The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0494 Beta Town

Bilis was still wandering in the depths of the jungle.

Due to the existence of the plane suppression, his basic strength was at an extremely low level, which also led to the various sequelae brought by the cross-plane ultra-long-distance transmission that have not been completely eliminated until now.

If he didn't understand why the master would ignore combat wizards like Mary and Sabrina and directly choose him, a semi-summoning type insect wizard, as a pioneer, now he knows it clearly.

The horror of cross-plane long-distance transmission makes him shudder even when he thinks about it now. The layers of space distortion and the broken space that come one after another, although there are the traction and protection of the wizard array, if you are not careful, you will still end up in death.

And when that damn Alice irresponsibly broke through the barrier of the goblin plane and threw him in randomly, the so-called wizard array protection and individual protection were not even a shadow. If Bilis didn't have an undead insect body, and used the annihilation of part of his body to resist the invasion of the power of time and space on his core and soul, he would have been blown into a thread in the violent and fierce void hurricane.

But even so, at the last moment, his undead insect body still completely collapsed. Afterwards, it took a lot of effort to gather the remaining body back.

Only then did Bilis fully understand the master's painstaking efforts.

Feelings chose me as a pioneer for the undead insect body. If it was Lady Mary, even if her combat power was several times that of mine, in the face of such a disaster-like adverse situation, her adaptability and survival ability would definitely not be as good as Bilis.

After a little pride, Bilis's attention was soon attracted by his hungry stomach. The body was seriously damaged and the energy was extremely scarce. It seemed that he had to find some blood food!

With fifteen stinging scorpion war insects, Bilis hunts recklessly in this tropical rainforest that resembles the Amazon forest. Whether it is a hare, guinea pig, or a jackal, tiger or leopard, as long as it enters Bilis's life perception range, it is impossible to escape the earth attack of the stinging scorpion from underground.

Fifteen stinging scorpion war insects are like fifteen invisible demons, traveling through the underground where the roots and roots of plants are densely covered. Whenever a target is found, it will quietly lurk under them, and then use the suddenly sprang ground spears to give the enemy a fatal blow.

If the hidden attack does not kill the enemy, the stinging scorpion will jump out from the ground and bite the enemy's throat with its terrifying giant jaws, causing it to bleed to death. If you don't want the opponent to struggle too much and attract new enemies, the stinging scorpion will also inject excessive earth elements into it through the scorpion tail poison needle, causing them to die in despair in paralysis.

Of course, Bilis didn't have Grimm's ability to quickly analyze the plane laws, so his method of removing the plane suppression was simple and crude, that is... eating!

Only when he was full did he have the strength to resist the plane suppression here. When he devoured enough indigenous lives, he could absorb enough life factors from the other party's body to change his life characteristics that were manifested to the outside. This is actually a camouflage ability that most predators have!

And Bilis, the insect wizard, as a typical flesh and blood predator, performed even better in this regard.

In the lush forest, in the dark jungle with branches and vines, and bushes, Bilis, wearing a thick black cloak and staggering with a hunched body, was like an incarnation of the god of death, turning every place he went into a dead place where lives were charred.

Driven by Bilis, any breath of life captured by spiritual perception could not escape the slaughter of the stinging scorpion war insect. Behind him, the jungle that was originally full of vitality has now become a place of extinction. In the jungle swept by the stinging scorpion army, except for some insects and microorganisms that were only the size of a fingernail, all other visible creatures had been carefully and comprehensively cleaned up.

With the help of this killing, Bilis could feel that the plane suppression he was under was significantly weakened. Without the support of these creatures, the plane consciousness had fewer and fewer carriers to choose from, so its power to suppress Bilis, the foreign invader, was inevitably weakened.

With Bilis's witchcraft knowledge, it was obviously not enough to see through the plane consciousness. But from his instinctive consciousness, he could perceive that the more he slaughtered the indigenous creatures and the faster he killed, the weaker the plane suppression he had been superimposed on him.

With this simple cognition, Bilis, who had never had any standards of good and evil in his heart, immediately began to kill unscrupulously.

However, just as he was commanding the stinging scorpion war insects to seal the three wind wolves in a cave, the huge noise that passed through the sky in the distance attracted his attention.

Through the gaps between the dense leaves, Bilis repeatedly adjusted his compound eye mode and finally caught the figure of a strange creature in time.

A strange alchemical aircraft and two slightly weak soul fluctuations.

Giving up direct command of the stinging scorpion war insects and letting them fight with the wind wolves on their own, Bilis carefully observed this strange combination through the dense green shade.

At the beginning of the plane crossing, the master Grimm specially taught him a lot of knowledge and precautions related to the plane war. Among them, the first thing to do after crossing the plane is to disguise and hide oneself, and the second thing is to quickly figure out the racial composition of the plane and integrate into the local intelligent race. The third thing is to try to "contact" the race that occupies the dominant position in the plane and find out their strengths and weaknesses and use them.

As for this plane, Bilis only has an extremely vague impression in his mind. That is, this is a small plane dominated by goblins!

Goblin? Such a greedy, weak, and stupid guy can also occupy a plane?

When he first heard the news, Bilis almost couldn't believe his ears.

However, thinking of the cunning guy Kirby beside his master, Bilis had to admit that some green-skinned goblins still have ways. At least, in the eyes of the master Grimm, I am afraid that the status of the green-skinned goblin Kirby is a little higher than his own.

He was a terrible insect wizard, but his status was not as high as that of a green-skinned goblin who was born to represent the symbol of ‘stupidity and cowardice’. Although he was reluctant to admit this reality, Bilis could not deceive his heart. Because this was reality!

So now when he saw the strange flying machine, Bilis vaguely understood something in his heart.

If this plane was full of weak goblins who were naked and holding wooden bows and short spears, even without any backup, Bilis could rely on his own increasing number of insect troops to drag down and crush the enemy.

But now, the two ‘stupid’ goblins on the other side, who were weak and not even as good as junior apprentices, could actually fly into the sky with a strange alchemical creation. This can be confirmed from all aspects that these goblins and the symbol in Bilis’ mind are completely incompatible.

If he was really stupid enough to attack them in a swaggering manner, it would really be possible that the great insect wizard would be chased and killed by a group of ‘weak’ goblins.

The flying machine that the two goblins were riding was extremely fast. Bilis estimated that it had reached a speed of 15-20 meters per finger. This speed was already comparable to the speed of a wizard flying with the help of flying magic.

But on one side was an ordinary goblin who could not detect any power, and on the other side was a wizard who had mastered powerful power... If the other party could use some means to make the weak goblins exert wizard-level combat power, then it would be really difficult to complete this invasion.

Just as Bilis was silently thinking and planning, the cruel and bloody massacre had ended. The three stinging scorpions killed the three adult wind wolves at the cost of minor injuries.

The goblin plane is indeed a low-magic plane. After searching the jungle, the number of monsters that can be found is very small. Even if there are more ordinary beasts, they cannot cause visible physical damage to the stinging scorpions. However, these three wind wolves are rare monsters with the ability to control the wind element.

It was the violent wind blades triggered by their dying counterattack that caused some obvious physical damage to the stinging scorpion war insects. The carapace of a stinging scorpion was chopped by the wind blade like a storm, leaving scratches all over the back, some of which had broken the carapace, causing purple-black insect blood to flow out.

However, as the injured stinging scorpion ate frantically, these wounds were healing and recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye...

With a soft whistle, the remaining stinging scorpion war insects that had scattered into the surrounding jungles all rushed back.

Bilis, covered in a black robe, led them to speed up in the direction where the mysterious aircraft disappeared.

Before a head-on conflict with the other party, Bilis felt that he needed to understand the other party first. As a bug wizard, the only way for him to understand the other party was... eating!


Beta Town is a goblin town adjacent to the big forest.

Of course, a group of lively and cute green goblins live here.

In the town, you can also see a large number of other races. However, most of them are enslaved and driven by the goblins as slaves.

The buildings in Beta Town are not very tall, which is obviously related to the height of the goblins. The building materials used too many large metal components, which makes the whole Beta town look bright from a distance, with a hint of hardness and iron.

The round mushroom house, with a solid metal interlayer on the outside, a heavy metal door, a round disc-shaped roof and skylight, and white steam permeating the sky above the town.

When Bilis hid at the edge of the forest and peeked at the town from afar, he saw a steel city full of power.

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