The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0249 Plane Feedback

After finishing the chores, it was time for the sex scene that Grimm had been looking forward to the most, the task reward!

Last time, he just worked hard in the plane war and got a heart of the Flame Demon that was more in line with his attributes. So this time, after completing two tasks so smoothly, what rewards will he get?

The mental depression brought by the blood curse that he just witnessed was also rapidly fading.

Inexplicably, Grimm's heart became excited again!

A magic crystal card representing 100,000 magic crystals and a wizard tower with standard configuration, this is the final war reward that Grimm got from this plane trip.

Such a reward is not too generous.

You know, the normal magic crystal income of an ordinary wizard participating in a plane war should be between 30,000 and 50,000 magic crystals. And Lord Sarupo directly raised Grimm's to 100,000, which is obviously a recognition of his strength and hard work.

However, compared with the wizard tower in the reward, 100,000 magic crystals seem insignificant.

This wizard tower promised by the great wizard Sarubo is completely different from the swamp tower where Grimm had stayed.

After all, the swamp tower still belongs to the private property of the Sarubo family, and the Anderson wizard is only temporarily in control of it in the name of the wizard stationed in the tower. The wizard tower awarded this time will become Grimm's private territory, completely controlled by him personally.

This also means that from now on, Grimm will have a safe space that the Sarubo family cannot invade or deprive at will. And the basic value of such a wizard tower in the wizard world is also more than 200,000 magic crystals.

However, such a reward obviously cannot be issued in the knight plane, so Grimm's new wizard tower can only be kept until he returns to the wizard world and chooses a suitable location. The Sarubo family will naturally be responsible for the subsequent construction and material consumption.

And this is obviously also a means for the Sarubo family to retain talents!

The only way for Grimm to get this reward is to sign a new contract with the great wizard Sarubo, and he must not leave the Sarubo family within a hundred years. And Grimm agreed after thinking for a moment.

After the rewards were distributed, Grimm had just left the room of the great wizard Sarupo when he was invited by the wizard Fugen. He was eager to see Grimm because he wanted to ask about Grimm's subsequent plans.

Now that the Knight Plane has been initially stabilized, the rule of the Sarupo wizard family will be rapidly extended here, so a large number of wizards are urgently needed here to fill the power vacuum formed after the collapse of the Knight Kingdom. At the same time, the wizard power of the main plane wizard world and the two secondary planes cannot be vacant for too long, so wizards are also needed to take charge.

Therefore, the wizard Fugen took the initiative to ask Grimm's opinion to see which lifestyle he prefers.

Grimm asked a few questions in a low voice, and then he knew that before he came back, all the wizards in the camp had made their own choices. He didn't care how other wizards chose, and the only two people he cared about, Mary and Entic, actually chose to stay in the Knight Plane!

This made him feel a little weird.

But thinking back, this seems to be completely reasonable!

Mary and Entik are both bloodline wizards, and their individual strength growth is very different from that of elemental wizards. Seriously speaking, both of them are on the bloody killing route!

As a vampire wizard, Mary's growth is inseparable from the nourishment of a large amount of high-quality fresh blood, which is obviously difficult to obtain easily in the wizard world. But here, those fleeing demon hunters, lawbreakers, and shining knights can all become her prey. As long as she works hard, she may have a completely worthwhile harvest.

But if it were in the wizard world, wizards of the same level there would never allow her to hunt and sneak attack at will.

By the same token, the evil insect Entik also needs a large amount of high-quality flesh and blood to water and cultivate more carrion beetles, so staying in the knight plane to clear out the remaining demon hunters is also a good choice!

Facing two "old friends" who can only become stronger by fighting and fighting continuously, the elemental wizards that Grimm chose for himself can't do this at all.

Elemental wizards are more particular about the comprehension and application of rules, which requires the accumulation of a vast amount of knowledge and skills, so there is no way to be lazy. Even if Grimm has the assistance of a chip, he will take fewer detours than others, and he will have less time to accumulate knowledge than others, but the collection of a vast amount of knowledge is still a super long process.

And this knowledge is hard to find in the Knight plane.

So after thinking deeply, Grimm chose to return to the wizard world.

After all, that is the origin of wizards, and it is much easier to collect knowledge than in the other world. As for the resources to support his subsequent survival, the bulging storage belt is his greatest confidence guarantee!

At the beginning of his departure, Grimm also wanted to meet Mary to consolidate the relationship between the two. Unfortunately, the internal affairs of the Knight plane are busy, and those wizards who choose to stay here have been sent to various places in the plane by Fugen. Therefore, Grimm can only regretfully follow the twelve wizards through the void vortex again and return to the half plane of the Sarupo family.

Here, Grimm saw the true form of Lord Sarubo again.

When Lord Sarubo saw everyone, the only thing he did was to grab with his bony ghost hand and take out pieces of fragments flashing with strange light from everyone's soul.

Grimm was caught in the crowd, and felt a sharp pain in his soul, which was restored to normal after a moment.

Looking at the soul fragments taken away by the great wizard Sarupo, Grimm couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, and couldn't help but communicate with the chip.

"Chip, can you determine what Sarupo took away?"

"Ding, the chip database is querying... Zizizi, an abnormal error is found, and part of the database is missing... Warning, warning, the chip database has been slightly damaged, and some data has been lost..."

"Chip, be more specific, what kind of data is it?"

"Ding, there is relevant data about the original plane coordinates of the Knight plane..."

That's it!

Grimm understood it now.

It turned out that what the great wizard Sarupo took away from everyone's soul just now was not anything else, but the plane coordinate information of the Knight plane.

Now the Knight plane has actually become the third secondary plane of the Sarupo family, and has become the personal property of the great wizard Sarupo. Once the coordinate information of this mature material plane is leaked, it may attract the conspiracy and calculation of many predators and enemies for him.

So as soon as Grimm and other family wizards came out of the Knight Plane, the first thing that Great Wizard Sarubo did was to erase the relevant plane information from everyone's soul.

Those old family wizards were obviously not experiencing this kind of thing for the first time, so they were calm. And Grimm, Kogan and a few other wizards all showed a trace of uncertainty on their faces. However, the guys who could stand here were all people with deep strategies, and they quickly covered up this suspicion.

"You did a good job in this plane. The family has recorded your achievements. After you go back, the relevant rewards will be implemented one by one. Well, you go back!" The head of Great Wizard Sarubo, covered by the black robe, was still hanging down, but a low voice clearly echoed in everyone's mind.

The wizards bowed and responded.

After exiting this grand secret hall, the wizards nodded to each other and ran to different destinations.

Grimm, Korgan, Ferrier and Kiel all wanted to return to the wizard world, so they walked together and successfully returned to the wizard tower at the family headquarters with the help of the remote teleportation array in the demiplane.

As soon as they stepped out of the teleportation array, several people groaned at the same time.

Kiel, the most powerful body-refining wizard, just held his forehead and was dizzy for a moment, and then recovered. And the weakest pharmacist Ferrier even collapsed to the ground and could not get up for a while. Grimm and Korgan also held their heads with both hands, silently enduring the pain brought by the backlash of the plane laws.

After staying in the knight plane for such a long time, they were infected with a trace of the breath of the other plane from their body and mind to their soul, so a sudden return must also require a process of re-adaptation.

Harrison, the wizard stationed in the tower who stayed behind, sensed the abnormality of the teleportation array and appeared in the hall almost instantly. Seeing the appearance of several people, he thought about it and understood the reason.

Under his command, seven or eight young wizard apprentices, male or female, rushed forward, intending to help the wizards return to their residences to rest.

The sturdy Kil waved his hand and waved away the two apprentices who came to him. In just a short while, he had basically recovered to normal. The ability of the body-refining wizard to control the body is really enviable!

And Grimm's physique is obviously quite special.

After completing the elementalization of his body, he no longer has too many fatal defects as a human, so he is also the second wizard to recover after Kil.

Waving his hand to refuse the apprentice's help, Grimm silently watched Kogan and Ferrier being sent back to their residence by the apprentices.

In the depths of his soul, as the powerful mental power fought against the waves of plane backlash, the crisp prompts of the chip kept ringing in Grimm's mind.

"Detected the penetration of alien energy, preliminary analysis shows that it has a huge benefit to the wizard's mental power. May I ask if the host will isolate it?"

Damn, it can benefit the mental power and still isolate it? Did I think I had a brain seizure?

Grimm ordered unhappily: "No need to isolate, keep monitoring!"

"Received! Keep monitoring..."

In Grimm's mind, on the bar chart representing his physical data, all the main attributes began to rise sharply, and the speed of the rise was getting faster and faster.

Finally, when this sudden data change stopped, Grimm's latest physical data was freshly released.

Grimm, human, male, 1st-level elemental wizard, body: strength 2, 6 agility 1, 1 constitution 3, 7 spirit 6, 3, condition: healthy. chapter;

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