The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0217 Rose Manor

Lanqiu City.

The large number of demon hunters also made this place a bustling military camp.

Knowing that he could not compete with the demon hunters, the lord of Lanqiu City, Earl Wenlier, simply gave up the city lord's mansion and moved to the Rose Manor outside the city, living a secluded life.

However, out of admiration for the demon hunters, he held some salon dances in the manor every now and then, and invited those young knights to participate. In order to attract these young knights, Earl Wenlier even invited the most prestigious chef from Hedulan City, and invited many noble ladies and beautiful women from Lanqiu City to come, singing and dancing every day, living a happy life of luxury and enjoyment.

Enjoying delicious food and wine, surrounded by charming girls, and listening to the flattery of the rich and powerful, the noble knights who had just experienced the bloody battle in the jungle seemed to have discovered the meaning of life again, and completely sank into a life of pleasure and drunkenness.

And Duke is one of them!

Born in a small noble family, he had a great dream of riding a magic horse and traveling the world with a sword since he was a child. His father, a small baron in the countryside, sold his only small manor and sent him to the apprentice demon hunter knight training camp.

And he was also ambitious and lucky enough. Not only did he successfully become a demon hunter knight, but he also unexpectedly promoted to a law-breaking knight after fifteen years of hard training.

At this point, he immediately became the pride of the entire family and a well-known demon hunter knight leader in the local area.

The success of strangling evil people countless times made him firmly become the defender of the demon hunter knight group and a devout believer of the great holy knight Lord Willis. Therefore, when the new evil war broke out, he also led his companions here and joined the last demon hunting knights.

A cruel and bloody jungle blood battle made him see the horror of the evil wizard for the first time. Whenever he recalled the evil witch beasts that surged like a tide in the dark jungle, and the poor companions who mutated into ugly ghouls, his heart was bleeding and his soul was trembling!

In the first few nights after returning from the jungle, he woke up from terrible nightmares every day, sweating coldly and depressed. And the knights who returned with him almost all had the same sequelae as him.

It was for this reason that when Earl Wenlier held a banquet and invited the knights to participate, the high-ranking knights who heard the news not only did not stop it, but happily beat these traumatized knights over.

The knights' faith that was beaten down may be compensated by fine wine and delicious food, and the failure on the battlefield may allow the boys to win back from the bed.

The spacious and bright banquet hall was full of handsome men and beautiful women who were having fun. Even the elderly were well-dressed and elegant.

Most of the beautiful ladies wore gorgeous low-cut dresses, revealing their snow-white backs and deep ravines on their chests, while the men wore exquisite and gorgeous aristocratic dresses or free and easy hunting suits, and from time to time they held high-footed wine glasses and talked and laughed loudly or invited the ladies to dance.

Male waiters in neat uniforms pushed silver dining carts to place exquisite food on the long table covered with sky blue tablecloths, which was for other people with certain status and position to take. On the table were brass candlesticks, tin tableware and ox-horn cups inlaid with silver rings.

And the beautiful waitresses with smiling faces carried silver plates and shuttled between the distinguished guests, delivering cups of fine wine to the guests who were drinking happily.

At the edge of the hall, a small band was playing hard. From time to time, some bards or dancers would sing and dance impromptu, which would ignite the atmosphere in the banquet hall.

Just outside the banquet hall, there were elegant and quiet corridors, flower halls, pergolas, fountains and lawns. Every place with swaying plants and trees was where lovers talked about their feelings.

And behind the banquet hall, there were small bedrooms that were specially separated. Not only were they luxuriously decorated, but more importantly, the sound insulation was also first-class!

However, at this happy time of feasting and revelry, in a secret wine cellar in a corner of the manor, several dark shadows were secretly gathering together, whispering about something.

"Have you chosen the target? The master is getting impatient!"

"Please report to the master that the target has been chosen, a total of 3 law-breaking knights. We will find a way to keep them here tonight, then..."

"You must be careful. It is not easy to ambush you. The master does not want you to be exposed too early, so you must be very careful and arrange things carefully!"

"Yes, Lord Vulture, you can rest assured!"


In the darkness, several shadows whispered and talked for a few words, and then they broke up and went their separate ways.

One of them suddenly turned into a fluffy shadow, flapping its wings silently and moving quickly in the shadows of many buildings in the manor. Soon, it came to an exquisite two-story single-family building behind the manor.

Through a vent reserved in the corner of the house, the shadow got into the house, and then transformed into a master bedroom, transforming into an old noble man wearing an exquisite nightgown and a slightly bald head.

As he gently pulled a special velvet thread in the corner of the room, the two doors on the side of the master bedroom were opened. A group of beautiful maids walked in quickly, and quickly changed the noble old man into a gorgeous outfit. dress. The butler in a tuxedo also stood aside respectfully, silently waiting for the earl's instructions.

"Have all the guests in front arrived?" The aristocratic old man raised his arms and let the maid arrange his clothes, while asking lightly in a nasal aristocratic accent.

"We're all here! Especially the ones you've specially ordered, Master, I've sent people to take special care of them!" The housekeeper quickly stepped forward and replied softly.

"Where is Duke now?"

"Half an hour ago I was chatting with the president of the Wade Chamber of Commerce in the front hall, and now I'm chatting happily with Sister Sheila at the Grape Vine in the Flower Hall!"

"Where's Balal?"

"A quarter of an hour ago, I was dancing with Mrs. Chevley in the front hall, and now... I'm already in Room 7!"

"Where's Drisek?"

"He has been drinking with Knight Tomad and Knight Raul in the side hall. It is said that he has drank 6 bottles of grape spirits. I have asked people to send 5 more bottles!"

"Yes! You did a good job." The noble old man nodded with satisfaction.

Just as the old man was about to walk to the front hall, the respectful butler suddenly stopped him.

"Master, I still have some news to tell you?"

"Oh? What news?" the noble old man asked in surprise.

"Lord Knight Collier is here?"

"Collier? You mean that Glory Knight Collier?" The aristocratic old man was suddenly startled and blurted out a question. Then he lowered his head and smiled sinisterly, and strode out without hesitation.

Since even the Shining Knight is here, his master has a reason not to show up!

So a moment later, a loud announcement from the banquet waiter sounded outside the door.

"Lord Earl Wenlier has arrived!..."


Countless black shadows are shaking, countless wizard beasts are roaring...

In the light of the swaying torches, everyone was running fast, and the sound of violent breathing could be heard clearly.

The bright red fire clouds were rolling in the sky, and meteorites wrapped in hot flames were roaring and falling. Each fall was accompanied by violent roars and blinding firelight. Then, the jungle shivered.

Whenever this happens, even Duke can't help shaking with the jungle.

Because what followed was a terrifying fire shock wave and overwhelming tree debris, soil and debris.

Those meteorites that are exploded in the air will turn into rain of fire that rains down from the sky, enveloping the entire jungle. The only thing Duke could do was to try to hold up the energy shield, use it to block the fire rain, and run forward with all his strength amidst the waves of earthquakes and tremors, running as hard as he could...

Suddenly... an ugly, vomiting, pale monster suddenly sprang out from the grass on the roadside, pounced on the demon hunting knight in front of Duke, and then began to bite and gnaw.

When Duke raised the rune sword with trembling hands, the ghoul suddenly looked up at him, crouched and then jumped high, and pounced on him viciously.

Seeing those terrifying fangs and sharp teeth rapidly enlarging in front of his eyes, Duke screamed and woke up from his nightmare, sitting up from the bed. The two charming girls with naked bodies lying on the bed murmured a few words, turned over and fell asleep.

Duke wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and looked around the room. Only then did he realize that he was no longer in that terrible battlefield, but in a gentle nest. Thinking of the madness and charm in the first half of the night, Duke couldn't help but smile knowingly, raised his head and wanted to lie back in the beauty's arms.

But somehow, he vaguely felt as if something dangerous was lurking around him. But after the wine and beauty enjoyed themselves, even his sanity and sensitivity to danger dropped to the lowest point.

Just when he was confused and didn't know where this inexplicable panic came from, two red lights suddenly lit up in the darkness of the room. The pair of red lights appeared very suddenly. They came to him almost unconsciously, and attracted his attention in an instant.

For some reason, when Duke's eyes fell on the red light, his thoughts could no longer turn around. Although he felt something was wrong in his heart, his will, which had been weakened by repeated methods, could no longer resist the invasion of the red light.

Duke's face showed a look of pain and struggle, but he still couldn't take his eyes away from the red light. Even with the appearance of strange fluctuations in the red light, his spirit sank deeper and deeper, and the expression on his face became calmer.

Finally, he became completely silent!

"Alright, blood girl, I've got this guy under my control! It's up to you from now on." A delicate and sweet female voice sounded in the darkness.

"Well, thank you Lord Phantom. After I go back, I will deliver the things you specified to you as soon as possible. There are two more that I need to trouble you with!" Mary's voice also sounded in the darkness.

With a slight rustle of clothes, the female wizard named Phantom left the room, leaving the poor prey whose mind and spirit were bewitched by the illusion to Mary.

For a long time, Mary has only had one witch-level vampire subordinate in Blue Qiu City, but she has never successfully tried it on a powerful demon hunting knight, let alone a breaking method with higher mental willpower and magic resistance. knight.

So, taking advantage of this great opportunity, Mary spent a huge price to invite Phantom to help her open the hearts of these law-breaking knights and shake their faith and will. In this way, even if Mary fails to embrace them for the first time, under the cover of illusion, these law-breaking knights will only regard this as a new nightmare and will not easily expose the secrets of Rose Manor.

In the darkness, Mary sneered and approached Duke! chapter;

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