The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0182 Hard Fight

The battle scene in front of me is very similar to the arcade game in my previous life. ?网

It's just that I am the villain boss at this moment.

The lava shield with three sides of 2 meters high, 1 meter wide and half a meter thick is made up of countless pieces of lava stones burning with blazing flames. Red magma is still flowing out of the cracks on it.

The law-breaking knights who jumped up one by one were waving the rune swords in their hands with all their strength. The knights' combat skills of different colors hit the lava shield with piercing screams, breaking the lava and splashing the magma.

Because there were not many ice crystal fragments around the fire demon incarnated by Grimm to stand on, all the law-breaking knights just passed by, trying their best to hit him with their most destructive attacks in the moment they passed by the fire demon.

Grimm became a tall and clumsy lava giant, blocking the enemy's attacks with a lava shield, using a terrifying hand surrounded by extreme flames, a 5-meter-long flame whip condensed purely by elemental flames, and a terrifying fire magic of elemental fluctuations to hit every fly that appeared in front of him.

Some law-breaking knights relied on their flexible bodies to either lean over or leap over to avoid Grimm's terrifying attacks. But there were always some who couldn't dodge. Facing the flame whip drawn from the air, they could only tighten their bodies and try their best to expand their energy shields to resist the opponent's attacks.

With an average of 14 points of physical strength of the law-breaking knights, facing Grimm's 20 points of strength after the transformation of the Balrog, they would almost turn into angry birds and be directly beaten away if they were touched by a little bit.

However, the biggest trouble for the law-breaking knights was not Grimm's slightly clumsy physical attacks, but the ubiquitous flame barrier.

Since he was promoted to a fire wizard, he has completed the elementalization of his body. With his flame body, Grimm has successfully mastered the flame barrier. This is a field-type fire magic!

When Grimm roared and propped up the flame barrier, a light red full-cover element barrier enveloped a hundred meters around him. Within this range, everything began to burn!

The earth is burning, the grass is burning, and even the sky is burning...

All those who break into Grimm's flame barrier will suffer terrible fire damage of 13 degrees per second. And this energy level is already equivalent to the offensive magic he used when he was a junior apprentice!

There is a lava pool below, and Grimm's ferocious and terrifying attacks above, and the body is still suffering from continuous fire damage every moment...

Such a harsh combat environment can only be endured by the law-breaking knights who have already had preliminary elemental resistance. If it is replaced by a demon hunter knight, I am afraid that Grimm does not need to attack, but the elemental damage brought by the flame barrier can burn most of the enemies to death.

In the hundreds of years of fighting against evil, the Spellbreaker Knights have fought against wizard-level spellcasters countless times. However, in terms of the difficulty of the battle and the weirdness of the spellcasting, the terrifying fireman in front of him is incomparable to ten evildoers combined!

The Spellbreaker Knights rode on the magic horses, flying over the floating ice crystal fragments, and from time to time, they desperately attacked the lava shield outside Grimm's body from all angles. In a blink of an eye, two of the three lava shields had been knocked off, and the only remaining one was already scarred and difficult to last.

Two of the nine Spellbreaker Knights were hit by Grimm's close-range attack, screaming and flying out of the lava pool, while the magic horses under their crotch rolled and fell into the magma.

The lava pool under Grimm looked dark red and seemed inconspicuous, but it was full of terrifying magma that had been burned into a semi-molten state. As soon as the magic horse fell into it, thick black smoke instantly rose from its fur and flesh, and the sizzling sound of burning flesh was unbearable to hear.

The magic horse had no time to raise its neck and scream a few times before it was swallowed by the rolling magma, leaving only a bunch of bubbles bubbling on the surface of the viscous dark red liquid.

There were still many demon hunters on the shore who endured the burning of the flame barrier and desperately shot ice arrows into the lava pool, trying to create floating ice crystals for those law-breaking knights to stand on. They desperately shot three or four rounds and quickly withdrew from the range covered by the light red barrier. However, in just ten short seconds, their exposed skin was already covered with congested blisters, and it was painful to touch them.

They were still like this on the periphery, and the fire attacks suffered by the law-breaking knights around Grimm were ten times more than them.

The two law-breaking knights who were beaten out of the battle circle were indeed brave. They rode on the magic horses of the demon hunters and rushed into the lava pool again.

Since the beginning of the war, Grimm has only suffered some insignificant physical damage with the protection of layers of fire defense magic. Now seeing that most of his defense magic is about to be broken, he finally began to retreat with big strides, ready to exchange positions with the Fire Lord.

This is actually the most common scene when spellcasters fight with close combat professionals!

With the protection of defensive spells, spellcasters can almost cause extreme elemental damage to the opponent without any damage, which looks extremely glorious. However, once their own defense is broken, if the spellcaster fights with the combat professional in close combat again, it is very likely that the opponent will use thunder to kill them instantly.

So once he saw that the situation was not good, Grimm sent two terrifying flame shock waves in succession, drove away the law-breaking knights around him, and began to retreat with big strides, trying to move to the central area of ​​the lava pool.

At this time, how could Niyingt, who had been preparing for a long time, let him escape? He drove the magic horse again and stepped on the floating ice crystals to rush towards Grimm.

Grimm sneered twice, waved the flame scepter in his left hand, and three or four lava pillars rose from the fire pool, blocking Niyingt's way forward.

But Niyingt seemed to have given up any retreat. Not only was he not forced back, but he jumped up with his feet on the magic horse, and actually jumped over the lava pillars that soared into the sky.

He could jump over, but the magic horse could not.

Therefore, accompanied by a shrill and wild roar, the magic horse rushed into the lava pillars that came head-on, and his whole body was instantly soaked by the magma that was corroding the skin and bones. The howling of the magic horse suddenly stopped, and in the violently steaming black smoke and fire, scattered fur and charred bones rolled in the air and fell into the fire pool.

In a flash, even this last trace of existence disappeared!

Grimm had no time to pay attention to the tragic death of a magic horse. His attention was attracted by the figure that leaped over.

What, this Niyingte wanted to fight him one-on-one? A brave man challenged the big devil?

Grimm stopped retreating, and his free right hand instantly turned into a terrifying hand surrounded by black smoke and steaming flames, grabbing the flying Niyingte.

He might be able to resist the damage of the flame barrier with his own magic resistance. But the temperature of this terrifying flame from Grimm's body was as high as more than 3000 degrees, which was 110 degrees when converted into fire element damage. Let alone a person, even an iron pillar, if tightly grasped by Grimm's flaming hand, would turn into a pool of hot wax like soft mud in less than three or five seconds.

But before the flaming hand could close, a brilliant blue ice knife broke out of the palm and hit Grimm's broad chest that had lost its elemental protection.

Grimm let out a painful roar that shook the mountains and forests.

"Niyingte, I want your life!"

Niyingte, who had activated the evil-breaking slash at close range, should have turned over and fallen into the lava pool at this moment, but he was well prepared and suddenly threw out a strange metal flying claw, the spikes stung Grimm's arm for a little leverage, and the whole body pounced in the air again.

Grimm roared loudly, and hit his chest with both hands fiercely. The surging flames inside the body of the fire demon sprayed out terrifying high-temperature flames along the cracks on the surface of the body.

This indiscriminate full-range attack is the most terrifying!

Although the Law Breaking Knight is good at attacking with attack, and using the knight's fighting skills of concentrated power to break the opponent's single elemental attack. However, facing this unreasonable "full-screen attack", he can only curl up behind the one-meter-square energy shield with a drastic change of face, and bury his head to withstand this wave of flames.

At this moment, no matter how rich Niyingte's combat experience and fighting skills are, he can only bite the bullet and endure the enemy's attack first.

A muffled sound.

Niyingte was like a boat that was ups and downs in the wind and waves, and was pushed away by the raging shock waves and terrifying flames. The metal claw that maintained the connection between him and Grimm did not last even 2 seconds before it turned into a pool of red iron water, and no one knew where it was blown to.

After flying more than 20 meters, Niyingte was about to fall to the edge of the lava pool. A flying Law Breaking Knight rushed over, brushed the surface of the magma to catch him, and took him back to his own camp smoothly.

Grimm stood in the center of the lava pool, raised his left hand and looked at the huge hole, and a piercing pain surged into his heart.

Although most of the elemental body of the Flame Demon after transformation was filled with lava flint and terrifying magma, it was still filled with abundant fire energy transformed by Grimm's spiritual will.

At this moment, the fire energy was the extension of Grimm's spiritual will, and the place where the fire energy extended was Grimm's body. So although the big hand and chest that Niinte cut were flowing with red magma, the pain was still his omnipresent spiritual will.

Grimm inserted his left hand into the lava pool under him, and took it out after a while. The severely injured left hand was intact. He took out a large amount of molten magma from under his body and smeared it on his chest, and instantly even the wound there was healed.

This unexpected injury also aroused Grimm's ferocity. He roared loudly and took the initiative to launch a new round of attacks! chapter;

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