The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1553: Heart-to-heart talk in the snowy plains

Almost all of the 27 points of divinity were consumed by Lucia and Alice.

So much divinity was enough to completely transform them into so-called 'divine creatures', but they all chose to refuse. When deification reached a certain level, they stopped the process and only regarded these divinities full of super active substances as health care products to repair and nourish the body and soul.

So, after Greem's rescue was completed, Lucia, who was still sick and close to dying, became alive and kicking again, full of energy and as healthy as a sixteen-year-old girl.

And Alice also got rid of her previous 'weak' state of being strong on the outside but weak on the inside, physically weak and mentally exhausted.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so weak?" Mary, whose mind was full of questions, was puzzled.

In the end, it was Lucia who revealed the answer.

"Don't ask us, ask you, this wanton man!" Lucia scolded angrily: "He wanted to please Sister Alice, so he went to the plane of Faun to fight, and ended up falling into Mesa. In the trap..."

"What, Mesa?" Mary's ruby-like eyes suddenly lit up red. Although her tone was calm, there was an unconcealable evil spirit and fierceness in her tone.

Everyone has been suffering in the wizarding world for hundreds of years, why are we here? Isn’t it all to avoid the all-pervasive, insidious and cunning Meisha?

At this moment, she heard that Greem had fallen into a trap. Even though she knew that he must have escaped in the end, Mary's heart still pounded. The boundless murderous intention and the resentment that had been accumulated for a long time were like burning anger, and it was out of control.

"In short... Meisha arranged a dead end and wanted to kill him, but sister Alice and I found a way to reverse the fate of her and messed up her situation... As a result, the two of us suffered a backlash from fate, and almost Die in that ceremony..." Lucia said lightly.

But the people present were all well-informed people. No matter how simple Lucia's description was, they could smell the smell of bloodshed and feel the danger of swords and swords.

Destiny kills without blood!

Grim roared distractedly.

"This Meisha is really annoying. She stares at us every day. If we are not careful, she will plot against her... I... I really want to go to the realm of destiny immediately and burn her to ashes..."

Alice shook her head helplessly and said softly: "Glim, after you were promoted to Flame Lord, you also inherited the violent and reckless nature of the Will of Flame, so you are the most dangerous one among us and can easily be stepped on. Mesa’s trap. You have to calm down, you must stay calm, and don’t be reckless again..."

Greem angrily hit his head several times with his hand, suppressing the anger in his heart, and then smiled at Alice and said: "Don't worry, I have noticed the changes in myself. I will find a way at all times. Monitor your own heart, calm down your violent anger, and never do those mindless things again!”

"I know a place called 'Moonlight Grove'. There is a magical natural creation 'Calm Pendant' there. Go and get it! It is an authentic super-level item that is not afraid of your regular flames. , and can effectively soothe the mania and anger in your heart, which is just right for you now!" Alice said with concern.

"Calm Pendant!" Greem couldn't help but feel a little moved when he heard the name.

To be honest, he was a little fed up and didn't want to be on the verge of impulsive, manic, and angry outbursts every day. This 'negative state' brought about by obeying the will of the fire is simply too speechless, and it is a huge insult to his wise and intelligent wizard status.

Therefore, Greem was naturally quite moved when he heard the good news that he could get rid of this 'brainless and intelligent' state.

"Moonlight Grove is a very special area. It is also an affiliated territory of the natural god system. There is a powerful demigod stationed there. And once the news of your arrival leaks out, the demigod will definitely notify its owner, who has powerful divine power ( Deselius, the Forest God of Level 7, so you must be very careful..." Alice explained in a soft voice. It could be seen that in order to help Greem solve the problem, she had done her homework early and divined in advance. the most correct solution.

Grim naturally believed in Alice's instructions and couldn't help but listen carefully and nodded repeatedly.

At the end, Alice couldn't help but remind her: "If you successfully get the 'Calm Pendant', you might as well spend some time traveling with Lucia on a long trip..."

"Lucia... why are you traveling... for what?" Greem was a little confused.

"She almost lost her life because of you, shouldn't you return this favor?" Alice said angrily.

"I should pay it back... I have to pay it back!" Greem quickly replied in succession: "But how can I pay it back?"

"She wants to go on a long trip, so you can act as her guard and don't let her get hurt..." Alice said lightly.

"Far away? Where?" Greem couldn't help but feel an ominous omen in his heart.

If it were an ordinary place, both Alice and Lucia would be so good at ghosts, and they would never be able to beg him. To be able to foreshadow and emphasize Alice in such a serious way, the place Lucia wants to go must be difficult and extremely dangerous.

"The Abyss!" Lucia interrupted: "I heard that after the fall of the Arcane Empire, most of the arcane mages died, and only a few hid in the Abyss and escaped the Great Purge... So, I want to find them there and see what I can do for them!"

"The fall of the Arcane Empire is actually the result of many factors..." When it comes to the old things, Grimm is also a little troubled. After all, the wizard world played a role in the fall of the Arcane Empire.

And of course, Grimm's contribution is indispensable.

Now that the old things are brought up again, he doesn't know how to explain it to Lucia.

Fortunately, with hundreds of years of precipitation and buffering, Lucia's anger and hatred towards all wizards have gradually faded. She can live to this day, in addition to being grateful for Grimm's temporary pity at the time and Alice's cherishing and loving talents, she should also be grateful for the tolerance of the wizard world.

Although the wizard world is also trying to plot the power of destiny entangled in her soul, she is still alive after all, and she still has to distinguish between gratitude and resentment.

Therefore, Lucia abandoned her hatred and focused on the revival of arcane.

She wanted to re-establish the Arcane Empire and rebuild a new civilization that belonged exclusively to the arcane.

This dream was too grand and too incredible, so she could only lock it deep into her heart and make her own efforts bit by bit.

Of course, she was not a stupid woman who could only work hard. She was unwilling to miss any opportunity to take advantage of others.

Since there were still some remnants of the Arcane Empire, borrowing the power of these remnants would undoubtedly speed up the pace of the revival of the arcane. Therefore, Lucia had made up her mind early on to venture into the Abyss World and look for those arcane "remnants" who were hiding their identities and scattered in all directions.

However, the Abyss World was not a good place.

It was the intestines of the world, a filthy place, and a terrifying area where the entire multiverse accommodated and digested the residues of dark evil. Although the environment there was harsh and resources were scarce, the continuous precipitation and accumulation over tens of millions of years had also created unparalleled powerful demons and fierce beasts.

To put it bluntly, the Abyss World is also a super giant plane. There are demigods everywhere, and evil gods are as numerous as dogs. Ordinary creatures in the main plane cannot survive there, let alone crossing mountains and ridges to find those hidden arcane "remnants".

Although Lucia now has the ability of a third-level wizard + a fourth-level arcane master, throwing her into the Abyss World is no less than throwing a meat bun to a dog. She will be eaten up by the evil beasts there without even a splash of water.

Therefore, in order to find a suitable bodyguard, Lucia also took great pains to make Grimm owe such a big favor.

The sixth-level Grimm's body may be safer, but the movement is too loud, which will trigger the siege of the evil gods and demons there. Only the fifth-level demigod who does not show his true colors is the most suitable. He has the ability to protect himself and will not arouse the vigilance of those evil gods and demons.

After listening to Lucia's blunt explanation, Grimm was not angry.

From the first time he saw Lucia, he knew that this was a stubborn, yet tenacious and persistent guy. Grimm didn't care about her dreams and persistence, but admired her very much.

Perhaps, only such a soul is the brightest light in this world!

Grimm stayed in the North for more than ten days.

To be honest, these ten days can be said to be the most relaxing, comfortable and pleasant days for Grimm in nearly a thousand years.

He gave up all affairs and forgot all the sorrows and troubles. Every day he took Alice and Mary to wander around the Far North Forest, enjoy the beautiful scenery, step on the snowfield, climb the cliff, visit the night forest, watch the sunrise, explore the cave...

The three of them were like ordinary people, shielding their keen senses, putting away their terrible intuition, and happily playing all over the extremely cold North until the deadline arrived.

It has been twenty-nine days since Grimm broke into the wizard world. Today is the last day he can stay inside the plane. Even if he is reluctant, it is time to leave.

Deep in the polar snowfield where water turns to ice and the cold weather penetrates the bones, the three of them lie side by side on the snow slope without caring about their image, watching the snow falling all over the sky, listening to the whistling cold wind, and their hearts are full of reluctance to leave.

Grimm turned over and sat up, curiously asking: "How do you plan for the rest of this period? When will you come out to accompany me?"

Mary waved her hand and said proudly: "Let Alice accompany you, I am busy! I want to find that demigod vampire and suck his blood dry..."

Obviously, she has obtained the detailed location of the demigod vampire from Alice, and the rest is how to do it.

"Do you need my help?" Grimm asked curiously.

"No!" Mary was even more heroic and said: "This is the inevitable test for me to advance to demigod, I don't need your help! If I don't have this confidence, I am not qualified to become the new 'blood master'!"

Grimm nodded, quite agreeing with her words.

Mary, who possesses the demigod-level 'Nightmare Castle', is actually no less powerful than an ordinary demigod. As long as the demigod vampire doesn't have any special abilities or methods, Mary is quite confident in dealing with him.

"What about you?" Grimm looked at Alice again.

The latter shook his head silently and whispered: "I don't want to go out yet... With Mary leaving, there will be a short power vacuum in the middle of the continent, which is not conducive to the stability and development of Horton Witchcraft Academy. You go out first, I will guard it for you for another hundred years, and when the new generation has grown up, I will find a way to advance..."

Grim nodded silently, obviously agreeing with Alice's idea.

The three of them were silent again, no longer speaking, quietly feeling the cruel but extremely real beautiful world in front of them...

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