The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1523: Brutal Battle on the Battlefield

The divine power rippled, and the violent magic washed away all the matter in the space...

When the divine power wave receded slightly, a shocking scene appeared in the center of the battlefield.

Grimm retracted his flaming body and curled up into a ball. Outside him, a rock giant with a body height of more than ten meters half-knelt and bowed, using his body and arms to cover him. The sturdy and tall body left horrible traces of violent divine power, but it did not break its rock defense.

And Grimm, who was protecting him, was unscathed.

When the divine power turbulence weakened to a harmless level, Grimm stood up generously.

When the rock giant who was guarding him stood up, pieces of gravel and rocks fell off his body with a crackling sound, and the whole appearance looked extremely miserable for a while.

A 5th-level primary earth breaker was almost beaten out of the game as soon as he appeared, and the attack power of the hunting god Hall can be seen.

If Grimm hadn't had some stock in his hand, he would have ended up in a bleak end just now!

Grimm was also furious, and he threw the Corruption Ring over without saying a word.

This is a range-type poisonous witchcraft, and the opponent can't dodge it with high dodge.

Hall was almost instantly infected with green, and even the divine power radiance that penetrated his body became a little dim. The divine body is immune to ordinary toxins. If the Corruption Ring does not have poison rules attached to it, don't think of bringing a little poison damage to a god.

And now, without the divine shield, even Hall can only resist such a level of poisonous rules.

But he immediately threw a "high-level recovery spell" on himself, and washed away a lot of toxins on the divine body with divine power. This made the green body emit the dazzling divine power again, but there were still some dark green spots on it.

Obviously, the poison rules have not been completely cleaned up!

At their level, ordinary low-level witchcraft has lost its threatening effect on the enemy. If you want to really strike the enemy, you must find ways to use super-level witchcraft.

And super-level witchcraft is not something that can be used at will, and usually has extremely harsh casting conditions.

Therefore, the lethal means attached to high-level witchcraft and artifacts are so precious, and it is worth investing massive resources to create them.

After all, in a god-level battle, releasing one more super-level witchcraft than the enemy often means one step closer to victory. And the lack of means to check or attack the enemy means the distance between life and death for the great wizards.

Grimm is only a 5th-level primary great wizard, but he has multiple super-level attack means in his hands. This is the most fundamental reason why he can maintain his title of Crimson Great Wizard!

The battle is still going on fiercely.

At this moment, both sides are determined not to give up easily.

The divine shield of the hunting god Hall has been destroyed, and the general divine arts such as divine shock wave, energy blast, and advanced restoration have also been exhausted. Now he is completely relying on the terrible hunting skills and powerful basic attributes before he was deified to fight, but it still brings Grimm a heavy pressure of death.

As the hunting god, even if he does not have the priesthood in the field of death, it is no problem to harvest one or two souls. Therefore, wizards killed by the gods are usually difficult to revive or reincarnate with the help of witchcraft props.

This is also the main reason why the great wizards are keen to encircle and suppress the gods' clones, but avoid the gods' bodies!

If Grimm is not particularly confident in his own strength, he dare not easily provoke these gods.

At this time, since both sides are determined to kill each other, the fight will become more brave and fierce, and the intensity of the battle will rise sharply.

Although the hunting god Hall fell to level 5, his main body went into battle, which meant that the godhood value in his body was definitely above 10 points. It was even possible to reach an astonishing 19 points.

If he could take it down completely, it would be worth it for Grimm to give up everything else!

As for the later battle, with Grimm's level, he would mostly be cannon fodder. It would be better to fight hard in such a marginal battlefield and get enough "reward" in advance.

After all, leaving the beast-killing battlefield, it would be a fool's dream to have such an opportunity to obtain the origin of the gods.

Perhaps they had the same idea as Grimm, and the other two great wizards, Rossellini and Antuso, also fought hard.

And the first one to achieve a breakthrough was naturally Antuso, whose opponent was weaker!

Using a large group of giant beetles to entangle the two orcs, Antuso transformed into a ghost wolf and appeared and disappeared beside them, launching a swift attack.

It only took him a quarter of an hour to successfully kill an orc petitioner and take his soul and a small amount of divine crystals. The remaining orc petitioner saw that the situation was not good and tried to break out, but fell under the crazy bite of the giant beetle.

Although these giant beetles were of low rank, they were obviously specially modulated by Antuso, with strange magic resistance and terrible armor-breaking properties. Facing the surging of them, even the orc petitioner of level 5 would have to suffer a bitter defeat and die on the spot.

And it also contributed a level 5 soul and a small amount of divine crystals to Antuso.

After finishing off the two orc petitioners, Antuso turned his gun and headed straight for the terrifying Ogre God Milo's clone.

To be honest, guys like Milo's clone are typical of what all great wizards try their best to avoid!

Possessing unparalleled physical attack power, huge physique, amazing strength, abnormal defense... If it weren't for its low agility and clumsy movements, no one would dare to touch such a god's clone.

Milo's clone's attack method is quite monotonous, but it is extremely powerful!

It keeps blessing itself with bloodthirsty and violent spells, and its entire fat and bloated body has expanded several times, with dazzling blood light shining all over its body, waving a thick wooden stick and chasing after Rossellini.

Boom, boom, boom...

Its body is as sturdy as a meat mountain, and its short and thick fleshy legs step on the void, shaking out a series of void ripples. The wooden staff it raised high was full of violent force and humming, chasing Rossellini around like playing whack-a-mole.

Although Rossellini wrapped himself in a thick and solid astral armor, he was not afraid of any sharp weapon. But facing the wooden staff in the hands of Milo's clone that was powerful enough to split the mountains and split the earth, he could only retreat.

Once hit on the head, the astral armor might be able to withstand it, but Rossellini hiding inside would definitely be shaken into a pulp.

After all, the physique of a 5th-level wizard is not too high!

In such a direct confrontation, human wizards will be completely crushed by the gods who are born with powerful divine bodies.

Rossellini was spewing beautiful blue starlight behind him, and his 3-meter-high body was flexibly flying and transferring in the void. While escaping, he concentrated the power of starlight and repeatedly washed the violent ogre who was chasing him.

The blue starlight power collided with the glittering blood on the body of the ogre god Milo, and exploded into countless dazzling stars chasing and annihilating each other.

The Milo clone, who was running wildly, threw one or two super-large fireballs from time to time, blowing Rossellini to pieces, and a thick layer of astral matter on his body was eroded.

Next, Rossellini used the power of starlight to replenish astral matter for his armor, and the violent ogre cast a bloodthirsty spell on himself, and the blood that had just subsided violently rose again.

Man and God fight, beast and beast fight!

On the periphery of several small battlefields, the summoned divine creatures fought in pairs.

Seriously speaking, they are not complete life forms, but advanced puppets controlled and manipulated by people!

The Wind-Splitting Purple Eagle, the Digging Sandworm, and the Violent Giant Ape are all divine creatures. After their original flesh and blood bodies were stained with a trace of divinity, they also possessed certain characteristics of immortal bodies. They may not be powerful in themselves, but the trace of divinity in their bodies gave them the terrifying power to transcend the mundane and become gods on the spot.

Facing lower-level creatures, they may be considered irresistible and powerful divine pets. But facing the super-level wizard beasts carefully crafted by the great wizards, they are just a group of beasts with a trace of divinity!

The first to die on the battlefield was the Violent Giant Ape, and its opponent was a star-quality construct released by Rossellini.

Bathed in starlight, this star-quality construct has the ability to recover endlessly. As long as the power of the Violent Giant Ape cannot break through its defense limit, then this star-quality construct is indestructible.

The Violent Giant Ape and the Star-quality Construct entangled and wrestled together like two beasts.

Amidst the roars and waves of power that shook the void, blood, fur, and broken bones mixed with pale blue metal limbs floated in all directions. But before they could fly out of the battlefield, they were caught up by larger and more violent waves of power and shredded into fragments that no one could identify.

Shortly after the death of the two orcs, this level 5 primary violent giant ape followed in their footsteps and became the first divine creature to die on the battlefield.

In order to kill the violent giant ape, Rossellini's star-like structure was also "hurting the enemy a thousand times and hurting himself eight hundred times", and the whole body looked tattered. Even several huge gaps were opened on the chest, revealing the starlight witch array that was running wildly inside.

And its legs and arms were no longer intact, and terrible traces of biting and scratching could be seen everywhere.

However, bathed in the starlight, there was a faint starlight shining on the edges of all the wounds.

All it takes to restore this astral construct is time!

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