The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0214 Dragon Valley

Dragon Cliff.

For humans living on the Knight Continent, Dragon Cliff is a rather taboo name.

Although there are many bards who foam at the mouth and describe the magnificence of Dragon Cliff in taverns and inns all over the Continent. However, most people only hear about the location of Dragon Cliff, and there is no credibility at all.

It is said that it is where the dragons live and reproduce, it is said that there are mountains of wealth, and it is said that it is the place where countless arrogant people who want to challenge the dragons and become dragon knights in one day are buried.

But where is Dragon Cliff? No one knows!

This is a quiet valley located in the vast mountains.

This rolling mountain range stretches out in all directions, with tall trees on it, and the area covered by green forests is vast and deep, reaching thousands of kilometers. Among them, towering peaks can be seen everywhere, and terrible deep gullies are all over the area.

Due to the dense forest and numerous wild beasts, this place is also one of the dangerous places that humans find difficult to set foot on.

However, in the center of the beautiful and quiet valley, a cliff that towers into the clouds and roars with dragons is the legendary majestic dragon cliff that everyone can't find!

It was the brightest afternoon of the day. The great green dragon Oferel had just had a full meal in the outer forest. He flapped his huge membrane wings and flew around the Dragon Valley before landing beside a small lake.

Some herbivorous creatures such as bison, antelopes, and blue zebras that were originally drinking water by the lake were frightened and ran wildly. They ran to a distance and vigilantly examined the uninvited green dragon. It was not until it felt that it had eaten a lot that it became much more relaxed.

After lying on the lake and drinking the clear lake water, Oferel curled up his membrane wings contentedly and paced on the grass by the lake with his hands and feet.

The weather was so beautiful that it couldn't help but want to have a good sleep.

However, as the guard of Dragon Valley, it also has the task of guarding the entrance of Dragon Valley from being invaded by foreign objects. So it could only snort in dissatisfaction, and spit out a cloud of light green smoke from its nostrils, which barely dispelled the heavy sleepiness.

Suddenly, Oferel stood up and raised his nose to sniff a few times.

In the natural fragrance of the lush grass, it seemed to detect a trace of foreign smell that did not belong to Dragon Valley.

It's a human! And it's a familiar human!

Oferel's sturdy hind legs kicked hard, and its heavy body bounced off the ground, and then under the strong flapping of its huge membrane wings, it left the ground with difficulty and flew towards the entrance of the valley.

The body of the dragon is too large, and it will become a little difficult to fly after landing on the ground, so they prefer to build their nests on the top of cliffs that are difficult for outsiders to approach. There, they have a wide field of vision, and it is also convenient to attack the enemy from a high position.

After flying over a grassland of 10 to 20 miles, O'Ferrar saw a familiar human figure at the entrance of Dragon Valley.

This was a tall and burly human.

A golden cape, a golden hoop headband, golden armor, golden arm rings, golden wrist guards and golden combat boots. From top to bottom, from inside to outside, this human was full of luxury and vulgarity like a nouveau riche. All the decorations and clothes on his body shone with golden light, making it difficult to look directly at him.

However, even such a vulgar human exuded a powerful aura that was difficult for outsiders to reach. Even when the green dragon O'Ferrar, whose body was as big as a hill, swooped down at him with a loud dragon roar, he did not have the slightest intention of dodging, but opened his arms and took the initiative to meet him.

With a muffled thud, the huge green dragon "lightly" landed on the ground, smashing a shallow pit of 1 meter deep and 3 meters in diameter on the green grass, and then hugged the human strong man affectionately.

In fact, the so-called hug was just that the green dragon reluctantly put its head in front of the human strong man, letting him hug it around his head.

"Willis, how come you have time to come to Dragon Valley? Could it be that the human king is willing to let you go?" Although the green dragon has tried its best to control its voice, its voice still makes the surrounding void buzz.

"O'Ferrar, these things are hard to explain! I'll chat with you later when I have time. I want to see the chieftain Raistlin now, please help me pass it on!"

"Uh..." The green dragon became a little hesitant: "Willis, after you sent the seriously injured Lisanna back two days ago, the chieftain became very angry. Several elders in the tribe are trying to treat poor Lisanna, I'm afraid..."

"O'Ferrar, I'm also a member of the Dragon Valley. Has the chieftain ordered me to be banned from entering?" Willis asked loudly. Once he was angry, his domineering and powerful aura as a 4th-level holy knight was difficult for even the 3rd-level green dragon to bear.

"That's not the case!" The green dragon showed a look of embarrassment on his long face, and said: "Well, I'll try it first! As for whether the chieftain will see you again, I can't guarantee it!"

After that, the green dragon O'Ferrar turned around, opened his mouth wide, and uttered a long and rhythmic dragon roar towards the towering dragon cliff sixty or seventy miles away.

A moment later, a louder dragon roar came back from the towering dragon cliff.

"Okay, the clan leader has agreed to meet you! Come with me!"

With a storm like flying sand and rocks, the green dragon O'Ferrell once again rose into the sky with difficulty. And the fourth-level holy knight Oris, who was covered in golden armor, also punched his chest hard, and his body quickly transformed into a green dragon that was far more majestic than O'Farrell during a strange distortion and expansion.

So accompanied by bursts of loud dragon roars, the two green dragons flew towards the distant dragon cliff one after another.

Compared with the vast forest outside the valley, there are not many tall and old trees in the valley. There are lush green meadows everywhere, dotted with lakes, adding to the beauty of this paradise.

Flying closer and closer, the towering Dragon Cliff finally revealed its full appearance.

This is a towering cliff covering an area of ​​thousands of acres. There are dark caves everywhere on the rugged and steep cliffs. Sensing the arrival of Willis, the green dragon's long and ferocious head poked out of many cave entrances, greeting them with loud dragon roars from the air.

The green dragon transformed by Willis also responded with a loud dragon roar.

For a time, the roar of dragons up and down Longya shook the sky, and it was very lively.

On the green grass at the bottom of the cliff, a group of green dragon cubs, only 3 to 5 meters tall, were playing next to the clear lake. They flap their petite fleshy wings from time to time, move their chubby bodies into the sky with difficulty, and then plunge into the lake. There were also some young dragons that playfully chased behind the herbivorous beasts, driving them away in all directions.

It can be seen that these young dragons are not yet skilled in spitting poisonous mist. Therefore, there are always some clumsy guys who fly too low, unable to close their bodies, hit the grass, and then crawl there, babbling and crying.

At this time, one or two majestic green dragon parents would fly out of the Longya Cave, swoop down, skillfully use their dragon claws to pierce the body of the herbivorous beast, and then throw it to the side of the young dragon.

As a result, a group of young dragons swarmed up, either spitting poisonous mist or desperately spitting green saliva. When the prey is poisoned, they happily pounce on it and bite the flesh and blood of the prey with their newly grown sharp fangs.

This bloody and cruel scene seemed so warm and sweet in the eyes of Willis, who was also a member of the Green Dragon clan. As a half-dragon, he has noble dragon blood flowing in his body!

The place where Green Dragon Chief Raistlin received Willis was still the conference hall.

This spacious hall located in the middle of the mountain in Gaoya is large enough to accommodate twenty or thirty giant dragons to gather inside. Therefore, it is also the most important sacred place on Longya besides the dragon altar on the top of the cliff. Often only when encountering major and difficult matters, Chief Raistlin would convene the dragons here for a meeting to discuss.

So when Willis transformed into a human and walked into the conference hall, there was already an ominous omen in his heart!

There are three giant dragons waiting here.

Green Dragon Chief Raistlin and Green Dragon Elders Senger and Vandim!

They all possess terrifying strength as high as level 4.

"Welcome, my child." The huge voice of Green Dragon Chief Raistlin made the hall buzz: "I hope you have brought us good news this time!"

"I wonder what kind of good news Father needs?" Willis asked in a deep voice.

"We smelled the evil wizard's scent on the Lisanna you sent back. I hope your visit this time is not related to this!" Raistlin leaned down and approached Willy, who was only over 2 meters tall, with his ferocious head. Si, the huge amber dragon eyes stared at him unblinkingly.

"Great father, I may have brought you news that you don't want to hear!" A look of pain appeared on Willis's face: "His Majesty the King of Humanity asked me to bring you a message. He hopes that the powerful dragon Seeing their long-standing support in the past, Ya Neng sent dragons to reinforce the front line. It was said that the battle there was not going well. The wizards huddled in the Greenland forest and caused huge casualties to the demon hunting knights. !”

"Then what's your attitude?" There was no expression on Raistlin's ferocious dragon face: "My child!"

"I..." The struggling expression on Willis's face became more and more obvious: "Of course I don't want the secular war to spread to Dragon Valley, nor do I want to see my brothers and sisters fall under the wizard's butcher knife. But... The wizards have arrived, shouldn’t we stand up and defend our pasture? This is the territory we have been operating for thousands of years!” chapter;

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