The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1531 Bliss Fruit

The elemental plane of fire, the Throne of Fire.

Greem sat quietly in the secret room, silently flipping through the Book of Darkness. From time to time, some incomplete words or damaged spell models appeared on the exquisite and gorgeous pages.

Whenever this happens, the blue light in Greem's eyes flashes, and he will forcibly memorize it and put it into the chip database.

After so many years of precipitation and accumulation, the amount of information stored in his mind has become too much to count. If there wasn't a chip silently sorting and summarizing behind the scenes, it would be difficult for him alone to dig out treasures and advanced knowledge from the tens of thousands of broken data.

However, just when he was happily sacrificing his spiritual power in exchange for the scattered knowledge fragments in the Book of Darkness, a familiar mental wave gently touched the witch tower's protection.

Persistent and determined, full of the flavor of never giving up until the goal is achieved!

Greem sighed and finally opened a defensive gap.

The aura of Gumanreth's remnant soul spread in again.

"Hey kid, I remembered another good thing!"

"Think about it... Lord Gumanres, you have already remembered five or six good things. But either it is in a dangerous situation, or in a damaged demiplane, or there is a red dragon in it. , there are divine evils... I can easily get every one of them!" At this point, Greem couldn't help but snorted: "Tell me, why should I continue to trust you?"

"Boy, you have to forgive me! My soul has been beaten to pieces. Now I'm so weak that I can't do anything. It's so difficult to even retrieve my previous memories..." When it comes to this, The remnant soul of Gumanreth is full of complaints.

"Stop, stop, stop..." Greem interrupted it quickly, fearing that it would talk incessantly like before, just like a talkative reincarnation: "What do you have to say? If not, I will be busy myself!"

"No, kid, I really thought of a good thing this time, and it's something you can use with your current rank..."

"There is no ancient red dragon to guard the door?"

"No! I promise not..."

"Aren't you in a desperate situation on a certain plane?"

"No! You are too worried. There are not so many desperate situations in the fire elemental plane..."

"Then come and listen..."

"Have you ever heard of the 'Bliss Fruit'?"

"Paradise Fruit?" Greem hesitated for a moment, and the chip in his mind quickly checked the information, and sure enough he made some discoveries: "You mean those 'Paradise Fruits' that can extremely stimulate mental power and cause mental hallucinations in a short period of time? "

"Since you know it, it saves me the trouble of talking... Let me tell you, ordinary Paradise Fruits do have serious side effects, but these Paradise Fruits I tell you are improved and excellent products. It has the powerful effect of boosting spiritual power!”

"How is the effect?" Greem immediately became energetic.

Now, he has no shortage of resources, treasures, materials, and knowledge. The only thing he lacks is time. He needs a long time to slowly accumulate meditation and improve his mental power bit by bit. As long as his mental strength reaches the standard, it will be a matter of course for him to advance to level 6!

Therefore, after suddenly hearing that the other party had a way to quickly increase his mental power, Greem immediately paid attention.

"When I got these Paradise Fruits, I was already at level 8. Its mental power improvement was of no use to me. I just used it purely as a recreational product. As for you... I estimate that a hundred of them can elevate you to level 8. Level 6!”

"Really!" Greem's eyes showed a look of shock, and he immediately asked impatiently: "Where are those Paradise Fruits you mentioned? How many are there? How can I get them?"

"The growth of the Paradise Fruit requires extremely harsh conditions, so naturally it will not be placed in the fire elemental plane. It was a resource secret realm given to me by a strong man from another plane when I was the Flame Lord. There are huge amounts in it. After so many years, there should be a lot of inventory in it!" However, the remnant soul of Gumanres suddenly turned around and said: "Boy, as long as you sacrifice a godhead fragment to me, I will have the energy to open the resource secret realm. Take out those Paradise Fruits. This way, everyone will be well..."

"What do you mean, I will sacrifice the fragments of the godhead first, and then you are not sure whether you can give me something?" Greem hesitated, with a dangerous light flashing in his eyes.

"Boy, anything you gain must be paid for! If you want to get the fruit of bliss, you have to bear certain risks. Besides, I am just a remnant soul. To recover, the energy required is far beyond your imagination. One godhead fragment is far from enough... Do you think I went to all this trouble just to deceive you into a godhead fragment? Hehe, I don't want to have a good relationship with you, but you want to get level 6 resources with just a godhead fragment? Paradise fruit? Huh..."

Listening to the other party's deception, Greem finally couldn't help but feel his heart beat.

If it were any other wizard who only had one or two fragments of the godhead in his hand, he wouldn't even dare to try it even to death. It must be that you have to pay the price with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand.

However, Greem still has 6 godhead fragments in his hand.

Such a generous pocket gave him the confidence to give it a try!

After much hesitation, Greem finally sacrificed a godhead fragment at the altar in the witch tower. The last time the world sacrifice object was the consciousness of the fire element plane, but this time he chose the remnant soul of Gumanres.

As the world altar swallowed up the fragments of the godhead, the remnant soul that was hiding somewhere suddenly raised its neck and uttered a long and lingering sound that was very easy to reverie.

"Stop whining, give me the things quickly!" Grimm urged impatiently.

"What's the hurry? I'll give it to you right away!"

Above the altar, with a strange light and shadow changing, the void inexplicably broke a gap, revealing a miniature resource secret realm. Separated by an illusory light curtain, it was difficult to see the specific contents inside.

But just as Grimm was in doubt, the light curtain opened a small hole, and a group of white light spots poured out like raindrops, falling on the altar and piling up into a small hill.

Then the light curtain closed, the void closed, and everything disappeared without a trace!

Grimm silently examined the void and felt the magic of the void secret realm for the first time. After a long time, he lowered his head and slowly looked at these trading items.

This is a kind of white translucent exotic berry, each one is the size of a fist, with a thin skin and no core, and milky white pulp flowing inside.

As soon as they appeared, the whole field was filled with a refreshing and exotic fragrance.

A sniff of it is indeed refreshing!

"Boy, this is the bliss fruit you deserve! We are even..." The remnant soul of Gumanres simply explained and left.

Grimm glanced at it, and the chip quickly came up with a more accurate number.


That Gumanres seemed to have said that if he ate 100 of them, he could be promoted to level 6. There were only 20 in front of him. It was obvious that the other party had pinpointed his weakness and was ready to use these bliss fruits to cheat as many of the fragments of the godhead in his hand as possible.

Such a little trick is obvious at a glance, but Grimm didn't care.

To be honest, if he could pay 5 fragments of the godhead to advance to level 6 in a short period of time, this deal is still worth it!

And Gumanres was so concerned about the fragments of the godhead, could it be that they really were of great help to his remnant soul?

With infinite reverie, Grimm put away the bliss fruits and turned back to his residence.

In a secret room, Grimm couldn't wait to pierce a bliss fruit with a dagger and extracted some of that strange milky white liquid pulp from it.

He would not completely believe the remnant soul with strange whereabouts. Whether it was effective or not still needed to be verified by himself. Anyway, there was a chip, and the efficacy of this bliss fruit could definitely be detected.

With the help of a sophisticated alchemy laboratory and a detection witch array, Grimm quickly came up with an answer that made him excited.

It worked... really worked!

The remnant soul of Gumanres did not lie. This bliss fruit did have the strange effect of stimulating the spiritual space and causing the spiritual power to surge again. However, its powerful mental psychedelic effect was also very serious.

Even with Grimm's mental tenacity, it would probably take more than a month to get rid of the infected mental psychedelic effect after taking one. From this, it can be inferred that Gumanres probably used these bliss fruits as mental hallucinogens.

With the powerful mental power of high-level creatures and their strict control over their own mental power, they almost never dream!

Therefore, if you want to indulge yourself, you can only rely on the "poison fruit" with a strong hallucinogenic effect!

After discovering that there was nothing wrong with the bliss fruit and it was as effective as the remnant soul said, Grimm no longer hesitated and swallowed one immediately.

It must be said that the power of the 6th-level hallucinogenic "poison fruit" is really amazing. After taking one, Grimm was immediately dragged into a fantasy world that was both real and illusory by the terrifying drug properties.

And this terrifying drug property lasted for two days, and Grimm was initially able to break free from the illusion under the stimulation and guidance of the chip. However, once the drug property counterattacks for the second time, I am afraid that Grimm will be trapped in it for a longer time.

In order to resist the hallucinogenic effect, Grimm swallowed a lot of drugs that enhance mental resistance in one breath, and then relied on his own efforts to gradually eliminate the negative components of the bliss fruit.

It took Grimm a full month and a half to eliminate all the harmful components of the first bliss fruit. And in this difficult and long day of fighting against illusions, Grimm's mental power really made a leap forward.

03 points!

After trying the first bliss fruit, Grimm's mental power actually increased to 503 points!

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