The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0186 Reinforcements Arrive

The wizard camp after the victory seemed extremely busy.

The pterosaur knights flapped their wide flesh wings, rising and falling in the center of the camp, and sent back the captured demon hunters one after another. These excellent spoils were sent to the laboratory of wizard Korgan as soon as they entered the camp, and what awaited them would be the most terrible nightmare they had never experienced in their lives!

Grimm actually saw the figure of the native boy again in the busy ranks. He is now Korgan's right-hand man, helping to do some auxiliary work for the transformation of wizard beasts.

Seeing Grimm return, Korgan, who was counting the fresh "materials" one by one, handed the work to the boy and strode over.

"You did a good job this time! Even Lord Sarupo mentioned your name just now. It seems that the Lord has been paying attention to you!" Korgan couldn't help but pat Grimm on the shoulder and encouraged loudly.

It can be heard that wizard Korgan felt awe and admiration for Lord Sarupo from the bottom of his heart.

However, when Grimm thought that any action he took in this wizard camp would be sensed by Lord Sarupo's huge and meticulous spirit, he couldn't help but feel his hair stand on end. However, in the face of Wizard Korgan's active approach, he could only try to squeeze out some kind responses, and even chose to ignore the bloody handprint on his shoulder.

"Why is that little guy still alive?" Grimm asked curiously.

Last time, when he threw this boy to Korgan, Grimm thought that he would find his shadow on the body of a wizard beast next time he came back!

"We are here to stay for a long time, so native puppets are also necessary. His talent is not bad. As long as we transform him, he can become one of the strongest spellcasters in this plane. At that time, it will be much better for him to do many things than for us to do it ourselves." Korgan showed a hint of a grim smile on his cold face.

"What are the resources in this plane? How much benefit can it bring us?"

"Based on the current data, the most strategically valuable resources in this plane are white star calla lily, fire dragon grass, royal blood grass, sea soul star, void stone and breeding flower."

"There are void stones and breeding flowers in this plane?" Grimm showed an incredible expression on his face.

Any material plane basically grows from an inconspicuous half plane, and each step forward takes tens or even hundreds of thousands of years. So during the long time of its growth and gestation, the plane is likely to contain those void stones that floated out from the depths of the sea of ​​stars.

And void stone is one of the main materials for building a long-distance transmission magic array.

Even in the resource-rich wizard world, this kind of thing is a top strategic resource that high-level wizards try their best to control, and ordinary wizard families can hardly get involved.

As for the breeding flower, it is another interesting thing.

It is a special plant, and even a special witch medicine.

Using breeding flowers as the main material, alchemy wizards can mix a mysterious potion that allows those powerful wizards to give birth to normal offspring. You know, in the history of wizard development, it has become quite difficult for high-level wizards above level 2 to give birth to offspring.

One side is a high-level wizard, and the other side is an ordinary human. The probability of giving birth to normal offspring is difficult. If both sides are high-level wizards, the chance of success is even more terrible.

After all, in the process of repeated promotion, the degree of body transformation and mutation of the wizard group is comparable to that of monsters, and it is a chaotic and disordered natural mutation. Therefore, although most high-level wizards still maintain their human form, a careful examination of the origin of their bodies shows that they are not closely related to humans.

There are also many high-level wizards who have mutated more thoroughly, and even the origin of their souls may have mutated beyond recognition. Therefore, when such high-level wizards and men and women are combined, the probability of giving birth to normal human babies is almost zero.

To be honest, they are more likely to give birth to monsters than to give birth to human babies!

So why do wizard families attach so much importance to the continuation of family bloodlines, and even encourage those low-level wizards to leave their bloodlines to the family earlier? This is the main reason!

Once some talented wizards appear among the younger generations of those big families, even without him or her bothering to find them, the family will take the initiative to collect all kinds of beauties, or some strange races of the opposite sex for their enjoyment.

This is not only a welfare, but also a means of continuing the family bloodline!

It is in this big background that any means or drugs that can assist reproduction have become the hottest and rare resources among high-level wizards. And the reproduction flower is such a magical plant that can perfectly integrate the excellent life factors of both parents to give birth to a baby with a strong wizard talent.

As for whether this baby is still in the human category, no one actually cares!

Therefore, the discovery of the traces of the reproduction flower in this inconspicuous knight plane will undoubtedly bring huge plane benefits to the Salubo family. And with the rising tide, their group of heroes who have opened up new planes will inevitably receive huge rewards from the family.

Old wizards may not care about these rewards, but for a new wizard like Grimm who has just been promoted and has no assets, it means that he does not have to go out to collect resources for a hundred years.

Without the pressure of promotion, Grimm will have at least two hundred years of leisure time to slowly accumulate witchcraft knowledge and slowly study his future development direction.

After talking with Korgan for a few more words, Grimm returned to the row of stone houses and found a room to rest behind closed doors. This time, from the initial luring of the enemy to the mid-term defensive counterattack to the final comprehensive counterattack, he participated in the whole process and played the role of the mainstay.

And corresponding to this, there is a huge amount of mental consumption and countless mental "trauma". These losses will not recover by themselves, and can only be repaired by a long sleep!

Anyway, after the encirclement and annihilation of the group of demon hunters, there will be no hidden dangers around the wizard camp that can threaten them, at least it will be quiet and stable for a while! As for when the next batch of enemies will appear, this is not something Grimm can control.

So after figuring this out, Grimm let go of everything, summoned the lightning giant to protect himself, and fell into the deepest sleep on the stone bed.

While he was sleeping, Mary also returned to the camp and brought back two wrinkled and shriveled bodies of the broken knights. Although there is not much surplus value to be squeezed from such spoils, Wizard Korgan is still very happy to accept it.

After all, compared to Entik, Mary still brought back something, while Entik didn't even have a dried corpse left. However, behind him, there was a group of strange black beetles as big as washbasins, about 21 or 2 in number, which looked like his latest harvest.

Wizard Korgan is indeed an old wizard who has been promoted for two or three hundred years. He was able to quickly judge that they were a group of carrion beetles just by the strange appearance of these black beetles! Although they are just larvae, they still have terrifying power.

Carrion beetles can also be regarded as a group of terrifying monsters.

They have a hard shell that is not inferior to that of body-refining wizards. They can fly and burrow into the ground, and rely on sharp fangs and sharp limbs to attack the enemy. Mature carrion beetles also have excellent magic resistance, and witchcraft attacks below 100 degrees are difficult to damage their shells.

These advantages combined are enough to make the carrion beetle group an object that formal wizards dare not easily provoke.

The scorpion insects that Entik had previously raised with his flesh and blood and mental power were too low-grade to support him and were not suitable for battles between wizards. But now the appearance of the larvae of the carrion beetle also means that Entik has finally raised the evil insect swarm to a level that matches his own wizard level.

When these carrion beetles pass the larval stage and begin to mature one after another, then Entik will become a terrifying figure of great importance in the ranks of first-level wizards!

Mary lingered outside the door where Grimm rested for a while and then gritted her teeth and left.

A whole brigade of demon hunters was destroyed here. If the news is not blocked as soon as possible, I am afraid that the entire Dulan Province will explode. That's why Mary is eager to rush back to Lanqiu City and use her dark power there to eliminate all disasters that may cause trouble in the bud.

And Entik, who also shoulders an important mission, did not stay in the camp for long before going into the forest. He needs to set up insect swarm traps at various key intersections into the mountain as soon as possible to avoid accidental leakage of news.

Of the two mountain villages and a small town on the edge of the Greenland Forest, he only took down one village, Kokar. If a hunter or adventurer from the remaining village or town breaks into the battlefield and discovers something, then the cover-up he had done before will become meaningless.

It just so happened that a batch of carrion beetle larvae he had just hatched urgently needed a lot of blood to nourish, so this time when he sneaked out of the camp, Entik had made up his mind to take down the remaining villages and towns. This not only blocked the source of possible leaks, but also improved his own strength in disguise, so why not do it!


This sleep took Grimm four days!

Originally, he didn't want to wake up so early, but the strange energy fluctuations around him made it difficult for him to sleep, so he had to wake up early.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Grimm sensed a strong spatial fluctuation.

This spatial fluctuation was so familiar and so memorable that Grimm almost instantly determined its nature.

Inter-dimensional ultra-long-distance teleportation!

The last time they were brought from the half-plane barrier of the Sarupo family, it was this ultra-long-distance inter-dimensional teleportation. That teleportation tortured Grimm to death, and he still remembers it vividly!

But just after he figured out the nature of space fluctuations, Grimm fell into deep confusion again.

According to Wizard Korgan's explanation, the second batch of reinforcements should arrive in a month! But now... Grimm looked at the prompt of the chip, and it was only 18 days, 11 hours, 33 minutes and 31 seconds since they came to this knight plane.

Grimm's doubts just arose in his heart, and then turned into a sneer.

Sure enough, he is a 6th-level wizard who plays with people's hearts!

It was said in advance that it would take a month, but the actual time required was only 18 days. In this way, even if there are some guys with bad intentions among Grimm and others or they are caught by the natives of this plane, the information they leaked will be seriously distorted and it will be difficult to have much impact on subsequent actions.

The consciousness projection of Lord Sarupo may have deceived even Korgan!


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