The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1509 Strength Adjustment

When Grimm returned to the Giant Rock Castle again, he was no longer an unknown person!

It seemed that the result of the last war was reported back. He and Antuso teamed up to snipe a god's clone with medium divine power. This news spread secretly and inexplicably through some unknown channel.

For a time, there was an endless stream of great wizards who came to visit and win over, forcing Grimm to retreat under the pretext of healing his injuries, which blocked their "enthusiasm".

Originally Grimm was a little puzzled about this, but later he understood the reason after a little inquiry!

The wizards and the orc gods have been confronting each other for so long that both sides are familiar with each other.

You attack my resource plane, and I send people to defend it; I send people to attack your faith plane, forcing you to defend it as well...

The two sides went back and forth like this, and it was hard to tell who was fighting in a huge star field.

Under normal circumstances, the combat power invested by both sides in a certain area is often almost the same. In many cases, the victory or defeat of a battle and the degree of life or death are determined by the individual strength and cooperation of the two parties involved.

Generally speaking, wizards are more flexible and free, and all kinds of strange witchcraft and insidious means emerge in an endless stream. More importantly, wizards fight with their original bodies, which can fully exert the maximum power of equipment and witchcraft.

Although the probability of the original bodies of the orc gods fighting is also very high, in order to make up for the lack of combat power, many god clones can still be seen on the battlefield.

Although many of them are just god clones, their basic combat power is not weak at all!

In addition to the divine domain they control, these god clones also have universal divine arts that all gods can perform: divine shield, divine shock wave, energy blast...

The divine shield is also called "Little Invincible" by wizards. During its existence, almost all magic and physical attacks are ineffective against the original body of the god. Only after the divine power on the shield is exhausted by saturation attacks can the original body of the god be harmed.

With this life-saving method, the god's clone also took advantage of the battle with the great wizard.

If the situation is not good, the wizard will definitely be in trouble if he runs away with the divine shield. If the god's clone has an advantage in the battle, they can rely on the divine shield to withstand the siege of a group of wizards and turn the advantage into a real victory.

It is the gods' obvious advantage that makes this war protracted. The high-end forces of most battlefields only play a protective role, and the real focus has become the competition and attack and defense of each plane.

As more resource planes were destroyed on the wizard side, the strength of the camp would naturally weaken; as the faith planes of the orc gods were destroyed one by one, and the believers of the orc gods were slaughtered in large numbers, the power of faith they could obtain was greatly reduced...

The orc pantheon was able to resist the siege of hundreds of great wizards on the wizard side with a team of gods less than 20 people, relying on their strong individual strength and the god clones that were as easy to use as their arms.

It is precisely for this reason that wizards can only rely on their numerical advantage to offset the strength of the orc gods in many cases. In such a situation, it is almost impossible to successfully trap and kill the god clones on the battlefield.

If Grimm did not have the strange swallowing talent of the Devouring Demon Fish, it would be easy to defeat the Hall clone, but it would be even more difficult to keep it completely.

It can be said bluntly that the wizard camp and the orc pantheon have been fighting for so long, and the number of god clones that can be successfully killed on the battlefield is never more than double digits. Even in the face of the worst situation, those god clones who have nowhere to escape will choose to self-destruct their bodies, and then cover the fragments of the godhood and escape back, and will never leave the enemy a chance to catch them all.

So, Grimm's success depends not on anything else, but on the terrifying stomach that devours everything!

And those great wizards who heard the news were obviously targeting Grimm's magic fish talent, and were ready to cooperate with him to hunt down those lone god clones on the plane battlefield.

But Grimm knew that such a surprise attack opportunity would be the best for the first time. Once the orcs were prepared, it would be extremely difficult to achieve such an effect again.

But no matter what, Grimm's name has spread, and he is considered a well-known guy among the 5th-level great wizards in the entire Giant Rock Castle.


Half a year later.

In the witchcraft secret room, a ten-meter-tall fire giant sat cross-legged on the floor silently.

In front of him, a strange bead burning with golden flames was suspended, and a thin stream of red flames shot out from it and pierced his forehead.

Two completely different forces were riding on the fire chain and running in parallel...

What came out of the Fire God Pearl was an extremely docile golden power, which was imbued with a sacred breath that burned the sky and destroyed the earth but purified everything. Looking at the nature and form, it was actually similar to the power of fire.

And what came out of Grimm's body was a violent and colorless transparent flame. They were violent and crazy, full of destructive breath, which was exactly the two strange fire rules he mastered.

These two forces blended and harmonized on the fire chain, and often collided and annihilated each other due to their different natures. Fine cracks swirled around the fire chain, and the energy aftermath generated by the collision was absorbed by the plane void, so that no irreversible structural damage was caused to this space.

However, with more collisions and more annihilations, there will always be some strands of mutated flame energy left. These remaining flame energies strangely combine the characteristics of both flame rules and flame divine power, which makes them so different.

Grimm continued to chant and cast spells, guiding these mutated flames into his right eye, and successfully sealed them inside.

As the mutated flames gathered more and more, Grimm's right eye became brighter and more piercing. At first glance, Grimm's right eye seemed to be stuffed with a small sun, with dazzling golden light and overwhelming heat.

Five thousand degrees... ten thousand degrees... twenty thousand degrees... thirty thousand degrees...

Until the energy level reached thirty-two thousand degrees, Grimm sensed the reminder of the chip, and then slowly stopped chanting and cut off the intake of mutated flames.

"Ding, the Eye of Rage has been made... The energy level is 32,000 degrees... It is estimated that a one-time release can cause serious damage to a 5th-level primary target, moderate damage to a 5th-level intermediate target, and a slight threat to a 5th-level advanced target..."

"The rapid release of the mutant flame stored in the Eye of Rage will cause certain damage to the vehicle. It takes 15 days of recuperation after each release before it can be made again..."

"The Eye of Rage will be in a flame seal state at all times and cannot see normally..."

After receiving the prompt from the chip, Grimm finally put his worries aside.

With the completion of the last flame seal, the abnormality in Grimm's right eye gradually dissipated, and only a tiny flame rune that was barely detectable slowly rotated on the black pupil.

Sacrificing a right eye to obtain a powerful flame attack that can be released instantly during wartime, Grimm felt it was worth it no matter how he looked at it. After all, on the battlefield, those orc god clones all possessed terrifying combat power.

If there is no big killer that can calm the situation, fighting them is simply a torture!

Grimm's fire magic is good, but he lacks a fighting partner who is tacitly in tune with him and trustworthy enough on the battlefield. Therefore, once he gets into a tough battle, Grimm is often chased and killed by those orc gods.

To put it nicely, Grimm is jumping around to fly them; to put it bluntly, Grimm is simply chased and hacked by them and can only flee for his life.

Although there is a 5th-level Remi as a helper, this guy is obviously a venom type, and it is obviously not suitable to be a meat shield. Therefore, before the production of the 5th-level intermediate witch beast is completed, Grimm must find a way to solve these battlefield problems by himself.

Continuing to study the transmission method of rule fusion is certainly one way, and preparing more useful trump cards is another way.

After half a year of preparation, Grimm temporarily gave up several other fire magics, concentrated the data computing power of the chip, and finally estimated that the "flame refraction" was completed.

In this way, in addition to the two artifact skills of Flame Critical Strike and Ring of Corruption, Grimm also has a 5th-level fire witchcraft that is truly unique to him, and it is an offensive one.

If you add the one-time Violent Eye, this also means that Grimm, who is on the battlefield, has 4 decisive trump cards in his hand at the same time!

In addition to being the strongest auxiliary prop, the upgraded Fire God Pearl has another unknown strange use, which is to collect the power of faith.

Originally, collecting the power of faith was a magical power that only the gods could possess. But now, the Fire God Pearl, which has merged a fragment of the flame godhead, also inexplicably possesses a similar strange power. However, the power of faith it can collect must come from those intelligent individuals who devoutly believe in Grimm.

It was through the Fire God Pearl that Grimm was surprised to find that he actually had a small number of devout believers and thousands of pan-believers in several planes.

They may not be devoutly believing in Grimm as a god, but just looking at him as a life model to admire and worship. The two mentalities may have subtle differences and distinctions, but the spiritual power they gather is essentially the same.

What surprised Grimm even more was that not long after the Vulcan Pearl was successfully upgraded, he actually sensed a true believer who believed in him devoutly in the wizard world.

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