The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0220 Green Dragon is frustrated

Faced with a group of terrifying green dragons showing off their might, all the wizards hidden in the shadows of the jungle had no fear at all, and their eyes looking at the green dragons became even more fiery.

There was a dragon pet that was as cool as others described!

Perhaps the performance of the dragons angered him, a wizard slowly rose in the jungle 2 miles away from the dragons and confronted them from a distance.

He looked old, dressed in a black robe, and holding a long staff with strong witchcraft fluorescence in his hand. He was the only level 2 wizard in the wizard camp, Lord Fugen.

A mere level 2 wizard was not a threat in front of a group of adult green dragons. After all, among them, the weakest one had the strength of level 2! Moreover, the dragons have always dominated the material plane with their powerful flying ability and strong physique. It is not a problem to fight against powerful enemies across levels, not to mention that they are just fighting against a human wizard of the same level who is known for his weak body.

A young green dragon, who had just left Dragon Valley and participated in the plane war for the first time, roared out of the team. It seemed that he wanted to fight this suddenly appearing 2nd level wizard!

Several green dragons roared in unison in the sky, and the huge sound waves shook the forest.

Out of the desire for glory, the other green dragons did not stop the impulse of the young green dragon, but cheered loudly for it in dragon language.

The young green dragon became more and more excited and violent. First, he flapped his flesh wings and slowly raised his body. When the momentum was brewing to the extreme, he raised his neck and let out a loud dragon roar that tore through the sky, and then dived high towards the inconspicuous and weak enemy.

This is a terrifying creature with a body that is twelve meters long and six meters high. The dark green dragon scales as big as a bowl overturned the whole body, shining in the bright sky. The huge dragon head is two meters long, and the light green poisonous smoke cloud shrouds the front of the nose, which adds a bit of mystery and horror. When the giant mouth opens and closes, you can vaguely see the terrible acid ball that condenses in the throat.

The huge and ferocious spikes extend from the back of the neck to the end of the long tail. When the pair of wide and finely scaled flesh wings are about to flap, a strong hurricane always lingers around its elegant and perfect smooth body.

Green dragon!

A young green dragon that has just passed the larval stage and is about to enter the mature stage!

Its strength may be only level 2, but when it shows its strong body with smooth lines in front of everyone, the level is actually not so important.

With a terrible dragon roar and a sharp dragon power scattered all over the sky, the level 2 green dragon is like a green meteorite falling from the sky, swooping down on the level 2 human wizard Fugen standing proudly in the air with an unstoppable momentum.

Willis, who was in the woods far away and commanding the knights to gather, suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart. His companions' recklessness and restlessness made him frown deeply, but after scanning the battlefield, he really couldn't find anything wrong.

This made him even more irritated!

The green dragon was diving! The distance was getting closer!

In a blink of an eye, the green dragon was less than a hundred meters away from the hateful human wizard.

Seeing that the human still had no intention of dodging left and right, the green dragon's huge amber dragon eyes revealed a trace of disdain. With rich jungle hunting experience, it had already emerged in its mind countless response plans while diving.

If the human wizard flew left and right to dodge, it would swing its head at the moment of passing by the other party, and submerge his body with terrifying dragon breath. If the other party dodges downward, it only needs to sink its body slightly, and the thick and sharp dragon claws will instantly penetrate the weak protective barrier outside the human wizard's body and tear him into pieces.

As for a head-on collision with the green dragon? Even those monsters known for their strong bodies dare not be so arrogant!

But the human wizard in front of him did something strange that was beyond his expectations. Just when a terrible green dragon swooped down on him, he was still calmly chanting and casting spells. The sonorous and powerful spell syllables could not be covered even by the loud dragon roar.

A green halo was shot into the jungle below by the wizard Fugen.

So in the blink of an eye, the jungle that was still quiet just now came alive!

Terrible green vines as thick as water tanks rose into the sky, quickly wrapped around the body of the swooping green dragon, and pulled it to the ground. The vines were densely covered with terrible wooden thorns that flashed with metallic luster. As the vines tightened, they fiercely bit into the scales of the green dragon, making a noisy and harsh scraping sound.

Unexpectedly, the green dragon could no longer control its flying posture, and plunged into the dense jungle like a falling meteor.

A huge dust column and a terrible shock wave appeared in everyone's vision at the same time. The jungle within a hundred meters of the place where the green dragon fell was immediately destroyed by this terrible force. Countless broken trunks, branches and broken wood chips of ancient trees were swept in all directions by the violent shock wave, hitting the surrounding mountains and forests with waves and leaves falling like rain.

The level 2 green dragon just shook its head and crawled out of the huge crater in pain. In the jungle beside it, countless wizards appeared, and terrible witchcrafts rained down on it.

The green dragon stood up angrily and was about to spread its wings to escape from this group of despicable and shameless enemies. But the lower end of its body suddenly tightened, and countless thick green vines drilled out from the ground and were spreading on its body, locking it firmly in place.

The next second, amid the angry and terrified roar of the green dragon, the violent witchcraft explosion engulfed its body.

The green dragon's magic resistance is indeed very outstanding, but after all, it has its own limits. Facing multiple terrible attacks, even with the green dragon's thick skin and flesh, it couldn't help but scream in pain.

Knowing that the green dragon has high magic resistance, the wizards who came to besiege it did not use pure elemental witchcraft, but preferred mixed witchcraft.

One by one, dark red fireballs, lava fireballs, violent sound waves, and distorted space were all raging wildly on the green dragon's body. The huge dragon scales were blown to pieces, and the flesh and blood underneath were quickly eroded in the terrifying witchcraft wave.

Just as the green dragon was frantically fighting against the witchcraft wave and green vines, some guys who took advantage of the fire emerged from the jungle. The bloodthirsty demon wolf with rotten and dark fur, the terrifying and violent ape with red eyes and fearless fear of death, the slender and squeaky vampire bats, and seven or eight strange beetles with black armor and green wings and corpse spots on their backs...

These witch beasts took advantage of the green dragon being entangled by the green vines, braved the fierce artillery fire of the wizards, pounced on the green dragon, and madly gnawed the exposed flesh and blood.

The pain of the insects biting the body made the green dragon feel so painful that it wanted to die. It opened its mouth wide, and a continuous stream of terrifying green poisonous fog swept its body.

The highly corrosive acidic poisonous fog instantly killed a large number of enemies.

All the witch beasts wrapped in the poisonous fog were like being thrown into an acid pool. The whole body was almost dissolved into a sticky green liquid, and even the hard bones could not be preserved. The fragile vampire derivatives were even more affected. Once they were touched by the poisonous fog, they would scream in pain and turn into a pool of green liquid in a few seconds.

But only those strange beetles seemed to be indifferent to the poisonous breath of the level 2 green dragon. They still stubbornly bit the flesh and blood of the green dragon. The green vines seemed to have extremely high corrosion resistance and were not damaged by the green dragon's breath.

The green dragon was furious to the point where its broken body struggled desperately in the entanglement of the vines. The bony dragon tail, like a huge meteor hammer, swept across and finally smashed a strange beetle into a meat paste.

A strange sharp insect hiss sounded in the jungle. Many beetles seemed to have received some instructions. One by one, they tried their best to lie on the belly of the green dragon and gnawed desperately there. This position is really good. With the huge size of the green dragon, it is really difficult to attack this part when it is inconvenient to move.

The loud dragon roars sounded one after another, and the sky was instantly filled with the huge bodies of green dragons!

Carrying the dragon knight on his back, the other three green dragons swooped down like sharp arrows, looking like they wanted to save their companions.

The wizard Fugen, who was still standing on the top of the forest, swung his staff, and thick green vines rose up from the nearby forests and entangled the rushing green dragons.

Swish, swish, swish...

Three blinding suns suddenly lit up on the back of the green dragon, and the violent and condensed energy sword blade swept down and collided with the green vines. The vines that could withstand the strong acid breath of the green dragon could not withstand the fierce sword energy of the third-level dragon knight, and were instantly chopped into pieces and defeated.

Taking advantage of the temporary retreat of the green vines, the three dragon knights slashed the trapped green dragon's side with a few swords, and the vines extending from the ground were immediately cut off.

The freed green dragon angrily broke free from the restraints, forced the enemies around it away with a large mouthful of green poisonous mist, and then jumped up and flew crookedly into the sky.

Unfortunately, the severely injured dragon wings were no longer able to support it to continue soaring in the sky.

Its left wing had already bent and drooped at its side, making it difficult to stretch. The tip of the right wing was also missing a section, and there were several large holes in the flesh membrane. The injuries on its chest, ribs, and lower abdomen were particularly serious. Large pieces of dragon scales disappeared, and the flesh underneath was bloody. Through the missing flesh, the thick tendons and white bones in the green dragon's body could already be seen.

Such serious injuries obviously made it unable to fly.

After struggling a few times in the low air, the green dragon fell down with a wail.

The fierce wind whistled, and a green dragon with a larger body swooped down, braving the sorcery waves that soared into the sky, stretched out its thick hind claws to grab its companion's body, and flapped its wings vigorously, flying higher and higher with difficulty.

The dragon knight's long sword standing on the green dragon's back flew, and a series of gorgeous flame blades slashed left and right, annihilating the incoming sorcery in the terrifying sword light. But even so, the violent witchcraft that had escaped still made the two green dragons groan.

If it weren't for the excellent physical and magical resistance of dragon scales and dragon skin, other flying monsters would have been knocked down by the wizards.

Two thick green breaths swept through the nearby mountains and forests, and the other two dragon knights also rode green dragons to help. In the terrifying breath of the green dragon and the terrifying sword light of the dragon knight, the evil wizards hurriedly dodged, and finally reduced a lot of burden on the two green dragons in the siege.

With difficulty, the green dragons flew away from the wizards' battlefield! chapter;

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