The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1514: Fierce Battle

The battle was extremely fierce!

Each of the exhibitors has terrifying power that can destroy the world and overturn rivers and seas. The level of energy released by every gesture is astonishingly high.

The aftermath of the energy dissipated from the battlefield falls on the surrounding area, which can immediately cause a catastrophe. However, even so, the strength of the enemy will not scare away the fierce and fierce orc warriors.

Throughout the undulating central mountain range, fierce orc warriors rushed madly towards the main orc temple, trying their best to get close to the battlefield, using their rough metal battle axes and bone spears to attack these beasts. Alien wizard.

The weapons they throw are often shattered by the concussive power ripples before they even get close to the wizard. And their bodies also exploded into balls of blood foam in the aftermath of the battle.

However, such a tragic ending still could not deter the brave orcs. More and more powerful orc warriors came from afar and joined the ranks of besieging the wizards one after another.

For this reason, as a last resort, the main battle group even had to assign a great wizard to clean up these fierce orc 'ants' who were not afraid of death!

Greem was imprisoned in the Rock Square by the Earth Prophet, and Rick was chased by the Dark Dragon in the sky and fled in embarrassment... On the battlefield, the only place that could mobilize power was the main battlefield.

The level 6 great wizard Brielle was so angry that he summoned the level 6 storm giant and the level 6 death wind to besiege the Galleon projection, while the other level 5 great wizard Sara who had free hands left. The main battlefield rushed towards the main orc temple.

Loud prayers came from the temple, and the blood-red halo unique to the blood sacrifice ceremony was revealed. Obviously, those green-skinned orcs were performing a divine descending ceremony, guiding the god of killing Garen to descend more clones or projections.

After all, this is the main temple of the orcs. As long as they are given enough time, it is not uncommon to form a group of orc petitioners. Therefore, everything depends on the speed of the troops!

As soon as the great wizard Sarah rushed towards the main temple, a dozen strong orcs with bloody red light radiating from their bodies poured out from inside. No matter what their original strength was before, at this moment, the possessed petitioners were pushed to the limit of the plane's power, the peak of level 4.

Those strong orcs with a body of level 4 may be able to barely withstand this terrifying increase in power, while those orcs with a body of no more than level 3 have already had their skin and internal organs burst by the terrifying power.

Their bodies were covered in blood, and their eyes, skin, teeth, arms... everything they showed was blood red. The muscles on their bodies were bulging, and white hot air about a foot long was sprayed from their nostrils. They brandished crude weapons and roared to stop the great wizard Sara.

Judging from their appearance, even if the great wizard Sarah did not touch them at all, they would die under the weight of their own over-expanded power in half a day. However, within this half day, their abilities increased dramatically and they became a group of peak level 4 orcs who were not afraid of death.

In terms of rank alone, Grand Wizard Sara has an overwhelming combat advantage even when facing this group of fourth-level peak orc petitioners. However, to eliminate them, Sara also needs to pay an extremely high price.

After all, they are now orc petitioners, not the original orc strongmen!

Petitioners, this is an extremely special form of life.

After the death of outstanding devout believers during their lifetime, their souls will be brought to the kingdom of God by divine messengers to be reborn, where they will obtain eternity. After having the energy incarnation given by the gods, they no longer have the emotions of birth, old age, illness, death, or joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, and have become a 'simple' life form that only knows how to pray to the gods day and night and dedicate their beliefs.

As petitioners, they generally cannot leave the Kingdom of God. But in order to protect the gods they believe in wholeheartedly, they will also participate in battles, even divine battles.

Because petitioners have energetic bodies and firm beliefs, they can leave the kingdom of God through specific rituals and transfer to devout believers in the secular kingdom. It's just that because the soul energy is too powerful, many secular believers simply cannot bear their overwhelming power and will explode and die.

Therefore, no one would be willing to consume the foundation of faith in a secular country like this unless absolutely necessary!

But now, facing the massive invasion of evil wizards, the orcs have no choice but to hold an advent ceremony and forcibly guide more than a dozen orc petitioners, thus adding another capable weapon to the orc temple. Top end power.

At this moment, both sides have exhausted their strength and are doing their best to attack everything on the other side.

The main battlefield was the level 6 great wizard Briel commanding the storm giant and the wind of death to fight against the level 6 Galleon projection. The two sides were fighting with the sky shattering and the mountains and rivers shattering. The terrifying battle scene, not to mention the ordinary orcs, even the great wizards were horrified and frightened when they saw it.

Fortunately, the two of them got bigger and farther, crushing countless mountains and canyons along the way, and hit the other side of the central mountain range.

On this side of the orc temple, it was divided into four large and small battlefields.

Greem was imprisoned on the rocky square with a radius of one kilometer by the Earth Prophet's rules of earth. The two sides were in a close fight. The battle situation was extremely dangerous and dangerous, with life and death on the line.

The Earth Prophet has rough skin and thick flesh. In addition to the two-meter-thick giant rock flesh outside his body, he is also covered with a layer of steel and rock armor three to four meters thick.

Greem had already tried various attacks.

The range-wide flame witchcraft is like lighting a fire on a majestic mountain. On the surface, it seems to be burning extremely fiercely, and everywhere is withered and charred, but in fact it is difficult to damage the mountain itself.

Only by focusing the terrifying energy on a single point with single-body flame witchcraft can it be possible to break through the opponent's thick and outrageous layers of defense and damage its body.

However, this kind of single-body flame witchcraft is a super-level witchcraft, and it takes at least seven or eight seconds of spell casting time to activate it. And the earth prophet would always launch large-scale earth-based attacks with a range of up to two to three hundred meters with his hands and feet. When he was restrained and couldn't stay away, even Greem couldn't buy the time and time to cast super-level witchcraft. Chance.

At this moment, the benefits of the super-level witchcraft attached to several witchcraft weapons have been revealed! With them, Greem had the slightest chance of causing some fatal damage to the big man in front of him.

The Ring of Corruption... No!

When there is steel armor, the ring of corruption cannot penetrate deep into the earth prophet's body, and it cannot cause enough terrible damage to him.

Eyes of Violence...not worth it!

It takes Greem three days to concoct a violent pupil. After using it, a buffer period of more than half a month is needed to heal and repair the injured pupil. Greem was totally unwilling to use such a deadly weapon on the enemy in front of him but not get any decent trophies.

Then you can only use the violent flame crit that comes with the upgraded Vulcan Pearl!

Greem made up his mind and fought more patiently and carefully.

Facing an enemy of the same level, any negligence may bring disastrous consequences.

The Earth Prophet's heavy stone fists and huge feet could make Greem vomit three liters of blood just by rubbing them. If he catches the opportunity to make a real deal, he will be instantly killed on the spot in a matter of minutes.

Earthquake, Slowness, Quicksand Trap, Earth Spear Jungle, Roar of Rocks, Earth Cracking, Summoning Stone Dogs, Rock Slams... The Earth Prophet has countless methods, even with the battlefield control of the chip in Greem's mind, Be cautious, lest there be irreparable omissions.

After all, Greem's small body really can't withstand a punch or kick from the Earth Prophet!

If Greem's situation is only 'difficult', then the situation of Great Wizard Rick can be called 'dangerous'.

Faced with the dark dragon who was insidious and cunning, but also of the same origin as himself, Great Wizard Rick was hunted down by the opponent and had no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth, and started a guerrilla war throughout the Central Mountains.

The two sides shuttled and jumped in the sky, suddenly to the east, looking to the west, then to the south, and suddenly to the north... With the sky as the stage and the central mountain range as the background, the two guys who were proficient in dark magic were entangled with each other. Together.

Although the Dark Dragon had a 99% combat advantage, it was still unable to turn its advantage into victory and deliver a fatal blow to the great wizard Rick. And the great wizard Rick is like a dancer spinning on the blade. Although he is miserable, he does not dare to turn around and completely release the dark dragon's fighting power.

Otherwise, any battlefield that the dark dragon breaks into will collapse instantly.

By then, if the entire mission fails, I'm afraid he will also face severe punishment from the wizard headquarters after returning!

In comparison, the situation of the two great wizards Sarah and Colin was slightly better.

Sara was besieged by seventeen peak level 4 orc petitioners. They are all fearless and fearless. Not only do they possess the fighting skills of the powerful orcs, but they also bring with them powerful and unparalleled camp capabilities.

Strength +3, Defense Level +10, Tenacity +4, Reflex +3, Constitution +3...

And these are just child’s play, what really makes the orc petitioners extremely terrifying is their ‘bloodthirsty rage’!

The growth rate of all camps is temporarily doubled. During the bloodthirsty rage, the strong orcs will lose all sense of pain and become immune to fatal effects. Their attacks will be accompanied by various terrifying special effects such as 'tear', 'heavy hit', 'paralysis', and 'interrupt'.

Seventeen level 4 peak orcs cannot stop a level 5 great wizard, but once they are in trouble, an orc petitioner will start a bloodthirsty rage and use mindless violent attacks to repel Sarah's attack.

Even after the bloodthirsty rage ends, what awaits this strong orc can only be a backlash of power, and he will be seriously injured even if he is not dead. However, during the full burst of a level 4 peak orc petitioner, even Sarah could only temporarily avoid the edge and accelerate his death with a series of witchcraft.

With the outburst of orc petitioners, they were able to hold back the restless great wizard Sarah!

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