The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0246 Dragon Battle

In the eyes of all the indigenous creatures of the material plane, dragons are top predators at the top of the food chain. .

If there were demon hunters who doubted this in the past, then today's human-dragon war will tell you how correct this statement is with bloody reality!

When a row of five green dragons swooped down from the sky with a sharp whistle, and then plowed a road of death on the ground with terrifying dragon breath, and the dense arrows of humans could not do anything to the other side, how great was the despair in the hearts of humans!

Because of the long-standing friendship with the Dragon Valley, the Skandre City, which has been resting on its laurels for thousands of years, not only has no city walls, but also no defensive facilities such as crossbows or catapults that can threaten the dragons. Therefore, facing the extinct dragon breath sky attack of the dragon, the well-equipped palace guards can only flee everywhere, and then die painfully in the billowing green smoke.

The only thing that can cause harm to the dragons is the violent sword skills of the high-level knights.

Unfortunately, when many Spellbreaker Knights took advantage of the first few waves of dragons swooping to the lowest point, they used violent sword skills to hit them, making them groan continuously. The subsequent waves of dragon attacks consciously focused their attacks on them.

The magic resistance of the Spellbreaker Knights could not withstand the dense attacks of the dragons.

The large-scale wind poison breath plus the short and fast acid spray eliminated the high-level knights among the guards one by one.

As for the four Radiant Knights, they were fighting with the level 3 green dragon Lacio on the platform in front of the palace square, and they had no chance to help their companions and subordinates in a miserable situation.

Among the four Radiant Knights, only two took the route of violent knights. The rune energy brought them a physical increase that made their strength soar, which was able to threaten the level 3 green dragon in close combat. The other two Radiant Knights paid more attention to speed and skills. Although this gave them more flexibility, it also made it difficult for them to break the tough dragon scales on the green dragon's body and hurt its body in close combat.

The four Radiant Knights dodged and evaded the huge body of the Level 3 Green Dragon Lacio, avoiding the opponent's terrifying big bite, fierce wing flapping and terrible long tail swing. Only when the companions attracted the attention of the green dragon would someone rush up and imprint the most violent sword skills on the weak part of the green dragon's body.

Regardless of whether the attack is successful, the attacker must exit the attack range of the green dragon as quickly as possible, otherwise the next swift counterattack of the green dragon Lacio, whether it is breathing, biting, grabbing, or tail sweeping, is not something the Radiant Knight can withstand.

There are two main ways for green dragons to breathe. One is a large-scale and long-term poisonous fog breath, which is also their favorite choice when diving. But in close combat, the green dragon can also attack the enemy with a fast acid venom spray.

Although the range of this acid venom spray is not wide enough, it is short, flat and fast, and the attack power is not weak. Within a close range of 20 to 30 meters, even with the defense and magic resistance of the Radiant Knight, this breath of strong acid and poison cannot be taken head-on, otherwise the flesh and blood will be corroded and turned into charred bones.

It is precisely because of so many powerful weapons that the violent Lacio dared to land on the ground and fight with the four powerful Radiant Knights with his clumsy figure.

The battle was only a quarter of an hour, and seven or eight inch-long scars appeared on the huge body of the green dragon, and its right armpit was also chopped into a bloody mess by the violent sword skills. The dark green dragon scales were blown away, revealing a huge bloody hole.

Although such injuries look terrible, they are only considered medium injuries on the body of a strong and powerful dragon!

And two of the four Radiant Knights have already withdrawn from the battlefield.

One was hit in the chest by the green dragon's tail. Although he used a long sword to block it, the violent force still caused his sternum to break and he vomited blood. The other one had his right arm directly destroyed by the acid venom and could no longer hold the long sword.

Even the remaining two were covered with wounds, panting and struggling.

There was no other way. The dragons have always been proud of their powerful physical strength and terrible magic resistance. Their powerful strength allows them to have the ability to cross levels to fight against powerful enemies. Therefore, the 3rd level violent green dragon in front of him actually has a combat power no less than that of an ordinary 4th level.

However, the four glorious knights are only 2nd level. They rely on their flesh and blood to fight against 4th level strongmen. Such a result is also the result of their desperate fight!

For a moment, on the top of Mingsu Mountain and in the entire palace, there were the shrill cries of human guards and the sharp whistles of the dragons when they swooped down. There were people running away with their heads in their hands everywhere. There was charred land left by the dragon's breath everywhere. The scattered human bones and the pools of terrible green liquid were even more shocking.

And on the palace walls, palace roofs, towers, and avenues, you can see the remains of guards whose bodies have melted away halfway!

The three people, Grimm, who were hiding in the side hall and watching the tragic scene outside, naturally had different feelings in their hearts. As natives of this plane, Cobalt Blue and Huahua looked at the palace guards who were slaughtered, and felt relieved in their hearts, but they couldn't help but feel an indescribable sadness! But Grimm had no pity or regret for the humans in the other plane in front of him.

This is actually the most common mentality in the plane world!

The inherent cognition of wizards is that only the humans in the wizard world can be barely regarded as the same race because they are the origin of their bloodline. In the eyes of wizards, humans in other worlds are just a group of humanoid creatures.

This current situation is somewhat similar to the online games in the previous life on Earth. The wizards were a group of intruding players, while the local indigenous people were just NPCs who looked like humans. Therefore, the wizards really had no burden in their hearts when they slaughtered such natives.

Originally, Greem thought that it would be difficult for him to cross the threshold in his heart, but now that he is watching the humans from another world being massacred by dragons, his mood is as calm as if he is just watching a fantasy drama from another world. This made him sigh secretly. The years of hard work in the wizarding world have indeed made him change a lot!

Seeing that the time was ripe, Greem did not dare to neglect, and stretched out his hand to draw dark red talisman lines in front of his eyes. When a strange flaming rune was completely generated, Greem pursed his lips and blew, and the rune disappeared in an instant.

Then Greem took out another strange orb with a strange shape and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Okay, the rune seal on your books has been lifted!" Greem turned around and said calmly: "Say hello to Prophet Mars for me."

After saying that, he no longer waited for the response of the two indigenous wizards, pushed out the door, and ran towards the distant hall with long strides.

"How is it? Is there any response from the prophet?" The cobalt blue wizard couldn't help but tilted his head and asked: "Don't let that wizard fool us!"

Wizard Huahua held his forehead with his right hand, closed his eyes and cast spells for a moment, then finally opened his eyes and nodded: "The seal of witchcraft has indeed been lifted. Lord Prophet asked us to go back immediately! Let's go!"

The cobalt blue wizard nodded silently, looked at the terrifying wizard's retreating figure from afar, turned around, and began to retreat along the way he came with his companions.

They were not here to help Greem, but were responsible for personal "protection" to prevent him from having any other mishaps before the rune seals on the batch of witchcraft books were released. The agreement between the two parties was completed the moment the dragons attacked.

Prophet Mars used his wisdom to help Grim lure away most of the radiant knights. If he could not successfully kill Edward VII, it would be because his ability was too poor and the Prophet was not to blame.


It's still that exquisite and spacious palace.

The closed palace door was suddenly knocked open by a staggering figure.

The visitor was wearing the dazzling knight armor of the Glory Knight, which was full of terrible traces corroded by the green dragon's acid venom. The face-shielding armor had obviously suffered a violent impact from an external force and had become somewhat distorted. The exposed skin was also covered in large pools of blood, making it difficult to identify it at the moment.

The two glorious knights who were guarding the hall were suddenly startled, and they drew out their rune swords at the same time. They breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the attire of the visitor clearly.

They rushed forward, and just as they were about to help their companion, they heard the other person's hoarse voice shouting: "Go to the rescue...go to the rescue..."

Before he finished speaking, the visitor had already fallen to the ground, his head drooped, and he had obviously passed out.

"The battle situation ahead must be critical, otherwise your Excellency will not send people back to ask for help. I will go and take a look, and you stay here and continue to protect His Majesty the King!" The older Glory Knight made a quick decision, gave a few simple words, stood up and took the Several law-breaking knights hurried out of the palace and went straight to the place where the fighting was most intense.

The remaining glorious knight was as anxious as if a hundred claws were scratching his heart, but he could only suppress it by force. Immediately, his attention was attracted by his companion who fell on the ground.

As high-level knights, although their mental power is not as strong and sharp as spellcasters, they are far more powerful than ordinary people. The aura of any companion can be directly distinguished with just a slight touch. However, today was extremely strange. He could clearly feel the familiar aura on the "injured" lying in front of him, but he was unable to determine the identity of the person for the moment.

Could it be that the dragon cast some strange spell on him?

He raised his companion's body doubtfully and pulled the opponent's body over. Just when he was about to take off the injured man's twisted helmet, he felt a sudden pain in his abdomen, as if there was a burning stick. The iron bar was driven directly in.

He lowered his head in surprise, only to find that the muscles of the injured person's right hand were knotted and red like fire, and they were viciously stabbing into his stomach, and seemed to be still struggling to push deeper.

And the next moment, a large fire burst into the sky.

A terrifying fire demon was resurrected in his arms! chapter;

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