The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0201 Searching the battlefield

In the stranglehold battle some time ago, three wizards died in the sneak attack of the shining knight.

This is already a big loss for the Salubo family.

After all, for this plane conquest, the psychological bottom line of the Salubo family is 8 wizards. Once too many wizards are lost in the knight plane, it will have a huge impact on the ranking of the Salubo family in the Tallinn area of ​​the wizard world.

If the Salubo family draws wizards from the two affiliated secondary planes to fill the vacancies of the family headquarters, it will constitute a great impact on the stable rule of the two affiliated planes.

So in the face of the frequent attacks of the shining knights, the only second-level wizard in the wizard camp, Lord Fugen, had to take action himself, intending to use thunder to give this group of "demonized knights" a hard time!

Tonight is a night without light!

The wizards have become extremely active. In addition to the ten wizards who have been wandering on the stranglehold line, Lord Fugen brought five wizards to join the battlefield.

The unlucky Radiant Knight had already been picked out, and the other knight squads around him naturally had other wizards to deal with, so the Radiant Knight hidden in a knight squad naturally became the target of Lord Fugen's hunting.

It can be seen that Lord Fugen did not trust Grimm and others very much. He actually brought out several trusted men from the camp to be responsible for clearing the field, and showed a posture of not allowing other wizards to approach the battlefield. This made Grimm, who had long been interested in peeping into the secrets of the second-level wizard, have to choose this way to collect information.

Since becoming a first-level wizard, Grimm has been confused about the future path? Before he has a clear direction and collected enough information, he dare not try rashly. And this part of the information is naturally difficult for new wizards to access.

At least before Grimm signs a closer service contract with the Salupo family, he cannot access it!

Therefore, at this time, if some information about the second-level wizard can be collected, it will undoubtedly light a beacon at the front of Grimm's wizard road. In this way, even if there is no way forward and means, as long as the direction is clear, Grimm can completely rely on the powerful computing power of the chip to reverse the way forward.

Bloody night, violent wind is howling.

Standing on the high cliff, the night wind sweeping in from afar carries a hint of bloody killing.

If Mary were here, she would definitely be excited and roar to the sky!

Grimm thought boredly, but his eyes were fixed on a certain place in the darkness, and the blue light in his pupils was constantly flashing.

The battle has begun!

The smell of ice particles and a small amount of fire particles can be smelled in the night wind.

Now Grimm can preliminarily judge that the second-level Fugen wizard's innate witchcraft should be a mutated ice witchcraft, and the attack effect is powerful, almost completely suppressing the glorious knight.

In the final analysis, the glorious knight is just a group of "magic knights" with high magic resistance.

Their greatest ability is reflected in their resistance to elemental witchcraft. As for themselves, due to the lack of systematic training and meditation, they can't freely drive the free elemental particles between heaven and earth, so they can only rely on rune energy for both attack and defense.

And the so-called rune energy is nothing more than using some simple rune arrays to guide the magic energy in the magic crystal, and then apply them to weapons or armor. Such things, in the wizard world, can't even be called magic items, at best they can only be regarded as enchanted items, and the cost performance is much worse than that of magic items.

However, every profession has its own specialty. Since all the rune arrays in the knight plane are centered on how to make the rune energy and the knight more closely combined. Therefore, in terms of the combination of rune energy and life source energy, the rune array here obviously has its own unique features.

Not to mention anything else, Grimm is also interested in capturing a glorious knight to explore the mystery of their rune arrays. Once he obtains the relevant knowledge of their rune arrays, Grimm is sure to make a qualitative improvement in the energy system of the magic puppet. Even the solidified "Flame Demon Transformation" tattoo on Grimm's body can be improved!

The dark night sky was suddenly lit up by the blue fluorescence, and a huge ice ring that could be seen by the naked eye suddenly exploded in the forest. The tall ancient trees around were instantly frozen in a crystal world of ice.

The sound of ice crystal particles colliding with each other in the air was endless, which made Grimm sigh at the power of the second-level wizard.

The Knight Plane is a small material plane with scarce elemental energy. The same first-level witchcraft can have an attack effect of up to 100 degrees in the wizard world. But here, it may only have a power of about 70 degrees, and the attack range and duration of the witchcraft effect will be greatly reduced.

Fortunately, most of the wizards who came across the border have many magic items, witchcraft scrolls and wands to use. With many instant witchcraft, they can still overwhelm the enemy with their numerical advantage and continue to maintain their professional advantage when fighting against knights of the same level.

The battle under the cover of night lasted for half an hour before it was completely over. The result of the battle was as expected, with the wizard Fugen winning a great victory.

When the victorious wizards returned to the wizard camp with rich spoils, Grimm finally had the opportunity to personally visit the battle scene.

This was the back slope of a small hill, surrounded by three or two boulders, with a flat area of ​​only 20 meters in radius. For a team of adventurers, this was simply an excellent camping site.

Unfortunately, at this moment, this place has become a world covered with ice and snow!

Grimm walked out of the dark forest and wandered in this world of ice and snow. His pupils hidden under the shadow of the hood kept flashing with light blue light. All his senses, such as eyes, ears, mouth and nose, were mobilized by him to detect every abnormality of the elemental breath in the camp space without missing a single detail.

The boulder more than 3 meters high has been covered by a thick layer of ice crystals. Even the fire pit in the middle of the camp, firewood and bonfire are all frozen in a ball of ice crystals.

Gently knocking with the hand, a crisp sound is heard, and the solidity is no less than ordinary steel. Through the translucent ice crystals, the shape and color of the burning bonfire can still be vaguely seen. The bright red flames and the red-white flame core are as if time has suddenly stopped flowing and solidified them at a certain moment.

Fire in ice? This kind of ice power that can freeze even flames is also immersed in the power of laws. Otherwise, it is impossible for two elements with mutually restraining properties to coexist!

Next to the boulder, two human mercenaries were lying on their sides, with expressions of fear and anxiety still on their faces. One hand grasped the weapon at the waist, and the other hand supported the ground, ready to stand up. Unfortunately, their lives stopped at that moment.

It can be seen that as soon as the wizard Fugen broke into the camp, he immediately created a terrifying frost ring and directly cleared away all the guys who were in the way.

At the other end of the camp, the traces of the fire explosion became more and more obvious.

Grimm kept scanning the clues in the field, and a shocking battle scene gradually emerged in his mind. Following the traces of the two people's battle, Grimm continued to go deep into the jungle and finally found the place where they ended the battle 3 miles away.

The forest of nearly half a mile radius has been razed to the ground. There are criss-crossing gullies on the ground. The bottom has been scorched and faint black smoke is faintly emitting.

The many scorch marks left by the powerful knight's fighting skills of the glorious knight can fully appreciate the fierceness of the battle at that time. Now, these scorch marks are covered with a layer of crystal frost, showing the complete control of the entire battle situation by the wizard Fugen.

At this point, the Radiant Knight may have been frozen in place by the wizard Fugen, unable to move at all, and can only passively withstand and resist his attack. This can be seen from the attack angle and explosion position of the witchcraft!

The Radiant Knight's magic resistance is very high, but it can't withstand the continuous witchcraft attacks.

Once the magic crystals in the rune array are exhausted, with the combat experience of the wizard Fugen, he will never give the opponent a chance to replace the magic crystals!

Grimm stopped at the center of the battlefield. There was a half-meter-high ice column here. The upper half had exploded and shattered, but the remaining lower half was still stronger than steel, emitting a blue light.

This is where the Radiant Knight was defeated and captured!

Grimm sensed it at close range. The personal elemental aura of the wizard Fugen was vaguely left in the ice column. In addition, there seemed to be something else.

Well, it's worth taking back for research!

Having made up his mind, Grimm took out the Fire Scepter and summoned the Fire Giant, and then summoned a Rock Python with the crystal core.

As soon as the Fire Giant appeared, it set fire everywhere recklessly, and soon destroyed all the traces on the battlefield. The huge Rock Python opened its mouth and swallowed the icicles and the frozen land directly into its stomach, and plunged into the ground.

Looking around the battlefield, feeling that there was nothing left, Grimm turned around and left.

Under the night wind, the rampant jungle fire burned all the remaining materials with crackling sounds. When the scene was completely turned into a scorched earth, the soil at the edge of the fire rose and cracked, and thousands of black beetles poured out from it, and once again pieced together the form of the evil insect Entik.

"Damn it, that bastard has been here!"

Looking at the charred land, the curling black smoke, and the remaining fire in front of him, Entik cursed angrily again.

But then he looked up at the dark night sky around him, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether the bastard had left any strange eyes and ears here.

He cursed a few times in a low voice, and Entic finally turned into a puff of black smoke and disappeared into the ground! chapter;

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