The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1520: Harvest on the battlefield

With the fury of the beast god bursting out, the war that swept across hundreds of planes and involved hundreds of super-class wizards and orc gods instantly became white-hot.

Ever since the human wizards showed their intention to attack the plane of Shaka, the counterattack of the orc gods has become more and more intense and violent.

Moreover, the frequency of the orc gods' main bodies going out to fight has become more and more frequent, and three or four gods often fight together. In contrast, the great wizards of the Giant Rock Battle Fortress have also been dispatched more and more frequently.

In many star fields and in different planes, the battles between wizards and orcs have been going on one after another, and there are signs that the war has spread throughout the entire area.

The gods' main bodies were naturally taken over by those great wizards of level 6 and 7, while level 5 wizards like Grimm could only deal with some gods' clones or projections. Of course, every now and then, he would also deal with some powerful orcs who prayed for him.

In such frequent battles, Grimm, whose strength had greatly increased, naturally won more spoils. I don't know when Grimm's name "Crimson Great Wizard" spread in the Giant Rock Battle Castle.

At least among the group of 5th-level great wizards, his Crimson name is still very loud!

Many great wizards are willing to cooperate with him when performing tasks, because that often means getting unexpected huge gains.

After all, the skills possessed by this Crimson Great Wizard are almost all related to fighting and killing, and each of them is extremely powerful. In addition, he also has the ability to transform into a magic fish, which can swallow the defeated god's clone alive.

In this way, the maximum benefits of the battle are guaranteed!

Therefore, in just one year, Grimm fought five times, swallowed two god clones and one god projection, and also seized three god fragments for himself.

Such a record is very eye-catching even among the hundreds of great wizards in the Giant Rock Fortress.

However, such a dazzling record also made him undisputedly enter the death list marked by the Orc God System.

This also made him more and more dangerous when he stepped into the battlefield!


"Grimm, come quickly, there is another good task here!"

Grimm, who was resting in his residence, suddenly received a witchcraft message, and the one who sent the message was the blood wizard Antuso who had cooperated with him many times.

"Oh, what task?"

"Three gods, seven clones and more than a dozen level 5 petitioners from the orcs are fiercely besieging our Black Mountain plane. The guardian there has requested support from the headquarters, and the strength on the battlefield is still slightly insufficient, so the second wave of support requests was issued... We just went to hunt!"

"Who are the three orc gods?" Since being targeted by the God of Slaughter Garon once, Grimm was extremely sensitive to this issue.

"The 6th level is the Cyclops God Algers, and the two 5th level ones are old acquaintances, the Tyrannical God Hestock and the Hunting God Hall after the demotion..." Antuso on the other side of the message looked impatient.

After all, the first fragment of the Godhead he obtained came from the clone of the Hunting God Hall. At this time, hearing that this "financial sponsor" was out again, he naturally wanted to take something from him.

Cyclops God Algers... Grimm thought about it and finally got excited.

As long as they are not terrifying guys like the God of Slaughter, Grimm is still confident that he can deal with other gods.

This Algers is not an orc, but a Cyclops who believes in the Beast God A. Because of his strong strength and amazing combat power, he was promoted to a subordinate god by A and became the famous 6th level Cyclops God.

The most powerful point of this guy is the ultra-long-range earth-based divine power bombardment, which is a rare long-range professional in the orc pantheon. It's just that he is too tall and strong, so he moves slowly and his movements are not agile enough.

And Grimm is obviously not afraid of this type of enemy!

So, after receiving the message, Grimm left his residence directly and rushed to the guard hall, where he met with Antuso and another new wizard Rossellini who were waiting there.

Rossellini is a puppeteer who uses his will to fuse the mysterious astral matter, so that he has the strange talent of controlling astral constructs. Like Grimm's star beast bloodline, the star sea world is his home.

There, he can exert a terrifying power of 200!

During this period of time, Grimm, Antuso and Rossellini have cooperated many times. The three of them cooperated tacitly and complemented each other's combat power, and they successfully completed many battlefield hunts.

"Let's go, the mission assistance has been submitted, and we will set off now!" Although Antuso's combat power is slightly weaker, he has extraordinary connections in the Giant Rock Battle Fortress. So most of the things dealing with the above are handled by him.

Grimm greeted Rossellini, who was thin and had strange purple skin, and the three of them immediately rushed to the Black Mountain plane where the battle was taking place through the ultra-long-distance teleportation array.

As soon as they stepped out of the plane teleportation array, they felt the energy shock coming from the front.

Standing in the void outside the plane barrier, using the wizard shield to isolate the surging magic tide, the three of them looked at the terrible battlefield that was in a mess a hundred miles away.

Under the divine light, dozens of tall and strong orcs were rampaging on the battlefield like wild boars. The human wizards gathered in groups, dodging the attacks while using powerful witchcraft like fireworks to wash away the divine protection outside the enemy's body.

At the core of the battlefield, a guy who was a hundred meters tall and looked like a giant standing upright stood there. It was tall and strong, with hard muscles like rocks all over its body. It had three fingers on its hands, which were thick and heavy, and there was only one terrible eye in the middle of its huge head.

A Cyclops who became a 6th-level intermediate god!

And its attack method was also very simple, that is, to condense huge rocks as big as mountains between its palms out of thin air, and then throw them to the enemy's position through the air. Once it landed at the predetermined position, it instantly exploded into countless scattered rocks, bringing the area within a kilometer into the terrible earth-based divine attack range.

The chip in Grimm's mind scanned it clearly. The intensity of the core area of ​​this ultra-long-range attack would reach 40,000 degrees, and the edge area could reach a staggering 13,000 degrees.

The opponent was indeed a veteran 6th-level god. A casual large-scale range attack was 8,000 degrees stronger than the violent eye that Grimm had tried his best to store.

The difference in strength between the two sides can be seen from this!

The human wizard was fighting with the Cyclops Algers, and it was a blood wizard. He transformed into an extremely huge Abyss Demon Lord, dragging his bloated and fat body up to ten meters high around the Cyclops.

Whenever the opponent threw out the boulder in his hand, the Abyss Demon Lord would step on the void without hesitation, rumble to his side, and fight with him at close range. And once he found that the opponent had re-condensed the boulder, he would rumble to the periphery, looking like a guerrilla.

Although both sides have amazing combat power, it seems that the Cyclops is more powerful, often using exploding boulders to chase the Abyss Demon Lord around.

As level 6, their every move, even if it is just the aftermath of the two fighting, will bring huge impacts to the surrounding area that outsiders can hardly imagine.

Every now and then, the Cyclops will suddenly change its target and throw boulders at the human wizard cluster near the battlefield. And the human level 6 wizard who has transformed into the Abyss Demon Lord will occasionally use demon teleportation to raid the level 5 orc gods around.

Every time this happens, it is the time to test the strength and luck of both sides!

Whether it is the wizard side or the orc side, once they cannot avoid the attack of the opponent's superior, it can easily be a terrible ending of broken shields and crippled bodies. And in the fierce battle, once injured, it will become extremely difficult to retreat unscathed.

So many times, the fall of the great wizard and the god's clone will become inevitable!

Therefore, in order to protect themselves, most of the 5th-level war groups will choose to stay away from the 6th-level war groups voluntarily or involuntarily. This is safe, but once they fall into a disadvantage in the battle, it is difficult to get help and support from their superiors.

On the huge battlefield, the wizards' mental power and the gods' thoughts crisscrossed and fiercely clashed, almost overturning every inch of this airspace.

The arrival of Grimm and the other three naturally attracted the attention and vigilance of both sides in the battle!

As soon as the hunting god Hall, who fought in his original form, saw Grimm, his fierce eyes immediately revealed a deep hatred that was unforgettable. He roared loudly, shook off the enemy in front of him, and strode towards the three people.

Although he was beaten back from the 6th level to the 5th level, his violent divine power was still far above the ordinary 5th level. With skills far superior to his opponent and a deep understanding of high-level divine power, he was not afraid even if he was alone against many.

What's more, this is still his original form.

This means that what he has in his hands and on his body are real artifacts, not projections of the power of artifacts. And the multiple divine creatures he drives are also the real bodies, no longer projections of divine power simulations.

It is precisely because of his confidence that the hunting god Hall is still so fierce and sturdy even when facing three wizards of the same level at the same time.

However, in order to ensure safety, a 5th-level clone and two 5th-level praying people were separated from the distant battlefield and rushed over here. In this way, the heavy pressure on the human wizards was also reduced invisibly.

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