The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0033 Mission Selection

After so many years of knowledge and life and death experience, most wizard apprentices have long understood that pie in the sky will not fall. If it really falls, there must be a trap inside!

For these apprentice-level tasks that are suddenly open to them, there must be something fishy.

As expected, with the big wave of Anderson Wizard's hand, most of the green texts that kept jumping on the light screen disappeared, replaced by orange tasks representing general dangers and red tasks representing extremely dangerous tasks.

"Those are the apprentice tasks you can undertake in the future, and before that, each of you must complete a mandatory task! You have three months to slowly complete this mandatory task, but once the task fails, hehehe... you will face the punishment of losing your apprentice status!"

Until this moment, the faces of the apprentices really changed.

For those apprentices who are confident in their own strength, this is undoubtedly a feast for obtaining knowledge points and resources, and for those apprentices with weak strength, this is probably a death selection that forces them to a dead end.

Everyone's eyes quickly wandered on the list of mandatory tasks, and soon, the rare green task at the bottom of the list caught everyone's attention.

Swamp Tower Garrison Mission:

This mission requires ten apprentices, including one librarian, one laboratory administrator, one trainee apprentice instructor, and two tower patrollers...

Several junior apprentices at the bottom of the list rekindled hope on their faces, and couldn't help but cast their eyes on the apprentice head Allen who looked happy. The four "best friends" surrounding Allen were even more proud and arrogant.

Grimm's eyes only paused on the only green task and quickly moved away, and began to carefully and carefully examine the mandatory task list.

He knew very well that with his own strength and qualifications, it was impossible for him to squeeze into the pitiful list of ten people. I'm afraid that after the meeting today, a series of intrigues and private transactions will immediately become hot, and there will probably be many people who secretly go to the apprentice head Allen to surrender and curry favor.

After all, among the 57 formal apprentices present, there are only 4 senior apprentices, 21 intermediate apprentices, and 32 junior apprentices at the bottom, including Grimm.

Looking at the mandatory task list, the orange tasks are dangerous even for senior apprentices, and the scarlet red tasks can probably only be completed safely by quasi-mages!

It is no wonder that many high tower apprentices will be in mourning and extremely pessimistic after seeing the mandatory task list.

"Hmph, I'll go find that Allen and ask for a place for you. If he dares not to give it to you, I..." Mary now doesn't know why she always has a hot temper and bared her little tiger teeth. Although she looks extremely vicious, she always gives Grimm a cute and warm feeling.

Grimm grabbed her wrist.

"Don't go! You have to have confidence in me. I can handle these orange tasks!" At this moment, Grimm's eyes were firm and calm, with a touch of wisdom unique to wizard apprentices.

"Well, since you are confident, then concentrate on picking a good task!" Mary's expression changed quickly: "By the way, is my skin tender and smooth? I feel that my skin has been getting better and better recently!"

Seeing Mary licking her red lips smugly, Grimm shuddered and quickly let go of her hand, trying to focus his mental power on the task list.


Graveyard Cleanup Task (3/10) Orange Task

Task content: Elite undead creatures have appeared in the Graveyard in the southern part of the Tiga area. Ten wizard apprentices are now recruited to go and clean up. At that time, the local Viscount Gary will send a 200-man elite guard to cooperate in the cleanup.

After the task is completed, Viscount Gary will issue the task document.

Mission rewards: 30 knowledge points, 3 magic crystals, 10 contribution points from the Sanditalin Association

Investigation of alien creatures in Giant Willow (2/3) Orange Mission

Mission content: Alien creatures have appeared in Giant Willow, located on the southern edge of the Tutarion Forest. 11 local villagers have disappeared. Now 3 wizard apprentices are urgently needed to go deep into the mountains to find out the source of the alien creatures.

After the mission is completed, the local association stationed in Giant Willow will issue a certificate.

Mission rewards: 20 knowledge points, 1 magic crystal, 5 contribution points from the Sanditalin Association

(If the apprentice who performs the mission solves the source of the disaster, the reward will be increased according to the token submitted)

Griffin Cliff Taming Mission (0/3) Red Mission

Mission content: Griffin Cliff in the Lashia area urgently needs 3 wizard apprentices to capture griffins and assist trainer Hank in taming. The mission ends when ten griffins are tamed.

Mission certification documents are issued by Hank, a trainer in the Lashia area.

Mission rewards: 50 knowledge points, 10 magic crystals, 30 Sanditalin Association contribution points

(After completing the mission, you will also receive a private reward from Hamilton Business.)

Dark Crypt Exploration Mission (4/10) Red Mission

Mission content: Traces of underground creatures have been found near the dark crypts in the Nigon area. We urgently need 10 wizard apprentices to form a reconnaissance team to go deep into the ground for ten miles to investigate the activity of the creatures there.

The completion of the mission will be reviewed by the Nigon Regional Association stationed at the spatial beacon.

Mission rewards: 70 knowledge points, 12 magic crystals, 50 Sanditalin Association contribution points

(This area is famous for its abundance of dark grass, ghost mushrooms and night eye stones. All harvests during the mission belong to the individual)

Rows and rows cover almost all dangerous areas around the Sanditalin Association.

In the central part of the wizard continent, in order to protect the original ecological magic beast resources of this plane, major wizard organizations and associations strictly prohibit high-level wizards from conducting extinction-level development of the wild continents in various places. Therefore, the more active human settlements only account for 35% of the total area of ​​the region, and the rest are large uninhabited wilderness or primeval forests, where there are countless magic beasts and monsters.

For ordinary jungle beasts and magic beasts, local mortals can also rely on powerful armed forces to resist and expel them. But once they encounter those monsters with terrifying supernatural powers, there are countless examples of small villages living on the edge of the settlement area being slaughtered overnight.

So every time at this time, the local mortal armed forces need to rely on powerful extraordinary power to clear out these terrible monsters that have broken into the human world.

Of course, the wizards who are high above would not travel through mountains and rivers for such a trivial matter, so most of the extraordinary power is contributed by many wizard apprentices. They obtain resources through these tasks, hone themselves, and also protect the peace of human society.

Therefore, this is the bottom of the wizard system in the ruling structure of the wizard continent.

Grimm carefully and meticulously examined each piece of information on the mandatory task list, and the chip with the active detection function turned off was responsible for sorting and summarizing each item, and soon all the information was entered into the database.

Among so many mandatory tasks, Grimm can only participate in orange tasks, and he dare not even touch the red tasks.

The orange tasks are marked as only suitable for senior apprentices, and there are certain risks for apprentices below senior to participate. As for the red tasks, they are only suitable for quasi-wizards, and even senior apprentices may be in danger of death if they participate.

However, this is a fantastic and strange wizard world after all, and even those simple tasks marked as safe have great uncertainty.

For example, the investigation missions with the largest number of people are of course very dangerous if they go deep into dangerous areas, but those investigation missions marked in safe areas are not necessarily easy. The ones that appear near the mortal village are most likely some low-risk slime monsters, earth spirits or mosquito bats, and such guys can be easily eliminated by a junior apprentice.

But if you are unlucky, they may be scary guys like pterosaurs, lag stone men or jungle goblins. If you really encounter them, even senior apprentices will be in danger of their lives.

So choosing a mission is really like gambling, and you may win the jackpot if you are not careful. Every year, wizard apprentices who die on the way to the mission can account for 13% of the total number of apprentices. This is already a very scary number!

After the chip quickly retrieved and screened, it soon listed an orange mission suitable for Grimm. These were all picked out by it after eliminating some unstable factors.


Crag Alchemy Apprentice Trial Mission (1/3) Orange Mission

Mission Content: An alchemy apprentice of Cragg is completing his trial mission and urgently needs 3 wizard apprentices to accompany him into the Treasure Well to complete the trial.

The completion of the trial mission is considered as the mission completion, and the mission book is issued by the alchemy apprentice.

Mission Reward: 20 knowledge points, 3 magic crystals, 1 bottle of tranquility potion and 1 bottle of invisibility potion


This mission is not very dangerous. The Treasure Well is a trial place that all alchemy apprentices must go through. There are hidden "gadgets" that countless alchemy masters have placed there for thousands of years, waiting for later digging.

Although they are gadgets, they are made by alchemy masters and have great research value. It is even possible that some alchemy items contain the inheritance of the alchemy master.

So the Treasure Well has always been a place for alchemy apprentices to try treasures.

However, any alchemy apprentice is only allowed to enter once. Inside, you can take away an alchemical creation, and you must leave behind an alchemical creation. This is the true meaning of the treasure well.

Because there are many varieties of alchemical items inside, and they are all dangerous. If the alchemical apprentice who enters wants to take away an alchemical puppet, the only way is to defeat it first. Most alchemical apprentices are too weak in the early stage, so the Alchemy Association allows the trial apprentice to hire 3 helpers to enter together, but these 3 helpers are not allowed to take out any alchemical items inside.

Such an orange task is quite comfortable. As long as the trial apprentice is not too greedy and wants to challenge those too dangerous guys, this task is easy to complete.

Moreover, the tranquility potion in the task reward is also very attractive. For apprentices with less than 10 points of mental power, it can directly increase 1 point. It is also a top-notch treasure among junior apprentices! (Enhancement items only take effect once, and multiple uses are ineffective!)

After making up his mind, Grimm quietly told Mary about his choice. After examining it, the other party also felt that Grimm's choice was very appropriate. As for Mary, she simply chose the red mission of exploring the dark crypt.

With the vampire's ability to fly, fight, and heal, she was confident that she could save her life even if she encountered some dangerous monsters, so she deliberately chose this mission for herself, which was most likely to encounter alien monsters.

It can be seen that she is extremely hungry for the blood of powerful creatures during her period of rapid growth!

This book is first published from, read the genuine content at the first time!


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