The Wizarding Age

Chapter 01536 Fate Trap

Wizard World.

Northland, Destiny Tower.

A large-scale destiny prayer ceremony has just ended. The witch apprentices who have finished cleaning up have left one after another. Only a few high-level witches who presided over the ceremony are left in the venue, gathered in a corner, and whispered about the vague revelation they just got...

Alice, who watched the whole process, didn't say anything. She nodded slightly and greeted Xuefu, then turned and left the hall. The magic elf Helen was full of energy like debris. She stood on Alice's shoulder, one hand on her waist, and the other hand gently pulled her earlobe, whispering something with a worried face.

"Alice, you also sensed it, right?"

"Your destiny seems to have a strange fluctuation. Don't you plan to find out what happened?"

"You have to be careful, what if it's that Misa who is playing tricks again..."

"You will suffer if you are not careful!"

Even though she has been thousands of years old, the magic elf Helen still can't change her lively and enthusiastic habits. Ever since she sensed the strange fluctuation of fate, she has been nagging in Alice's ear, fearing that the gentle and kind contract owner would be plotted against by the great witch.

"Okay, okay... You have said these words to me a thousand times today, I will not forget them!" Alice stroked her forehead helplessly, interrupted Helen's "chatty" offensive with a doting face, but did not stop her steps, and walked quickly to the familiar place.

"Oh, oh, I won again, and now Lucia has nothing to say..." Helen, whose little "conspiracy" succeeded, cheered immediately, flew from Alice's shoulder, and flew to the front like a dancing butterfly, excitedly leading the way, with beautiful starlight that slowly dissipated behind her.

Lucia's room is on the top floor of the tower, next to Alice's residence.

However, in view of the overly enthusiastic prying desire and burning gossip of the magic elf Helen, Lucia had already issued a house arrest order against her, strictly prohibiting Helen from stepping into her room for any reason or excuse.

But now with Alice as a shield, Helen can openly "break" into Lucia's room again.

Lucia's residence is very simple and plain.

A lonely wooden bed is placed in the corner of the room, without any bedding or quilts on it, and there are no decorations or small ornaments that women like. The bed is also roughly made, made of pieces of thick and heavy logs spliced ​​and bound, and the joints between the wood blocks reveal bright wood grains, which are obviously not polished or polished.

Such a wooden bed is extremely uncomfortable to sleep on, let alone sit on.

But this wooden bed is the only decoration in the whole residence.

The nearly 200-square-meter space was empty. Various astrological runes were carved on the hard floor. Patterns representing the starry sky and mysterious knowledge were scattered in every corner, forming a huge and mysterious astrological array.

The outer wall was made entirely of white crystal. The entire wall was transparent. It isolated the biting cold wind of the northern wilderness, but allowed the beautiful starlight from the sky to penetrate in, embellishing this place into a brilliant and dreamy star kingdom.

The owner of the room, Lucia, was wearing a wrinkled arcane robe and squatting in the inner ring of the astrological array. She was mumbling something while adjusting the ever-changing strange light curtain in front of her.

Even though she was hundreds of years old, Lucia was still dressed like an arcane apprentice. With her exquisite and perfect face and light blue eyes, she looked like a beautiful girl who was not very experienced in the world.

"Lucia, you are doing divination secretly again..."

The elf Helen who rushed in first screamed, and her sharp and clear voice broke the tranquility of the whole residence.

Alice followed closely and walked into the room and saw this scene, and her smooth forehead couldn't help but frowned slightly.

"Lucia, I have told you..."

Seeing that Alice seemed to want to lecture her at length, Lucia reluctantly dispersed the light screen in her hand and interrupted her.

"Yes, yes, you told me a long time ago... Every gift of fate has a price behind it. Blindly exploring will only make yourself lost in the long river of fate, and thus lose the chips that originally belonged to you bit by bit!"

"But... do we have the right to choose?"

At this point, Lucia suddenly showed a sly smile on her face and said:

"Teacher Alice, if I see some changes in his fate, shouldn't I tell you?"

Alice's expression tightened instantly when she heard the words, and she murmured.

"It's really related to him. I was wondering why I always have a bad feeling, but I can't predict it... What did he do?"

Lucia smiled and said, "Now it's not about what he did, but what he wants to do... Let me tell you a good news first, he... has been promoted to the sixth level!"

"What? This... is impossible!" Alice was happy at first when she heard the news, and then she became alert and surprised: "If he has been promoted to the sixth level, why don't I get any feeling? Could it be..."

Alice seemed to have thought of something, and her face became ugly.

Lucia's smile continued, and he said: "It seems that you have realized... Yes, the connection between you and 'him' was misled by Mesa! She is indeed the cunning and cunning first witch of fate. After lying in wait for hundreds of years and giving you the illusion of being too powerful to do anything, I have already woven a trap behind my back, just waiting for 'him' to crash into it..."

Alice closed her eyes and calmed down for a moment to calm down her turbulent mind. Then she opened her eyes and asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

Lucia casually grabbed the void, and a vast and endless shadow of the long river of destiny emerged. In the shadow of the long river, a tall and majestic man sat in it, seemingly unaware of the two people's peeping. .

The phantom was nearly a kilometer tall, and its entire body was made of violent and ferocious golden flames. Its face was slightly blurry, but with its familiar outline and aura, the two elves present could easily identify each other's identity.


Alice's lover...

Unified the scattered central part of the continent and turned the entire Sand Tallinn into a powerful figure independent of the Wizards Association, the Witches of the North and the Silver Alliance...

The crimson wizard who single-handedly founded Horton Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry—Grim.

They had not seen each other for hundreds of years, and now seeing Greem again in the river of destiny summoned by Lucia, Alice's eyes were a little wet, and her mind that had just calmed down rippled again.

Inexplicably, the elf Helen, who knew nothing about the relationship between men and women, flew back and forth in front of Alice in confusion, and her eyes moved between the two of them. She really couldn't figure out where this inexplicable sadness came from and why. Appear……

She wanted to ask, but was stopped by the weird Lucia.

Lucia put a finger to her lips in a hushing gesture, and Helen obeyed.

After being dazed for a moment, Alice regained her composure again.

"Tell me everything you know. I owe you a big favor this time, and I will find a way to make it up to you!"

After getting Alice's promise, Lucia immediately showed a smile of victory on her face.

She waved her hands gently, and the river of destiny in front of her immediately changed strangely. With Greem's red shadow as the center, a strange branch suddenly branched out in the direction of the future, flowing mightily into the unknown distance. .

"Grim has always been blessed by your destiny. You have used all your power to protect him. This also makes it impossible for that Meisha to directly control his destiny... Therefore, she can only use other methods to deal with him. !”

"She reversely blocks your perception of Greem's destiny, and is quietly waiting in a certain tributary of destiny, waiting for that Greem to make a mistake and step into the tributary where she is..."

"She cannot control it directly, but she can wait passively, and this waiting will not trigger the destiny resonance you have arranged on Greem in advance, because after all, this is a choice that Greem made completely independently!"

"Now, she's waiting!"

Lucia rarely talked as long as she did today, and what she said could only be fully understood by Alice, who is also the Witch of Destiny. The power of destiny seems elusive and elusive to outsiders, but to them, those who are favored in the field of destiny, it is as clear and clear as a book.

Seeing Alice's still calm and calm expression, Lucia nodded with satisfaction and quickly revealed the answer to the mystery.

"That big guy has just advanced to the sixth level and is in a special period of soul shock and interactive coupling with plane consciousness. He has not yet realized the true value of his own existence. With his current status and strength, any decision he makes in his mind will not matter. Even if you haven't said it yet or put it into action, it is enough to stir up the long river of destiny and leave eye-catching imprints and traces in it..."

"After all, he is no longer a dispensable little person, but an immortal existence that can shake and affect multiple worlds with every move of his hands and feet!"

"He thought he had kept it secret enough, but he didn't know that his biggest enemy had already noticed his movements and set a trap there..."

"What kind of trap?" Upon hearing that her lover was in trouble, Alice's breathing quickened.

"That tributary of destiny has been muddied by the opponent for a long time. You can't see even half of it without going deep into it." Lucia smiled slyly: "But what kind of methods she will use, I can guess at least 70% with my eyes closed... You must summon all the big enemies and let them ambush you from behind!"

"Enemies? Who are they?"


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