The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1506 Mysterious Existence

The sacrificial ceremony is coming to an end, and the will of fire is slowly fading.

Greem seemed to suddenly hear something, and asked loudly: "Great Will of Fire, if I want to become the King of Fire, what level of items do I need to sacrifice to you?"

"Fire King? If you want to gain my recognition and become one of the rulers of this world, you need to sacrifice at least 20 fragments of the godhead... Of course, if it is the kind of flame godhead fragments, 15 will be enough. !”

20 godhead fragments... isn't that the full power of a sixth-level god?

Let him, a little fire witch who is no more than a fifth-level junior, eat up a sixth-level god alive, and also intercept all the power of the opponent... Such an incredible thing, no matter how conceited and confident Greem is, I don’t dare to hope that I can complete it!

Feeling the disappearance of the Will of Fire, Greem put away the Fire God Orb, but did not leave directly. Instead, he stayed in place and waited silently.

The sacrifice ceremony just now was too smooth and normal, and it seemed to be somewhat different from my previous perception. Did I perceive it wrong, or did I overlook something in the process just now?

Greem was thinking silently, and was also silently exploring...

However, just when Greem was suspicious, an inexplicable spiritual message suddenly echoed in his mind.

"Hey, kid, do you still have a treasure of this level in your hand? If so, sacrifice it to me. What I will give you will definitely be much better than that Will of Fire!"

Upon hearing this voice, Greem's face changed drastically. There was both surprise and horror in his expression, but also a hint of certainty as expected.

Greem closed his eyes and searched carefully, but still could not find the source of the spiritual message. He only knew that it appeared in his mind so suddenly.

"Boy, there is no need to look for me. My body no longer exists, and only a residual soul is left wandering on this land. To put it bluntly, boy, you are stepping on my body! "The inexplicable mental fluctuations are so obscure and weak. With such intensity of breath alone, it seems that it cannot even be called a first-level power.

"Your Excellency, you should be the eighth-level powerful flame lord who fell in the history of the fire element plane, right? Have you found a way to resurrect now?" Greem never dared to ignore those high-level beings.

Each of these old monsters possess extraordinary secrets and forbidden methods.

If an old monster that had been dead for tens of thousands of years could be resurrected, Greem would not be surprised or weird at all. Instead, he would take it as a matter of course.

" know me?" The spiritual message fluctuated a little.

"I don't know much! However, since I dare to choose this place as my private territory, I must have done all the preliminary investigation work. Are you right, Lord Gumanres?" Greem was half serious and half joking. said.

On the other side, the spiritual message suddenly disappeared, just like a person suddenly held his breath, losing all the fluctuations of the breath.

Greem was not surprised, but waited silently.

A minute might have passed, or a quarter of an hour might have passed. Of course, a day or a night might have passed... As Greem waited silently without any impatience, the spiritual message suddenly echoed in his mind again. stand up.

"You never left...why, boy?"

When this voice sounded in his mind, Greem showed a smile of victory on his face and said softly: "Because I am waiting for your decision!"

"Decision? Decision for what?"

"Decide whether you will embark on this road of no return to resurrection now!"

"Boy, your strength is not that great, but your courage is really big... A little guy who is only at level 5 actually dares to intervene in the disputes of level 8 beings! Well, I should say that you are ignorant and fearless. , or is it incredibly audacious?”

"Of course it's the latter!" Greem smiled slightly: "I'm very aware of the possible consequences of cooperating with you. However, if we only have one-way contact, it shouldn't alarm your former enemies, right?"

"Enemies? My enemies are not in this plane... Besides, I have been dead for tens of thousands of years. Whether they remember that I exist is a problem!"

"Okay, very good... Then the biggest problem that stands between us now and affects our cooperation is... what is your relationship with the Will of Fire? Can it... tolerate your resurrection?"

The mysterious mental fluctuations suddenly stopped, and it took a long time for him to slowly recover.

"Boy, it wasn't the Will of Fire that was hostile to me back then, but those Titans... These damn bastards, under the guise of cleaning up the cancer on all planes, beat me to pieces. The Kingdom of God collapsed, and I was forced to sleep like this. for many years……"

"Dear Lord Gumanres, your enemies are too powerful. I am just a small fifth-level wizard. Under normal circumstances, I would never want to get involved in your grudges. Therefore, I must now Get a clear answer...What is the relationship between you and the Will of Fire?"

"What else can we do, of course... we are no longer bound to each other!" The mysterious wave suddenly became a little depressed: "I was also a member of the Flame Lord, and even reached the level of the Flame Lord when I was the most powerful. The real Flame King is only one step away... Unfortunately, at that time, the damn Titans came to me..."

"They would never allow the elemental world to give birth to a true king, so they killed me and destroyed all traces of my existence. But I am the most powerful being in this world after all, and even the plane rules are permeated with my soul... So, tens of thousands of years have passed, and I have just re-condensed my consciousness from the power of rules. However, it will take a long time for my power to recover..."

"The will of fire will not interfere with my freedom, but it will not help me anymore. It allows my consciousness to shrink around this molten altar, but it doesn't care. If I have a chance to revive and become the real king of fire, it will also have a chance to overwhelm the other three elemental realms and become the strongest voice... So, it will be optimistic about it!"

Damn... King of Fire... Lord of Elements... What are these?

I am just a small 5th-level wizard. When did I get involved in such a shit...

While screaming in his heart, Grimm cut off the connection with the mysterious spiritual fluctuation and turned to walk down the altar.

He was not interested in participating in the life-and-death feuds of some plane bosses. With his small body as a 5th-level fire wizard, he was not even a cannon fodder in such a conspiracy. If he really got involved with this crazy "former" flame master, he might not even know how he died.

"Boy, don't rush to refuse. We can talk..." The mental wave was extremely strange. Grimm had clearly cut off the connection with it, but it could still emerge from his mind the next moment.

Grimm did not hesitate and cut off the connection again.

"I can give you benefits..."

Cut it off again.

"The benefits I give are definitely more than the will of fire..."

Continue to cut it off.

"I still have the remnants of the treasure house of the kingdom of God..." The mental wave seemed to be driven crazy by Grimm, and finally shouted this with his neck stretched.

However, what surprised him was that after the roar, that Grimm did not cut off the mental connection with it.

"The remnants of the treasure house of the kingdom of God..." Grimm could not help but murmured.

A former 8th-rank flame lord, although his kingdom was blown up and his body collapsed, leaving only a remnant soul. But as long as there is a little bit of his former kingdom treasure house left, even if it is just some scraps, it is enough to make Grimm imagine.

Although he knew that such things were hot to hold and might make him fall into trouble. But the greed and desire from the depths of his soul still made Grimm stop and began to think silently.

"Boy, cooperate with me, I guarantee you won't suffer... You sacrificed two fragments of the godhead, and the flame will gave you that little thing. If it were me, I guarantee that I would give you much more than the flame will!" As if he found a way, the spiritual wave immediately stirred up his eloquent tongue and began to seduce Grimm.

Grimm suddenly raised his head, showing a disdainful smile on his face, and ignored the next words of Gumanres, and walked straight to the teleportation array in the distance.

"Hey, come back...boy, come back!"

The spiritual wave was furious, and the rolling waves of fire even stirred up the lava lake.

But unfortunately, no matter how it roared and clamored, Grimm still left regardless.

Finally, with the light of the teleportation white light, the Molten Altar once again restored peace!


Wizarding world, Crimson Wings.

It has been the twelfth year since Grimm left this world.

After experiencing many power structure shocks, Sanditalin finally eased down. Under the model of Horton Witchcraft Academy led by the Crimson Family, it gradually showed signs of rising in the central part of the continent.

New and enterprising Crimson wizards gradually climbed to the leadership, and some old "old guys" who could not keep up with the family's advancement were eliminated and became stepping stones for the family's development.

In the upper floor of the family wizard tower, in a luxurious and magnificent room, the goblin sage Kirby was lying on his back on a soft bed, his whole body almost sinking into the soft silk bedding.

On his side, there were a room full of green goblins.

Among them were goblin wizards leaning on wizard staffs, magicians with small mini puppets squatting on their shoulders, and mechanical warlocks with iron-blooded murderous auras... But more of them were chamber of commerce directors or heads dressed like businessmen.

An elf priest with pointed long ears stood up, finished the physical examination of Kirby, looked around at the goblin leaders with different expressions in the room, and shook his head bitterly.

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