The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0206 Bloody Battle in the Jungle

The Demon Hunter Knights' advance in the forest is extremely difficult!

With the pace of the magic horse, if you let go of the restraints and run with all your strength, it will not be a problem for thirty or forty miles in an hour. But if that happens, the formation of nearly a thousand demon hunting knights will undoubtedly become very loose. If they were attacked by the many wizard beasts patrolling the surrounding area, the entire team would instantly become a mess and become a mess.

Besides, the only ones in the team who can stand alone are the seven glorious knights. Although there are many demon hunting knights, in the eyes of wizards, they are just flowing delicacies. The spell-breaking knights can fight against the evil wizards if they join forces, but if they are alone, they will attract many evil wolves every minute.

In order to keep the team compact, many demon hunting knights had to slow down their pace and walked through the jungle in an almost leisurely strolling manner under the constraints of the radiant knights.

All creatures in the Greenland forest have disappeared, and have all been transformed by wizards into terrifying witch beasts of all sizes. In addition, some witchcraft traps hidden in the jungle also caused a lot of trouble for the team!

Quicksand traps and gravity traps are pretty good, but fireball traps, acid traps, and poison cloud traps are also deadly to demon hunting knights.

The terrifying wizards have simply brought their evil wisdom to the extreme!

They laid witchcraft traps on the only path that the knights must pass, and the ways of touching them were all strange and strange.

Some traps are buried underground, and when the rocks above are touched, a small fireball will fly out from the ground. It's not very powerful, but it won't be a problem to roast a demon hunting knight and the demon horse into charcoal. Some traps are set up on horizontal branches three or four meters above the ground. As soon as the hanging vines are pulled, highly corrosive acid balls will be sprayed head-on.

There are also poisonous cloud traps with particularly weird activation conditions. Only when the life breath approaching it reaches a certain amount, it will explode with a bang.

Therefore, when subsequent demon-hunting knights drive their demon horses slowly past, they always see charred corpses on both sides of the road, some bodies whose heads have been eroded into hornets' nests, and companions whose bodies are dyed in strange colors. …

They placed their dead comrades by the roadside, prayed, and then continued on their way. But those companions who were seriously injured or dying or infected with poison could not be simply abandoned.

With these injuries dragging them down, the Cavaliers are moving forward even more slowly.

From time to time, loud shouts from patrolling knights would be heard from the outside. Whenever this happens, there will always be some inexplicable and strange witchcraft falling from the sky into the team. Or a low-level lava fireball, or a terrifying poisonous cloud, or a huge acid swamp...

Most of the witchcraft was destroyed by numerous rune arrows before it could be cast down. Even if a fish occasionally slipped through the net, it would be destroyed by the flaming blades of the spell-breaking knights who came on horseback. Although the harm they bring is not that great, it still makes all the knights feel tense. When walking through the forest on the magic horse, their vigilant eyes are always on the shrubs, tree crowns, and gravel piles.

Even if you are in the middle of the team, it may not be that safe.

Because from time to time, there will always be witch beasts that are good at hiding and swoop out from the dense tree canopy or messy rubble. If you are unprepared for a moment and are scratched by their dark and filthy claws, even with the physique of a demon hunting knight, it will be difficult to resist the biological toxins carefully improved by evil wizards.

An ordinary jungle road of less than twenty miles took them two hours to walk, and the number of non-combat casualties reached 16. Especially the seven or eight companions who were infected with the poison, they could only be tied to the magic horse and reluctantly moved forward with the team.

When the red sun rose high and the time came to afternoon, new problems appeared again.

They were a lone army, and with a strong belief that they would not look back until they found the enemy's lair, they rushed into the Greenland forest without hesitation. Therefore, every member of the Knights only carried three days' worth of food and drinking water when they set out.

If it was just a simple adventure trip, this kind of equipment would be enough for them to search this vast and deep forest of nearly 200 square kilometers. But now, after the continuous brutal battles and bloody killings, the food rations may be enough, but the drinking water is clearly exhausted too quickly.

What's even more frightening is that along the way, they angrily discovered that almost all the drinking streams and springs had been occupied by undead creatures with light yellow plague poison clouds. This also means that all surface water sources have become severely polluted and become undrinkable!

Humans are not machines and cannot maintain high-intensity alertness and combat readiness for long periods of time. Although the demon hunting knight's physique is several times that of ordinary people, after five or six hours of brutal fighting and arduous trek, his physical strength has inevitably fallen to the bottom.

As a last resort, the senior knights set up camp on a high hill so that the tired knights could have a safe place to rest. And many law-breaking knights were in small groups, forming patrol teams and wandering in the nearby mountains and forests to prevent those hateful wizards from coming to cause trouble.

As for the seven glorious knights, they gathered in a small temporary tent and intensely discussed the follow-up action plan.

The evil wizard's lair is located in the southern part of the vast and deep 200-kilometer Greenland forest. After previous bloody explorations at any cost, the demon-hunting knights have cleared nearly half of the suspicious locations with their lives. Then what lies before the seven glorious knights is a vast forest covering an area of ​​nearly a hundred square kilometers.

The glorious knights who can sit here are basically those particularly fanatical radicals who hate evil. Otherwise, they would not be unable to tolerate the previous piecemeal exploration method, and would not have rushed into the forest in anger without hesitation.

According to their previous plan, they did not need to pay attention to the scattered wizards in the edge of the forest. The army rushed into the core area of ​​the forest with great momentum. Then they set up camps there and scattered their men in all directions, and they could definitely find the enemy's nest easily.

Even if there are casualties, it is much smaller than sending excellent spell-breaking knights and teams of excellent demon hunters to be slaughtered by the enemy!

It must be said that the evil people who have been suppressed in the knight plane have deeply engraved the image of the weak and cowardly casters in the hearts of all demon hunters, including the high-level knights who have never regarded the invading evil wizards as mortal enemies.

In their view, this is a group of insidious and cunning people who are good at hiding and sneak attacks. As long as their foundation is destroyed in one fell swoop with the thunderbolt, they will be like a group of rats whose nests have been blown up, hiding in a hurry, and it will be difficult to organize any large-scale resistance!

In essence, this group of radical shining knights treated the invading evil wizards in such a simple and violent way, which was really the most suitable and quickest means. However, they overestimated their own strength and underestimated the means of the wizards.

If they could mobilize all the troops, if they could gather all the plane powerhouses, then the simplest and most violent means would undoubtedly be the best method.

Unfortunately, the absence of plane powerhouses above level 3, coupled with the split of the Knights caused by their own contradictions, these two points greatly weakened the combat strength of their isolated army.

Therefore, when this group of shining knights gathered together to discuss the next move fiercely, the counterattack from the wizard camp had already arrived.

In the afternoon, groups of terrifying witch beasts had completely surrounded the hills where the knights lived. Then, driven by the evil wizard, large groups of witch beasts broke into the cordon set up by the knights and started a brutal and bloody massacre with them.

In the vast forest, there was a loose defense line stretching for two or three miles. Seven glorious knights led many law-breaking knights, each occupying one side, and tenaciously and stubbornly eliminated the terrible witch beasts that came. On the high ground, it became a temporary wounded camp. Those witch hunter knights who were seriously injured and unable to continue fighting were sent here, waiting for treatment.

Due to the lack of necessary treatment methods, the only means of rescue for the witch hunter knights who temporarily acted as rescue team members was to cut off the rotten or dead muscles with a dagger, wash the wounds with a lot of clean water, and then bandage them.

This method may be useful for ordinary skin injuries, but most of the injured knights in the camp have been attacked by witch beast minions infected with plague virus bacteria. Before the plague virus toxins raging in the knights' bodies are expelled, their wounds will not only fail to heal, but will deteriorate and fester over time.

This is all due to the strong and sturdy bodies of the demon hunters. If they were ordinary human warriors, they would have already died of blood coagulation and flesh decay, but they can still fight against the virus. However, this also prolonged their painful struggle in disguise!

The attack of the witch beasts lasted from the afternoon until the sky gradually darkened!

After 4 hours of continuous attack, more than 10,000 witch beasts fell at the forefront of the battle, and the combat strength of the Knights also decreased from more than 700 people at the beginning to less than 400 people now. Relying on the brave mounts of the magic horses and the powerful rune weapons, although the demon hunters suffered serious losses in combat power, not many actually died.

After 4 hours of continuous fighting, 87 demon hunters died, but the number of knights who lost their combat ability after being attacked by the witch beasts was as high as 235. Even those knights who still held on to the periphery were all injured, but they were not seriously injured.

More than 10,000 witch beasts were killed, and half of them were killed by the 7 glorious knights. Moreover, in the first hour of the war, every time the sharp and domineering half-moon slashes plowed a bloody path in the witch beast group, the number of witch beast casualties was also rolling up.

After an hour of continuous slashing and killing, it was necessary to throw the violent knight's combat skills into the most densely populated area of ​​witch beasts every now and then. Such a high-intensity battle was somewhat unbearable for even the glorious knights.

From the beginning of the war, a terrifying half-moon slash was used every three to five minutes, and then it was only activated once every one or two quarters of an hour. In the end, they had become so angry that it was difficult to activate the powerful knight's combat skills. Therefore, they could only fight the witch beasts with their powerful strength and strong physique like ordinary demon hunters.

The number of witch beasts is not endless!

In the previous month or so, the wizards hunted almost all the beasts and monsters in this forest and transformed them into witch beasts in large quantities. But today alone, they have already lost most of their lives to this group of demon hunters, who number less than a thousand!

But the result of this battle is also brilliant, because... it's dark! chapter;

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