The Wizarding Age

Limited Free Chapter 0295 Ratman Councillor Pyro

"Your name is Grim, from the Salupo family in the Sandtallin area?"

A rat-shaped alliance councilor raised his head from the tall referee's platform, adjusted the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and glanced at Grim in confusion. Tianlai Novelww . ⒉

"Yes, sir!" Grim tried his best to sound calm in his answer.

Otherwise, if anyone sees a guy who looks like a large mouse wearing a silver robe, a flat cap, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his nose, slowly flipping through documents, the first reaction will probably be to look up to the sky and laugh. field.

But Greem didn't dare! He really doesn't dare!

Because although the other party looks ridiculous, after all, the identity of a third-level wizard is there!

After all, Greem is now waiting for the other party's judgment in the name of a criminal. Any disrespectful behavior towards him will bring him unpredictable punishment.

"During your stay with Sky City, you violated the space management regulations here. You connected to an alien plane without applying in advance, and opened a small space wormhole. This behavior will cause a certain degree of harm to the safety of Sky City. Threat. Do you admit this?" Ratman Councilor Pyro Parro slowly reviewed the documents submitted by the silver-robed law enforcer Randolph, repeating Greem's charges word for word.

"Sir, I will never deny that I violated regulations and conducted space experiments without authorization. However, the other party accused the space experiment of having an impact on the safety of Sky City. I do not agree with this!" Facing the trial of this other world In the courtroom, Greem always had the urge to laugh. However, this matter related to his vital interests, so he could only endure it, and then deal with the other party rationally.

"Do you have anything to add to Lord Grim's answer?" Ratman Councilor Pairo asked this time about the silver-robed law enforcer Randolph.

"Sir, our Space Committee is acting in full accordance with the rules of Sky City. The defense mechanism of Sky City has detected this space wormhole. It is estimated that the intensity of the wormhole space fluctuation is xxx Da Her, the wormhole radius is 1 meter, and the connected area It is a secondary material plane in the low magic space. The location of the connection area is probably between the o713 star field and the o941 star field... Since it is an unknown and distant star field, rashly connecting with it will expose the city in the sky to the possibility of being polluted. . That’s why the three of us unanimously decided that Lord Greem needs to be severely punished for his reckless behavior!”

Silver-robed law enforcer Randolph's answer was sonorous and forceful, but Greem rolled his eyes when he heard it.

You've been able to detect that the opposite side of the wormhole is a low-demon secondary plane, but you're still worried about the other party invading the wizarding world? This is simply strong words!

However, in order not to expose the teleporter connected to the goblin empire in Kirby's hand, Greem could only shake his head and sigh and cooperate with Randolph to perform.

"Sir, I think the conclusion put forward by Mr. Randolph is too arbitrary, and the other party does not have any direct evidence to support his conclusion..." Grim wanted to defend himself again, but the rat-man Councilor Pyro gently knocked on the wood. Hammer has interrupted him.

"Your Excellency Nunnally, what we are reviewing today is Grim's mistake of opening a space wormhole without authorization. Why are you at the meeting?" Ratman Councilor Pairo turned his head towards Nunnally again.

"Sir, Lord Grim is a guest invited by our Byron family. He has just won a secret competition for us. Due to his hurry, we did not have time to explain to him the laws and regulations here, so we This caused today's mistake. Therefore, I hope that the Alliance Tribunal will take this into consideration and give him a lighter sentence. Our Byron family is willing to bear this part of the fine for him!" Nunnally obviously does not want to give up the void stone easily.

"But that's a void stone!" Although the rat-man Councilor Pairo looked like an old scholar, he was obviously not a rigid old stubborn. At this moment, he simply pointed out the crux of the problem with a smile.

"Since Lord Greem has made a mistake, the only way to prevent our Silver Alliance from pursuing him is to hand over the void stone. Of course, we will not swallow it in vain, and will buy it at a price acceptable to both parties. Come down. As for you, Nunnally, stop trying to get involved. I can use my authority to give you 2% of the resources of the Byron family as a reward for closing. "The Rat Councilor Pairo blocked Nunnally's unrealistic thoughts with a smile on his face.

Nunnally hesitated for a moment, and faced a powerful Tier 3 Alliance member, she could only accept it helplessly.

As for Greem's opinion, to be honest, it doesn't matter at this time!

The only thing he can do is to make his request and try to prevent his losses from being too great.

"Tell me, boy!" Ratman Councilor Pairo was obviously quite satisfied with such an unexpected gain, and his mood became much better: "What kind of reward do you hope to get?"

The loss of the Void Stone had actually been expected by Grim, so at this moment he pretended to be in pain, but his heart was racing rapidly.

"Sir, I am also quite interested in witchcraft puppets. This time I came to the Sky City to collect some knowledge related to witchcraft puppets, and by the way, to collect some resources for making puppets. In addition, I have always been very interested in puppet amulets..." Grimm gently told his trading conditions while staring at the facial expression of the ratman councillor Pyro.

Bargaining depends entirely on the bottom line of the transaction between the two parties. If it is too little, it would be a shame to his own void stone, and if it is too much, it is very likely to cause dissatisfaction from the ratman councillor Pyro. So when Grimm talked about the puppet amulet, he saw the beard on the ratman councillor Pyro's thin and hairy face tremble, and he knew the opportunity to stop asking for more.

"The knowledge, resources and puppet amulets of witchcraft puppets..." Ratman Councillor Pyro frowned and thought for a moment, then reluctantly nodded in agreement: "The advanced knowledge within the alliance cannot be traded to you, but there is no problem with general-purpose witchcraft puppets.

As for resources!

I can allocate a batch of resources from the warehouse, enough for you to build a standard amount of twenty witchcraft puppets, and you can choose the type at will.

Puppet amulets... this thing is the most difficult to deal with.

The rule of the alliance is that such strategic treasures will never be sold to non-alliance members. However, I have an early simple work that is not within the scope of the alliance's rules and can be transferred to you...

Now let's see if the void stone in your hand is worth these things!"

Ratman Councillor Pyro twirled his beard and slowly quoted the price he could afford, but then he stared at the gray void stone that Grimm took out with his eyes shining.

The size, the texture...

Ratman Councillor Pyro's thin face trembled slightly, and he quickly grabbed the void stone, shot in several black smokes in succession, and silently explored the detailed data inside. After a moment, a look of surprise finally appeared on his face.

It seems that the quality of this void stone is far beyond his estimation!

"Randolph, take him to my wizard tower, give him all the knowledge and resources, and allow him to choose whatever he wants according to the standards I just mentioned. In addition, boy, this is for you!"

As the ratman councillor Pyro said, a crystal amulet in the shape of a pin was thrown into Grimm's arms.

Puppet amulet!

This is the puppet amulet!

Grimm suppressed his excitement, put away the puppet amulet, saluted the ratman councillor Pyro again, and then followed Randolph to leave this small court. It can be seen that there must be some special relationship between this Randolph and the ratman councillor Pyro, otherwise Grimm would not have been led to it specifically.

You know, there are no less than twelve small courts surrounding the circular Alliance Parliament Hall, and there are 5 level 3 councillors stationed in them. Randolph took Grimm to the Ratman Councillor Pyro. If there was no personal benefit in it, Grimm would not believe it even if he was beaten to death.


The wizard tower of Ratman Councillor Pyro is still located in the Central Ring.

When Grimm and Nanali came to the wizard tower under the leadership of Randolph, a puppet butler was already waiting here.

Nanali knew the opportunity and did not follow in, but waited outside with Randolph. Only Grimm followed the puppet butler into the wizard tower.

Perhaps he did not like Grimm to peek into the secrets of his wizard tower. Grimm had not taken a few steps into the wizard tower when a series of bright and dazzling lightning fences appeared in front of him. The space inside the tower was divided into roads leading to different directions by the static lightning fences, and at the end of each road was a small short-distance teleportation magic array.

And the puppet butler turned around and walked on a road on his own, and Grimm could only follow helplessly.

When the light of the teleportation array turned from strong to weak, Grimm realized that he had come to a private library of a grand scale. In the huge circular room, the stacked bookshelves along the walls were filled with countless witchcraft books, volumes and scrolls.

Most of the books were shining with the dazzling light of witchcraft protection, faintly echoing the defense system of this library. And many strange elves shuttled back and forth between the bookshelves, seemingly doing some maintenance work.

Of course, these elves were not real living things, but animated puppets made of a special material whose material could not be identified.

"The master asked to prepare a general knowledge of witchcraft puppets of level 2 and below for him!" The voice of the puppet butler was full of metallic texture, but it was very clear.

After receiving the order, the elves in the room immediately became busy, quickly shuttled between the bookshelves, and picked up one book after another with their slender arms as thin as toothpicks.

Soon, a huge pile of books 2 meters high and 3 meters wide was piled up in front of Grimm. chapter;

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