the chip's perspective perception that could detect the old man's existence, I'm afraid Grimm would have suspected that the other party was just an overly realistic phantom without any entity.

Grimm didn't recognize him, but the ashweb spider mother Lakbeth beside him recognized him.

This level 4 flame lord, who was usually fearless, immediately bowed his head when he saw the old man and respectfully called out "Lord Hegel!"

The old man straightened his neat aristocratic dress, glanced at Lacbeth, and said calmly: "Congratulations, Lacbeth, you have a master after not seeing each other for a few days..."

The lotus-petal-shaped mouthparts on the ugly and ferocious head of the Ember Web Spider Mother Lakobes opened and closed several times, but she could only sigh helplessly and lower her head.

But secretly, Grim had already quietly communicated with Lacbeth.

"who is he?"

"Hegel... a subordinate of Level 5... Level 6 Flame King Zetas... Master Zetas has not stepped out of his palace for nearly ten thousand years. The affairs in the territory are usually handled by this black man. Mr. Geer is responsible for taking care of it..."

Subordinates? Bullshit subordinate... This is a regular clone of the Flame King, okay?

Grim was screaming in his heart, but there was no way to blame Lacbeth.

After all, the other party does not have such a powerful perspective scanning ability like him, and can directly see the source of Hegel's power. Therefore, it is reasonable to think of him as a human subordinate of the Flame King.

Humanity? Why did the Flame King create a regular clone in human form? Could it be that the guy named Zetas has some connection with humans...

Greem secretly speculated as he enthusiastically greeted Hegel.

He felt very clearly that although this Hegel was just a fifth-level clone, his overall strength was higher than his own. If they really wanted to fight, Greem wouldn't be able to find any advantage in the fire elemental plane.

"It turns out to be Your Excellency Hegel. I don't know which gust of wind brought you here. Welcome, welcome. I haven't tidied up this place yet. The place is relatively simple and makes you laugh!" Since you can't beat me, then just be honest. Just relax, Greem is very aware of current affairs.

"Hehe, here in the fire elemental plane, there is no need to pay so much attention to etiquette. This kind of etiquette is not popular here, we should just go straight and say whatever we want!" Hegel said calmly.

"Yes! If that's the case, then I won't hide it. I wonder what happened to His Excellency Hegel's sudden visit to the Molten Altar?"

"It's nothing special. I just heard from my subordinates that a strange and powerful man from a foreign land has appeared here and is recruiting troops, so I came here to see the situation..."

"Then... I wonder what you saw?"

"Hey, looking at this situation, you should be from the wizarding civilization, right?"


"I wonder which plane world you are from?"

"Wizard World!" Greem hesitated for a moment before giving the answer.

At their level, many things cannot be said carelessly, as they will often have various unknown impacts on their future.

"Wizard world? The original plane of wizard civilization... You are still so young. It seems that you are also an amazingly talented person among wizards!"

Greem was a little unclear about the other party's details, so he could only say a few words of humility.

"Do you want to become a member of the Flame King?" Hegel suddenly asked.

Greem's breath suddenly stagnated, and his whole spirit and will instantly surged. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and the flame energy in his body gradually began to activate, and the rule protection condensed by the Book of Darkness filled under his skin.

If necessary, Greem can instantly cover himself with layers of multi-functional, multi-purpose witchcraft protection. And the scorched earth magic in the Fire God Pearl and the ring of corruption in the Book of Darkness can definitely catch the opponent off guard.

The moment they met, there were two level 5 attacks. Even if the old man's own existence form was extraordinary, it would be impossible for him to withstand such rapid attacks.

And when he was fully prepared, Greem smiled 'gently'.

"So what if it is? So what if it's not?"

The atmosphere on the battlefield suddenly became chilly!

"If you don't want to become the Flame King, then just pretend that I didn't say anything. If you do, I think we do have some things that need to be discussed in advance..." Hegel looked unmoving, as if he had no regard for Greem's warning. care.

"Exchange what?

"Let's talk about the ways to become the Flame King!" Hegel showed a smile full of 'sincerity' on his face.

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