The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0265 Two-Faced Wizard

The president of the Black Hand Association, the green dwarf Pairo, led another wizard to retreat quickly, and soon handed over the battlefield to the two participating people.

As long as the two of them were not directly involved in today's battle, even if Greem was killed, it would be difficult for the Salupo family to use this as an excuse to seek revenge on them afterwards.

Greem hesitated for a moment, then put the wooden statue in his hand back into his arms without crushing it.

This is a witchcraft amulet given to him by Lord Sanazha.

According to the agreement, as long as she crushes the wooden statue within a hundred miles of Fedenan City, she can instantly teleport over and kill the opponent.

But the enemy in front of him obviously expected this.

The wizards of the Black Hand Association did not take action, but instead invited a powerful wandering wizard. If the tyrannical Lord Sanazha is invited here without hesitation, but there is no one for her to kill, I am afraid that Greem will also be punished.

Moreover...even if the opponent is the famous double-faced wizard in the middle of the continent, Greem is confident that the opponent will return without success. Moreover, his strength has increased greatly recently, and he also wants to verify his strength.

Just when Greem was thinking about making a decision, the double-faced wizard took action without hesitation.

The first one to take action was Lucy, the sister of the Double-Faced Wizard, and she was good at the rare sonic witchcraft.

Her eyes were closed tightly, her mouth was wide open, her hands were clasped in front of her mouth, and she leaned forward to make a shouting gesture. The powerful sound waves even stirred up the transparent air, forming strange ripples in the void that quickly spread towards Greem.

No sound is heard, or no sound at all.

Wizard Lucy's death cry has obviously gone far beyond the scope of sound waves that ordinary people can hear, and has entered the realm of terrifying sound waves.

All objects in front of Lucy vibrated and disintegrated the moment they came into contact with the sound ripples.

The tall trees first disintegrated into wood pieces of different sizes, and then the wood pieces disintegrated into thumb-sized wood chips as they were shaken and thrown away. The wood chips are still shaking and flying, and then turn into broken wood chips that are difficult to identify with the naked eye...

Thousands of grass and grass on the ground began to vibrate, and were torn into scattered pieces by an invisible big hand in the air. The green juice is even more loaded with terrifying kinetic energy, hitting everything in front of it like a bullet with holes in it.

The lava shield that Greem had propped up in time also withstood severe tests under the raging horrific sound waves.

The lava shield has always been known for its excellent physical and elemental defense. The moment it encounters terrifying sound waves, the combination of hard lava and black and red magma becomes fragile. With the crackling sound, the lava flakes on the surface of the shield collapsed, and the black-red magma began to self-explode. There was a great danger of disintegration if it came into contact with it.

At the same time, the chip warning in Greem's mind was also ringing crazily.

"Warning, the intrusion of high-frequency sound waves has been detected. Please leave this high-frequency area quickly, otherwise it will cause huge concussive damage to the body..."

Damn it, the opponent's sonic attack turned out to be penetrating damage, and the lava shield couldn't resist it at all.

Greem suppressed the annoyance in his chest and threw a lava fireball at the opponent. Then he paused slightly and used the flame jump to leave the place. After all, the opponent's sonic attack is a directional witchcraft. As long as you avoid the front of the opponent's body, you will be completely immune to the sonic shock.

Wizard Lucy leaned over and shouted and immediately increased the intensity of her shouts. The lava fireball that flew halfway actually exploded as the surface lava layer was damaged.

When Greem appeared with a ball of flame 50 meters away to the left, the double-faced wizard turned his head and instantly switched from wizard Lucy to Kane. And he, who has been silently chanting the spell behind his back, has actually guided a large-scale witchcraft to the final stage.

"Hamedis, Frozen Frenzy!"

With the completion of the last witchcraft incantation, Wizard Kane folded his arms as if to support him, and large groups of blue ice crystals were mixed in the cold wind and hit Greem overwhelmingly.

The lava shield outside his body had been destroyed, and he had just used his only mobile sorcery. Greem's expression tightened, and he could only step back and wave the flame scepter in his right hand. As the light from the head of the staff flashed, a tall fire djinn appeared in front of him, blocking the icy frenzy that hit him head and face.

The quasi-witch-level efreet that once helped Greem deal with many powerful enemies was now finding it difficult to hold up the scene.

Even if it pushed out thick pillars of fire from its hands with all its heart and soul, it still couldn't stop the invasion of cold wind and ice crystals. In a moment, the 5-meter-tall fire giant was frozen in a piece of ice crystal by the terrifying power of ice, and maintained its posture of struggling to resist.

After a few fingers, the ice crystal cracked, and the efreeti disintegrated into ice slag all over the ground.

The poor efreet died in battle before he even had a chance to self-destruct this time!

Taking advantage of the short time that the efreeti sacrifice bought him, Greem flipped the Voodoo Scroll in his hand quickly, and soon triggered a fire core melting explosion to shoot at the opponent.

But before this red light, which represented Greem's strongest single-body witchcraft, could fall on the opponent, Lucy, who switched to a female face again, once again cracked it with a death cry.

Therefore, facing the violent ice spears coming towards him, Greem could only use flame jump to avoid the opponent's attack again.

In the following battles, Grimm approached the two-faced wizard several times by leaping with flames, intending to disrupt the opponent's rhythm with the most ferocious instant magic, but unfortunately he was forced back by the opponent who was ready for battle every time. After several attempts, Grimm had to painfully admit that there are wizards in this world who are specifically designed to restrain him!

Grimm is a fire-specialized wizard, so the power of fire-related magic is naturally stronger than that of other wizards. But the two-faced wizard on the opposite side, brother Kane, is an ice-related wizard, which happens to be mutually exclusive with Grimm. And the sonic attack that sister Lucy is good at has natural penetration and defense-breaking properties, so even if Grimm turns into a fire demon with thick skin and flesh, fire and blood, he may find it difficult to resist.

Moreover, they are in tune with each other. When one of them controls his body and fights with Grimm, the other can hide behind him and silently chant spells. When those large-scale magics are guided to the final stage, the brother and sister will complete the role exchange and catch Grimm off guard with violent and fierce magic.

With the advantage of two souls in one body, the two-faced wizard pressed forward step by step, and even made it difficult for Grimm to stand firm. Grimm had no choice but to jump around frequently in the battlefield in order to find the enemy's flaws.

It can be said that even when he was fighting one against two outside the Rockor Castle last time, Grimm had never been so embarrassed!

Facing the fierce enemy, Grimm moved quickly, fighting against the opponent with instant lava fireballs, while listening to the strategic assessment of the chip in his mind.

"Ding, the enemy intelligence has been collected. After data comparison and analysis, it is estimated that the main body has only a 34% chance of winning the battle with it..."

"Send the Rotten One?"

"The chance of winning is increased to 41%..."

"Add the Roarer!"

"The chance of winning is increased to 53%..."

Grimm secretly wiped a cold sweat.

Even if the two wizard-level magic puppets representing his regular combat power were sent up, the winning rate was only barely more than half. This made me, who was full of confidence a few days ago and fantasized about sweeping the same-level opponents all day long, feel embarrassed!

"What if I send the Flame Tyrant?"

"The chance of winning is increased to 128%..."

"What if it's just me and the Flame Tyrant?"

"The chance of winning is 93%... Note: This data does not include the opponent's unknown powerful means!"

"That's enough!"

Grimm quickly communicated with the chip and made up his mind soon.

Facing such a powerful opponent, sending the Roarer and the Corrupter with average combat power will not be able to turn the tide of the battle. If I want to make a final decision, I'm afraid I can only send my strongest combat power - the Flame Tyrant!

As for the Flame Demon Transformation! Due to the terrible sequelae of the Flame Demon Heart and the fact that the new Flame Demon Transformation Tattoo has not yet been finalized, Grimm does not plan to take risks in the near future.

Having considered it, Grimm no longer hesitated. Once again, he used up a momentary magic spell in the voodoo scroll to resist Kane's freezing frenzy. Only then did he find an opportunity to jump to the periphery and throw out the dazzling magic puppet crystal core.

The next second, the deep forest that was originally green and proud was suddenly engulfed by a large amount of fire elements, and the battlefield space within a radius of 1 mile was full of dazzling red light.

Under the shocking gaze of the two-faced wizard Kane, the violent and ferocious fire elements gathered together crazily, and a terrifying fire demon as high as 4 meters climbed up beside the wizard Grimm.

Compared with the fire man that Grimm often condensed, this terrifying fire demon with the peak strength of level 1 is much stronger in controlling the power of fire.

When Grimm turned into a fire man, he was always gushing out surging flames and terrifying flames. Although he looked mighty and his combat power was amazing, his waste of fire power was even more shocking. The fire demon that walked out of the raging flames at this moment was surrounded by dark red flames, which looked deep and restrained.

And Grimm was very close to it and could see its body clearly.

This terrifying fire demon not only tamed the violent flames, but also condensed them into substance, turning them into his real flame body. The muscles, bones, and internal organs condensed by static flames were all clearly visible in his body. The dark red flames lingered on the surface of the body and burned quietly, and there was no longer the unrestrained violent feeling in the past.

This is a real flame tyrant born in flames!

When the flame tyrant appeared on the scene, even before he made a move, the few people who had been secretly watching the battlefield could not help but look serious.

Damn, how could this bastard (guy) have this level of elemental puppets?

For a while, everyone thought silently, either angry or curious, and so on! chapter;

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