The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1547 Return to the Wizarding World

Wizard World.

Silver Alliance, Prophet's Tower.

The old man in a cloth robe still stood on the narrow and dangerous aerial platform, quietly waiting for Grimm's arrival.

When Grimm broke through the last layer of space barriers and appeared in this world, it was like a "little sun" was stuffed into the whole space, and the temperature began to rise sharply, becoming hot and boiling.

"Please pay attention to restrain your power, Lord Grimm!"

As if he was already familiar with this situation, the tower master mobilized the power stored in the tower to suppress the abnormality and prevent it from spreading to the surroundings, while quickly communicating with the people who came.

Grimm looked at the world in front of him with disgust, feeling that his body was tied with dozens of shackles, which bound most of his power in his body and made it impossible for him to communicate or interact with the surroundings. This also severely limited his perception, just like someone covered his ears and blindfolded him, and he felt so uncomfortable.

"Lord Grimm, your current strength has seriously exceeded the upper limit of the wizard world. Every move you make will have terrible consequences for the area you are in, so please restrain your strength... Otherwise, the more you struggle, the more constraints the plane will impose on you!" The old man was still steady and persuading, and his tone was friendly as if he and Grimm were old friends who had known each other for many years.

Grimm took a deep breath, shook his head, moved his body, suppressed the restless rule power in his body, and then felt that the constraints imposed on his body were relieved a little.

The inexplicable anxiety and heat wave also calmed down quietly.

"Lord Grimm, welcome back!"

"I don't know what your purpose is in returning to the wizard world this time? According to the rules, all great wizards who return beyond their ranks need to report to the Prophet Tower and agree on a deadline..."

The face of the tower master was old, as if he could fall to the ground and die suddenly in the next moment, but his towering figure gave people a strange illusion that he would stand there forever.

To be honest, even with Grimm's perception and detection ability, he couldn't see through the strength and rank of the strange old man in front of him. Everything seemed so unfathomable and treacherous.

"Who are you?" Grimm asked curiously after stabilizing his body.

Although he has lived in the wizard world for hundreds of years, he doesn't know much about the Silver Alliance and the Prophet's Tower. He only knows that the Prophet's Tower is located in the core area of ​​the Silver Alliance, but it is obviously independent of the alliance. It is a strange and mysterious place left by ancient wizards.

The tower owner is a strange old man wearing a simple white robe, with an old and weak face and a pair of tortoise-shell glasses on his nose. At this moment, he stood in front of Grimm with a smile on his face, his eyes full of excitement and curiosity that could not be concealed.

He seemed to be more interested in Grimm than Grimm was in him...

"I am Quedanlin, the current master of the Prophet's Tower, the agent of the Eye of All-Seeing in this world, mainly responsible for monitoring and recording the operation of the destiny of the wizard world..." The old man, whose hair had already turned completely white, and whose body and soul exuded a strong stale smell, finally said his name.

"I smell the smell of 'authority' on you..." Grimm asked hesitantly.

If it were in the past, Grimm might not have been able to detect this. However, now that he has the authority of 'fire', he has a vague sense of all powers of the same level or status.

"Your Excellency smells the smell of 'Eye of All-Seeing', which has indeed left a mark of 'authority' on me, but this does not belong to my own power, but a treasure left by the ancient wizards..." After a pause, Quedanlin continued: "Only each master of the Prophet's Tower can hold this authority!"

Grimm nodded knowingly.


If this kind of authority really belongs to the old man in front of him, under the nourishment of authority, he should not have a situation where his body and soul are declining.

So, he can only rely on external forces.

However, his words also revealed an important information, that is, there is a treasure with the breath of "authority" in the Prophet's Tower...

Grimm wanted to ask a few more questions, but he knew that these must be the core of the core secrets of the Prophet's Tower, and it would be impossible to reveal them to him, an outsider.

So, he could only smile and nod and talk about other questions.

"I came back this time to visit some old friends and deal with some family affairs..."

Quidanlin hesitated for a moment and asked, "I wonder how long you want to stay?"

Grimm had not thought about this question before coming, and was a little stumped by the question. He couldn't help but ask back, "Does every wizard who returns have a time limit?"

"Yes!" Quidanlin answered without hesitation.

"Then... How long can someone like me stay at most?"

"Thirty days!"

"Thirty days?" Grimm couldn't help but frown: "Thirty days may not be enough for me to return to the central part!"

He is now in the wizard world, and the highest power he can use is only the peak of the fourth level. It is not enough time to rush back to the central part of the continent from the Silver Alliance in thirty days.

Besides the central part of the continent, Grimm also wants to go to the north.

Calculated in this way, thirty days may not be enough for him to travel day and night!

"Please rest assured, sir. We have a teleportation array here. It will not take too much time for you to go wherever you want!" Quedanlin answered calmly.

That's right, this is the Silver Alliance's base, how could there be a lack of teleportation arrays...

This made Grimm, who had liked to be alone for a long time, sigh.

Immediately, he asked curiously: "How long does it take for a great wizard to return?"

"One hundred years!"

"Hiss..." Grimm felt a toothache.

One hundred years, so long, I'm afraid that the next time he returns, the Quedanlin in front of him will be completely old and dead.

"Well, help me arrange a teleportation array, I want to go back to Sandi Tallin first!"

"Yes!" Quedanlin smiled faintly: "I haven't congratulated Lord Grimm on his successful promotion to the sixth level yet!"

Grimm smiled helplessly.

The power he sensed from the other party was in the field of 'exploration', so he didn't feel surprised that the other party broke his rank.

"By the way, Lord Grimm might as well visit our obelisk when he finishes his business and wants to leave. Maybe there will be some unexpected gains..."

This was the last sentence Quedanlin said mysteriously before parting.


Central of the continent, Sanditalin.

Houghton School of Witchcraft.

It was the evening of the day.

With the end of the public basic courses, a large number of wizard apprentices walked out of the academic hall, some walked quickly, some gathered in groups, and some gathered around the magic fountain with friends, feeling the joy of the magic breath coming to their faces and slowly seeping into their bodies and minds.

The entire Horton School of Witchcraft is divided into thirteen departments, each department corresponds to a magic lineage, but students from other departments are also allowed to audit across majors, which also leads to the barriers between departments not being so strict, and wizard apprentices who can master the power of multiple lineages are everywhere.

Among all the departments, the first place is naturally the Fire Element Department.

In addition to ordinary flame wizards, in the past hundred years, the Fire Element Department has also emerged with a completely unfamiliar and mysterious professional branch-the Curse Fire Wizard.

This kind of wizard will also learn all kinds of witchcraft knowledge and magic principles, but their strength lies in the ability to carve some mysterious and strange fire spells on the skin of the body, and then activate them with simple and quick spells...

This way of controlling witchcraft is somewhat close to the way of ancient witchcraft, but it is completely different from the current magic tattoo.

The most bizarre thing is that the fire spells engraved on the bodies of these cursed fire wizards are not included in the witchcraft system, but they are "given" through some special ritual scenes.

Moreover, all the cursed fire wizards claim that the powerful existence who gave them power is the "Crimson Great Wizard" who founded the Horton Witchcraft Academy, and they are all devout believers of the "Crimson Great Wizard".

So, when such rumors came out, even the instructors in the academy kept their distance from them and dared not provoke them!

In the entire academy, except for the elemental department, the most powerful is the necromancy department.

The reason why the necromancy department can be ranked second is entirely because the head of the necromancy department is a terrifying demigod lich. Under the premise that other department heads are all fourth-level wizards, this demigod lich is naturally a terrifying existence that no one can shake.

As a result, even the entire necromancy department has become arrogant!

Of course, it is difficult for demigods to enter the wizard world. So the demigod lich stayed in his corpse plane all year round, and the deputy department head, a fourth-level dragon lich, stayed in the academy to preside over daily work...

Ranked third is the Dragon Vein Department, headed by Meryl, this lineage specializes in dragon blood transformation...

Ranked fourth is the Poison Insect Department, headed by Bilis, this lineage specializes in insect transformation...

Ranked fifth is the Puppet Department, headed by Locke, this lineage specializes in puppet transformation...

Ranked sixth is the Magic Machinery Department, headed by Sok, this lineage specializes in the combination of magic machinery and life...



Houghton Witchcraft Academy only provides basic witchcraft teaching and magic theory research, and each department has its own secondary plane as a special trial place. So even though the apprentices are young and immature, the best among them have already had rich experience in cross-dimensional internships or trials.

When Grimm stepped out of the public teleportation array of the academy, he saw a strange statue standing tall in the center of the magic square.

The statue is 80 meters tall, male, wearing a magic cloak covered with strange magic patterns, his face is hidden deep in the hood and cannot be seen clearly, and two strands of golden hair slowly flow down beside his face. The man's left hand is slightly hanging, grasping a thick book, and his right hand is raised horizontally, palm facing up, with a dazzling red magic flame floating on it...

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