The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0255 The Power of the Wizard

There were no common declarations of war among human nobles,

nor were there any hypocritical greetings.

After the two sides met, a battle between wizards broke out immediately!

The old wizard named Colan raised his hand and kept swiping in the air. Every time a strange fluorescent rune appeared in the air, a terrifying alien creature roared out of the void.

Spirit-tailed lions, dark sound blind monsters, ogre wizards, wyverns, Fumi ant workers, night hounds...

Although they were not too advanced alien creatures, they basically had the terrifying strength of quasi-wizard level. And more importantly, their number seemed... a little too much!

These alien creatures came across space under the constraints of witchcraft power, and they rushed straight to the wizard Korgan as soon as they appeared. And the wizard Korgan also showed a ferocious smile on his face and rushed forward.

The fight had already started next to him, and Grimm certainly couldn't be idle.

Looking up at the two wizards staring at him coldly, Grimm smiled.

Use the summoning wizard to entangle Korgan, and then concentrate two attacking wizards to deal with him first? I have to say that their calculations are quite accurate. But whether the plan can succeed depends on their ability!

As Grimm strode forward, the battle between the three wizards broke out immediately.

Carlos, who was good at cursing, moved his body quickly to keep himself outside Grimm's terrifying flame barrier. As he murmured, a rotten and withered short wooden stick in his hand kept waving at Grimm, and a series of black or gray curse halos covered his head without any explanation.

Some of these curse halos disappeared silently after entering the flame barrier, and some were intercepted by the rapidly rotating lava shield. Very few of them could penetrate Grimm's body.

Although there are few witchcraft curses that can take effect, they can't withstand the continuous number!

Grimm, who was striding forward, groaned, and his originally flaming body suddenly dimmed a little, obviously affected by the curse.

Mental trance!

Physical strength loss!

Space disorder!


Damn, what kind of bastard witchcraft is this!

Although each of these curse effects is life-threatening, once they accumulate, it is still a heavy burden for Grimm, who is fighting one against two. If he is affected by the curse at the critical moment of the battle, the terrible consequences are something Grimm does not want to imagine!

Grimm roared angrily, and the violent flame power in his body suddenly swept out, instantly washing away the negative effects on his body. And the red light in his eyes gathered, and a terrifying sun flame ray shot out, piercing the heart of the Carlos wizard.

Carlos, who had been wandering outside the flame barrier, chuckled strangely and disappeared from his original position in an instant. And at the same time, the Mai Silan wizard who had been standing still also disappeared with him.

Not good! It's a trick!

Grimm's eyes narrowed, and his body disappeared from the spot after a slight pause.

With a light sound of flames bursting, Grimm reappeared a hundred meters away. His tall and majestic body staggered two steps before he could barely stand firm. And under his right waist and ribs, a large group of strange black smoke was tightly wrapped there. The dark red lava body that was originally hidden under the blazing flames was revealed, and it had been eroded by the black smoke and turned into a purple color.

In another place, the figures of the two wizards Carlos and Mai Silan also appeared.

The appearance of the wizard Carlos was normal. Except for some burn marks on the corners of the purple robe, everything else was intact. But the black smoke around the wizard Mai Silan was much thinner, and the figure of a tall and thin wizard was vaguely revealed.

And at the edge of the black smoke, it seemed that clusters of small flames burning tenaciously could be seen.

Taking advantage of the gap when Grimm launched the attack just now, the two insidious wizards joined forces to launch a sneak attack. If Grimm had not escaped in time, he would have suffered a great loss!

Grimm used the power of fire to extinguish the strange black smoke on his waist and ribs. But the black smoke was so difficult to extinguish because of some kind of witchcraft.

As a last resort, Grimm's sharp lava claws suddenly pierced into his injured part, and fiercely cut off the whole piece of lava flesh and blood and threw it away, and then scooped up a large ball of sticky molten magma from the lava pool under his feet to paste the wound.

During this period, the hateful Carlos once again quickly circled around Grimm, constantly casting disgusting curse witchcraft on him. And that Mai Silan sneered and turned into a strange black smoke, rushing randomly in the void, avoiding Grimm's lava fireballs that streaked like meteors.

Whenever the black smoke saw that Grimm was unable to move, it would suddenly rush into the flame barrier, withstand the burning of the elemental flames, and create strange wounds on its huge body in a way of exchanging injuries.

All the parts that were eroded by the black smoke would almost lose their original connection with Grimm, becoming the best breakthrough point for the evil curse of Carlos on the periphery.

Grimm and the opponent had only fought for a quarter of an hour, and they had already been suppressed by their tacit cooperation.

Secretly, Grimm silently shook his head and sighed.

The higher plane is worthy of being a higher plane, and the creatures in it are far more powerful than those in the lower plane!

Half a month ago, he was still killing people in the Knight plane, slaughtering the 1st level law-breaking knights like killing chickens and dogs. But now that he has returned to the wizard world, facing the siege of two 1st level wizards, he seems to be at a loss.

Fire magic may indeed be the most suitable elemental magic for battlefield slaughter, but in the small battlefield battles between wizards, it still has various defects and shortcomings.

What if the most powerful fire magic can't hit the enemy? What if the most terrifying fire barrier can't cover the enemy? Facing the equally flexible and terrifying wizards, if Grimm doesn't find a way to continue to strengthen his abilities, then his past advantages will no longer exist.

Grimm roared angrily and finally decided to use all his strength.

As a terrifying elemental crystal core was thrown out, the wizard-level fire lord stood up beside Grimm. On the other side, the tall fire giant also emerged from the blazing flames.

Today, this quasi-witch-level fire giant can hardly serve as a qualified thug. But keeping it for self-destruction can also make use of the residual heat!

In addition, Grimm stretched out his right hand, and a long flame whip condensed by the power of fire was instantly generated. With it, it would not be so easy for that Mai Silan to break through Grimm's defense. The voodoo scroll appeared silently in Grimm's left hand, which was steaming with flames, and kept turning by itself.

The wizards present have never been weak. The strange existence of the voodoo scroll made Carlos and Mai Silan frown.

Soul Armor!

This is definitely soul armour!

However, all soul armours have their own unique witchcraft abilities, and it is difficult to judge what specific effects they have by their appearance. And once I make a mistake and the fire wizard seizes the opportunity, I am afraid that this soul armour alone can make me suffer a big loss!

It is with this cognition that the two wizards can't help but slow down their hands and feet, and become more conservative in attack and defense.

As a fire wizard, Grimm is undoubtedly an elemental wizard who is best at creating a home field. Therefore, with the roaring and attacking of the three terrifying fire demons, a large area of ​​the battlefield was transformed into a terrifying lava pool with black and red magma rolling.

There were fewer and fewer safe places for the two wizards to stand!


Several elite apprentices of the Salubo family stood high on the city wall, looking at the wizard battlefield with trembling souls.

If the previous battle between apprentices was fierce and hot, then the wizard battle at this moment was like a huge lava volcano suddenly inserted into the battlefield. The fierce flames and violent witchcraft were crisscrossing, which had seriously changed the terrain around the Rockor Castle.

Even though they were 1 mile away from the battlefield, everyone could still feel the terrible high heat and the wind pressure coming from the face. The rumbling roars were endless, and when any terrifying witchcraft burst out from the center of the battlefield, everyone's heart would pause slightly.

They were afraid that the wizards would fight so hard that they would wipe out the castle behind them without paying attention!

As for whether the terrifying wizard Grimm was the most powerful among these wizards, they didn't know. But they knew that the wizard Grimm was definitely the most terrifying!

There were large lava pools on the ground, layers of black and red fire clouds in the sky, and between the sky and the earth, there was a world of blazing fire.

This terrifying wizard Grimm turned this place into his home ground with his own strength. He showed the horror of a powerful wizard to the world and to these future wizards in a naked and almost crazy way!

The terrible destructive power of a powerful wizard was shown to the fullest by him, which was daunting!

At the end of the battle, the entire battlefield was already ablaze, and even the two quasi-wizards could hardly peek into the progress of the battle from the vast and turbulent elemental frenzy.


When the entire battlefield turned into a sea of ​​fire, Grimm's full power was truly released.

The elusive flame jumps and the fast running in the sea of ​​fire, the chronic disease that limited his speed in the past no longer exists.

The violent and ferocious fire magic gave him an unparalleled long-range killing ability, even a lava fireball that he casually triggered had terrible power. And the powerful body of the fire demon doubled his physical fitness after the sudden increase, and the physical fitness of up to 7 points was almost close to the level of those body-refining wizards.

This also means that he has both terrible long-range attack capabilities and strong close combat capabilities!

When the battle was completed, Grimm, who was suppressed by Carlos and Mai Silan, actually had the ability to suppress in reverse.


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