The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1496 The God of Tyranny

"Be careful, these two are the real bodies of the gods, and they are not the same as the clones you fought before... Be careful!" As if they were worried that Grimm and his companions would underestimate the enemy and suffer defeat, the two Level 5 wizards stationed here hurriedly passed a message.

Grimm and the other three were all setting foot on this large-scale plane battlefield for the first time, and their experience was inevitably insufficient. After hearing the other party's voice transmission, they perked up and began to quickly bless themselves and their companions with witchcraft protection.

All, all, all...

The dazzling witchcraft brilliance illuminated half of the sky. Almost in the blink of an eye, Grimm and his companions were surrounded by brilliance. Layers of witchcraft protection wrapped them up like colorful eggshells, protecting them tightly.

As a rule wizard, Grimm has always been the most powerful firepower turret on the battlefield, so there is naturally no need to go up and fight with the two orc gods. Therefore, after he hastily cast all the protective magic on himself, he began to chant spells like a whirlwind and prepared for a large-scale fire magic.

Antuso and Bihua, who were accompanying him, were a blood wizard and a body refining wizard respectively. They were naturally not to be outdone, and while preparing for battle, they slowly approached the battlefield.

Antuso roared, his eyes emitting a cold green light, and his whole body suddenly expanded and grew. His nose and chin also protruded and stretched forward, four pairs of sharp fangs protruded from his mouth, and his hands and feet grew sharp claws.

And his whole body quickly grew black and shiny hair, and a strange sharp horn suddenly appeared on his forehead that spiraled upward. When the strange horn lit up with a faint light, the tall demon wolf body that Antuso transformed into gradually became transparent, and then completely disappeared.

Ghost Demon Wolf!

What Antuso possessed was the extremely strange bloodline of the ghost wolf...

The other body-refining wizard Bi Hua roared continuously, and his body grew from 2 meters to 3 meters. His muscles were knotted and bulging. He drew out a double-sided battle axe from his back like a terrifying muscle giant, and stepped slowly onto the battlefield with a grim smile.

The orc warriors who were rushing into the light shield jumped off the back of the pterosaur, landed on the blue-gray outer wall of the giant rock castle, and rushed towards the great wizards stepping on the rocks all the way.

"Looking for death!"

Antuso's disdainful sneer suddenly came from the void.

Immediately, a transparent wolf-shaped phantom suddenly emerged from the orc team. Countless criss-crossing wolf claws and sharp blades swept across, and all the orc warriors who passed by within a hundred meters of his side were like being tortured by invisible sharp blades, and their entire bodies were instantly * into countless scattered corpses.

The ghost wolf smiled, and appeared in the center of another team of orc warriors in a flash. Another burst of wolf claws flew, and in a flash this team of orcs was also written off.

This team of orcs also included a 3rd-level orc warrior.

Unfortunately, in the face of the absolute power gap, it was like those low-level orcs, and it didn't even have the ability to resist for a second before it turned into a part of the corpses on the ground.

"Little guys, spread out! Let me see if these two little guys are as powerful as they think!" Seeing his men being slaughtered, Haystok was the first to be unable to bear it.

The God of Tyranny Haystok looked like an extremely tall and majestic orc, with a height of ten meters, unusually thick joints in his hands and feet, and solid and strong muscles on his body that were frightening. He was covered with a simple animal skin robe, with his right arm exposed, a nail hammer in his left hand, and a flail in his right hand, showing a temperament of full violence.

Because of his special war priesthood, the tyrannical god Haystok is a very competent commander on the battlefield. As soon as his order was issued, the orcs who were still filled with anger in their heads quickly scattered to both sides, leaving a large enough fighting space for several strong men.

In the unbelievable eyes of Grimm and others, Haystok shook his tall body, ignored the huge difference in numbers between the enemy and us, and took the initiative to attack the body-refining wizard Bi Hua.

One is a huge orc with a body of ten meters, and the other is a body-refining wizard with a body of three meters. Both sides took a violent route, and the difference in strength was not great. But once the battle started, the terrifying strength gap was instantly revealed.

With a charge, Haystok's mace and flail bombarded Bi Hua's double-sided battle axe.

Both sides bowed at the same time, the muscles on their arms bulged high, and the violent and unmatched power collided wildly in the center of the battlefield through the weapons in their hands. Bi Hua, who was obviously at a disadvantage, had his face changed several times in an instant. He was blown away by the surging force before he could last more than 3 seconds.

He left a long afterimage in the void, and hit the rock wall of an annex of the Giant Rock Castle like a bowling ball that was hit.

With a loud bang that made people's eyes jump, a big hole was knocked out of the rock wall and the witchcraft protection on it, and Bi Hua disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.


Grimm, who was casting spells quickly, couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. For the first time, he truly experienced the horror of the god's body!

Although Grimm had never come into contact with the god's body before, he had fought with the god's clone. He thought that they were both at the 5th level, and their strengths were similar, and the other party was nothing to be afraid of.

However, today, he truly experienced the huge difference between the god's body and the clone.

This is simply not on the same level!

The main body of the god holds the most suitable divine weapon for his fighting style, while the clones of the god that he has encountered in the past are mostly bare-handed; the main body of the god has a strong divine power to support it, and can draw huge divine power from the distant kingdom of God, while the clones of the god are mostly fragments of divine power, and the power level is only a few of the main body...

If the bonus of priesthood and divinity is added, the difference in strength between the two will be even greater!

Therefore, even if they are both at the 5th level, the tyrannical god Haystok still beat Bi Hua out of the battlefield at the first sight.

Fortunately, Bi Hua is also a powerful 5th level. Although he lost to Haystok, who has the power aura, in the confrontation of strength, he did not suffer too serious damage.


With an extremely furious roar, Bi Hua in the broken cave once again turned into a human head cannonball, dragging a series of body phantoms, and rushed to Haystok again.

Another ghost wolf, Antuso, who was stealthily approaching, also emerged silently behind Haystok, and his two sharp front claws broke through the void and grabbed the opponent's back.

Front and back attack!

Although the two had never run-in and did not have much tacit understanding, as a fifth-level wizard, such simple cooperation was still possible.

Grimm also completed the casting of fire magic at this time, holding the formed violent magic in his hand, squinting his eyes to examine the battlefield, waiting for the best time to attack.

Facing the front and back attacks of two wizards of the same level, the tyrannical god Haystok did not panic or fear at all, but sneered a few times, and his body shook, and in an instant he turned into a strange form with six arms.

The six arms held six strange weapons, namely a greatsword, a scimitar, a single-sided axe, a flail, a mace and a pickaxe. Looking at their appearance shining with strange luster, they were surprisingly six low-level artifacts with different functions.

Although the ranks of the six artifacts were not high, the artifacts were artifacts, and they had the powerful rule characteristics of breaking all elemental barriers and breaking all physical defenses.

After the transformation, Haystok's body began to rotate rapidly, and his six arms grasped six strange artifacts and hit the body-refining wizard and the ghost wolf who were forced to the side.

The two people who originally wanted to attack each other had never expected such a change, and were caught off guard by the other party in an instant. The two desperately attacked the tall body of the other party, and at the same time, they were desperately dodging the terrible artifact that dazzled their eyes.

But the six artifacts rolled over like wheels, dodging this but not that, dodging that but not this... The two wizards struggled for 7 seconds, and were hit by different artifacts on their bodies or on the shields outside their bodies one after another, and then turned into flying meteors again and disappeared from sight.

Of course, fighting two wizards of the same level at the same time, the tyrannical god Haystok did not pay any price!

While knocking the two wizards away, his body suddenly appeared with dense claw marks and two huge injuries that were deep enough to reach the bone. However, such injuries were only minor injuries on his ten-meter-tall body, and as a dazzling golden light rolled over the body, those minor injuries disappeared instantly, and the two axe marks were also healing quickly.

Haystock grinned, shook the artifact in his hand, and planned to target the weaker ghost wolf and chase it to death. But before he could move, a ball of violent flames flew over and instantly engulfed his body.

Since he had already opened fire, Grimm no longer held back.

His body suddenly expanded to ten meters in size, and golden flames rose around him. He stood still, waving his hands continuously, and one golden fireball after another with the immortal flame inside blasted at the God of Tyranny like a string of cannons.

Bang bang bang...

This kind of offensive is simply endless!

At this moment, Grimm has transformed into a human catapult. One after another, violent fireballs dragged long golden tail wings, piercing the void and bombarding the place where the God of Tyranny stood.

Almost in an instant, the place turned into a terrifying sea of ​​fire...

With a violent roar, Haystock rushed out of the sea of ​​fire waving the artifact. There were traces of burns on his body, but the subsequent golden flames were blocked by a layer of divine power and were three meters away, unable to touch his body.

Divine power shield!

Grimm gritted his teeth and read out the name.

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