The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0176: Gathering of the Three Powers

The meeting place was set in a valley near the edge of the forest. Tian'lai Novel ww

The bonfire in front of him flickered, and Grimm, wearing a black robe, sat there calmly, repeatedly poking the crackling charcoal with a long branch.

This temporary meeting place seemed empty. Except for the forest sea swaying in the breeze, there was no sight of the magic puppet army that Grimm always brought with him.

He didn't have to wait long. A strange sound came from the west side of the forest sea, and a man in the same black robe came out of the forest with a group of men with strange figures and postures.

It was Entik and his insect army!

It seemed that even though he came here as agreed, Entik still had no trust in his two companions. For his own safety, he even brought the insect army of a certain size that he had just formed.

As soon as he stepped out of the forest sea, Entik stopped.

He and Grimm were not close enough to sit by the fire and drink together. And he is not a fool. Isn't the seemingly disordered pile of rocks not far from Grimm's side disguised by his rock python?

There are two mud puppets hidden in the soil under the bonfire. It is not uncommon for a fire man to jump out of the bonfire. There are also nearly transparent wind element puppets floating on the treetops around.

If Entik really wants to get close to Grimm, it would be like putting his neck in the tiger's fangs and mouth. Whether it bites or not depends entirely on the tiger's mood. Entik will never do such a stupid thing!

After Entik came, he kept looking at Grimm's puppet army hiding in various places, and Grimm was also looking at Entik's insect army without looking at it.

From the outside, these guys following Entik barely maintained their human form. It's just that their movements were a bit stiff and rigid when they walked. With Grimm's "vicious" vision, he did not see a sudden increase in the strength of these insects, which means that Entik did not intend to rely on them for hand-to-hand combat.

If the individual combat power did not increase, then there must be other special uses! Is it as a host carrier for a large number of scorpion insects, or is there any special ability such as insect transformation?

For a time, Grimm was also a little unsure about the specific purpose of Entik's insect army!

Since becoming a wizard, Grimm's biggest feeling is that the moral and rule shackles that bound him suddenly disappeared. The realization of the law of fire made him initially feel the existence of plane consciousness, and also experienced the power and weirdness of wizards in disguise.

Any guy who becomes a wizard has terrible means that directly point to the law level. Even if it is just an apprentice-level low-level witchcraft, it has the powerful ability to touch the soul and touch the law when it is performed by the wizard.

This also makes the battle between wizards, if you are not careful, you may get yourself into big trouble!

When the evil insect Entik was an apprentice, he only had some abilities of insect swarm transformation and damage sharing. These abilities can easily eat him to death as long as there are special means to target them. But now the evil insect Entik has also become a wizard. After this period of improvement and completion, his methods have become more hidden and evil.

Without full confidence, Grimm was unwilling to turn against such an unpredictable guy!

Just as the two of them were looking at each other from a distance of 100 meters, Bloody Mary came!

She was not the only one coming.

With the sound of flapping wings, 7 vampire bats rushed out of the dense forest on the east side and landed in the field and turned into human forms. The one who was the leader was of course Mary, who had not been seen for a few days, and behind her was the newly formed blood slave army.

These little guys had obviously just completed the transformation of vampires and had not had the opportunity to experience the power of the profession of wizards. Therefore, as soon as they landed, they bared their teeth and threatened everyone in the field, looking like loyal guardians.

Grimm and Entik didn't care about the provocation of these little guys, but instead focused on their exposed individual strength.

7 blood slaves, 3 of them were quasi-witch-level strongmen, and 4 of them were senior apprentices!

Such strength may not be comparable to the legion-level subordinates of the other two, but considering that this is just a blood slave army that Mary has raised in a few days. If the time factor is taken into account, Entik can't help but recalculate Mary's strength.

Three wizards!

Three wizards who were promoted almost on the same day!

Now they are reunited in this alien world. Although their vigilant eyes are still full of distrust, they regard each other as opponents who can be compared with themselves in their hearts.

At least in Entik's heart, Mary has always been regarded as a vase-like figure in the past. If Grimm hadn't been in the way, he would have been absolutely confident that he could eat Mary to death. But now it seems that if Mary gives her a chance, she may be a terrible guy who is no less than Grimm!

Looking at Mary's smug look, Grimm smiled bitterly in his heart.

This Mary is still too strong-willed.

Although the two of them are inseparable "strategic allies" and "combat partners" who depend on each other for life and death, when he is too strong in their relationship, it will touch Mary's fragile and sensitive heart.

Mary's demonstration can be seen as a deterrent to Entik, but it can also be seen as a show-off to herself!

Entik may have only seen the strength of Mary's men, but Grimm had studied Mary's body in depth, so he could see her inner weakness through Mary's strong appearance.

How could creating blood slaves be without cost?

The first embrace seems to be sucking the target's blood, but in fact it is equivalent to sending part of one's own blood into the target's body in order to gain complete control over the target.

With Mary's strength, if the speed of creating blood slaves is slowed down, there may not be too many problems under the nourishment of a large amount of blood food. But in order to be strong, she actually embraced so many blood slaves in such a short time, which also means that she will lose a lot of blood in a short period of time.

This is a heavy loss that cannot be completely compensated by sucking blood day and night!

Since the three of them were all present, a small combat meeting began immediately.

First, Mary briefly explained the strength of the group of demon hunters.

There are about 117 demon hunters who are about to enter the Greenland Forest, most of whom are low-level demon hunters, and there are about 15 magic-breaking knights who have reached the strength of wizards. This also means that in the coming days, the three of them will have to fight a desperate battle in the jungle with enemies that are five times their own and dozens of times their own.

If there were no 15 magic-breaking knights, even if there were more demon hunters, they would just be a flock of sheep that they could hunt slowly. But now there are magic-breaking knights mixed in with the enemy, which will make their hunting a hundred times more difficult.

If it is not good, it will end in a dead end!

The three people present at Grimm have never had the spirit of dedication to sacrifice. The reason why they appeared here was more because of the general situation, and they also wanted to experience the taste of attacking the plane, so of course they had to go if there was benefit, but they would never do things like blocking the road and blocking the gun hole.

Wizards are a group of cold-blooded and selfish guys, and all their plans and calculations are only for themselves.

Therefore, I am afraid that everyone will compete for the jobs that are beneficial but not dangerous. However, those tasks that are full of great sacrifices and dangers are what everyone has to avoid!

After hearing Mary's introduction, the group of demon hunters intended to split into twelve small teams immediately after entering the Greenland Forest, and then maintain a certain distance to completely clean up this forest.

For such news, Grimm and Entik certainly welcome it!

In their eyes, a scattered iron fist is a lamb with its neck stretched out and waiting to be slaughtered. Although there are some small thorns in it, it has not reached the level that makes them stay away.

However, the enemy is too scattered, and there are only three people on their side. It is difficult to completely control the enemy's actions. Once some enemies accidentally break into the wizard camp, the consequences will be difficult to predict.

Although this knight world strongly rejects the existence of spellcasters, traces of simple and primitive magic weapons can still be seen on them. If they carry some remote communication tools and reveal the location of the wizard camp, then Grimm and his three missions will be completely failed.

Perhaps the next wave of more powerful demon hunters will attack the wizard camp under the leadership of high-ranking knights. At that time, not only will the wizard camp be in danger, but even Grimm and the other two will have no room for maneuver and will be crushed into dust.

So the three of them had a brief discussion and decided not to let the demon hunters run around for the convenience of hunting. Therefore, they must try to contain them before they enter the Greenland Forest.

And this means fighting them openly!

The three of them were decisive guys. After summarizing their own intelligence, they quickly came up with a simple combat plan and made a simple task division for the three of them.

So a quarter of an hour later, Entic turned around and led his insect army back to the forest, disappearing in the depths of the jungle.

Mary whistled, and several blood slaves under her instantly turned into vampire bats, flapping their wings and circling around her.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Grimm shouted softly.

"Mary, take it!"

A fist-sized clay pot hit Mary who was about to take off without any explanation.

Mary took it doubtfully and shook it. There was a sound of sticky juice shaking inside. Her eyes suddenly lit up. She pulled out the cork and a strong and pungent smell of blood immediately rushed into her nose.

The vampire bats circling around immediately became extremely excited.

Mary smiled, put away the clay pot, and instantly turned into a red shadow and disappeared in the scene! chapter;

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