The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1499: Conversation and Transaction

"I know you..."

The great wizard Sarupo still gave Grimm the feeling of being so unfathomable.

Seriously speaking, this is also a wizard worthy of Grimm's admiration. Looking at his history, the degree of excitement and the rapidity of his advancement are not inferior to Grimm. In many places, he is even better than Grimm.

Therefore, facing such an old predecessor who also came from the central part of the continent, Grimm was naturally respectful and full of sincere respect in his heart.

In the final analysis, the dirty things between Grimm and the Sarupo family are just very common means of suppression and checks and balances within the family. However, Grimm's development is obviously beyond the ordinary wizard route, which is why the family leaders made mistakes step by step, and it has been out of control until now.

These contradictions may be a big deal in the plane, but once they leave the wizard world, when the 5th level Grimm and the 6th level Salupo sit opposite each other and smile at each other, everything in the past is like a child's play, so childish and ridiculous, not worth mentioning.

"Before coming in, I have agreed to meet Sanaza..." Grimm took the lead in expressing his opinion.

"Sanaza is a guy with a bad temper and can't tolerate any sand in her eyes... If she knew how to advance and retreat, she wouldn't be so stiff with you!" Salupo couldn't help but sigh: "But it can't be blamed entirely on her, after all, even I misjudged you, and didn't expect you to develop so fast. In this way, you have some of the taste of the chosen one!"

"The chosen one? This title is a bit scary!" Grimm couldn't help smacking his lips, looking like he couldn't bear it.

"Don't take this title too seriously. There are countless similar Chosen Sons in the entire multiverse. The will of the world will not bet all its chips on one person!" Sarubo laughed.

"According to your statement, I'm afraid you can also be called the Chosen Son."

"Haha, if you want to understand it this way, it's not a bad idea. After all, who can become a great wizard is not full of luck and a series of accidents... At first, you will think that you are a chess piece that has jumped out of the chessboard. When your vision and state of mind are higher, you will find that you are still on the chessboard, but the chessboard has become a little bigger!" For some reason, the great wizard Sarubo was particularly emotional today, and there was endless meaning in his words.

"My Lord..." Grimm was a little confused.

"Nothing, seeing you reminded me of myself when I first left the wizard world, and I felt a little touched..." Sarubo sighed.

"Sir, I'm new to the plane too, and I don't know much about the current situation of the wizard camp. I wonder if you can help me solve my confusion?"

"Wizard camp? What do you want to know? But let me make it clear first, according to our wizard conventions, I can't give you valuable things for free, it must be a fair trade!"

"I just completed a few tasks, and I still have some magic crystals..."

"Hehe, little guy, don't try to fool me with magic crystals. How can this level of information be exchanged for magic crystals..." Great Wizard Sarubo had a half-smile on his face.

Grimm laughed and said, "I also got some essence..."

"Then let's use essence!" Sarubo clapped his hands and said, "You just came out of the plane, I guess there is nothing good that I can appreciate, so let's use essence as a reward! You ask a question, the price is 300 Sith essence, how about it, can you accept it?"

300 Sith essence for one question...

Grimm took a breath, but turned around and thought it was natural.

What I can get from the 6th level wizard Sarupo is definitely the deep secrets of wizard civilization, which is exactly what I need now. Therefore, it is not bad to give up some source in exchange!

"Okay, I accept!"

"Then you can ask questions now! Remember, think carefully before asking..."

Grimm hesitated for a long time, and finally asked the first question.

"How is the current wizard camp divided?"

"Are you so sure that wizard civilization has been divided? Boy, the question you asked is very opportunistic!" Sarupo smiled, but his eyes were full of praise.

"This question has puzzled me for a long time. Logically speaking, wizard civilization is led by the three ancient kings, and it should be a time of vigorous development. But from what I have observed, it shows that the wizard civilization is loose and messy, and there is serious internal strife. This is really incredible!" Grimm was not polite and directly expressed his opinion.

Sarub shook his head and sighed, "The reason is very simple. The three ancient kings have not appeared for tens of thousands of years!"

Grimm's heart trembled, and he did not respond, but listened confidently and seriously.

"You are right. The current wizard civilization has been leaderless and has split into several different camps. Their development directions are also different, but the core of each camp must be a well-known 8th-level wizard."

"Only the three ancient kings can reach the last step of wizard civilization, and the number of 8th-level wizards following them is barely in the double digits. Many of these 8th-level wizards have chosen to live in seclusion or hide in secret realms, and rarely show up outside."

"There are currently four known 8th-level wizards, one of whom is Barbara, the witch who is now leading the war with the orc pantheon. And she... is also from Sandy Tallin! In addition, I will tell you that this Barbara witch has a bad relationship with the witches in the North."

"So, you chose to join this team, and you have a good vision..."

"Okay, I will only answer this much for your first question. Ask the second one!"

Grimm gritted his teeth: "I also want to know the basic situation of the other three camps!"

"Three camps count as three questions..."


"Then I will tell you in detail..."

"The core 8th-level wizards of the other three camps are Great Wizard Vilibe, Great Wizard Fantini and Great Wizard Curtis. They are from the Silver Alliance, the Northland Witches and the Wizard Association respectively."

"You seem to have heard it... Yes, the four camps that currently dominate the external offensive of the wizard civilization also correspond to the corresponding forces in the wizard world, no more, no less, unbiased, just four... …”

“At present, the main target of the great wizard Vilibe is the Demon Eye Empire. The area they fight is mainly limited to the territory of the Demon Eye Empire. The wizards are mainly attacking, and the Demon Eye is mainly defending…”

“The main target of the great wizard Fantini’s strategy is the Elf Empire. The two sides have been fighting in multiple planes for hundreds of years. At present, the wizards are still mainly attacking, and the elves are mainly defending…”

“The only exception is the great wizard Curtis. The target of his war is the 8th-level Abyss Demon King Brushta. It is said that the great wizard Curtis has occupied a large territory in the Abyss Realm that is equivalent to the main plane, where he resists the impact of groups of Abyss demons. The demons are mainly attacking, and the wizards are mainly defending…”

Grimm listened carefully and stored these completely unfamiliar names in his mind.

Now he is a complete newcomer. His understanding of the current situation of wizard civilization comes entirely from books, which are all antiques and old information from hundreds of years ago. Immediacy is seriously outdated, and this kind of authoritative information is needed to supplement it.

"I want to know more about Misa..."

"Shut up!" Salupo shouted softly, interrupting Grimm's question.

Then he waved his hand and drew a rune in the air, which turned into a blue light and flew into the floor. In an instant, a special rune ban sealed this residence tightly.

After doing all this, Salupo turned his eyes to Grimm again and said sternly: "Remember, boy, next time you are not prepared, don't mention the names of those upper wizards casually, especially guys like Misa, who are good at divination and prophecy... Every time you mention her name with malicious intent, she will have a general sense even if she is billions of miles away. If you are still someone she pays special attention to, then your next words will be eavesdropped by her..."

Grimm was shocked.

He had never heard of such a thing.

If everything that the great wizard Salupo said was true, then Misa's ability to perceive fate was too terrifying!

"Can I say that name now?" Grimm asked cautiously.

"Although there is witchcraft isolation, it is still not safe. So, when you mention her in the future, it is best to use 'that woman' or some other similar words instead. In short, don't mention that name again!"

"Yes!" Grimm asked in a low voice: "My lord, I want to know some information about that woman."

"Northern witches have always been xenophobic and act mysteriously and strangely. And the woman you mentioned is even more mysterious. I don't know the specific information, I only know that she lives in seclusion in a place called 'Destiny Realm' and never goes out. But many wizards often have requests for her and will take the initiative to visit her."

"But the cost of asking her to perform a divination is not low. Every powerful person who visits her either does something for her or bleeds heavily... So, her reputation has never been very good!"

"Where is that Destiny Realm?" Grimm couldn't help but ask with gritted teeth.

The great wizard Salubo looked at him strangely and said, "Originally this is another question, but since you didn't attack my family, I won't settle it with you. I'll count it as your fifth question!"

"The Realm of Destiny is a secret place without specific coordinates. If you want to enter there, you must get her invitation. And the way to get an invitation is to visit the witch's clones distributed in different camps outside the domain..."

"Is there also in the Exodar camp?"

"Not in the Exodar camp! I've said that many regions actually reject this insidious guy who always likes to stalk and snoop around. If you want to find her clone, go to the Endless Garden!"

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